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T5: Troll in the Toybox
Solved: The Children in the Jungle
T6: Treasury
Hello, I am trying to purchase a weekly reader book that was
filled with nursery rhymes, poems, stories, fables, etc. I was in
the first grade in the late fifties when I was given the book now
I would like to purchase it for my grandchildren. It was red and
quite thick and 8 1/2 by 11 inches. I believe it was called
something Treasury but I
could be wrong.
Perhaps the book is Storytime
of Favorite Stories Pictures by Corinne Malvern
A Big Golden Book; 1950, Simon and Schuster I
have this book and I was a child in the 50s. It's big and
red. The
cover shows a boy and a girl sitting on a
red chair looking at a book. A little dog is perched on the arm
of the chair. Stories include Never Worked and Never Will by Margaret
Wise Brown, several fables, animal stories, poems, songs
and some "modern" stories (Carl Sandburg). I think
your site is fascinating.
Pauline Rush Evans, The Family
Treasury of Children's Stories. 1956. 'I had these books as a child in three
grey volumes, but have since found the same books in two red
volumes that are thicker. They contain many nursery
rhymes, poems, short stories, fairly tales, and excerpts from
books. Included are T.S. Eliot's Macavity, Thurber's "The
Night the Bed Fell", Robert McCloskey's story about Homer and a
doughnut machine, an excerpt from Tom Sawyer, My Friend Flicka,
The Call of the Wild, and Kon Tiki, Custard the Cowardly Dragon
by Ogden Nash, the story of the Seven Chinese Brothers and other
Grim and Aesop fairy tales, and many more storys and
poems. If this is it, you may have had only one of the two
books in the set, so you may not have had all of these
stories. The first book has a LOT of nursery rhymes.
If you think this might be it, I can list more of the contents
for you (when I found them after 30 years, I bought 6 sets--for
all my brothers and sisters and my mom and an extra set for me
just in case!).
Editor Augusta Baker, Best
Loved Nursery Rhymes and Songs, 1963. Could
it be BEST LOVED NURSERY RHYMES AND SONGS from Parents' Magazine
Press? This book is about 250 pages long. I've been looking for
a similar book and think this may be it (I'm waiting for it to
arrive in the mail to be sure). My book had a very particular
feature--I think it was a group of pages in the middle of the
book that were of a different color, and may have been an ABC
Better Homes and Gardens Story
1956, approximate.Could this be the "Better Homes and Gardens
Story Book?" I had this as a kid and finally remembered what it
was called. I have one for my daughter. It was white with red
font on the cover.
Could this be the Childcraft Vol 1,
Poems of Early Childhood? It was a red book.
T15: Turtle shell cracks
Solved: The Cunning
T21: Train to Georgia
Solved: Summer at
T26: Three Mountains
I have thus far only browsed your site, but
it seems to be a wonderful resource for answers to foggy
memories... I have one of my own. All I remember is a cover with
three mountains. The rest of the book has something to do with
them...with fog, perhaps as hats and scarves, and perhaps snow
or rain as well. I can't for the life of me remember a title or
author. What I DO know is that I must have loved it, because the
memory resonates deeply. Let me know if you can help!
Sounds a lot like the cover of The
White Mountains by John Christopher, a
post-apocalyptic novel.
Funny that you said hats and scarves; Christopher
wrote a trilogy about tripods, and it has to do with people
reaching a certain age and getting "caps," mandatory metal
mind-control devices.
Actually, this sounds like a picture book.
It would be nice to have a vague date and whether it was a
picture or chapter book.
T26 The person didn't say whether the three
mountains book is a picture book or intermediate fiction. If it
is a picture book, then I have a long shot. There is a book
titled THE THREE ROBBERS by Tomi Ungerer,
1962. The cover shows the large, hill-shaped hats that the three
robbers are wearing, and their eyes. The hats do look like
mountains. The robbers also live in the mountains. They rob
people until one day they end up robbing a
stagecoach where there is nothing of value
except a little girl. The girl helps them mend their ways, and
they open up an orphanage. No scarves in the book, but the
robbers all wear capes. Just a total shot in the dark. ~from a
This sounds like one of my favorite books, The
Catalog. Tiny picture book, simple line drawings.
Three mountains order pets from a catalog, but when winter snows
come they realize they are ill-equipped to take care of them.
Final illustration shows the 3 mountains with giant hats on
(ordered from the catalog) under which the animals can snuggle
and stay warm.
Jasper Tompkins, The Catalog, 1981. Sorry I didn't give the author
info yesterday. Also, the publisher is Green Tiger Press/Simon
& Schuster.
Since you mention mountains and fog as
hats/scarves, I'm wondering if it might be Joan Aiken's
The Whispering Mountainwhich includes a
poem/prophecy, "When the Whispering Mountain shall scream
aloud/And Fig-Hat Ben shall wear a shroud..." (turns out to mean
fog on the mountain).
T38: Twins, not Lotte and Lise
Solved: The Kellyhorns
T41: Time travel again!
So glad to find this site. I remember a
book that I used to check out from the library over & over
in the late 60's, early 70'. It was about two children &
their father (I think), a widower, who live in an old victorian
type house. The children discover they can go thru the door of
the grandfather's clock & travel back 100 years to the same
town & house. The father goes with them & falls in love
with a woman & they eventually stay in the past. Thanks for
any help!
This sounds like a combination of two time
travel stories I've read: Tom's Midnight Garden
by Phillipa Pearce, which has the old house and a
grandfather clock as the key to the travel, and Ormondroyd's
Time At the Top in which the time traveling girl's
father stays in the past to marry a woman there -- but the time
travel device in that book is the elevator in the modern
family's apartment building.
I think the person is thinking of TIME
THE TOP by Edward Ormondroyd. A girl who
lives in NYC unknowingly helps a fairy in disguise and is
granted "3". (If this part doesn't ring a bell, don't worry.
It's a minor part right in the beginning) Turns out the "3" is
three trips into the past. She takes the elevator in her
building to the top, but when the door opens, she finds herself
in a Victorian house in the past. The two children in the house
(a brother and sister, I believe) take her in. They are worried
their widowed mother is going to marry a slimy suitor. The girl
returns to her own time, and brings back her widowed father, who
ends up marrying the children's mother.
T44: Tooth fairy
a Golden Book from the 1970s about a little
girl who looses her tooth and leaves it for the tooth fairy. If
you have any clues that will help me, I would be thrilled! Thank
you; this is a wonderful website.
#T44--don't know about the tooth fairy, but
there's a Rand McNally Junior Elf Book on a lost tooth called Tommy's
T46: Thistle-head
There was a book I remember reading when I was young (early
sixties, however I think the book was my cousins and from the late
40's or early 50's. All I remember is that it had a few
stories, black and white illustrations (maybe a couple colored
pictures) and contained a character with a head that was a thistle
(I think he had something to do with saving someone/something from
a castle, but not sure) also the book contained a couple pages on
things like how to fold a paper airplane. Hope someone can
help, I'd like to purchase/trade but really would settle for
knowing the title.
T46 - could this be Jonnesty?
The little man's head is made of an honesty seedpod, but the
rest sounds right - think author is Winifred Mantle
Thanks for reading my inquiry, but the
book I am looking for is not Jonnesty.
Margaret Martignoni (editor), The
Treasury of Children's Literature, 1960. I don't
know of any "Weekly Reader" connection but it seems to fit
the description in other ways: big anthology for all ages,
including nursery rhymes children's poems folk tales and
excerpts from books ranging from "The Velveteen Rabbit" to
"Penrod" to "Tom Sawyer" to "David Copperfield".
T46 thistle-head: this sounds as if it might
have been a children's annual, since it contained more than one
story and a crafts page. I don't recognise it, though, so that's
not much help.
I'm pretty sure the
illustration went with a story about a little tailor/toymaker
named Quillow, who was thought by the townsfolk to be quite
strange and therefore kind of ignored. But when a giant
threatens to destroy the town/eat everyone, Quillow comes up
with a plan to save the day. I liked the story quite a bit, but
I don't remember what the book containing it was. Sorry.
Your solution suggests James
Thurber's The Great
Quillow. A toymaker named
Quillow saves his town from destruction by a giant.
T48: Treasure Magazine
Solved: Treasure
T49: Thunder explained
For years I have though about a favorite
book that I read around 1950. I was in the 5th or 6th
grade. The only thing I remember was a child being told
"when it thunders, God or the angels are cleaning house and
moving the furniture around." Possibly the book was
red. Because of where I visualize the book on the
shelf, the authors last name possibly starts with a letter
near the end of the alphabet. Any help would be most
T51: Tune in tomorrow
Solved: Who Was That
Masked Man, Anyway
T55: Teddy bear tea party
Solved: Ophelia's
T58: Tiger, poor and hungry
Solved: two books! The Old Man and the
Tiger and A Crocodile's Tale
T59: Thankfullness
[Boy am I glad to find this site! I've been wondering how to find
out about this book for ages and ages!] I fondly remember a book
from Sunday School. Probably published in 50's or early 60's. I
believe the cover was blue. It was about a boy who got a new coat.
He thanks his mother, and she says, "Don't thank me, thank the man
at the store." The boy goes to the store and thanks the salesman,
and he says, "Don't thank me, thank the woman who made it." He
goes to her and she says, "Don't thank me, thank the weaver who
made the cloth." The boy goes there, and the weaver says, "Don't
thank me,
thank the sheep who grew the wool." He goes to the sheep, who
says, "Don't thank me, thank our heavenly Father God who made me
so I could produce the wool." So the boy looks heavenward and
thanks God for his new coat. The story has wonderful color
illustrations. This story really helped me see that God is
the one who really provides for all our needs. I can remember that
moment of insight
so clearly, though I must've been only 5 or 6. Hope you (or
someone) knows of this book!!!
Looks more general, but there's Thank-you
Book by Francoise (Seignobosc), published
Scribner 1947 "In simple text, the child says 'thank you' to
the things and the creatures that help to make the world a
happy place for him."
I have this book! I will have to find
it, I think it is at my parents' house. I will send title asap.I
am almost positive it is in a series of 3 books, and I believe I
have all three.
there's a picture book with the title Thankfulness:
It, by Janet McDonnell, illustrated by Linda
Hohag, 32 pages, but it was published recently, and seems
to be a collection of ideas, rather than a straight story. Same
illustrator but different author is a companion book called Responsibility:
What is It.
Carol Fernpheil, I Read About God's
Love. Hi There, I was
looking for the exact book that you were and stumbled across
your urgent request....I searched under Thankfulness for hours
on the internet with no luck...Little did I know, my older
sister had the book the whole time. This is definitely the
book you are looking for..don't thank me, thank the man.... It
is actually a book with a few stories in it and this is just one
of the stories. Hopefully, now you will be able to purchase it
and read it to your children!
T61: Tall Ships
A wonderful wonderful tall book about living on board the sailing
ships, the dangers and why they usually didn't take their
children, and how they kept & cooked their food, and how on
laundry day all the clothes and sheets were strung all over the
ship's decks, and how they scrubbed the deck boards "until they
were white". I think some of it was told as a first-person
from a child's point of view, living on board, landing at ports,
etc. (It was NOT A High Wind in Jamaica, I don't
think it was really a
story book but sort of a non-fiction.)
T61 tall ship: maybe Aboard the
Lizzie Ross, by Harriet Vaughan Davies,
illustrated by Nancy Grossman, published Norton 1967, 221 pages?
"Life aboard a sailing vessel in the last century. Ages 10
up." (HB Apr/67 p.147 pub ad) "the Lizzie Ross was a
Canadian ship, and Captain Vaughan was a Canadian citizen. His
fun-loving Yankee wife, Ann, came from Maine, and the three
Vaughan children were born during different voyages: Chad, the
oldest, in London; John Colin two years later off the coast of
Maine; and Harriet, the youngest, during a tropical storm on a
voyage to Argentina." No information on the shape of the
book, though.
Caroline Tapley, John Come down the
Backstar, 1974.
Summary: In 1857 a 177-ton sailing ship, Fox, was equipped for a
trip to search for Sir John Franklin and his men, who were lost
in the Arctic since 1845. This is an account, told from the
perspective of the youngest seasman aboard, as he might have
written down his experiences in his diary. This is a Jr.
Literary Guild selection, chosen as a outstanding book for older
readers (C Group).
T61 tall ships: another possible is Clipper
Ship, by Thomas P. Lewis, illustrated by
Joan Sandin, published NY Harper 1978, reprinted 1992, 63 pages,
8 1/2" x 5 1/2" (if that counts as tall?), an I Can Read History
Book. "Captain Murdock, on a clipper ship run from New York City
to San Francisco, takes his wife and children along -
fortunately, since his wife can take over when he becomes ill
and the children can also help. Lively 3-color drawings."
(Children's Books 1978 p.3) The cover of the reprint can be seen
on Amazon.
T66: Thorndale
Thorndale. My grandfather, Alfred Otto Olsen, emigrated
from Sweden to the United States in 1891. According to my
mother and aunt, his daughters, on the ship he read a book with a
character named Thorndale. When her arrived in the United
States he changed his last name to Thorndale. I would like
to find this book. According to my mother and my aunt, my
aunt was named Thelma by her father after the book, Thelma, by
Marie Corelli 1855-1924. I have read Thelma and all of the
books by Marie
Corelli published before 1891 and there is no character
Thorndale. Recently I found that in the 1900 U. S. Census my
grandfather is listed as Alfred Thorthal. The birth date,
the year of immigration and the town of residence are
correct. Perhaps Thorthal is a misspelling of Thorndale or
the possibility exists that my grandfather first changed his name
to Thorthal and then to Thorndale. The only document I have
that lists Thorthal is the 1900 U.S. Census. All later
Census and all other documents I
have list Thorndale. I would be interested to know about
any book that was published before 1891 and has a character
Thorndale or Thorthal.
Smith, William, Thorndale : or The
conflict of opinions,
1859. Classed as British fiction by LC.
T68: Tommy and the lion
I have memories of two books I cannot
now find any trace of. The first may have been called "Tommy and
the Lion", or another boys name. It was the story of a little
boy who was afraid of the dark among other things, until along
comes a lion who gives him the courage to stand up for himself.
In the end he scares off some bullies who were frightening
someone else. He thought it was the lion who helped him, but the
lion had already left him, leaving him a note. The illustrations
were simple with a few strong colours, and it was a hardback
book with a shiny black cover. It was a great favourite when I
was about five in the 1960's.
Drawing a blank on this one, but it keeps
reminding me of Martha Alexander's Blackboard
Bear which has a very similar storyline. The first
book came out in 1969, though.
maybe too late again - Midway
by Anne Barrett, illustrated by Margery Gill, published
London, Collins 1967 "Mark, middle boy in a clever family,
feels unable to compete with the witty assurance of the older
two or the complacent assurance of the younger twins. Even at
school he is unbearably teased. In his solitude, an imaginary
friend appears - a tiger, mentor and guide (and voice of his
own speculations?). With this helper, and his own instinctive
'sense' about people, Mark is able to save his father's
precious notes from a sinister rival Doctor (about to fix his
claim in a broadcast talk) and to find his own confident place
as an individual." (Best Children's Books of 1967, Naomi
Perhaps Andy and the Lion by
James Daughtery? This was first published in 1938,
but it's been reprinted often.. Andy helps a lion out by
removing a thorn stuck in his paw, the lion is very grateful,
and Andy gains great confidence in himself.
T68 Tommy and the lion: Could be Andrew
Lion Tamer by Donald Hall with pictures by
Jane Miller, published in 1959, 56 pages, cute illustrations.
"Great vintage children's story of a little boy named Andrew and
what happens when he gets "lion" seeds and decides to grow his
own lion!"
T68 tommy and the lion: just possibly Timmy
Tiger, by Marjorie Paradis, illustrated by
Marc Simont, published Harper 1952, 246 pages. "Although
Timmy was ten years old, he was still - to his own disgust and
shame - secretly afraid of many things.
His valiant attempts to conquer his fears make an important
part of a rather unusual story. It comes to an exciting climax
when a next-door neighbor actually brings home from a big-game
hunting expedition the live tiger which gives the book its
title." (HB Aug/52 p.241) It's a real tiger, though, not
an imaginary animal.
Could this be The Thirsty Lion
by Karine Forbes (Crowell-1950)?
Marek Veronica ( correctly Veronika), Tommy
lion. (1964 approx)
Hutchinson /London published it.
Tommy and the Lion. I
remember this book as it was my favourite bedtime book. It was
definately called Tommy and the Lion, not Andy, and it wasn't a
tiger! I too would love to know how to get hold of a copy
for my own daughter.
T69: Twilight tales
Solved: Peter Puckle
and Other Fairy Tales
T70: Treehouse
Solved: Hollow Tree
T71: Topsy Turvy
We had a book when I was a child of poetry
about the different seasons, i.e. winter, summer, spring, and
fall. It was illustrated with what I think was
brownies. My sister swears that she thought the name of
the book was Topsy Turvy, but I have had no luck looking under
that name. It wasn't an old book at the time, but I think
copyrighted in the late 50's-early 60's. Can you help?
I think the poem you are referring to might
be Palmer Cox's Brownie's Year Book. Month by
month, Cox details the sport
and activities of the brownies, told in
rhyme. It is definitely found in The Illustrated Treasury of
Children's Literature by Margaret Martignoni but I would
guess it could be in other anthologies as well.
T72: Two little shoes
Solved: Two Little
T73: Tree, unhappy with self
Solved: Children's
Stories selected by the Child Study Association
T74: Tiny the circus elephant moves to town
Solved: The Secret of
Stone House Farm
T76: That's What I Do Best
Solved: The Lion's Bed
T77: Time Travel Norsement in America
3 children find a door in their fathers study that takes them
back to a time when norsemen traveled up the great lakes (may be
set in Minnisota) - Two girls, one boy - oldest girls name is
Crystal. I read this while still in grade school (so pre
1964) and the book wasn't new then - it may have had a world war
II sub-plot.
I'd suggest Return of the Viking
by Eva-Lis Wuorio, illustrated by William Winter,
published Toronto, Clarke Irwin 1955, 208 pages. It's not a
perfect match, but close. Joan, Wendy and John visit the Royal
Museum on a rainy Saturday during WWII, and
meet Thorvald, a young Norwegian refugee who points out the
Viking sword exhibit as proof that Norwegians discovered Canada.
In the reproduction of an English 16th c.
room, they try the "very ancient looking,
thick, wooden door" and it opens, to reveal Lief the Lucky on
the other side. He fell asleep almost 1000 years ago while
exploring 'Vinland', woke up and couldn't find his sword --
which is of course, the one in the exhibit. Lief is invisible to
adults, but ends up going for commando training because his
homeland is in danger from the Nazis. At the end of the story
the children read a news report
about a commando raid on a Nazi-held
Norwegian seaport supported by a ghostly figure in a strange
costume. This is actually only the first story of 4 in the book,
all involving time-travel and Canadian history, and
the same children and their friends. Nobody
named Crystal, though and the door is in a museum, not a study,
and it takes place in Ontario, not Minnesota.
T78: Time Travel Meezan Cavemen
Solved: Saturday the Twelfth of October
T79: Tuesday & February?
Solved: February's Road
T80: Talisman
Solved: Seven Day Magic
T81: Tales of Terror
Solved: Horror Tales: Spirits, Spells and the
T82: Tiny dog
All I can remember about this book is a picture of a persons
fingers holding a tiny black dog and a key to compare the sizes.
It may have been a book of short stories. Sorry I can't
remember anything else.
Philippa Pearce, A Dog So Small, 1960s? The picture on the dw of this is a
tiny dog on the palm of a hand.
Most likely is - A Dog so Small,
by Phillipa Pearce, about a boy who imagines a tiny
black chihuahua as his pet. Less likely would be - No
Flying in the House, which does involve a tiny
mechanical dog, but I'm not sure whether he needs a key. Longest
shot is - Aggie, Maggie and Tish, by Betty K.
Erwin, which does feature a tiny black bulldog held in a girl's
hand. On another track entirely, perhaps - Peanut,
by Ruth and Latrobe Carroll,
published Oxford Univ Pr 1951, 48 pages "Peanut
illustrated in soft two-color pictures." (Horn Book
Dec/51 p.380 pub ad) The review, p.406 says that he sits on a
spool of thread and plays under a geranium in a plant pot, and
that there are 'fine pictures on almost every page.'
Another, somewhat less likely is The
Smallest Dog on Earth, by Rosemary Weir,
illustrated by Charles Pickard, published London,
Abelard-Schuman 1963 "This is a delightful story about a
chihuahua pupy and the transformation of her character as a
result of exciting experiences with several owners - film
star, riverside outcast, and the little girl she really
loved." illustration shows a black chihuahua standing.
(Junior Bookshelf Oct/63 pub ad)
another possible is Little Peewee Or
Now Open The Box, by Dorothy Kunhardt,
pictures by J.P. Miller, published Simon and Schuster
Little Golden Books 1948, 42 pages "This is the story of Little
Peewee the
teeniest weeniest dog in the world. He
performs in a circus, but one day he starts to grow and grow and
grow. He can no longer work in the circus with all his friends.
Now what will poor Little Peewee do?" Peewee is a tiny
dalmatian, and the cover shows a circus
I submitted the Stump the Bookseller for
the Tiny Dog. I was looking a copy of Water Babies
by Charles Kingsly and there was an illustration of a boy a
dog and a giant. I know I had a copy of this book as a
child but the illustrations were different. I am now
thinking that maybe this is where I saw the picture. The
dog is not tiny, he is being held by a giant. I would
love to know if there is such an illustration in Water Babies
and who is the illustrator.
Not sure if I understood T82's question
right, but I had an illustrated copy of Charles Kingley's Water
Babies, and my recollection of the giant was that he
lived on an island where everyone ran backwards (and Tom, the
protagonist, had to travel backwards as well at this point in
the story). As I remember the illustration of the giant, he was
a sad-looking fellow in glasses, who had crowds of people
fleeing from him. I do not recall him holding Tom's dog, or
anything about a key. Hope this helps.
In an old school Ginn reader, Ten
Times Round, there is The Rice Bowl Pet.
Ah Jim lives in a small apartment in Chinatown. He is told he
can only have a little pet, one that will fit in a rice bowl.
Rest of the story involves Ah Jim's hunt for a petite pet.
Finally he finds a very tiny puppy (from China). While the puppy
is golden it is pictured in a dark rice bowl as he carries it
T83: Tammy
I do not have a author or title but just a
description. It is the story of a sandy haired, brown eyed
girl named Tammy who lived with her family near the beach.
She had secret, mysterious fantasies by the water and she would
hide away from everything in a cove with an echo. The
person who read this book grew up in Vancouver, BC. I
think it possibly came out in the early 70's or eighties.
I would appreciate any help you could give me in locating this
book. Thanks in advance for your time.
Lionel Davidson, Under Plum Lake, 1983. May not be the one but I thought
it was worth a try ! If you're lucky enough to get your
hands on a copy it's well worth reading .
T84: Two by two
Solved: Three by Three
T85: Train thru fictional places
Solved: Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver
T86: Time travel mansion and sisters
Solved: Wicked Pigeon
Ladies in the Garden
T87: Twixt Swilly and Lough Foyle
Solved: Twixt Foyle and Swilly
T88: Time Travel, Young
Solved: Mirror of Danger
T89: Tooth Fairy
Solved: The Tooth Fairy
T90: Two kids stranded on
Two girls? find a "secret place", a little shack or shed on a
island of dirt. There is only a trickle of water that goes
around their island. One day, without telling anyonwe where
they are goin, the go to the island and it starts to rain and the
stream turns into a river, possibly of mud and they are
stranded. At some point, earwigs get the food that they
leave in the shed. Somehow they get home but I don't
remember how.
Could this be Dangerous Island
by Helen Mather-Smith Mindlin? Three kids, Frank,
Dorothy and Pug, are stranded on an island, which eventually
disappears. The island has gold on it or something.
Maybe Two On an Island, by Bianca
Bradbury, illustrated by Robert Maclean, published
Houghton 1965, 139 pages. "On an uninhabited Maine island
from which their rowboat has drifted away, nine-year-old Trudy
and twelve-year-old Jeff endure a three-day trial of survival.
The plausible framework for this unusual test of endurance has
more than mere detail of hunger, sunburn, and nighttime cold.
Miss Bradbury skillfully develops the heightened class of
different personalities - Trudy with a more generous nature,
so willingly sharing the tiny bit of food with their great
dog; Jeff, a lone-wolf kind of boy with an aggressive habit of
scolding and bossing - through a gradual change from bickering
to affection. Later, Jeff knew there was 'so much he and Trudy
hadn't told and might never tell.'" (Horn Book Aug/65
Possibly September Island, by
Rosalie Fry, illustrated by Margery Gill, published
Dent/Dutton 1965, 112 pages. "A trailer camp holiday turns
into a great adventure when three children are stranded on a
storm-created sandbar island." Martin and Linda are on a
caravan holiday when a terrible storm floods the river. When a
girl is washed away clinging to a tree, they take a boat out to
rescue her and all three are washed up onto a new sandbank
thrown up by the flood. With the tree and some flowers that are
washed up this is just like a small desert island, and as they
had some shopping with them they are able to spend a very
pleasant day and night, and are rescued before danger can spoil
the adventure. (Junior Bookshelf Jun/65 p.146)
Given how we tend to mix up details and even
different books on occasion, is it possible you're thinking of
Two on an Island by Bianca
Bradbury, 1965? The boys 12, the girl is 9, they head out
to an island with their German Shepherd and as the tide comes
in, the girl carelessly lets the boat drift off. Since they've
always fought constantly, they have to learn to overcome this
over the next four days (they know no one will miss them until
that point) while they figure out how to survive with minimal
food and water - and how to protect it against the rats on the
island. Not to be confused with the Elmer Rice play of
the same name.
could it be An Island for Two,
by Ludek Pesek, translated from the German by Anthea
Bell, published Bradbury 1975, 166 pages? "Desert island dreams
come true. Traces the development of a relationship between two
young social misfits who find through each other a new
T90 two stranded: another possible is Summer
Adventure, by Finn Havrevold, illustrated by
E. Wallenta, published Abelard 1961, 127 pages. "Tine Tron,
a 14 year-old girl on holiday with her parents and small
brother is unhappy because she has no friends of her own age
with her, except Jan, who knows nothing about sailing.
Defiantly she decides to go by boat to the shop, though she
has been forbidden to sail alone. Jan and Peik the dog go with
her, but a squall arises and they are marooned on a bare
island. Jan proves himself more useful on shore than afloat
but the difficulties of existence for even two days have a
sobering effect on Tine." (JB Dec/61 p.348)
Lindbergh, Anne, Worry Week. NY, Harcourt 1985. It's not a perfect
match, as the island seems to have always been an island, but
worth checking out. "Left alone for a week in their family's
summer house on a Maine island, Allegra and her two sisters
scrounge for food andsearch for the treasure supposedly hidden
somewhere on the premises."
T91: Time Elevator/Elevator to Eternity?
Solved: Time Gate
T92: The Toad
Solved: Mrs. Coverlet
T93: Talking doll
Solved: Benjamin Brownie and the Talking Doll
T94: Teddy bear tea party
I have been searching for a children's book for years. As near as
I can remember, it was published about 1957 or earlier. I
was told by and about teddy bears. Maybe only one teddy
bear. Teddy Bear(s) dressed up and I thought either had a
picnic or a tea party...Most likely a tea party, the book was a
children's school library book, that I read when I was in grade
school in Iowa. The book was a large skinny book, I think about
81/2 by 11 inches of possibly 11 by 14 inches. I have no
idea of title nor of the author. Can you help? Thank you
T55 teddy bear tea party sounds like T94
teddy bear tea party. The described size is similar and the
mention of a picnic or tea party (Teddy Bear's Picnic?)
Jimmy Kennedy, Teddy Bears' Picnic, 1947. T94 The song 'Teddy Bears Picnic'
by Jimmy Kennedy published in 1947, and performed by a myriad of
artists, spawned innumerable book versions. "If you go down to
the woods today, you're
in for a big surprise... Picnic Time for
Teddy Bears! The little teddy bears are having a lovely time
today..." Hope you find your special book!
T95: The Thing in Delores's Piano
Solved: The Thing in Delores' Piano
T96: Two Girls and an Ice Truck...
I'm looking for an American History textbook at the high school
level because of one picture I saw in it that has stuck with me
over the years. In the photo, two girls in overalls are
hauling ice in an ice truck. One of them is wearing a cap,
sort of like a train engineer's hat. They are working
because it was either during one of the World Wars or during the
Depression. The book itself has a red cover (I think) and
was probably produced by Houghtin Mifflin, Macmillan, or Little
Brown and Co. I hope someone out there is a textbook
collector or has seen this photo somewhere else. I would
love to get a copy. Thanks in advance for the
help! :-)
Have you tried searching at photo stock
agency websites like Corbis? A lot of textbook photos come from
stock agencies, and many now have on-line catalogs you can
T97: Teenager With Lupus
Solved: 13 is Too Young to Die
T98: Talisman
Solved: The Talisman
T99: Treasure Mystery, Cup/Goblet, Tree and Graveyard
Solved: Secret of the
Witch's Stairway
T100: Tiger, nice kitty
I am looking for a story which my father
read to me in the 1950s. It's about an old lady who can't see
very well. A tiger escapes from a zoo or circus and comes
to her house. Since she can't see very well, she thinks it
is this nice little kitty. They get along well...that is
all I remember...the book had lots of pictures....
Tworkov/Duvoisin, Tigers Don't Bite,1956? Just a guess, I can't find any description
of the story.
This is Mrs. Welladay's New Tabby Cat
by Kathryn and Bryon Jackson. I found it in the old
school reader-Treat Shop by Eleanor Johnson and Leland Jacobs.
Perhaps it is a stand alone book as well.
T101: Time travelling in aunt's house
Solved: Magic Elizabeth
T102: time travel is called "flivering"
In this book, to travel across space or time is referred to as
People travel through space by flivvering in Alfred Bester's
The Stars My Destination. I think it's in
print. The protag is named Gully Foyle.
It's definitely not The Star My Destination. In that
book instantaneous travel through space was called "jaunting"
NOT "flivering".
T102 time travel: I'm pretty sure that in The
Destination, by Alfred Bester, teleportation
(space, not time) is called 'jaunting', not flivvering. What do
they call teleportation in Zenna Henderson's The
People stories?
T102 just a comment: In Zenna
Henderson'sThe People, it is called lifting.
Madeleine L'Engle, Wind in the Door. I thought I would just drop a note that
"kything" is the word L'Engle
uses for time/space continuum travel in her
"Wrinkle in Time" trilogy. I know you said "flivering,"
but sometimes I am amazed at how my memory twists things!
just a further note. In Madeleine
L'Engle's books, the ability to move across time and space is
called "tessering". The previous contributor's word
"kything" is, in Madeleine L'Engle's books, the ability to
connect mentally and more important emotionally with a person
who is not with you (separated by time and space.) The
tessering concept she got from scientific principles the kything
from Celtic religion, I think.
Actually, I think Madeleine L'Engle's
"kything" is the blending of one's soul with another's--
specifically for the purpose of combating evil. "Tessering" is
using tesseracts or "wrinkles in time" to move about the
"flivvering" - Aldous Huxley's Brave
New World uses this term, I think both as noun ("a
flivver") and verb ("flivvering"). But there's no time
Flivver, the Heroic Horse by Lee Kingman
and illustrated by Erik Blegvad, 1958. I don't know if
Flivver is in involved in time travel, but I couldn't resist
adding this namesake to the Flivver discussion. The
story of an adventurous horse who is used to hauling a Boston
fruit cart, but who becomes involved in other activities in a
Massachusetts fishing town called "Smuggler's Cove".
I know that there are vehicles in the Star
Trek novels that are called Flivvers, and the books do
occasionally incorporate some type of time travel. Perhaps you
read one of these?
T103: Thunderbird with little boy story
Solved: Childcraft
T104: trip to island character dodie
Solved: Magic Island
T105: Two siblings travel
with magician
Solved: The Magic Hat of Mortimer Wintergreen
T106: Toy Soldier
Solved: The Return of the Twelves
T107: tuttle dexter
Solved: Wonderful World
of Aunt Tuddy
T108: Teen ESP story
Solved: And This is Laura
T109: tiger the cat's life
Solved: Cat's Eyes
T110: Teddy Bears
Solved: The Lonely
Teeeny Tiny Family
Solved: A Tiny Family
T112: Tiny dog is girl's best friend
Solved: No Flying
in the House
T113: Tom Tit Tot, NOT
Evelynn Ness
Solved: Silver Curlew
T114: two girls solved mysteries
Solved: Ginnie
and the Mystery Doll
T115: Time Travel and "Wicked, Wicked" Girls
Solved: Wicked Pigeon Ladies in the
T116: Three mice that
live in a tree trunk with their mother
Solved: Minnikin, Midgie, and Moppet: A Mouse
T117: Tomboy
Solved: Tomboy
T118: Translation
Solved: Thinner
T119: Teen falls for London pianist/delivery guy
Solved: The Beethoven Medal
T120: Time travel - remote past, recent past, future
I am looking for a collection of science fiction stories about
time travel that was divided into three sections -- remote past,
recent past, and future. (The editor's introduction
discussed the paradoxes of time travel, and separated remote from
recent past because of the additional complexities of possibly
meeting oneself.) I read this book in the 1950's or perhaps
the 1960's. Searches using "Groff Conklin" have failed
me. Title, editor, and availability?
Possibly Elsewhere and Elsewhen,
ed. by Groff Conklin, Berkley Pub. Corp., 1968.
Contents: Introduction / Groff Conklin -- Elsewhen:
Shortstack / Walt and Leigh Richmond. How allied / Mark
Clifton. The wrong world / J.T. McIntosh. World in a
bottle / Allen Kim Lang -- Elsewhere: Think blue, count two /
Cordwainer Smith. Turning point / Poul Anderson. The book
/ Michael Shaara. Trouble tide / James H. Schmits.
The Earthman's burden / Donald E. Westlake. Originally
published in two volumes: Science Fiction Elsewhen (London: Rapp
& Whiting, 1968) and Science Fiction Elsewhere (London: Rapp
& Whiting, 1968).
Conklin, Groff, editor, Crossroads
Time, 1953. Maybe this one. Sixteen
stories and two novellas. The publication date looks like
a plausible match
This sounds like something I have read, but
I have no idea who edited it. The poster of this book stumper
could look up Roger Elwood or Martin Greenberg
in hopes of seeing if their anthologies sound familiar.
Perhaps memory is conflating two Groff
Conklin anthologies? Conklin's 1952 anthology INVADERS
OF EARTH is divided into sections that sound like
what's wanted (The Distant Past, The Immediate Past, The
Immediate Future, The Distant Future). However, it is not
an anthology of time travel stories, but of alien invasion
stories. Conklin did do a time travel anthology, CROSSROADS
IN TIME, but it is not arranged in that
manner. In any case, content information for all
English-language sf anthologies and single-author collections
published prior to 1984 can be searched on
website, so questionner could see list of contents of each
and determine if they sound familiar (or if any other of the
3,900 books indexed there do. . . .)
The answer to T120 is not, I regret, Elsewhere
and Elsewhen. This is one of my favorite S.F.
anthologies. It's a great collection, very wide-ranging in
theme, but not including time-travel. Good hunting!
T121: typhoonigator
This is a children's manners book with different monsters,
including a typhoonigator and a kibitzer:"If that hand were mine,
I'd throw in the nine. My goodness, you'd be lost without
me." My son thinks it's by Mercer Mayer.
T121 Sounds like it might be LITTLE
MONSTER'S BEDTIME BOOK by Mercer Mayer, 1978
(one source said it was a Little Golden Look-Look Book, but
other sources listed it as a publication of Merrigold Press). It
also looks like it was republished in 1991, but is now out of
print. ~from a librarian
I think this person has two books confused.
Mercer Mayer does indeed have a book with a
Wild-'n-Windy Typhoonigator in it, as well as a
Paper-Munching Yalapappus, a Stamp-Collecting Trollusk, and a
Letter-Eating Bombanat. It's called One Monster
After Another and they're all trying to get Sally
Ann's letter before it reaches her friend Lucy Jane. But
it's not about manners and there's no Kibitzer in the
book. There are several books about monsters & manners
(Monster Manners by Joanna Cole, Magic
Monsters Learn About Manners by Jane Belk
Moncure, Monster Manners by Bethany
Roberts, Modern Manners for Little Monsters
by Wilson Rogers) but I didn't see a Kibitzer in any of
those, either.
Looked up TYPHOONIGATOR on Google and found
one guy'e poem using it, and then one ref to a Mercer Meyer
book, One Monster After Another, but it doesn't
seem to be about manners.
Mercer Mayer, Little Monster's
Bedtime Book. It's the
Baby Great Glern of the Sea and the poem goes, "The Baby Great
Glern of the Sea, gives annoying advice constantly, now if that
hand were mine, id play the nine, my goodness, you'd lose
without me." then the picture by his head says "kibits, kibits,
kibits" i can recite all the poems.
Mercer Mayer, Little
Monster's Bedtime Book, 1978. Yes, this
is indeed from "Little Monster's Bedtime Book." All of the
Little Monster, Monster, and Professor Wormbog books (including
"One Monster After Another") have similar / same characters,
especially "Little Monster's Bedtime Book." "Little
Monster's Bedtime Book," is the only "Little Monster" book that
has poems for each character. I am a huge collector of
Mercer Mayer books (well over a few 100). Mercer Mayer's
"Monster" universe is pretty seperate from his "Little Critter"
universe. "Little Monster's Bedtime Book" has two
different covers too: One is Blue with a circle showing Daddy
Monster reading to Little Monster and his Kerploppus, and the
other shows a close up of Little Monster in bed and
dreaming/thinking about the characters.
Time travel comedy
Solved: Corrupting Dr. Nice
two girls
Solved: Best Friends
Treehouse Mysteries
Solved: Case of the
Hungry Stranger
T125: Too deep, too
deep !
Solved: Streets and Roads
The Thingamajigs
Solved: The Thingumajig
book of manners
Solved: The Westing
T128: Teddy Roosevelt
Solved: Brighty of the
Grand Canyon
T129: Tugboat that got lost
1957-1959 There was a little tugboat that was in the harbor
with a lot of big boats and somehow it drifted out and was lost.
Later it was found.
Hardie Gramatky's Little Toot is definately
a small boat in a harbor with huge boats, but her claim to fame is
rescuing an ocean liner during a storm.
Gertrude Crampton, Scuffy the tugboat
Scuffy was a toy tugboat,
but the rest of the details sound right.
T129 Of all my little toot type things, this
title sounds like the best-- Hogner, Nils
The lost tugboat illus by NIls
Hogner Abelard Press 1952. tugboats; New
York City - juvenile fiction
T129 if it helps any, all the illus
are red and green in Hogner. The tug's name is Betty
Ann. The skipper loses his way in the fog and they end up near a
big ship which needs the help of a tug.
Date-1964. Could this be Little Toot
on the Thames?? Tug gets towed across the Atlantic
by accident and gets lost in the London Fog!
T130: two girls switch places during WWII
Solved: Searching for
T131: Time and Space Mercenary gets Tortured
This is an old science fiction book that I bought at a used
bookstore in about 1986 and it looked very old then.
The title had something like "time" or "space" in it. The
story was about a mercenary trying to track down some information
and one of the "laws of the land" was that if someone tortured you
for a day, they would have to tell you anything you wanted.
He was going through the torture at about the time I lost the
book. (This wasn't a very good book as far as I remember,
but I hate the idea of never finding out what happened!)
Jack London, The Star Rover. Possibly?
Bradley, Marion Zimmer. I think
that this might be one of the Darkover books. There are lots of
them. Take
at this website.
T132: Tea in Tree
Solved: The Fig Tree
T133: Twins make new wife miserable
Solved: The Winter People
T134: Trilogy/maps in book
Solved: The Wizard of
T135: Tomatoes, cowboys, aliens
Solved: The Moon Colony
Moon Colony.'Is it possible that the book in question
is Reinhard Goll's The Visitors From Planet Veta?
Published in 1959 the story dealt with (among other things)
extraterrestrial children who lived in a giant tomato tree in a
suburban backyard.
T136: Three children visit beekeeping warlock uncle
Solved: Linnets and
T137: Trees with glass leaves
I remember only the beautiful drawings of
the trees with glass leaves, and I can still hear them
today! c. 1940
Any possibility this illustration could be
associated with the fairy tale The Twelve Dancing
Princesses? The princesses travel to a
wondrous underground land each night to dance the huntsman
following them in his invisiibility cape is fascinated by the
trees with leaves of silver and gold, but maybe in some versions
the leaves are crystal or glass.
The 12 Dancing Princesses.
This could be one of the many, many versions of the fairytale
"The 12 Dancing Princesses" where the girls have to sneak out
because their father won't let them "date." They go
(usually) through a tunnel in their bedroom floor through
wondrous places to a ball where they dance all night.
Their dancing slippers are always worn out every morning and the
father cannot figure out why, since he locks them in their room
at night. Anyhow, most versions have them going through
areas full of trees with glass leaves, golden leaves, jewelled
leaves, etc. to get to the ball. So this might be it, the
challenge would be in finding the version that you remember the
pictures from!
Henry Van Dyke, The Foolish Fir Tree. 1911. Alternatively, this poem (and
variants I've seen online) also talk about a tree with glass
leaves. "A Presbyterian Minister, Henry Van Dyke is
perhaps best known for The Story of the Other Wise Man and
for the Hymn of Joy ("Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee,
..."). He was also a prolific poet, and the above poem can be
found in: Van Dyke, Henry. The Poems of Henry Van Dyke. New
York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1911."
T137 This woldn't be Coleno
again, would it?
See also T157.
Watson, J. W., Twelve Dancing
Princesses. Try this Golden Book it may be the
one. The old soldier who follows the princesses through a
jeweled forest snaps one of the leaves off, scaring the youngest
princess. He ended up marrying the eldest. The
illustrations are lovely.
J. W. Watson, The Twelve
Dancing Princesses. It could be this -- a
beautifully illustrated version, Golden Book.
Sounds like the Foolish Fir
Tree to me, I do remember the various pictures of the
tree with its various leaves. The glass ones got broken by rain,
gold ones were stolen by a passerby, there may have been some
kind of red leaf that also got ruined. Don't know if it was a
poem or a story.
T138: Tirpy or Terpy (dogname)
Solved: The Hobyahs
T139: Transcendentalist parents disappear and their
children find them
Solved: The Diamond in
the Window
T140: Toby, young boy/magical friends
Solved: The Children of
Greene Knowe
T141: Trolls with Hard Heads/ Soft Feet
Solved: The Princess
and the Goblin
T142: Three boys in a Tree
Solved: Three Boys in a
T143: time travel ancient ireland
Solved: The Wizard
Children of Finn
T144: tank tread house
early to mid 50's. It's about a
family that lives in a house on tank treads in a very cold
place. They travel around and have adventures but the best
thing was the house they lived and traveled in., it was like a
RV but better. I don't remember much color, it was mostly
black and white drawings I think.
T145: two siamese cats' adventures
A story of two slightly naughty Siamese
cats...the illustrations are just beautiful, and accurate.
Clare Newberry, Babette. Or possibly another of her cat
books though I think this is one that definitely features
Siamese cats. Alternatively, if the book in question is an
illustrated book for adults/ older children, rather than a
picture book, then it could be one of Doreen Tovey's
series beginning Cats in the Belfry or possibly Irene
Holdsworth's Little Masks.
T146: teardrop shaped necklace
Solved: A Necklace of
Raindrops and Other Stories
T147: The Two Little Miners
Solved: Two Little
T148: Tree Toad
Solved: Tree Toad
T149: Tapir Riding a Velocoped
Over the years my wife has talked fondly
about a book she read as a child. It's about a tapir who rides a
velocoped. She loved the illustrations. She has forgotten
the title and author. I am guessing the book is from the
late 1950s or early 1960s. I would love to find a copy of
this book and surprise her on her birthday! (What a
wonderful service this is!)
Same as H67.
Roberta Moynihan, Futility the Tapir, 1959. Might not be the right book, can't
find a copy or a description anywhere online.
I found this description of Futility,
the Tapir: A quietly hilarious picture book
about a tapir who, upon awakening, begins the struggle to force
his ungainly body to stand, and who at day's end exclaims, "What
an exhausting day! I really must get some rest. After all,
tomorrow I may succeed." Nicely humorous illustrations by the
T150: Toothfairy book
Solved: Tooth Fairy
T151: Teenage girl plane crash in wilderness
Solved: Walking Out: A
Novel of Survival
T152: two fairies jump out of the radio, Just Now
two fairies jump out of the radio and into
the lives of the children of one family. whenever anyone asks
them the time, they say "Just Now". One is short and chubby, one
is tall and thinner. both have antennae. possibly 1920's or
1930's. children may be Bailey children. birds make them
down filled beds.
There's a book titled Queen
Titania's Radio Fairies by Oliver Garrison Pirie,
Bower & Pirie, 1924, 116 pgs. (alt. title is Radio
Fairies). Sorry, no description.
Leila Crocheron Freeman, Nip
and Tuck, 1926, approximate. I suddenly remembered
the names of the two elves, Nip and Tuck, and it was also the
name of the book! I have sent for a beat- up copy on
ebay, but copies are rare. There is a second book, Nip and
Tuck in Toyland. With Santa.
T153: Tutankamun
Solved: The Boy Pharaoh,
train - illustrations drawn by kids
mid-1930's. I remember brightly colored pictures of a little
train with several cars that looked as if children had drawn them.
It was a child's short story that printed an image on my young
brain. No recollection of the story except that it had a happy
ending (of course!)
T155: telegraph operator, midwest, brothers, WWI
Solved: The Human Comedy
T156: Thanksgiving present
Solved: The Thanksgiving Treasure
T157: tree asked for glass leaves
Solved: The Foolish Fir
T158: truckdriver elected president
Searching for fictional work about
18-wheeler truck driver being elected USA President.
T159: treasure or island
before 1965. a family of eight
children on a picnic to a coastal island (off California, I
think) are stranded by the guy driving the boat and survive for
years and figure out how to sustain themselves alone. They
find a donkey, figure out how to make cement for a house,
etc. This is a thick book.
T160: twins hair styles
I'm looking for a book about twin girls
that I read between the ages of 6 to 12, which would've been
1962 to 1968. The girls get tired of looking alike, so
someone (their mom?) suggests they get different hair
cuts. What stands out to me most is that the last couple
of pages in the book show all the different hairstyles they can
choose from. Unfortunately, I don' remember the girls'
names, the title of the book or the author, but think I'd
recognize them if I saw them. Thanks!
Ruth and Harold Shane, The Twins, The Story of Two Little Girls Who Look Alike.
a Little Golden Book, with illustrations by Eloise Wilkin.
T161: tomato people
Solved: The Visitors
from Planet Veta
T162: Timothy Ticklefeather
Solved: Timothy
Timothy Ticklefeather, c. 1940. I
believe it's a poem Timothy Ticklefeather, LLd/Lives in
the top of a very tall tree// His shoes are brown and his
beard is gray / And sits and he talks to the birds all day.
There's a Little
Golden Book called, Lucky Mrs. Ticklefeather, but
I haven't read it so I don't know if there's a Tommy in
it. Good luck!
Negative on Lucky Mrs. Ticklefeather. But for
more info on her, see the Most
Requested pages.
Mother used to read Timothy Ticklefeather to us when we
were kids on the farm. For the past 20 years we have been
searching for a copy of this poem. I was so pleased and
surprised to see it spring partially into view when I put the
title on the web.
Adolph Soens, It was written
by my grandfather in the early 20th century in Colorado along
with other peoms catagorized as "Humor and Whimsey"
Timothy Ticklefeather, 1940. 'Timothy Ticklefeather,
L.L.D., lived in the top of a very tall tree. He caught
the rain in his godpapa's cup, and nibbled on nuts that the
squirrels brought up.His shoes were brown and his beard was
gray, and he sat and talked to the birds all day. His
beard was gray and his shoes were brown, and he lived in a tree
and never came down. "Poor Mr. Ticklefeather, Silly Mr.
Ticklefeather, what are you doing in that very tall tree?
It's all very well to be friends with the birds, but suppose you
fell, you mark my words. Come down Mr. Ticklefeather,
silly Mr. Ticklefeather, down on the ground and play with me."
But, old Mr. Ticklefeather
clicked his heels and said, "I know how the skylark feels.
I've go my nuts and I've got my cup, and I won't fall down and I
can't fall up."So, he polished his shoes and he brushed his
beard, and he climbed a little higher,AND HE DISAPPEARED.
And all the policemen came out from town, but old Mr.
Ticklefeather never came down.Poor Mr. Ticklefeather.
Silly Mr. Ticklefeather. Where did he go with his beard on
his knee, his shoes of brown and his godpapa's cup? He
didn't tumble down, so he must have tumbled up. But, I really,
Mr. Ticklefeather, said "Mr. Ticklefeather, "Better come down
and play with me."
I was born
in Colorado in April of 1941, so the date one of your other
readers sent sounds about right. My
mother recited this and Little Orphan Annie so often, that by the
time I was five I had memorized them both. Glad
I could help.
There needs
to be a correction on the date. I was born in 1932.
My mom read this to me and I memorized some of the rhyme before
moving from my birth town when I was five years old. My
mother said it was in a magazine, but could not remember which
one. I checked out the magazines I thought it might be in,
but never found it. Thank you so much for bringing this
delightful poem back to me.
T163: Tapestry traps girl
Magic Mountain - maybe? A collection of
stories involving magic. The cover may be a boy and a girl
climbing a mountain. It is a hard cover, thick book. The last
story is a picture of a tapestry, with a girl lying in the bed
beneath. All the figures in the tapestry come alive, and the
girl can get into the tapestry, but she must be out by first
light, or she will be frozen into the tapestry forever.
Regarding the tapestry
story, a similar one appeared in Children's Digest Magazine,
probably between 1971 and 1974, of a princess or lord's daughter
about to be forced to marry against her will. An expert
needleworker, she tried to drown her sorrows while waiting for
the inevitable marriage by working on an enormous
tapestry. Upon stitching a likeness of her dog into the
tapestry, her dog disappeared, the likeness being so perfect he
couldn't exist in two places at once. Realizing what
had happened, the girl stitched herself into
the tapestry to escape the unwanted marriage. This isn't Andre
Through a Needle's Eye, about a girl crippled by
polio who meets an old woman with similar needleworking
Mrs. Molesworth, The Tapestry Room, 1879, copyright. Possibly this is the story of
Hugh and Jeanne, two small children who find a way into the
great tapestry via various means little rubber attachments on
the feet or by wings. Try this link
These are not the correct books.
The title I am looking for is The Magic Mountain.
It is a collection of short stories. The first story in
the book is also The Magic Mountain. The last story in
the book is The Tapestry.
Neither of the two suggestions fit the
book I'm inquiring about. I believe the cover of the
book shows the two children climbing a mountain, but I no
longer believe the name of the book to be The Magic
Mountain. It may be Children's Stories.
The tapestry story still holds.
Anthony, Crewel Lye: A
Caustic Yarn, 1984. Part of the Xanth Series, Crewel Lye: A Caustic
Yarn involves 5 year old Princess Ivy, who while wondering the
castle in bordem, stumbles upon the tapestry room. Wanting to
investigate a movement she saw, she finds a way to enter the
tapestry in spirit form to help, leaving her body lieing on a
cot beneath the tapestry.
T164: Tower by the sea, man with no tongue
Solved: The Master
T165: Twenty-first of May
Solved: Twenty-fourth of June
T166: Toy Soldiers Come To Life
Solved: The Return of
the Twelves
Teenage dancer, lives in a city
Published before 1994, probably after the 60s. A teenager lives
in a city, possibly by the water (New York or San Francisco?). Her
parents are rich, but are always away, so she ends up living by
herself in a luxury house or apartment. There may be a maid or
housekeeper who is supposed to look after her. Her nickname may be
Rat. She studies modern dance (she used to study ballet) and she
is talented. I think she also choreographs. She spends all of her
money on dance, so she doens't have anything left over for
clothes, leotards, etc. The book is about her relationship with an
African American woman, the sister of a fellow dancer. They become
friends. There may be a third member of their friendship, and he
may be male. He might (if he exists) be young and a romantic
interest for Rat? Scenes: Rat? dances while a sidewalk
busker plays an instrument. She increases his take. She suggests
he use the extra money to take some lessons. (Maybe after he
refuses to give her a share?) The African American woman
gives Rat some of her sister's used leotards, and promises to
alter them to fit her. Sorry about the vagueness of this
description. I don't remember the book well (obviously!) Thanks
for your help.
T168: Twinkle and Boo
Two kittens, Twinkle and Boo (one black, the other grey tiger
striped) get into one kind of trouble after another - getting
tangled up in yarn from someone's knitting, knocking things over -
then curl up and go to sleep at the end. It was a large
sized picture book for beginning readers.
I, too, have sought for a book about
'Twinkle and Boo', two kittens who get into michief. I
actually had memorized the poem-story in about 1st or 2nd
grade. (opening stanza) "There were two little kittens with eyes
of blue, One was named Twinkle, one was named Boo They tried to
be good and do what was right But they got into mischief from
morning till night!" I too checked all variations of
Twinkle and Boo book names! BUT....I didn't have the
right title! The answer is.............
The Kitten Twins by Helen Wing I
sure hope I make somebody's day happier by having this title and
Your web site says Under entry T168 - the
name of the book is The Kitten Twins -
This is NOT the same book - Can you help?
T169: Teenage Girl Gets Epilepsy
Solved: Child of the Morning
at camp to die
Solved: Grounding of Group 6
T171: talking cat
Solved: The Wishing Tree
T172: toys come to life
Solved: The Water Horse
T173: time machine and dinosaurs
Solved: Tunnel Through
T174: two children, boy and girl visit fairyland
A boy and girl go to a circle of ancient
stones and find themselves in the house of mother figure (Ceres
?), girl is given a comb and the boy a knife and they board a
ship for the trip to fairyland. Mermaids steal the girl's comb
for a time, and the boy finds himself kept prisoner by a
beautiful witch, the children stay the night in the castle
of a nobleman, who is tormented by nightmares and a succubus. I
read this book sometime in the mid-1930s. It was
illustrated by one of the famous illustrators of the time.
time travel to King Arthur's time
Solved: Tales of Magic
T176: tiny pin
Solved: Tiny Pin
T177: Teenage Girl (1950's Comic)
Solved: Tizzy comics
T178: Toothy Perkins: The Dog Who Made the Sun Come Up
Solved: The Puppy Who
Chased the Sun
T179: Train Yards, Rainy Nights
This is a standard-size book with a blue cover, perhaps not
intended primarily for children. There were many pictures with
little text. As a child, I was impressed by the misty, rainy
pictures of train yards at night.SOme in black and white, some in
color. I remember particularly the red and green lights in the
train yard. SOmething about the pictures makes me think "water-
color", but they were probably photographs. I read it in the late
forties, possibly early 50s.
T180: teen crank call scares receiver
Solved: Out of the Dark
T181: Teenage Witch
Solved: Girl on a
T182: True? Ghost stories and mysteries
Solved: Strangely Enough
T183: Terrifying pig?
This is (I think) a collection of
stories. What really stands out for me is the artwork: in
at least one of the stories there is a pig (maybe more) who is
truly terrifying -- demonic, really, with frightening
eyes. I think there were some other pigs in the story who
were scared of this one, and rightfully so. The book gave
me nightmares as a child. There is a chance that what I am
remembering as a demonic pig really was a monster of some kind
(cat???) that the pigs were afraid of. (Somehow I doubt
that it was a wolf -- I think this was an original story, not
that other, classic tale.) I seem to recall the pigs were in two
stories, but the scary one was only in the second one, which
came near the end of the book. Another story is about a
dalmatian who is the mascot at a firehouse, and they go to fight
a fire. Another story may involve black and white sheep
(?) I had this book in the 70's, but I believe it was a
hand-me-down from the 40's or 50's. The fire engine
looked old-fashioned", even then. The book was on
the small side.
Three stray guesses: Julian, Lee,
Fire Dog, Lewis, Frank, Kerry the Fire-Engine Dog
or Browning, James, Sparky the Fire Dog
T184: Tiny Family lives in a Dollhouse
Solved: King of the Dollhouse
T185: Tom Thumb's size
Solved: The Fabulous Flight
T186: Tutu's
this is to find a book i've been looking
for. i donot remember title or author.it has a bunch of little
girls wearing i think tutu's or leotards, but i do know they had
dancing shoes, and all there outfits were diffrent
colors.there's little animals all through the book also wearing
dancing/ballerina clothing . they show them doing stretches in
alittle girls locker room together.there's probably 6-10 little
girls. the drawing were a cross between, hugga bunch and
precious moments (i think).they had short curly hair.thank you
for your help. the book's cover, if i remember
correctly was either a light green or blue color. also, it wasn't
a long book, it didn't have alot of words, so i think it pertained
to the ages of 3-8. thank you so much for your time!
Dorothy Grider, The Little Ballerina, 1959. Might this be The Little
Ballerina? Check out more on the Solved
Mysteries pages.
i did see your results, and that was not the book i'm looking
for. but if i could see a picture of the cover, it would help.
picture of The Little Ballerina posted on the Solved Mysteries
T187: train mystery; teenager bound, left in woods
i wonder if some kind loganberry soul can
help me? i would like to find a young adult fiction book i
read while in high school (late 60's, early 70's). i don't
remember much about it, except this - 1) the main character was
a young teen boy; 2) somehow, there's a train, or railroad, in
the story: either the wrong-doing/mystery had to do with a
train, or took place on a railroad, or a railroad was central to
the story/town; my key memory of the book is ... 3)
this main character/teen boy found out the badguys' plan, and
tracked them down to some woods outside of town, near railroad
tracks, but he was discovered by the badguys, and was tied up
~stark naked~ and left in the woods. he escaped his ropes, but
in order to save the day, he has to go into the town to rat out
the badguys, which of course he does ... but not without
considerable embarrasment, because all he can find to cover
himself is some leaves on branches he has pulled of some
trees. does this ring a bell to anyone; can anyone tell me
what this book is??? thanks for any help i may receive!
Meader, Stephen, Long Trains
Roll,Randy MacDougal and his family, in Pennsylvania
during WWII, are heavily involved with the world of trains, from
his father, an engineer, to his brothers, serving in the armed
forces in India and Africa. Randy, a high schooler working
on the railroads in the summer, finds himself tutoring a
newcomer. After breaking in newcomer Lew Burns,
Burns disapppears, having lost a mysterious notebook,
which Randy finds. Randy begins to suspect Burns of being a
German spy. Randy finds himself saving the railroad from a
dynamite explosion, apparantly set by Burns and some
compatriots, and ends up defending the railroad in a fig
leaf "kilt", because he was jumped, and left clothes-less.
Stephen Meader is a very skilled writer of boys'' adventure
book. it has been surprising not to see his name listed here
more often.
T188: twin cats
Solved: Inky And Pinky
T189: Teenage Romance Anthology
Solved: A batch of the
best: stories for girls
T190: Trundle Bed
I'm trying to find the correct title of
this book as well as a copy of it for my sister. It was a
favorite of hers from childhood and she thought the title was
something like: "Peter's Bed". The story was about a
little boy (who she thinks was named, Peter) who either couldn't
fit in his bed anymore, or had to share a bed with his brothers
and there wasn't room. So, his parents or someone built
him a trundle bed that would slide under the other bed, but it
was all his own.
Gladys Baker Bond, Patrick
Will Grow, 1966, llustrated by David K. Stone,
Western Publishing/Whitman, Racine. from the book: Two beds were
in the living room. Grandpa, Grandma, and Patrick's tallest
sisters slept there. In the back bedroom a bed sat between
Grandma's trunk and Mother's cedar chest. Patrick slept in the
middle of that bed between Mike and Tim. "I'm glad Patrick is
small," Mother said. "I don't know where we cold put another
bed." "Patrick will grow," Grandma said wisely....Patrick's new
bed was delivered and put in the back bedroom. But, oh, my!
Mother could not walk between the beds. Grandma could not open
her trunk. "What'll we do?" they cried. Grandpa knew what to do.
He cut the legs of the cot in half. Then he slid Patrick's cot
under the bed which now belonged to MIke and Tim. When night
came, Grandpa pulled it out again..."
T191: Tanglewood
This book must have been written in '20s or
'30s and has the word "Tanglewood" in the title.
Tanglewood is a large shabby house to which a young teenage
girl's family is forced to move after her wealthy father loses
his fortune. It's the story of their adjustment and how
they find happiness.
Patricia St John, The Tanglewoods
Secret. There's a
book called The Tanglewoods Secret by Patricia St John, first
published 1948. I've just given my copy away so can't check
details but it's a Christian tale, set in England, where the
girl who narrates it and her brother, Philip, live with their
Aunt Margaret. She's naughty and rebellious till she finds God
and peace.
NOT the Tanglewoods Secret.While
The Tanglewoods
Secret (1948) is a wonderful story, it is nothing
like the description given in this query. In this story, it is a
(British?) brother and sister who move in with their maiden aunt
while their parents go off to India as missionaries, but when
WWII breaks out, the parents are unable to come home for years.
The girl struggles with rebelling against her aunt's
child-rearing while her brother is a real saint. They
befriend a gypsy boy and his mother, there is a terrible
accident, and the results lead all the characters to learn about
what it means to love others as God loves them/us.
Flora, The Tanglewood
Animals, 1922,
reprint. Long shot (I don'\''t know what the book is about) but
it'\''s the right genre, title and date. Hope this helps.
T192: Tobias the cat
Solved: Tim and the
Hidden People
T193: Twin Fairy Tale Books
Solved: Storytime
T194: tiny princess makes a perfect shirt for a prince
Solved: The Doll
T195: timmy the tooth
Solved: Big Mouth Gulch
T196: Tunisian Princess pregnant in Paris
A princess in the country of Tunisia (a
Muslim country in North Africa adjacent to Algeria) has an
affair. Since she was a member of the ruler's family and
Muslim women are closely supervised, even having an affair was
extraordinary. To complicate matters, the affair results
in the princess getting pregnant, a severe breach of Muslim
religious law. Somehow, she escapes to Paris, France,
where she gives birth to her baby. She stays in France for
the rest of her life, living in very impoverished
conditions. I am not sure whether this was a novel or a
biography. This book is written in French, and presumably
published in France, so I do not know if this American service
will be able to help. But I look forward to your comments
and suggestions.
Kenize Mourad, Regards from the Dead
Princess: Novel of a Life
Someone has suggested Regards from the Dead Princess: Novel
of a Life, by Kenize Mourad. Thank you. But
sorry, that is NOT the solution. Mourad's book is about a
TURKISH Princess (not Tunisian) who went to Libya and India
before winding up in Paris. That story is somewhat
parallel to the story about the Tunisian Princess but it's not
the same. (Funny thing is that I first learned about
Kenize Mourad just this past January when I was in Paris.)
Anyone have any other suggestions?
T197: Tree pirates ultravioletcatastrophy!
Solved: Ultra
Violet Catastrophe: or The Unexpected Adventures of a Walk
With Great Uncle Magnus
T198: Tiny underground people waging wars
Solved: Trouble for
Trumpets & Trumpets in Grumpetland
Solved: My Tell-Time
T200: Three brothers stand side by side and look like
Solved: All-of-a-Kind
T201: Trip to Southern France
Solved: Madamoiselle
T202: trip to England
The story is about a girl who is in a big
family and who has bad luck on her birthday. Then she writes an
essay for a contest about English gardens and wins a trip to
England. She goes by ship with a bunch of other kids and
solves a mystery about a missing necklace on the ship. While on
the ship the kids all get exposed to chicken pocks and end up
quarantined at a house that has castle runes on the
premises and she finds out that the castle runes is the
place her ancestors were because of a poem that goes "when eight
and four make eleven and six and five make twelve, don't look up
to heaven but take a shovel and delve." The kids find the
spot and dig and find an underground passage and eventually,
with adult help, find the treasure. I read the book in the
‘60s but I couldn't grantee it was new then.
T203: troll on the cover
This is a book I used to check out from the
elementary school library circa (1987-1989 unsure of the exact
year.) It was a gorgeously illustrated book of fairy tales/
stories but they were a bit darker than typical stories. i used
to have to fight with 2 boys in my class about who got to check
it out next! I vaguely remember there being a troll thingy
descending into a well on the cover of the book and grinning
maliciously. I'm 75% certain that it was hard back. I can only
remember two of the stories inside; one was the story of a baby
that is stolen and replaced by a particularly ugly fairy baby
that cries all the time. The other story was of a man who sees a
young woman/mermaid type and convinces her to marry him which
she agrees to as long as he never hits her with leather, iron
and his fist or she'll go back to the water forever. Thanks for
your help!
Edith Unnerstad, Twilight Tales. A collection of Swedish fairy tales
at least one was about a troll. I haven't read the book since my
own childhood, so can't remember whether it fits the description
in other ways.
i've read a story about a baby stolen and
replaced by an ugly fairy. I think the ugly fairy was called a
changeling, although I don't remember the name of the book. I
hope it helps spark a memory.
T204: Threshold dimension traveler science fiction
Solved: The Universe
buried in cliff
Solved: Flight of Time
T206: Teen Girl New to Town/School
Solved: Trudy Phillips,
New Girl
T207: Three children and rocking horse
This book was one I had in the 1950s.
I don't know the author. I thought Eloise Wilkins did the
artwork, but maybe not. The story was about three children
who went to the park with their father and they rode the
carousel horses and one of them broke. The father took it
home and made a rocking horse out of it. My book was
yellow and I think it was a type of linen. Good Luck!
answer yet, but this stumper sounds similar to stumper C346.
T208: teacher is rescued by troubled student named bobby
Solved: Bobby Shafto
T209: travel set
Solved: Family Treasury
of Children's Stories
T210: Train, Half Buried Clocks & Peacocks
I don't even the story line of this book but it has been the
illustrations that have stood out in my mind over the years.
I think that each double page was one illustration and the book
was a hardback, landscape A4 (ish) size. The pictures were surreal
line drawings coloured with muted watercolours, if I remember
correctly in shades of purple, pink and grey. They were fairly
detailed but not overly realistic. If there was any writing it
would have been one or two lines at the bottom of each page.
Each picture had a small steam engine pulling a few carriages and
it wove it's way through a surreal countryside as the book
progressed. I remember half buried clocks were a prominent feature
of the illustrations which were rather Dali-like, and in one of
the pictures there was a garden area sectioned off by a rought
iron fence. Within the garden were bedraggled looking peacocks
some of whom had lost a few tail feathers and these lay on the
ground nearby. I have seen a similar description of this 'garden'
under 'P' in your archive but the book mentioned was not the
one. I would have had this book in the early 1970's but it
could have been published much earlier. my grandmother was always
buying me old books!!
T211: Train, Half Buried Clocks & Peacocks
I don't even the story line of this book but it has been the
illustrations that have stood out in my mind over the years.
I think that each double page was one illustration and the book
was a hardback, landscape A4 (ish) size. The pictures were surreal
line drawings coloured with muted watercolours, if I remember
correctly in shades of purple, pink and grey. They were fairly
detailed but not overly realistic. If there was any writing it
would have been one or two lines at the bottom of each page. Each
picture had a small steam engine pulling a few carriages and it
wove it's way through a surreal countryside as the book
progressed. I remember half buried clocks were a prominent feature
of the illustrations which were rather Dali-like, and in one of
the pictures there was a garden area sectioned off by a rought
iron fence. Within the garden were bedraggled looking peacocks
some of whom had lost a few tail feathers and these lay on the
ground nearby. I have seen a similar description of this 'garden'
under 'P' in your archive but the book mentioned was not the
one. I would have had this book in the early 1970's
but it could have been published much earlier. my grandmother was
always buying me old books!!
T212: Treasure
Solved: Famous Five series
T213: Tidal Wave
looking for book about several children trapped in tidal
wave; cover of book shows girl in pink dress burning through
her braid trying to jam a window shut-- any suggestions?
Lyon, Elinor, Rider's Rock. Chicago, Follett 1958. Not a lot of
information to go on, but perhaps this one "Since a tidal wave
covered it years before, a seaside village has remained buried
and intact beneath the sand. Then four children discover how to
tunnel into the buildings and are exploring when another wave
hits, with revealing results." No description of the cover,
William Mayne's Low Tide (1994) has 3 New Zealand children trapped by a
tidal wave, but they are lured out by a low tide to see a
shipwreck, not any place with windows.
Elinor Lyon, Rider's Rock,1958.
was a favourite of mine when I was about 8 .
Lyon, Elinor, Rider's
Rock, Follett 1968, copyright. I've seen
the cover of this book
<http://pictures.abebooks.com/LEMMAYJ/854406976.jpg> and
it's exactly as described in the query.
T214: two little kittens
Twinkle and Boo, circa 1974. There
two little kittens, with eyes of blue / One was named Twinkle
and one was named Boo. / They tried to be good and do what was
right, / But they got into mischief from morning to night.
Entire book is rhymed. used to read it to my kids. Want it
now for grandchild!
Helen Wind, Kitten Twins. Rand McNally, 1960. Found this on
your Solved page.
Your web site says Under entry T168 - the name of the book is The
Kitten Twins - This is NOT the same book - Can
you help?
T215: talisman series
Solved: The Fear Street
T216: twins
Solved: Jennifer
T217: Tomato soup and chocolate cake
Solved: What's for
Lunch, Charley?
T218: Too big to put hand in the pickle jar
Solved: The Little Girl
T219: Time travel with witches
Solved: Wicked Pigeon
Ladies in the Garden
Treasure Hunt
Solved: Minnow on the
T221: Teenage Santa Buys Toy Train
I'm looking for a short story for young
adults, probably written in the 1960s. This teenage boy gets a
job as Santa at the local hardware or department store. Then,
this sad sack of a little kid comes by every day to stare at the
fancy train set in the window of the store. The teenage Santa
tries to let the kid down easy that he's not going to be seeing
the train set come Christmas. In the end, the teenager
takes his paycheck on Christmas Eve, buys the train from his
boss with the check, and takes it over to the kid's house.
Looking for a book I read as a child in the
1950's. I think it took place in England. I remember a
young girl who would walk along the hedgerows - she had a pet
hedgehog and would go into a nearby woods. In the woods
was a pond and one day a man came out of the pond. he told
her he was her uncle(?) twice-removed. Twice removered
because he'd gone into the pond to a fairy(?) kingdom
twice. It's not much to go on but that's all I remember.
Palmer Brown, The Silver Nutmeg
The Silver Nutmeg: the Story of Anna Lavinia and Toby
by Palmer Brown ; with pictures by the author. New
York : Harper, 1956. Here's the only plot description I
could find: "The protagonist of The Silver Nutmeg
is a child who loves nature and learns an understated lesson about
T223: Thumbelina
Solved: Shiba Productions
T224: Troll Story Flip Book
I am looking for a book from my childhood that has two troll
stories in it. One is The Three Billy Goats Gruff when you flip
the book over there is another Norwegian folk tale we believe to
be called “The Friendly Bear.” This story is about a group of
trolls that come from the mountains on Christmas and eat farmer
Neiles Dinner. The trolls think that a bear is a cat and the
bear scars them away and they will never come back to steel the
farmers dinner. Does anyone know how to find this book??
Not a complete answer, but maybe it will
contain some clues to help you. The title A Friendly Bear
(or The Friendly Bear) turned up, by Robert
Bright, BUT the description says that a boy goes to visit
his grandfather to have him read a book, but there's a friendly
bear there instead. So this may be throwing your search off. The
Norwegian tale about a bear and trolls sounds like CAT ON
THE DOVREFELL (the trolls think the bear is a giant
white cat and are scared off). I also found a variation of the
story by Jeannette Winter called THE CHRISTMAS
is the more familiar title, but I couldn't find a flip book that
contained it.~from a librarian
T225: The Town That Santa Claus Forgot
I'm looking for a Christmas book. I think the title was The
town that Santa Clause forgot. Or something like that.
It was illustrated in color, one illustraion was a ring of
mountains with a town in the center. I recieved it sometime
in the mid 80's and it came with an audio cassette. Any help would
be appreciated, thanks
Diana Kimpton, The Bear that
Santa Claus Forgot.
A bear, not a town, but could be the one!
T226: Treehouses, Horses and First Love
Solved: Double
T227: Twins with ESP
Solved: Time for the
T228: Texas Tornado
Solved: A Head On Her Shoulders
T229: Train traveling through night
Solved: The Magic Spectacles
T230: Treehouse for young girl
I read this book often in the late 70's, I
was probably in the 3rd or 4th grade. It involved a young
girl that had her own fancy treehouse. She had older
sisters, I think quite a few, that were jealous of her treehouse
and thought that she was spoiled. I think this book is
from the 50's or 60's because I remember that it looked old, and
the illustrations showed and older style of dress.
T231: Trials for a king/prince
Solved: The King with
Six Friends
T232: tea and scones
Solved: Yummers!
T233: Time travel
Solved: The Time Keeper
Tin mine
Solved: Mine of Lost
T235: Tons of Tulips
Child's short book about boy who takes walk in city park with
mother and sees hundreds of flowers in bloom; book has watercolor
illustrations of park scene with masses of what appear to be
tulips, in red, pink, and yellow. Likely published betw. 1950 and
Marjory Schwalje, I Walk to the Park. Published by Whitman in 1966--a
possibility? I think the opening was something like "I
walk to the park, and what do I see?--something, something, da
dum, dee dee (you get the idea)." It was written in
Trees and tunnels
Solved: Green Sky Trilogy
T237: Three church bells
I've been searching for a book that I know
very little about. I'm in need of your help! A friend of
mine has been looking for this book for a very long time and her
grandmother (who is now deceased) read this book to her when she
was 2. (My friend is now 30) The story was in a "fairy
tale" type of book with other stories accompanying it. The only
part from the book that she can remember is that there were
three bells - the first bell went ding dong, second bell
went ring ding and the third bell went ding ding. (or
similar sayings for rings that a bell has?) She mentioned other
stories in the book, such as Henny Penny. That is all we
know. Is there any hope in finding it? We are
pregnant, due in June and would be the perfect gift for the new
addition to our family. Thanks in advance for helping me
figure out the mystery.
T238: Thesaurus changes kids' lives
Solved: A Word to the
T239: Time-traveling girl meets mother
Solved: Hangin' Out
With Cici
T240: Tell me mother, tell me why
Solved: I Think
About God
T241: Time travelling train
Solved: Hangin' Out
With Cici
T241: Three brothers
Solved: The Great Brain
T242: teenage girl on trip with friend to grandmother's
birthday party
I think this book was from the 50s or
60s. It was about a teenage girl who went with her friend
on a (weekend?) trip to the friend's grandmother's birthday
party. When they got to the estate, the friend's cousin
(Dortha or Bertha?) hinted that the friend was not really
related to the grandmother. The evening of the birthday
party the family secret came out that the cousin was the one who
was not really related to the grandmother/family. I
thought I had found this book when I found Annette Sierra
Summer, because the writing and illustrations were really
similar in style in my memory, but it was not the book I was
looking for. I think there also might have been something
about a pearl necklace in the book.
T243: Tall purple monster
Solved: Monster
Adventure series
T244: Three wishes
Solved: The Pink
Elephant with Golden Spots
T245: Teenage girl with ESP
Solved: A Gift of Magic
T246: Thief with blind cat
Solved: Godstalk
T247: Timmy and Tommy the Tiger
The book I'm thinking of was written before
1990, and that's about the only solid publication info I have on
it. The main characters were Timmy and Tommy the
tiger. They went walking through the jungle one day, but
I'm pretty sure they went farther than their mom said they
should go. Something happened and they wound up being
trapped in a cage and taken to some sort of compound. The
hunter or poacher or whomever got them was wearing some sort of
safari outfit and had a big gun. After they were caught, I
don't really remember what happened, just that they got
away. My sister says she remembers some sort of ranger
saving them or something. Unfortunately it's pretty fuzzy beyond
that, this was one of my favorite books between the ages of
about 4 or 5 until I was 7 or 8. I was born in 1984, so
this means it was written before 1988. I really hope you can
find it, and thank you so much for your assistance
Possibly one of these?? Timmy Tiger
to the rescue / Rae Oetting Vic
Cantone / 1970 / Oddo Pub. / "Timmy Tiger's brother Tommy
finds himself in serious trouble when the two young tigers fail
to heed their mother's warning and wander too far from
home." Timmy Tiger and the butterfly net /
Kay D Oana Rosemary Bonnett / 1981 / "Tommy has a
terrifying experience with angry bees, but his brother Timmy
comes to the rescue with a butterfly net." Timmy
the masked bandit / Kay D Oana Rosemary
Bonnett / 1981 / "Tommy and Timmy go camping deep in the jungle
where they are frightened in the middle of the night by a masked
1987, approximate. I am sure that this
book is "Timothy Tiger to the Rescue". (he is also
called Timmy in the book)In this book, Tommy tiger strays too
far from home and is captured by men who want to put him in a
zoo. Timmy must rescue him. From what I remember, these books
were set in Asia, probably India from what I remember. I have an
ISBN number for you as well: 0877832161 Hope this helps!
T248: Talking bird
This is really fuzzy - a children's science
fiction chapter book about a young boy/girl who is friends with
a talking bird (parrot?). They travel to a distant planet and
either save that planet or escape from it somehow. I read this
back in the early 1990's and for the life of me cannot remember
the title. The words time and dream seem to be recurring
whenever I try to drum up recollections of this book. Please
help! I am going crazy trying to figure this out...
Diane Duane, High Wizardry. This is a long-shot, but in High
Wizadry, part of The Young Wizards series
by Diane Duane, Nita and Kit follow Nita's little sister
Dairine to a distant planet of machine-like lifeforms. They take
along Machu Pichu, a talking bird.
I can think of two possibilities for this
one, neither of which is a perfect fit. The heroes of Eleanor
The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet take
the chicken Henrietta along on their journey to save the planet
Basidium, but the chicken doesn't talk. And in Emergence,
by David Palmer, the heroine has a talking parrot, but
most of the action takes place on Earth.
Gerald Durrell, The Talking Parcel, 1974. Peter, Simon and Penelope
stay in Greece and one day find a large talking parcel on the
beach. It contains a parrot and his spider (they both
talk). They journey with the parrot into Mythologia where
they help HH, the wizard who created Mythologia, to fight the
cockatrices who are trying to take control of the country.
A Very colourful and inventive tale full of mythological
beasts and great words. Was reprinted in 1999 under the title The
Battle for Castle Cockatrice.
T249: Tiger/lion/cat flies through the air in a hat during
Children's library book that was read to me in the early 1970's,
either published then or 1960's. It's kinda fuzzy but I think that
it was a tiger (or cat or lion) that was at a party (tea?) w/other
animals in the forest/jungle and I vaguely recall the
tiger/lion/cat being in a hat and caught up by the wind and
sailing through the air. There may have been a balloon involved
but I'm not really sure. The pictures were very colorful and I
think the book was maybe 6x6 or so, NOT a Golden Book. Not
much to go on I know but I am sincerely hoping that this rings a
bell w/SOMEONE! I would LOVE to have this book again! Thank
Du Bois, William Pene, Tiger in a
Teacup. I've
never read this book, and I'm not positive about the title, but
the cover shows a tiger in a tea cup. It's a small picture book.
I noticed in this entry
that someone offers a solution that is incorrect on two
counts: it's not the right book, and the title/author as
given is incorrect. The original post asks about an
animal tea party in the jungle. The book offered as a
possible solution (which the poster admits they have never
seen) is definitely not about this subject, and so is not a
match. And it's "The Tiger in the Teapot" by Betty
Yurdin, illus. by William Pene du Bois. Sorry to be
pedantic, but that answer steers the original poster to the
wrong book, which is out of print, so not easy to check
on. Thanks for listening!
T250: Themed children's parties
Book about themed childrens' parties. The book is illustrated on
nearly everypage with child-like drawings of party scenes.
Recipes, crafts and games are featured for each theme. I recall in
particular a Hawaiian themed party. I had the book in the mid-late
seventies and it seemed current then. Good luck and thanks for the
T250 Carlson, Bernice Wells. The
book. illus by Magdalena Tolson.
Abingdon-Cokesbury c1939. games; parties [Peter Rabbit
party, Daniel Boone party, Robin Hood party, ones for holidays,
etc, etc] I haven't dug it out to see if Hawaiian in
it. She has also written: The Party Book for Boys and
Girls, Let's Plan a Party, The Party Book
Saunders, Rubie, The Calling All
Girls Party Book,
1966. This may be too old, but it's a possibility.
It has ideas for theme parties for preteen girls and young
T251: Tearoom with witch
Solved: Old Black Witch
T252: teen science fiction with catpeople
Solved: Alien Child
T253: test tube children
This book is about the earth in the future. Human "test-tube"
children are left behind and end up being grown by aleins that
discover Earth. They raise the children, one boy and one girl, as
if they are their parents. As the kids get older they become
curious about the differences between them and their caretakers
and go off exploring Earth to find out what happened. They
have an old map that follows a river that has changed. In the end,
descendents of Earth return for the kids and they now have
yellowish skin and more slanted eys. I loved this book but can't
remember the name to save my life.
t253 and t252. Pamela Sargent, Alien
Child, 1988. Yeah, I found it!!! The
only human left on earth being raised by aliens. Or so she
thinks until she meets the boy who has also been raised by an
alien. The two learn together of the history of their
species and try to determine its future. Thoughtful and
raises a number of good questions. Website.
Alien Child is definitely the book. I love this site!
T254: troll/goblin
I'm after a hardcover children's book which was published mid
70's-early 80s. Cannot remember any details except the plot! It
was about two children on a farm who encounter a troll/goblin in
their barn. The little guy dances in the barn of a night time and
by day he is causing trouble and playing tricks on the farmer
(e.g.makes the tractor go crazy). The kids devise a way to trick
the troll, and one day he is exposed to sunlight and turns to
stone "and still sits there to this day" (that's how it ends I
think). The cover of this book showed the troll sitting on a high
beam in the barn. Hope you can help, I'd love to see this book
Don Torgersen, The Girl Who Tricked
the Troll, 1978.
I finally found this book! The Girl Who Tricked the
Troll. A troll rides in on a black horse and causes
trouble on a farm in Illinois. Two children try to get rid of
the troll by asking questions he cannot answer. Eventually, they
succeed in their task and, as part of the deal, he leaves the
Barn and returns to the forest. He sits beneath a tree trying to
think of the answer to the question that the children had asked,
and after a long time, he turns to stone. He still sits there to
this day, as a funny looking rock. There is actually a site on
the author and his other works, should anyone else be
T255: teddy bears
I'm searching for a picture book from the early 1970's. The
book had a green cover, and was oddly shaped (larger then the
regular sized picture books of the day). It had teddy bears
(puppets, not cartoons) doing teddy bear things - like hanging out
in their kitchen, walking in the woods, etc. I was in the 5th
grade in 1973 when I found this book, and struggling with a
learning disabilty that prevented me from learning how to read
(5th grade and no reading skills!). This was the only book I
liked and I borrowed it from the school library all the
time. My father was suddenly transferred out of state, and
my parents told me I could buy the book from the school, but when
I asked about it, someone else had already borrowed it! I've
wanted this teddy bear book for almost 33 years now, and never
forgotten it. I browse library sales, garage sales and ebay
in search of this book. It wasn't a classic (by any stretch of the
imagination) and it's completely out of circulation. But if
anyone remembers such a book, I'd love to at least have a name to
look for. Thank you!
Evelyn Scott, ?
The Fourteen Bears in Summer and Winter.
Could this possibly be it? The bears are not teddy bears, but
are cuddly and friendly looking. They do all sorts of things
(ice skating, swimming, eating ice cream). My own treasured copy
of the book (given to me in the early 80's) is much bigger than
a normal picture book. Hope this helps.
HRL: If that it is the book, check out the Most Requested page. It's been
reprinted and I have plenty of copies!
I also read this book in a
remedial reading class circa 1975-1977. I think the book was
called Teddy
Bear Teddy Bear. It only had 8-12 pages & was made
of thick cardboard with 3D type illustrations of puppets. I also
remember there being a couple others with the same type covers
but different subjects,one was a train I think. I'm pretty sure
they were of well known titles but specially made for kids with
learning disabilities if this helps.
Izawa (illustrator),
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, 1971. "A Preschool Puppet
Book." "A Puppet Board Book." Izawa also did the fairy tale books with
lenticular 3D cover illustration for Whitman, all with posed
puppet illustrations. I don't know if this is the book the
original poster wants, but it sure sounds like it!
T256: time travel
This was a book that came out in the early 1990's. Time travel, a
cup that was grasped that then allowed the 2 kids to travel. Boy
and Girl, one of them was part of a hippieish family. Took place
in England. When they traveled, they had a place in the other
time, ie not just visitors from another time. Not a well known or
prolific author, I believe the last name began with a letter from
the second half of the alphabet.
T257: Trapping Beaver Stuck in Mountain Pass
Childrens book about two boys, a white and indian, who in spite
of parents warnings travel over mountain to find a better place to
trap beaver. They get trapped for the winter and have to do things
like build a lodge, tan hides for clothing, boil meat using hot
stones etc. This book was most likely published before the 1960s
Elizabeth George Speare, The Sign of
the Beaver. This is a
long shot, but maybe it's what you are looking for?
T258: twin girls golden books
Solved: The Twins
T259: time travel president killed
late 60s/early 70s. I read this book in the early
seventies. The President is killed with a laser rifle at
Camp David, and it becomes obvious that the assassin escaped into
the future. The hero of the book goes after him, and
realises that a Chinese "super-bomb" has nearly destroyed humanity
in the distant future. The hero prevents the detonation and also
foils the assassination. The people in the future were bald,
due to radiation poisoning/genetic defects. When the detonation is
averted, their hair is restored. (sounds silly, but I remember it
as a pretty good book.)
Peter Heath (which is a pseudonym
author's reall name was Peter Fine), Assassins from
Tomorrow, 1967. This is almost surely Assassins
from Tomorrow. I've not read it but know the premise
was that time travellers killed JFK, and how many times can
someone has spun a whole novel out of that? It was an
original pb from Lancer Books in 1967 and I believe there's also
a Magnum Books pb a bit later. It's the middle of a
three-volume series others are The Mind Brothers
<and> Men Who Die Twice -- don't know the
plots of the other two.
No, the book in question is definitely NOT Heath's "Assassins
from Tomorrow." The President in the book is fictional and
definitely isn't JFK, who of course died in Dallas and not at
Camp David. Thanks for trying, though.
John Jakes, Time
Gate, 1972. From the description online:
"John Jakes's novel is a fairly standard time travel tale.
Scientists in the near-future have a time-travel device that
they use to research the past; the project leaders have to
scramble to stop an intern who uses the machine to travel into
the past in order to assassinate the president, a man promoting
a nuclear disarmament treaty that the intern opposes."
T260: time warp
This young adult sci-fi book was about a young man who had just
graduated from some sort of academy. His race had varying
degrees of mental powers, including telepathy and
teleportation. He was involved in a mission through a time
warp in space to the far future where they discovered that their
government had been overthrown by a corrupt politician. This
book would have been published prior to 1992, probably before the
'90s. I seem to recall that the name of the ship was the
Silver Nebula.
T261: two brothers living together who never throw out
their newspapers
Solved: My Brother's
T262: Treehouses
Solved: Andrew Henry's
T263: teen girl rejects divorced mom's artist boyfriend
Solved: Chloris and the
traveling girl drinks tumbleweed tea
Looking for a book that I remember reading between 1978-1984, It
seems like it was about a girl named Sally, I read the description
on your site, about Sally Travels Alone but it wasn't descriptive
enough...But this girl is traveling and she has tumbleweed tea
with a cowboy, she is crossing the english channel with a creature
called a Pobbit or a Pobble (sp?) seems like the book was orange
and blue. From the looks of your site, looks like you're the best
person to ask this question to...Thanks in advance!
There is a poem by Edward Lear
called "The Pobble Who Has No Toes", about a Pobble who
swims across the Bristol Channel,but there isn't anything in it
about Tumbleweed Tea or Cowboys. Maybe it was some kind of
poetry anthology that had Sally 'traveling' through various
Yes, now that I'm thinking back there was
a few pages about the Pobble who has no toes and Aunt
Jabisca...So you might be right as fas as this girl "Sally"
traveling through several stories and poems. Seems like
there was also a page about a yak...And from what I can
remember "Sally' had short wiry red hair and freckles.
And when she is talking with the cowboy and having tumbleweed
tea, I think there is mention of Timbuktoo, and his 10 gallon
Louis Untermeyer (editor), The
Golden Book of Fun and Nonsense. I actually
don't think this could be it b/c I'm sure there was no
Sally...and I don't remember cowboys, although tumbleweed tea
sounds SO familiar... BUT--it has Lear's Pobble poem in it
and also has "The Yak" by Hilaire Belloc. (and "The
Quangle-Wangle's Hat, also by Lear, which is large, but I don't
think a 10-gallon =)
I looked up The Golden Book of Fun
and Nonsense, and nothing about it sounds familiar...I
can picture the cowboy in my mind, and the little girl Sally,
her name could also be Elizabeth...but I'm definately postive
about the Tumbleweed Tea...and the front of the book or some
of the pages being bright blue and/or orange.
T265: tired old bunny feet, glad to ride
Solved: A Ride to
Animal Town
T266: three little norse boys
Solved: Snipp, Snapp, Snurr series
T267: Two girls and magic stone
Solved: The Magic Stone
T268: Teen mother with baby
Solved: Unwed Mother
T269: Teens in space
Solved: Earthseed
T270: The Tasty Pasty Valentine
Solved: Humpty Dumpty's
Holiday Stories
T271: teen runs away to druggie commune
This is a YA novel from the '70s. A teenage girl is unhappy
with her home life (think she lives with a single mom) and meets a
dashing college guy at a school dance. They soon run away
together, along the way picking up a hippie guitar player named
"Curly Red." I think they move to California and start doing angel
dust. I remember during on drug-induced trip, she described
little tiny angels dancing on her eyelashes. Towards the end, she
realizes she is pregnant. She tells her boyfriend, who acts
supportive, but when she comes home that night he has moved at,
leaving her some money on the kitchen table. Turns out he
was just a rich college student and his dad was financing a "last
hurrah" before he graduated, or something like that. So the
pregnant teen is devastated and takes a bunch of pills, and Curly
Red finds her collapsed outside her apartment door and takes her
to get her stomach pumped. It was a VERY DRAMATIC book (and long
out of print, I'm sure). Made a very big impression on a
naive, sheltered 12 year old!
Lee Kingman, The Peter Pan Bag, 1974. Just a guess the book
description I found says it is about a 17-year-old girl named
Wendy who runs away from home and ends up spending a summer in a
hippie commune in Boston where she meets many different
characters and experiments with drugs.
Anonymous, Go Ask Alice. This book is written as the "diary" of a
teen girl who gets addicted to drugs, runs away, winds up in a
commune at one point, and I think maybe also winds up pregnant
in the end. (I'm not sure it really is a real diary - just
written as if it were one.) Could it be this?
Famous book. I think it was a real diary, thus the anonymous
I'm fairly certain that the book described
is not Go Ask Alice. None of the details that the
poster gave match the plot of that book.
Don't know the book sought, but since the
side comments bring up GO ASK ALICE and suggest
that was a real diary rather than a hoax/novel, I wanted to
point out that GO ASK ALICE was *not* "for real"
-- see the Snopes
Dragonwagon, Crescent, To Take a Dare, 1982. I'm wondering if this stumper is
referring to To Take a Dare by Crescent
Dragonwagon. It's about a runaway who takes up with
other hippies, does drugs, and gets pregnant. I don't
recall if it had a character in it named Curly Red, though.
This definitely isn't To Take a Dare-
the heroine of that book does drugs with her suburban friends
before she runs away, but has stopped long before she settles in
a town popular with leftover hippies. She also doesn't get
pregnant- she catches gonorrhea before running away, and
later finds that it caused internal damage so that she can never
have children.
I cannot find this book's title, but I know
it is not Go Ask Alice; it's also not Lee Kingman's The Peter
Pan Bag, which I own. So that might help in the process of
elimination. Good luck!
T272: trilliwip
the novel was set after world war two and begins in holland/
netherlands. a magic rabbit called trilliwip(sp?) meets hans, a
little boy who is standing in a bread line for his mother.
trilliwip is magic because he can take off his ears, place them in
his mouth and they become a propeller! hans hops on his back and
they travel the world. they meet bill, in the united states
whose dad sells guns to white people in africa to kill the black
people. they travel to china where children are forced to work in
silk mills- this entails plunging their hands into very hot water
to fish out the silkworm cocoons, placed in there to kill the
creature inside before it breaks out of its silken prison.
there are other adventures but can't remember - i have enquired
everywhere of this book - even went to the specialist children's
stores at Hay-on-Wye in Wales which is regarded as the 2nd hand
book capital of the world. i probably should also mention
that the book was a hard cover and quite thick - i read it in the
1960's while at primary school. it made such a huge impression on
me - it addresses the injustices of the world and i am sure helped
develop my social conscience. i would do almost anything to read
it again!!!!!
This is a real long-shot, but I couldn't
help noticing the similarity in names. If you check R53 in
archives on this site - "Rat called not-polite", one of the
possible solutions is a book entitled "Twirlup on the
moon" by Laura Bannon. I thought of
"Trilliwip" because I had read your intriguing post
earlier. It may be a real stretch, but I thought I'd
suggest it anyway..rats and rabbit-like creatures.
T273: Teen Mystery, 80s
Solved: Lessons In Fear
T274: Teen beauty queen gains weight inexplicably
Solved: Life in the Fat
T275: Time travel
Story of a Brother and Sister who go into a
flower garden and are transported back in time by smelling a
very stinky flower. They end up in New England in the 16 or
1700's. I can't remenber. They are taken in by Folks who
live on the cost, and end up living with Indians. They eventuall
go back to their own time.
Edgar Eager, Time garden. Eliza, Jack, Roger & Ann have adventures
similar to those described in a time (thyme) garden. There are
others in the series: Half Magic, Knight's Castle, The
Time Garden, and Magic by the Lake
Keith, Donald, Time Machine To The
Rescue and Mutiny
In The Time machine, 1960s. Time
Machine To The Rescue and Mutiny In The Time
Machine were both books published by the Boy Scouts
Of America. Rescue was an anthology, while Mutiny was a novel.
The short stories had appeared in Boys' Life magazine. The
stories continued to appear after the books were published, so
if you remember something that was not in the books, you
probably read it in the short stories. I remember the boys
running afoul of a farmer named Jay Henney (Haney?) and
eventually transporting him back to the American Revolution so
he could fight in it. A short story in the 1970s in Boys' Life
re-visited this character. If you can find a library with old
issues of Boys' Life, you may be able to get all of the stories.
Ruth Chew, Summer Magic, 1977. Sarah and Timothy are transported
into the past while visiting a display of an old house at the
Brooklyn Museum. They stay with a couple named the
Maartens and meet some Indians. Just bought and read this
Scholastic book.
Andre Norton, Lavender Green Magic, late 60s/early 70s. Could this one be Lavender
Green Magic, by Andre Norton? It's
about three children who somehow travel in time through a
combination of smelling a pillow they found in an old attic
trunk and walking into a garden maze. It's a book I loved
as a child, but I can't remember much more than that. I
think the people they ended up living with in the past were
former slaves who had joined a Native tribe, but I'm not sure if
that was my interpretation or part of the book.
T276: Trees Hold Back The Ocean
Solved: The
King's Stilts
T277: Tiger Boy Africa Picture Book
A young boy is sent a baby tiger from his
uncle who is living in Africa. The tiger arrives in a
large crate (may even be a lift the flap book). The tiger
grows bigger and bigger and eventually must return to his
home. This is a picture book story written in the 1960's
or could even possibly have been in the 1950's.
T278: Time traveler American Revolution
Solved: The
Sherwood Ring
T279: Time warp room
Solved: Singularity
T280: Turning Point story
Solved: The Keeper of
the Isis Light
T281: Thirteen Jars of Minced Moose Meat
Solved: Pierre Bear
T282: Time is a washer woman
Book stumper- can't remember author or
title. I had a copy of the book in 1977-79. It's a
surreal fiction with pen and ink illustrations in the style of
Audrey Beardsley (but not him). There is a sculptor and he
meets "Time" who is in the form of a washer woman; bleaching
everything out. There is also a scene where all of his
past loves are laid out on slabs in a great hall - stretching
out from the most recent to the earliest.
Cabell, James Branch, Jurgen: A
Comedy of Justice,
1919. The washerwoman sounds like Mother Sereda in JURGEN,
whose function is to bleach all the color and meaning out of
life, and the reference to Beardsley-like artist is probably a
memory of Pape, whose illustrations have been reprinted in many
editions of JURGEN. I don't recall the specific scene with
all of the old loves (it's been many years since I read it), but
it sounds very much like Jurgen's preoccupations. Many
reprints exist, and the book is available online (with
illustrations) here and here.
James Branch Cabell, Jurgen- A comedy
of Justice, 1919.
Thank you for solving this - it was driving me (and my wife)
crazy. A little research showed that the copy that I had
was a Dover Press reprint released in 1977. I want to buy
a paperback copy, I did find it on Amazon, but I'll give you a
chance 1st if you want to sell me a copy.
T283: Three lucky black girls get parasols
Solved: The Three
When I was a child, (1950's) I checked out a school library book
about three little black sisters who lived out in a rural area.
They, with their parents went into town and saw three parasols in
a shop window. There mother had made dresses for them the very
color of each parasol.(pink,blue and yellow) They rode in a wagon
pulled by a mule or horse. At the end of the book,The mother
surprised these little girls with a gift of the parasols and one
of the last pictures shows them in the wagon with their raised
parasols over their heads. Someone else (B189) is looking for the
same book, she just didn't remember as much as I do. This is an
ethnic black americana type book. I have never forgotten how cute
these little sisters looked in their fancy Sunday dresses with
matching parasols.
Elizabeth Hart Ritter, Parasols is
for Ladies.
(1941) I just read this post from someone looking for this book,
and here is the description they gave: "A wonderful
children's book published in 1941 by the John C. Winston Co.
About 3 little girls in the Deep South who get brand-new
colorful Easter dresses and matching parasols for Easter Sunday.
Hardcover, 96 pages." I thought it sounded a lot like this
Elizabeth Ritter, The Three
Parasols, 1940-41. Elizabeth Ritter wrote a 5-part
series for Jack and Jill magazine that started in the November,
1940 issue. It was called "The Three Parasols," and I
assume the book mentioned above is a book version of the
stories. In it, three sisters, Gennie, Nolie, and Rellie,
see the parasols in the store window and can't afford
them. They end up earning the money by taking care of a
cow and selling the buttermilk. At one point the money
they have saved is lost it turns out that one of the little
girls has buried it in the hope that it will grow into more
money. No mention of the mom making dresses that match,
but I don't have all the issues of the magazine, or it might
have been added to the book. That might help the seeker
decide whether Parasols is
for Ladies is the right book.
T284: Trottemenu
Solved: Donkey's Glory
T285: Tiny Boy Sleeps in Matchbox
Small Nursery book like Little Golden or Wonder or Little Elf
circa 1951-54 about a tiny little boy who sleeps in a matchbox. He
may be named Johnny or Tommy. This is not the Piccolo book.
Charlotte Steiner, Little John
Little, 1951.
This is the book, and I have it, but am having trouble locating
it. It's a Wonder Book, and Charlotte Steiner did the
illustrations as well as the story. As I recall the book,
Little John Little is a very tiny fellow who, at the very
beginning of the book, is inadvertently swept out the front door
of his house by his normal-sized mother and proceeds to build
his own tiny house to live in, I think out of matchsticks.
There's an illustration of him picking a huge (to him) blueberry
from a ladder (probably also made of matchsticks). He
befriends a ladybug named (I think) Reddy, who becomes his
pet. One day he goes swimming. I think I recall a
picture of him diving from a lillypad into the water, near a
frog. I think he then falls asleep on a leaf and is blown
by the wind for some distance. He ends up near a cow
eating grass who's about to (inadvertently, again) eat him when
a bird swoops down and saves him. She takes him to her
nest high in a tree with her young ones. He thanks her and
asks her to take him home, but she thinks he's better off with
her and takes off. He gets help from a squirrel, who first
takes him to her home in a hole in the tree and feeds him along
with her children. I'm quite sure there's an illustration
looking from outside -- where it's become dark -- through the
hole into the lighted home, where Little Johon Little is eating
at a table with the squirrel family. After that the
squirrel gives him a ride down the tree. He's still
feeling somewhat stranded, but I think a passing mouse gives him
a ride home on her back, and I think I recall Reddy waiting at
the door to the lighted home as Little John Little
arrives. I recall the last illustration being of Little
John Little sleeping in the matchbox bed with Reddy up on the
"headboard" (which I think is the top of the matchbox turned
up). The illustrations are great, very much like those in
A Surprise for Mrs. Bunny, which Charlotte Steiner also wrote
and illustrated.
T286: two sisters/good one showered in coins/bad in tar
I am looking for a book about two sisters...possibly
princesses. One sister was good and showered in coins the
other was bad and showered in tar.
Mother Holle. In this
German fairy tale, two sisters take turns working for Mother
Holle, who lives at the bottom of a well. The polite,
hard-working sister is covered in gold dust when she
leaves the rude, lazy one is covered with pitch.
Text can be found online.
The Brothers Grimm, Mother Holle
(also known as Mother
Hulda). The story is "Mother Holle" by Grimm in The
Red Fairy Book (edited by Andrew Lang,
published by Dover), also known as "Mother Hulda" in Grimm's
Complete Fairy Tales (published by Nelson
Doubleday). If you search for "Mother Holle" you can find
many websites that have the entire story online. I suspect
the version you're looking for is a picture book, not a story in
an anthology, so you might want to look at Mother Holly
by the Brothers Grimm, retold and illustrated by Bernadette
Watts (Crowell, 1972) or Mother Holly: a
retelling from the Brothers Grimm by John Warren
Stewig, with illustrations by Johanna Westerman
(North-South Books, 2001).
Yesterday, I suggested John W. Stewig's Mother
Retelling From the Brothers Grimm (2001). I'd
like to withdraw that suggestion, as Stewig says in his
introduction, "In all previous editions, pitch or tar fell on
Blanche. Because that would be difficult to remove, I
changed it to barbs, bristles and burrs, which are miserable but
not impossible to remove." Other English language versions
that Stewig suggests include Clever Gretchen and Other
Forgotten Folktales by Alison Lurie
(Crowell, 1980) "Mother Hulda" by Lucy Crane in
Household Stories (Dover, 1963) Mother Holle"
by Wanda Gag in More Tales From Grimm (Coward-McCann,
1947) and Mara Pratt's Selections From Grimm
(Educational Publishing, 1894. These are all collections
of stories, so if the stumper requester is looking for a book
with a single story in it, Mother Holly by Bernadette
Watts (Crowell, 1972) may be the one sought.
Kingdom of the Cats. I
read a similar story in a Reader's Digest collection of fairy
tales. It was called "colony of the cats" or "kingdom of
the cats," something like that. The good woman who took
care of the cats was dipped in a barrel of gold, while the bad
woman was dipped in oil and got a donkey tail in her forehead.
Brothers Grimm. Grimm’s
Fairy Tales. illus by Leonard
Weisgard. Junior Deluxe Editions, 1954, book
club edition. dust jacket a little
worn; gray boards with black spine; VG-
[YQ##] $7 |
T287: town painted different colors
Solved: The Great
Blueness and Other Predicaments
T288: Time-travel/ghost
Solved: Mirror of Danger
T289: Time travelling wizard enlisting help of children to
defend against "evil"
Solved: The Dark is
Rising series
T290: teen book with knights
Solved: Prydain
T291: ten dollars worth of chores
Solved: The Countess
and the Impossible
T292: tiny girl living in freezer section
Solved: The Little Girl
and the Tiny Doll
T293: tombstone clues
A young boy who has a dog (bull mastiff?)
who befriends an old polish lady. She runs a small shoppe. The
mystery he solves revolves around an old seaside sailors house
which has encryptions throughout including a clue written in a
book in a painting. He gets to the house because he figures out
a series of clues written on the back of tombstones.
Platt, Kin, Sinbad and Me and Mystery of the Witch Who
Wouldn't. Sinbad and Me is the title of the
1st book, then he wrote a sequel or two, one of which is
entitled Mystery of the Witch Who Wouldn't.
These books by Kin Platt are the ones you're looking for.
Kin Platt, Sinbad and Me, 1966. This is Sinbad and Me by
Kin Platt, an Edgar winner (this is an award given by
Mystery Writers of America) for Best Young Adult Mystery. Sadly
out of print, and somewhat hard to find.
Kin Platt, Steve Forrester Young
Adult Mysteries, 1961-1980. The dog is an English bulldog
named Sinbad. He belongs to Steve Forrester, the
protagonist of four young adult mysteries by Kin
Platt: The Blue Man (1961),
Sinbad and Me (1966), The Mystery of
the Witch Who Wouldn't (1969), and The
Ghost of Hellsfire Street (1980).
Each book combines supernatural elements with action/adventure
as the protagonist solves a mystery. Steve does have an
elderly friend, Mrs. Teska, who is a shopkeeper, and she appears
in more than one book, but I can't remember if she's
Polish. I read these books so long ago that I'm not
certain which one you're looking for, but it is probably either
Sinbad and Me or The Ghost of Hellsfire
Street. Please see the Solved Mysteries "S"
page for more information.
T294: "Tis" pony series short chapter/picture book
Small series- maybe three or four books.
Young girl gets a pony (maybe even a shetland pony) My memory is
that the first is called something like "Tis" and it is based on
her brother (or someone) teasing her about the animal because it
is so small and she says "Tis a pony" The girl might have been
called Taffy? Or maybe just had "taffy colored hair". Style of
book was like the Orpheline series- too long for a picture book,
and was separated into chapters, but there was a large picture
on every facing page. Oddly enough, only actual scene I can
remember is the girl washing and drying the dishes, and that she
saves the silverware for last, and pretends they are soldiers
and she lines them all up in rows. I cannot find any
reference to anything that sounds like this book anywhere.
Elisa Bialk, Tizz is a cow pony, 1961. There are lots of Tizz books.
They were published by Childrens Press. Titles
include: Tizz & Company, Tizz at the Fiesta,
Tizz at the Stampede, Tizz in Cactus Country, Tizz on a Pack
Trip, Tizz on a Trail Ride, Tizz Plays Santa, Tizz Takes a
Trip, and Tizz on a Horse Farm.
T295: treasure hunt
Solved: Masquerade
T296: Tall Book of Tall Tales - Gothic version?
I'm looking for a book for my mom, that she used to read when she
was a kid. This means it would have been published in the
1940's. We lost the book in a house fire years ago. I
remember that it had a girl on the cover (but this is my memory,
after all) with long, dark hair sitting in a very tall-backed
chair. It's not the Tall book of American Tales, Nursery
Rhymes, or fairy tales. This one had a more gothic theme to
it. I've been looking for it for years and would love to
surprise my mom with it someday. Thanks for any help!
T297: Talking Furniture
I read this anthology of literary fairy tales in the 50's but the
book seemed much older. I think it had a green embossed
cover. The story I remember was about a cottage of talking
furniture. Each piece of furniture had its own spirit that
interacted with the other pieces of furniture. There was a
girl-chair(?) that fell in love with a boy piece of furniure; when
she was going to be sold, she wrenched herself from her piece of
furniture so she could stay together with the boy. I've been
looking for this for 30 plus years and hope this rings a bell with
someone. Thanks.
T298: Two Sisters in a Foreign Country
My friend and I read this in HS and it was a relatively new
looking book, so published noearlier than the mid-70s and no later
than 1995. Two sisters go with their parents to a foreign
country. One sister has red hair. When the younger
sister ventures out alone, the roads suddently become twisty and
she is in a different city. When she goes with the family,
the road are straight. I seem to think it had some literary
award seal on the cover too.
T299: Treasury Book
Solved: Treat
T300: Train Trip at Christmastime
Solved: The Christmas Train
T301: Treasury
Solved: Poems to Read
to the Very Young
T302: Tonsils
It is a childern's book that is about a little girl who goes to
the hospital to have her tonsils taken out. The nurse gives
her ice to chew on after the surgery. It is not the book
"Bye Bye Tonsils or Good-Bye Tonsils". My child care
provider read this book to me when I was little. Probably around
Two possiblities for T302. Sandra
Ziegler's At the Hospital: A Surprise for Krissy
published by Children's Press in 1976 or Arthur Shay's What
Happens When You Go to the Hospitalpublished in 1969
and is about a girl named Karen who goes in to have her tonsils
I believe I know what book you are talking
about. It's called Good-bye, Tonsils by Anne
Guy published as a Whitman BIG Tell-a-tale (not to be
confused with the more recent book Good-bye
Tonsils by Juliana Hatkoff published by Puffin) I had this
book given to me when I got my tonsils removed in 1972!
What jogged my memory was when you mentioned ice cubes. I
remember that specifically from the book. The picture on
the front shows a girl with black shoulder-length hair in bed
with a nurse leaning over her holding a tray.
T303: teen girl learning about life
This young adult novel from the 60s
concerned a girl who moves to a desert trailer park when her
doctor says she needs a change. Her parents have told her they
are moving because of her dad's health but she has a letter her
mother wants mailed that is damaged so she buys another envelope
to mail it an disvcovers the truth in the letter The
trailer park has some permanent residents and some transient
ones..and a store on the premises. There is a character who
drops off a freight train and interacts with the residents and
who seems to understand what is going on better than the people
in the park regarding conflicts. one part of the plot involves
the theft of items from the trailers and a family of Hispanic
migrant workers being suspicioned.There is a loud rude
'neighbor' who agitates against everyone because they are
different and in the end is proven the theif.. there is a
romance with one of the migrant group and the girl.
the book opens with her in a convertible on the freeway, her
blonde hair blowing in the wind. I remember the title had
some part like the To Everything there is a season verse from
the Bible.
Annabel and Edgar Johnson, The
Rescued Heart,
1961. "Forced to spend a year at an isolated California
desert trailer camp with her parents, who are worried about her
emotional and physical health, a sixteen-year-old girl meets a
variety of drifters and migrant workers who influence her
future." I have a copy of this book and have read the first
part. It seems to be the one you are looking for.
T-303 & T-312: Aren't these two
the same book?
T304: There and Back again
Solved: There and Back
T305: Toad called Methuselah
Solved: The Tree
that Sat Down
T306: Treasure Hunt with Kwan Yin
Solved: Spiderweb for
T307: Toymaker
It is the story (as I remember it, circa
1968) of a toymaker who is given the task of building and
painting a set of wooden farm animals for a customer. He works
late into the night trying to finish the project, laboring in
dim light and with increasing fatigue. In the morning he
realizes to his dismay that he has painted the animals all sorts
of colors, none of them "correct." The toymaker fears that the
customer (or child of the customer my memory of it is vague at
best) will be disappointed with the results. Intead, he or she
finds that the wood animals are beautiful in their own unique
T308: Toys come alive in attic
*The main character was a boy, who had an
attic bedroom. *I think his toys came alive. *It
included the joke about "walking outside and stepping into a
poodle" in one of the first chapters. *There was a
character called Nebuchadnezzar. I know this because I named a
teddy bear after it. There may also be a character named
Aladdin? *The hardcover edition is dark blue and has a
white title. *One of the toys is a toy soldier... I
think. *The plot involves going over some dangerous
mountains. That's all I can remember! It was
definitely published before 1995.
Elizabeth Winthrop, The Castle in
the Attic or The
Battle for the Castle. Not sure if it would be
either of these, but they have similar elements...castle, attic,
soldier, battles...
No, I'm afraid it's not "Castle in the
Beyond the Midnight Mountains. I
have the paper back bought through a book club in 1980ish as a
T309: time, her hair grew longer the closer she got to the
black hole
Solved: The Starlight
T310: Telekinetic kids
Telekinetic kids locked in facility:
A boy tries to save someone from getting hit by a car and
somehow reveals his mental talents. He ends up being
locked in a (government?) facility for kids with special
abilities like telekinesis (and telepathy, too?). I read
this in elementary school, so it's probably from the mid-late
80s or very early 90s. I got the impression that it was
from a series. Thank you for the help. I've been
thinking about this one a lot!
Garth Nix, Shade's Children. I read this about a year ago, and can't find my
copy now to check details, but it sounds a lot like it. However
the date given is 1997 so may be too late to be the right book.
Here is a description I found online: IMAGINE A WORLD
TRUSTED In a brutal city of the future, human life is in
the hands of the evil Overlords who have decreed that no child
live a day past his fourteenth birthday. On that Sad Birthday,
the child is the object of an obscene harvest - his brains and
muscles are used to construct machine-like creatures whose sole
purpose is to kill. The mysterious Shade - once a man, but
now more like the machines he fights - recruits the few children
lucky enough to escape. He gives them food, shelter, and the
training they need to fight the Overlords. But Shade's sent many
children out on mission - and fewer of them are coming
back. By luck, cunning, and skill, four of Shade's
children - Ella, Drum, Ninde and Gold-Eye - have come closer
than any to discovering the source of the Overlords' power - and
the key to their downfall. But the closer the children get, the
more ruthless Shade seems to become....
Alexander Key, Escape to Witch
The story is about two orphans, Tony and Tia, who have moderate
paranormal abilities. After their "granny", the elderly woman
who took them in when they were very little, dies, they are
placed by social services in a juvenile detention home under
grim, unwholesome conditions. Both have repressed memories of
their past, but discover clues -- a map and a huge amount of
money -- hidden in the bottom of a leather box owned by Tia.
When a man claiming to be the brother of their deceased father
shows up at the detention center to take custody of them, they
instinctively know he is not their uncle and has ulterior
motives. With the assistance of a tough-nut inner-city Irish
priest, the pair run away, following the map's route leading
towards the Blue Ridge Mountains. As their memories begin to
return, they realize that they are actually of extraterrestrial
origin, and in the end they find their way to their own people.
Alexander Key, Return from Witch
Mountain. (1978)
I'm sorry if I gave the impression I thought T310 was Escape to
Witch Mountain. Actually I think it's the sequel. Alexander Key
hadn't intended to write one but Disney made a feature film
based on the first book and then did a sequel, Return from Witch
Mountain, so Key wrote a book based on the script. Tony and Tia
have been living among their own people and improving their
psychic abilities. On a visit to Los Angeles they are separated.
Tony uses his gift to stop a couple of accidents and is seen by
people who work for a mad scientist's experimental lab where he
has kidnapped a number of telekinetic kids to work for him (this
idea was also used by Dean R. Koontz, in "Door to December". Tia
enlists the help of a street gang to find and free Tony. The
psychic elements and the story in general are much less subtle
and more "showy" than the original (naturally, since it started
out as a movie). If T310 isn't Return from Witch Mountain, check
Door to December and see if that might be it.
The book is not Escape to Witch
Mountain, but might be Return from Witch
Mountain. The details match up -- the boy uses his
telekinetic powers to prevent an accident and draws the
attention of a mad scientist who wants to exploit the gifts of
psychic children, etc. You might look this up on amazon.com or
wikipedia. The film version starred Bette Davis and Christopher
Lee, and is regarded as high camp, but Alexander Key did write
the novelization you may have read, and put his own unique
touches in.
T311: Tall Ship Tale
I have searched Lib/Cong and they don't
have a listing that makes sense. I have a vague recollection of
a book from school. A thin paperback with a sailboat on the
front. The title that I am remembering is "A Tall Ship Sailing".
If anyone can help I am all ears. Thanks
McCloskey, Robert, Time of Wonder, 1957. If it was a picture book, two
Caldecott winners are possibilities: McCloskey's Time of
Wonder has a sailboat on blue water as the prominent
item on the cover Shulevitz's Fool of the World
and the Flying Ship has a ship sailing over green
Captain Alan Villiers, The Windjammer
Story, 1958. This
is a long shot, but...*if* the book was non-fiction and *if* the
date is right (depending on when you were in elementary school),
it's a possibility. It's subtitled on the cover, "with
School of the Sea and Sailing a Square Rigger", if that
helps. It was based on a movie. The book includes
"Diary of a Cadet Aboard the Christian Radich" [sail-training
ship], along with diagrams of a square-rigger, old sailors'
superstitions, nautical terms, and the explanation of sailing a
square-rigged ship. It is definitely "a thin paperback
with a sailboat on the front" -- the book is light blue and the
sailboat is the Christian Radich under full sail, at an angle
that makes her look tall and thin.
Hyla M. Clark (text), introductions
by Frank O. Braynard and Tony Gibbs, The Tall Ships: A
Sailing Celebration, 1976. What year did you
go to school? Could this be the book you're looking
for? This book was published in association with Operation
Sail, which celebrated the Bicentennial of the signing of the
Declaration of Independence by gathering tall ships from around
the world and sailing them into New York Harbor in time for the
1976 Independence Day celebration. Over 50 full-color
photographs, plus additional photographs in black and
white. Paperback, with a picture of a sailing ship against
the Manhattan skyline on the cover, blue borders. It's
about 130 pages long--I don't know if that's thin enough for
I have recently remembered more details. 1) Fiction novel set
in approx.1870-1910 Alaska. Female love interest is named
Florence. She has several brothers and one is named Gregory . He
marries an Indian girl.
Margaret Bell, Watch For a Tall White
Sail. (1948) I
think this may be the book you want. From an online
review: "The story is about a young girl who moves with her
family to an isolated area where the only contact with the
outside world is by sailing schooner that stopped two or three
times a year with supplies, news and mail brought by a handsome
young captain." I don't remember whether the details
match, but it definitely takes place in pioneer Alaska.
T312: Teen learning about life
Solved: The
Rescued Heart
T313: troll, stone, sunlight, and mountain
I read this book in the 1970's in my third grade classroom, so I
guess it was 1976. It had a little girl who was told a story
about some trolls that either mined silver or gold or stole it,
but somehow they had a mountain that would shine in the sun.
(It seems like they stole and hoarded treasure, but I'm not sure.)
She couldn't ever see it or them because I'm not sure she ever
believed the story, but whoever told her about it also told her
that the trolls would turn to stone if they were ever caught in
the sunlight. I think she was afraid (or at least I was!) of
some stones that were troll sized since they could have been
trolls that were caught outside once the morning rays of the sun
came. I don't remember what else happened, but at the end of
the story she believed in the trolls for some reason and thought
she caught a glimpse of the shining mountain before it disappeared
in the haze or fog or something. It was a wonderful story,
and I've been searching for it for years. It is not
THE TROLLS OF SILVER MOUNTAIN. I bought that book hoping it
was the same one, but the stories have no resemblance at all.
Enright, Elizabeth, Tatsinda, 1963. Try Tatsinda,
by Elizabeth Enright. It is a fairly short book, 65 pages. Girl
lives in a magical kingdom. She is kidnapped by a
giant/troll/ogre from the other side of the mountain. The trolls
mine "greb" inside the mountain and don't go outside during the
day. The girl's kingdom does shine in the sun. There are
pictures showing crystal palaces and houses. I hope this helps.
My stumper is definitely not TATSINDA. The main
character is a young child and is living in (basically) the real
world. No crystal palace, no kingdom, just an ordinary
kid. Also, I don't remember anything like a kidnapping taking
place at all. It was the troll mountain or treasure far away
that belonged to the trolls that was shining. Thanks for the
guess anyway though. I'll keep checking back. I want to
read it to my kids so badly!
T314: tomorrow I will build a rowboat
Solved: Me and My
Flying Machine
I hope someone can help me find my favourite book from my
childhood. Unfortunately my memory of it is now rather sparse as I
lost it in 1977 (when I was 9) when we moved house. What I can
remember was that the central character looked like a little tramp
- from memory he was similar to the Charlie Chaplin character -
but may not have been exactly so. The main concept was that each
double page spread presented him in a different situation with a
little bit of text describing the scenario. You were instructed to
"turn the page" to resolve the problem or change the situation he
was facing somehow. The main example I can remember is a
picture of him sitting with his bag by the side of a lonely
country road. You were instructed to turn the page to see a new
picture of him with a car coming along (old 1930's model I think)
for him to hitch a ride. I think the very last page showed him
walking along the road with his cloth bag on the end of a stick
(so maybe he didn't get his ride!) I may be remembering this
incorrectly but that is what sticks in my mind. I seem to remember
another scenario involving a large boat, so the overall story may
well have been about his travels around the country. I also seem
to remember that it was educational in some sense - maybe geared
towards teaching concepts like "near" and "far" for example.
I had this book from about the age of 5, so it likely pre-dates
the early 1970's. What I can remember of the style it may well
have been much earlier. Any suggestions for further research
would be greatly appreciated.
T316: Teacher in Rural Tobacco Country
I'm looking for the title/author of a book I read in English
class in Junior High School in California in the 1960's. The
plot seemed to be autobiographical, telling the story of a fellow
that came into a very rural tobacco farming area, perhaps in
Kentucky or West Virgina, and had to win the trust of the locals
in order to start teaching their kids. I think ultimately at
the end he left to become a writer.
Jesse Stuart, The Thread That Runs
So True. I
think there is a good chance T316 is The Thread That Runs
So True by Jesse Stuart, a Kentucky author.
Conroy, Pat, The Water is Wide. This is a semi-autobiographical story
written by Conroy (later, made into a movie with John Voight,
Conrak.) He travels to Yamacraw, an island off the coast
of South Carollina, to teach very poor, isolated,
African-American children. I don't know when it was
originally published, but the movie came out in 1974.
Pat Conroy, The Water is Wide, 1972. The date is wrong, and the
location, but the plot is similar.
Pat Conroy, The Water Is Wide, 1972. Don't know if this is the book you
are looking for, but here is the synopsis: A young
schoolteacher struggles to bring literacy and selfrespect to a
black backwoods South Carolina school in this affecting work. An
early, semiautobiographical novel by the author of THE LORDS OF
Martin Ritt with Jon Voight and Paul Winfield.
Stuart, Jesse, The Thread That Runs
So True. I'm sure that the book I was remembering
was "The Thread That Runs So True". Thanks so much for
the help!
Both of my book stumpers have been solved
(H172=Walker Tompkins, T316=Jesse Stuart) and I've tried to
indicate that in the reply forms, but I haven't seen that
reflected online. Thanks so much to you and the other
responders for this wonderful service.
Jesse Stuart, The Thread That Runs So
True, 1949. This
is definitely the book being sought. It is set in the
1920s, in Kentuckys rural tobacco country. Eighteen days
shy of his seventeenth birthday, Jesse Stuart begins his career
in education in Lonesome Valley Elementary School, a one
room schoolhouse in a low-literacy farming community. He
has 104 pupils on the census, but only a third attend classes:
the rest are needed for farmwork. The students have to
purchase their own books and classes are held during the summer
so that the district doesn't have to pay for textbooks or coal
to heat the schoolhouse. Mr. Stuart is also in charge of
maintaining the school grounds (painting the school, putting
lime in the outhouses) and teaching his barefooted pupils to
maintain public health (no drinking from the same dipper, no
chewing tobacco on the school grounds). For all of this work, he
earns about one-fourth as much as a worker at the local steel
mill who has a third grade education! The Water is
Wide has a similar theme, but it is set about forty
years later in an impoverished rural community in South
T317: Tobin/Tobit, statue coming to life, 'Poor Mrs. Noah'
Solved: The Children of
Green Knowe
T318: Two children, church, and creature
Book I read in the 1960's. Probably British. Title includes
a word like "Pucq" not the Kipling Pook though. Two children, a
ruined church in countryside, and a strange creature (Pucq) who
turns out to be either a gargoyle or statue from the church.
This sounds a bit like Dorothy Edwards'
'The Witches and the Grinnygog', but that has a few
more children, and the word in the title is 'Grinnygog', not
T319: Time travel
Solved: The Legion of Time
T320: Time travel girl/ seven sisters with M names
Solved: The Wicked, Wicked Ladies in the
Haunted House
T321: Thin book series
Solved: The Kids of the Polk Street
T322:Teens aspiring performers in England
Solved: The Swish of
the Curtain
T323: Three siblings solve mysteries
Solved: The Key to the
Key to the Treasure
T324: Tomato soup and crush
Solved: What's For
Lunch, Charley?
T325: Twins - boy and girl - outing
Solved: The Happy Twins
T326: Twin brothers, dark jester in old castle
Solved: Silent Stalker
T327: Thief hooked on Gilligan's Island
There's a book that I read when I was
around 10 (1990), it was a sci-fi book that featured a thief who
had gotten hooked on Gilligan's island. He stole a magic lamp.
He ended up trading places with the person in the lamp when he
made to many wishes. There was also a female charector who was
transformed into a mermaid. I truly wish that I could
remember more specifics, but 14 years really puts the bite on
the memory. I vaugely remember the mermaid wishing for her
husband to be brought back from the dead (or something along
those lines) and becoming a perfect lover for her. This caused
problems down the road when she was transformed back into a
woman and he didn't have the same flair for her then.
Jack L Chalker, Songs of the Dancing Gods, 1990,
copyright. Thief named Macore addicted to Gilligan's
Island, someone turned into mermaid, etc.
Jack L Chalker, Vengeance of the Dancing Gods,
1985, copyright. The Dancing Gods series is five books,
this person is definitely referring to either book three
(Vengeance) or book four, Songs of the Dancing Gods.
Thunder is lions or tigers in attic
I was born in 1964 and was read this book
as a child. The book was about a child who was scared of
thunderstorms and was told that the sound os thunder was lions
or tigers in the attic. There is a possiblility that
"attic" might be a word in the title.
Teen pregnancy
Solved: A Bright Penny
T330: Three Russian daughters
Solved: The Tsar and
the Amazing Cow
T331: Two old ladies living in poverty
Solved: The
Ghost of Garina Street
T332: Terrible Tomkit
Solved: The Cat Who
Went to Sea
T333: Twin sisters in a lighthouse
I am looking for a somewhat large in size (not in pages) yellow
hard copy book that I believe may have been of different stories
but the one that stands out is about twin sisters with black
braided hair who live in a lighthouse. Yhere is a picture of an
oval braided rug and a black cat that I remember. It was read to
me in the early 1960's and was a new book when I received it.
I think the person is thinking of THE
KELLYHORNS by Barbara Cooney, 1942,
republished by Volo in 2001. When Penny meets Pamela at the
fair, they look somewhat alike (brown pigtails, brown
eyes, but one has bangs and some freckles). The father does live
in a lighthouse, and if the names Aunt Ivory, Barnabas and
Barney ring a bell, then this is the right book~from a librarian
T334: Traveler
In the early 1970's my mother bought an illustrated book through
my elementary school for me and my siblings. The hero was a
traveler (Western European, Middle Ages)who comes across various
characters with transforming powers (Man-to-fire, man-to-rope)and
saves them from predicements. They in turn help him complete
a task for a king who rewards the traveler. When someone
asks one of the transforming characters why the traveler should
get credit when the "transformers" did most of the work, the
transformer replied "he lead us".
Jay Williams, The King with Six
Popular title!
T335: Tim and Sue Bible Stories
I'm not sure if this is technically a
book...when I was in highschool in the 80s, I did Bible
storytelling competitions using stories about a boy named Tim,
his sister Sue, mother, father and grandfather. They were
always the focus of the story, and then the father would be
telling a Bible story to Tim & Sue. One year I used
Noah, the next the woman who lost her gold coin. My old
youth leader said the stories were taken from a story folder at
the church that I'm not sure exists anymore. It basically
was always the same family, and usually worded as "Tim, his
sister Sue, mother, father and grandfather" - although
grandfather may have just been in the Noah story. I
desperately need to find these stories but have no idea if they
are a book, and who wrote them.
Roberts, Susan B, Tim and Sue: tell-me-time stories and Bible verses,
G/L Publications, 1967. James R Padgett, illus. / 31 pgs.
/ Gospel Light Publications / title on cover: Everyday With Tim
and Sue / Gospel Light has many Bible curriculum
materials, so maybe the sheets you were using came from one of
those instead of the book I found, but it's a starting place for
you to search. Good luck!
Hi - I'm the one who originally posted this stumper. Today,
someone sent me a website for out of print books and I found
it. It's on it's way so hopefully soon I'll know if this
is the right book or not. Thank you!!!
I ordered Everyday with Tim and Sue and this is NOT the
book. This was longer stories, that included father
telling Tim and Sue Biblical stories, like Noah's Ark, or
Moses. They were long enough that when I read them for my
competitions, it took about 10 minutes. Thanks
T336: Train in magical/musical land (Christian book?)
I have very happy, but very vague memories
of this book! My mom bought it at a Christian book store (I
believe) in the early-mid '70s. It pictured a whimsical train
winding through a fantastic land...perhaps musical? I seem to
remember some brightly colored muscial notes...maybe coming out
of the train? It probably had some sort of moral lesson to
teach. That's all I can remember! Hope you can help
Agapeland, The Music Machine, 2006, reprint. Could this maybe be the
Music Machine series from Agapeland? I remember them when I was
growing up as Tapes or LPs with an accompanying book and each
story was about a fruit of the spirit (ie love, patience,
self-control). The very first book/record in the series was
about the two little kids who were in most of the stories
meeting a man called the conductor who had a machine that looked
a little bit like a train, but when you put a word or something
into it, it would turn out a song about whatever that word was.
Sorry I can't elaborate anymore. My memory's fuzzy on the
details and I don't have any of them handy. Maybe check out
www.imusicmachine.com to see if anything there is at all
Thank you so much for your suggestion, but unfortunately it's
not The Music Machine. That is a chapter book (we
own the book and tape)and the one I am searching for is
definitely a picture book. But I really appreciate your kind
T337: Twins: one adopted, one in asylum
Solved: Stranger With
My Face
T338: tomboy gets hair caught in brambles
Solved: You Were Princess Last Time
T339: Traveler transforming powers Middle-Ages
Solved: The King With
Six Friends
T340: Twins
Solved: Summer of the
T341: Treasure Diving Bermuda
1950s. A favorite book of mine when I
was growing up was about several teenagers, (I think one girl
and two boys), who lived in Bermuda and had adventures diving
for sunken treasure. I remember particularly a quote from a
character who stated the he was present when Teddy Tucker, (a
real-life treasure diver), came up with a gold crucifix studded
with emeralds. The girl was kind of a tomboy, but was
transformed into a young lady when the boy took her to a dance
at the fanciest hotel on the island, the Bermudiana. I would
love to the find the title.
Don Stanford, The Treasure of the
Coral Reef, 1956.
Never give up on Google! After trying numerous combinations of
search words, I finally found the book. I was able to buy it
on-line, and even though I had last read it roughly 50 years
ago, (good grief!!), I was amazed at how much I remembered when
I re-read it. Even though the solution did not come from Book
Stumper, the site is wonderful!. Thanks.
T342: Telekinetic powers
Solved: Missing Man
T343: Tennis-female-teenager-sister-murder
I read this book sometime in the early 80's
and am reasonably certain it's American. The plot revolved
around a female teenage tennis player who was generally doing
very well in tournaments however, whenever she came up against a
particular girl she would lose, even though she was a superior
player. Eventually, I'm pretty sure that the tennis
player's sister murdered the opponent. I think also that
there was some issue between the sisters and while I'm not 100%
it may have been that the tennis player had accidentally knocked
boiling water over her sister when they were both young, which
resulted in the sister having scarring on her face. I
would very much appreciate any help and thanks in advance.
Rosemary Wells, When No One Was
Looking. Almost
certain this is the one: Kathy is a young tennis player
with enough drive, attitude, and talent to go right to the top.
And it seems that everyone around her has a stake in her
success. So, when Kathy is presented with an opponent she can't
beat, and a tragedy occurs, everyone's motives are questioned.
They all want victory badly-but would anyone really kill for it?
T344: Tadpole
I am looking for a book that I used to have
as a child (in the early 1970s). It was about a
tadpole turning into a frog and all of the stages that it
went through. I believe (but I am not sure) that it
was illustrated in color. I do not remember anything else
about it. If someone could please help me with this
stumper I would be a very happy fellow...
T344: Fish is Fish by Leo
Lionni? Not sure if what you're looking for is fiction or
nonfiction. Lionni's book is more about the fish that is friends
with a tadpole. They both grow and learn to accept their
differences - especially the fish's inability to travel outside
the water.
T345: Travellers
My mother read this book as a child and
would be very interested to find it again. Three men, one tall,
one wide and one small. They are travelling across the country,
and the tall man gets them through a tall forest by being able
to walk and carry them over trees. The wide man can get them
across a river by being able to block or suck the water and the
small man is able to crawl under something (she can't remember
what) to aid them on their journey. Hoping you can assist.
I like the echoes to The Five Chinese Brothers
here, but there are no travellers in that tale.
Not a solution, but there are variations on
this theme. Tall, Wide, and Sharp-Eye
a Czech Tale (Mirko Gabler, 1994) "On his way to rescue a
princess held captive in the castle of an evil sorcerer, a
Bohemian prince is helped by three extraordinary friends."
Also-- High, Wide, And Handsome & Their Three Tall
Tales (Jean Merrill, 1964).
Mirko Gabler, Tall, Wide, and
Sharp-Eye. This
might be the one- three travelers save a princess from a wizard
by using their special skills. There's another similar
book - Long, Broad and Quickeye by Evaline
Michelow Ness.
Gerald J. Pyle, Wonder Tales
Retold,1953. I also have a version of this story in a book
called It Must be Magic, book four of the
Wonder-Story Books. The tale "Long, Broad and Sharpsight"
is credited as adapted from Gerald Pyle's Wonder Tales
Retold. The king sends his son to find a
princess, and of course he must rescue her from a wicked
magician. Long can get as tall as he needs to, Broad can expand
and suck up rivers in their way, and Sharpsight can break up
rocks with his vision and well as see where the princess is
being held.
T346: Tatitulous
Solved: Tittivulus
T347: two kids in the city solve a mystery
I read this in the 80's. Does anyone
remember an old children's mystery book where two best friends
(boy & girl) one of them named alex, I think... Solve a
mystery about something to do with her dead great
grandparents. During the victorian times the house was
used for seances and tarot card readings and her great
grandparents believed in the supernatural so much and then lost
faith in it. The ending has the two kids in the villians'
house and she gets cut on the back of the hand with a
sword. It begins with the two of them dreading having to
paint her grandmother's porch and in the end they have to paint
it as punishment for disobeying and placing themselves in
danger. This is all I remember and I am desperate to find
this book! It is driving me crazy! Thanks!
Georgess McHargue, The Talking Table Mystery, 1977,
copyright. I'm almost positive this is the book they're
looking for. I couldn't find a summary anywhere on-line (I
think it's out of print), but they've pretty much described it,
anyway. The girl's name was Anne or Anna and I think the
kids had guinea pigs as pets.
Georgess, The Talking Table
Mystery, 1977.
I think the first suggestion is right. Annie and her friend How
(short for Howard) help her Aunt Dove clean out her basement. They
find a little table and a bundle of papers that they take home.
The table was once used for seances, but Annie's great-grandfather
discovered that they were faked and confiscated the table. Someone
kidnaps How's guinea pigs to get the papers and injures Annie with
a sword at the end.
T348: travelling with kitten
Solved: Caroline's
Grand Tour
T349: thin and fat peoples
Solved: Fattipuffs
& Thinnifers
T350: Tiny Tina
Solved: All Through the Day
T351: Treeless paved-over world
Solved: The Endless
T352: Throw your mind
Looking for a book about a young boy who
could "throw his mind" into other animals (and people too, but
preferred not to). A loner; his mother (and stepfather?) think
badly of him. A vet treating a horse is suspicious when the boy
can tell him what's wrong with the horse. Boy is killed by a
kick from a horse when his mind was inside a flying bird, and he
happily goes on from animal to animal, now bodyless.
Allan Eckert, Song of the Wild,
1980. This is the book about
the kid who can "throw" his mind into other animals. What
a cool gift! Really nice book
I read it myself and enjoyed it.
T353: Twins from various countries
Solved: Twins Series
T354: Two tigers
Solved: Tyger Voyage
T355: Time Travel & a Pet Dinosaur
Solved: Great Bungee
T356: Tobie and the pony
Children's book about a horse (pony) that gets in trouble for
getting into paint that the boy (Toby/Tobie, I think) was supposed
to paint the barn with. I had 2 copies mid/early 1970's. If
I remember correctly, the book size was about half average size
and NOT a paperback.
James Otis, Toby Tyler. I haven't read this book, but I know it's about
a boy who runs away to join the circus. In the 60's, my
sister had an edition from Disney which I think was a smaller
hardback version. I think the cover had a dark pink
Frances Frost, Windy
Foot series, late 1940s, approximate. I
think you may be looking for one of the Windy Foot
books. Boy named Toby, Shetland pony named Windy
Foot. Several stories about farm life in the late 1940s
early 1950s.
T357: Treasure hunt caper with psychedelic cover
Solved: Mystery in
Longfellow Square
T358: Treasure hunt
Solved: The Secret
Secret Hide-Out
T359: Twllyp
I've long tried to figure out the name and author of a science
fiction book or story I read when I was about 12. But all I
have to go on is that a character from another world came to earth
for a visit, and his name was something like "Twyllyp". That
may not even be close, I remember I couldn't pronounce it.
It may have an "x" or even a "q". Pretty sure it started
with a "T"! Is it hopeless? Thanks, love this site. I
found another book I had long searched for.
Schmidt, Stanley, Tweedlioop, 1986. Tweedlioop - who certainly has an
unusual name - is a peaceful alien who happens to look just like
the squirrels on earth. It was a novel for adults,
however. Perhaps it's your missing book? It was reprinted
in 2002, with a different cover.
Laura Bannon, Twirlup On The Moon,
1964. If it isn't the
first suggestion, it could be this book, about another unusually
named alien starting with T. ".... Is there really a
twirlup? Laura Bannon makes this ambitious little animal
so believable that you'll feel sure he exists. Dippy, the
kangaroo rat, who tells the twirlup's story, patiently puts up
with being called Drippy, Chippy and Snippy. Almost
without knowing how, he finds himself working on the twirlup's
wonderful scheme to launch a manned moon shot, or perhaps it's
accurate to say a twirlupped moon shot. Swiftly, a lizard,
unluckily becomes part of the project. He has never been
one to keep a secret, and thus the climax of the twirlup's work
and inventiveness has a more unusual audience than any ever
gathered at Cape Kennedy. Here's an amusing spoof on our
ambitions to get to the moon. What's more, it introduces a
whole colony of little desert creatures, Laura Bannon's lively
imagination is at its best in this new tale, and her original
sketches have been carefully completed by Will Gordon, a
talented artist in his own right ...."
Peter Farrow and Diane Lampert, Twyllyp, 1963,
T360: Time travel to Jack Ripper
I am looking for a young adult book published in the 1970's,
hardback with a magenta pink/red cover that depicts crude,
colorful drawings of 2 girls, one short, fat with glasses and one
thin, tall, with long hair. It is about 2 girls who find a ?watch
that enables them to travel in time. They travel back to the
time of Jack the Ripper. I remember a description of them eating
fish and chips out of a newspaper cone. It's a dark story; I
believe they witness a murder. I remeber blood, anyway. I think
the tall girl's name is Stephanie. If anyone can locate this book,
I will be most grateful. I have been looking for this for, well,
decades! BTW, what a wonder service you offer! I have found most
of my childhood faves just by reading previous stumpers!
T361: Two women and a crate
Solved: The Journeys of
McGill Feighan Trilogy
T362: Train themed reader 19th century
This was an elementary reader used in the 70s. All of the stories
were set in one 19th century American town where kids saw
inventions like bicycles and gas lamps. There was a train theme
and I'm pretty sure a locomotive was on the cover. In one chapter,
the kids have to stand very still for a photograph in
uncomfortable clothes.
Miriam E. Mason, Smiling Hill Farm, 1937. Hi, this book might be the answer
to the T362 poster. Story of a pioneering family from
Virginia who settles down in Indiana, their children grow up,
etc. It is divided up into 3 sections, Pioneer Days, the Red
Brick House, and the New Pioneers. Each section has
dates the dates for the Red Brick House are 1847-1857 and
covers turnpike roads, stagecoaches, cookstoves, clocks,
steamboats, threshing machines, kerosene lamps, and a train.
Lots of illustrations in black, red, and white. My children read
this book when I homeschooled them and they enjoyed it.
Engine Whistles/The New Engine
Whistles. This one is from the Alice and Jerry
series of primers, although it doesn't feature the Alice and
Jerry characters. It is the sequel to "Singing
Wheels", which covers the early history of the Hastings family
in the town of Hastings Mills. "Engine Whistles"
takes up the story of a new generation in the same town (now
called Hastings) at the turn of the century.
O’Donnell, Mabel. Engine
illus by Hoopes & Hoopes. Row, Peterson,
1942. school used 1951-54.
Alice & Jerry Reading Foundation. Worn,
G-. [SQ17634] $14 |
T363: three squirrels
1960? It was a big, yellow book with
blue cursive writing on the cover saying, "the three squirrels"
or three little squirrels or the frisky squirrels. The art work
was fabulous and the sory was about three mischevious squirrels
who left their nest and got in trouble or got lost. They ran
into Mrs. magpie and Mr. hedgehog as well as others.....I hope
you can find it!!!!
Margaret Friskey, Three Smart
Squirrels and Squee,1942. It actually has 4
squirrels on the cover. Long shot, but who knows.
T364: three generations pioneer families maybe
Solved: Smiling
Hill Farm
T365: tree, giant
This book revolved around a gigantic tree
(oak?) that sat on a hill in/near a town and was sort of magic,
I think. It seemd to have an impact on many of the
townspeople's lives. I remember that some carved their
initials into its trunk. Unfortunately I can't remember
any real plot details; only that the tree might have had some
sort of mysterious power. In my recollection, the book was
not a children's book but was aimed more at young adults.
Holling Clancy Holling, The Tree in
the Trail. Since
nobody has suggested this one yet, I'll try. This is a
book (detailed picture book format, like the rest of Holling's
books) about a cottonwood tree in the Southwest, that plays a
part in all kinds of events that go on around it. At the
end it gets made into a yoke for oxen, and still has the marks,
bullet holes etc. that people made in the wood.
Holling Clancy Holling, Tree in the Trail.No, this
isn't right (but thank you for the suggestion). The book
was not a "picture" book although it may have had some
artwork. Anyway, the tree was much, much bigger. I
think so big that many people would have to stand around it to
hold hands around its trunk.
Janet Taylor Lisle, The
Great Dimpole Oak, 1987, copyright. This
might be the book you're looking for. I have a copy of it and it
does mention people carved their initials and stuff in it, and
the tree is very important to the people in the town. There are
a few illustrations in the copy I have but it isn't a picture
T366: Teenage girl named Lexi in a rock band
There was a series of books in the 1980s
about a teenage girl named Lexi who moves to Soho to live with
her aunt after her father dies. She forms a band with some
guys (I think one of them was named Harrison). I remember
odd little details about the books: She liked to jump
rope, she once wore her father's white tuxedo jacket, someone
who auditioned for the band was described as "a dead ringer for
David Lee Roth," she had a crush on an older guy whose
girlfriend was a rock journalist who made baked spaghetti for
Lexi once. I hope you can help me out. No one has
ever known what I'm talking about!
Thornton, Jane Foster, Close Harmony,1984.When Harrison Hughes has a near-fatal
accident, the band is left without a lead guitarist so
super-talented Josh is chosen as his replacement, but will there
be a place in the band for Harrison when he recovers and will
Josh be Lexi's ticket to romance? It's #2 in the Electric
High series.
T367: time travel thru fog
Solved: Fog Magic
T368: Telekinetic kids
This was one of my favorite sci-fi /
fantasy books when I was in elementary school (mid-90s), and have
been searching everywhere to try and figure out what it was -
hopefully someone here will be able to help.
What I remember of the book is that
it is about these two kids who either walk into a strange store,
or see a strange ad that they respond to, and discover that they
can develop amazing brain powers (the ability to control things
with their minds and whatnot). However, they can't afford to buy
whatever it is that will amplify their brains enough to get it to
work, so they go home and experiment on their own, until they are
able to use a coathanger (I think) to develop these powers. Then
they go back to the guy that told them about it, and he realizes
that these kids have amazing powers, and so he takes them to
either another dimension or another planet or something along
those lines, where they have to save the day. As I said, the
memories are vague and not too helpful, but if anyone has any idea
of the book that I'm thinking of, I would be very grateful.
Daniel Pinkwater, Alan
Mendelsohn, the Boy from Mars.
train, girl named Cathy, suitcase
I would have read this book around 1975-1979. It was about
a girl named Cathy who took a train with her suitcase. I
remembe the suitcase being one of the round ones.
One of the Cathy books by Catherine
Woolley maybe? Titles are: 1. A Room for Cathy,
2. Miss Cathy Leonard, 3. Cathy Leonard
Calling, 4. Cathy's Little Sister, 5.
Chris in Trouble, 6. Cathy and the
Beautiful People, & 7. Cathy Uncovers a
Secret. My guess is it's 3 or 4. Woolley is also the
author of the Ginnie series.
V.C. Andrews, Flowers In The
Attic, 1979. Cathy, along with her mother,
brothers, and sister go to live with her grandparents when her
father dies. They go by train. At the end of the book, Cathy,
her sister, and one of her brothers get on a train and run away.
There are five books in the series.
I posted this inquiry-- it is not the
V.C. Andrews book. I am not sure if it is one of the
Cathy books as I have been unable to find summaries on any of
them :( I'm actually wondering if the girl's name was
T370: traceable paper dolls
I am looking for a vintage children's book,
probably from the 1940's. It has an orange leatherette
binding and is probably about 11" x 14." It contains
miscellaneous stories and activities. The activity that
will identify the book for me is traceable paper dolls that
include a picture of a table and a bed. The child can cut
a slit into each and insert the paper dolls into them so that it
looks as if they're actually sitting at the table or lying in
the bed.
T371: two stories about a bunny
Solved: The Mother
Rabbit's Son Tom
T372: teenage girl in France
I am looking for a young adult fiction book from the late 1970s
or very early 1980s. A coming of age novel about a teenage
girl in France who goes to school in Paris. She falls in love with
an older man who is the father of her best friend and an
artist. I remember that she rides her bike to school and
that she runs away from home to her lover's studio. And that
she has her heart broken by the older man.
Madeleine L'Engle, The Small Rain. Not sure about this one but thought it might be
worth a look. The girl is actually in Switzerland at a
boarding school, not France.
Oh, I think I remember this one too (though
not the name of the book, unfortunately). It does take
place in France and I remember that the girl poses nude for an
artist/the lover?
janine boissard, A Matter of
feeling, 1980. Pauline is one of four girls,
growing up in France. She falls in love with an older man who is
an artist. Her father is a doctor. Her youngest sister Cecile
gets on a quiz show, and wins support for an aging horse loved
by an older sister Bernadette.
T373: two princesses
Solved: the Djinn
T374: teenage girl, colony, radiation
Solved: Keeper
Isis Light
T375: teenage girl, witch, Matthew Hopkins Witchfinder
Matthew Hopkins Witchfinder link. This was
an English children's book I think I read in the early eighties.
Teenage girl has a link with a witch from the past (relative?).
Book used a copy of a famous illustration of Matthew Hopkins
interviewing a witch about her familiars - Vinegar Tom, Holt,
Pyewackett etc. The plot drew from real events in the sixteenth
century including burning witches. I think it was a bit sad..
T376: tilly goes to college
Solved: I'll Find My
T377: teenage girl, midwest, city girls
after i finished anne emery's dinny gordon
series (in the early 1970s), i began another series which i now
cannot find. the main character is like dinny gordon: teenage
girl living in the midwest. she has an older brother and his
friend becomes the girl's steady boyfriend. he gives her her
first orchid corsage. the brother and friend plan an extensive
bicycle trip for the summer, but plans are changed when a
sophisticated city girl comes to visit, with tales of the stork
club and nights out in new york. the song 'smoke gets in your
eyes' is played repeatedly by the mooning young girl in her
room, i remember distinctly. please help! i'd love to buy these
books for my niece.
Rosamond du Jardin, Wait For Marcy.
This is Wait For
Marcy, late forties or very early fifties.
There are several more in the series: A Man For
Marcy, Marcy Catches Up, and Senior Prom.
T378: time travel in museum
Solved: Summer Magic
T379: train woman
This story I'm looking for is in an adult's
short story book I got from the Ohio library system, and I can't
find it again. The story is about a woman who is locked in
a room by a man, never allowed to get out. Her only
contact with the outside world is the train that comes by every
day. She waves her hanky out the bars of the window.
The engineer thinks she's just waving, and he waves back, but
she's really trying to get their attention as a cry for
help. This story is part of a book of stories of terror,
or something like that. I would appreciate any help you
can give me.
Robert Aickman, The
Trains. Your description of the woman
waving at the train intrigued me enough to do some sniffing around
and I may have a long shot, Aickman's
story The
Trains. I haven't been able to track down the actual
story, but the details sound right: two women hiking in the
countryside run across a strange house inhabited by a mysterious
man. There may be a murder, one of the women ends up hiding in the
attic, futilely waving at the trains. It's in a place called the
Quiet Valley and the trains are rather ghostly in aspect. Hopes
this gives you something to go on.
T380: two sisters, mandrake root, guilty uncle
Solved: The Saint Game
T381: town where no one reads
Solved: Aunt Chip and
the Great Triple Creek Dam Affair
T382: transatlantic romance, sea captain, duel
Solved: Devil's Embrace
T383: teen boy, sailboat, criminals, chase
The book was published in WWII, a teen boy
is trying to raise money, for college (I think). His
father is in the military overseas. He lives in or near a
seaside town along the Atlantic. I recall one money-making
scheme was to rent salvaged (I think) rowboats and one of the
crooks reported him for renting unsafe boats. At the end,
he is trying to get to town in his sailboat in rough weather
with a powerboat chasing him. He cuts across a swampy
peninsula separating his position from the town, the powerboat
goes around and he beats them.
T384: teen boy, ginseng valley, New Jersey, sheep
A teenage boy trying to raise money for
college finds a valley in New Jersey's swampland where a ginseng
hunter once lived. He hunts ginseng too, and uses the
money raised to bring in valuable (angora?) sheep one at a time
to the valley from which they are able to run free, unable to
escape. His friend comes in with him, they fix up the
ginseng hunter's cabin and stay there from time to time. I
seem to recall they find the ginseng hunter's cache of ginseng
("sang") and resolve a spooky mystery when it turns out
odd-looking corner-of-the-eye visions accompanied by loud,
blood-curdling cries turn out to be a type of woodpecker.
Eda and Richard Crist, The Secret of
Turkeyfoot Mountain, 1957
T385: Teen Girl Goes to Rainforest to find father
A young girl, almost ready to graduate high
school, goes to the rain forest to meet with her father.
She meets with his college aged assistant, Brad, who she is
suspicious of at first. The two are on the run from some
people who are after her father. The stay at in a small
village where Brad at one point says that she is married to him
and at another point he warns her of taking a bath nude in the
river because of nasty fish that would surprise her. At
the end of the book she is screaming to Brad and he tells her
that he'll see her in college (they both go to Columbia I
believe). It was written and put out somewhere in the
mid-90's, but before 1997.
T386: Teddy bears, Giggly, Wiggly, Mumity
What I am looking for is a vintage story
book- I don't know how old, but at least 1950's, if not earlier.
There are color illustrations of teddy bears on a
merry-go-round, playing in water, eating at a picnic. I can
remember three of the character's names, Giggly and Wiggly (girl
bears), and their mom, Mumity (British?). The book was large,
maybe 14" or so...? x about 10". All the bears have little
outfits on, and I seem to remember there were little mice with
them most of the time. Any ideas??? Thanks!
Nell Stomp Smock, Wiggly and Giggly, Little Twin
T387: tourmaline mine in the wilderness
Solved: Mystery Trail
T388: three siblings in wartime Poland
Solved: Escape from
T389: teen girl with "Casey" cut into her forehead
Solved: A
Slipping Down Life
T390: twins find God after boarding school antics
Solved: The Mystifying Twins
T391: Tom boy turned popular
Solved: My Sister, Mike
T392: Treasury of Children's ___
I think it was a large hardbound book with
a whitish cover similar to the "Golden Treasury of Myths and
Legends" and included some Hilaire Belloc cautionary tales
-Matilda who told such lies, and Henry King who ate little bits
of string. Possibly also "Dora and the Dreadful Dragon of
Dundeadle". I read it to our children here in England in the
late 60s, early 70s. The illustrations were contemporary, line
and wash drawings. Would love to find it for my grandchildren.
Many thanks for any help.
T393: Talking horse, girl, horse shows
I read a chilren's book in elementary
school about a girl and a tlking horse One of them may have been
named Virginia. I don't remember the title or author. The horse
helped the girl to compete in horse shows. It was a really great
book! Thanks for helping! Thanks for any assistance in helping
me to find this title. I would love to read it again.
Hallowell, P. C., Dinah and
Virginia. Was already under V20.
T394: Teen does archeology for juvenile detention
I'm looking for a young adults book I read
in the 70s, called something like Smugglers' Cove. Maybe
published by Scholastic. It's about a teenager who does
something bad and gets juvenile detention of a kind. He agrees
to work at some place in Mexico or somewhere, maybe archeology,
and has adventures - like a less goodytooshoes Hardy Boys kind
of vibe. The cover featured an old artefact, like a tiny stone
animal's head, lying amid some green leaves, grass or ivy. I'd
guess about 160 pages long...
Georgess McHargue, The
Turquoise Toad Mystery, 1980. Could this be
it? The title isn't similar, but Scholastic reprints often
changed the hardcover title to something "more appealing". The
summary is "After thirteen-year-old Ben and his pet coati Frito
join a group of archaeologists looking for Indian artifacts in
the Arizona desert, they help expose a ring of thieves." She
wrote at least one or two other mysteries. I don't know if they
featured the same character, but it might be worth looking into.
T395: Train travel, Phoebe Snow
Solved: Phoebe Snow
T396: Three Southern Orphan Brothers
My request was for a paperback book
published in the 1980's about 3 orphaned brothers living in the
South, one brother is crippled, the youngest is a toddler on a
bottle. They put the toddler's bottle nipple on a Pepsi
bottle. They eat grits. They live beside a grocery store.
They make a sled for the crippled brother. Thank You , for any
assistance, I realize this is not much to go on.
T397: Teen boy leaves circus for farm
Solved: Sawdust In His
T398: Teenage Ski Story circa 1970
Solved: Race the Wild Wind
T399: Two boys in a cave
As a young teen (about 1970) I read a book about two boys, one
Caucasian and one Native American, who found a cave. There
were horses in the book, and it had a western theme, and I thought
it was called THE CRYSTAL CAVE, but when I search for it under
that name, all I get is the Merlin story. This book was a
sort of mystery and coming-of-age book, and I would like to read
it aloud to my family. Can you help??
T400: Toymaker, twins, mountains
Book about twins who have special powers if
they stick together (hold hands), an evil magician under a
mountain (possibly a toymaker, or the twins' father is the
toymaker) who is moving the mountain to destroy a town. The
twins' hands are tied together to ward off evil but can't turn
the wheel to stop the mountain. I remember one part where the
father tries to help the twins but magician turns the father's
blood to water.
T401: Time travel, anthology
When I was a teenager I read a short story, in an anthology of
them , about time travel. A family was going west in a covered
wagon during pioneer days and one of their children got
sick. The father was desperate and he left and started
walking, through the desert, and somehow traveled through time,
and came upon what was described as a "forest of trees without
leaves" which was a line of power poles. He followed it to a
modern roadside store, by a paved road, and the proprietor gave
him some penicillin, which he walked back into the desert with,
and back in time to his sick child. I think he traded a rifle for
the medicine. I read this story in about 1974. It was a science
fiction anthology and was in the adult section of the library,
probably meant for juveniles.
I don't know the name of this story, but it
was a Twilight Zone episode, so it is probably in one of the
published Twilight Zone anthologies. Rod
Serling wrote a lot of those stories himself, so it might
be worth doing a search under his name.
A Hundred Yards Over the Rim, Rod
Rod Serling, A Hundred Yards over the
Rim, 1961. This is a
Twilight Zone episode and must have appeared in an anthology of
stories based on the show.
Rod Serling, A Hundred Yards Over the
Rim, 1961. Rod
Serling wrote this story--A Hundred Yards Over the
Rim--for his Twilight Zone series. It has
probably appeared in various sci-fi anthologies.
Actually, while many of the stories
broadcast on "The Twilight Zone" were also rewritten as short
stories and published in collections credited to Serling, I
can't find that "A Hundred Yards Over the Rim" was among them,
at least under that title. Serling's *script* for that
show was published in the July 1982 issue of
MAGAZINE (vol. 2 no. 4 pp.89+ ). Aside from
the collections credited to Serling (most or all of which were
first published as Bantam mass-market pb
originals), at least two collections were written by Walter B.
Gibson (better known, as "Maxwell Grant," as the creator of THE
SHADOW). Since I don't recognize the titles of the stories
in that collection, I suspect he retitled the stories he adapted
and this may possibly be among them. Gibson's collections
Grosset & Dunlap hc) and ROD SERLING'S TWILIGHT ZONE
REVISITED (1964 Grosset & Dunlap hc). The former
includes a story titled "Back There" and the latter a story
titled "Beyond the Rim," either of which *might* describe the
story recalled. Full contents of both are listed online.
T402: the train is late
early/mid 1950's. "the train is late. tommy is ready to go.
Toot! Toot! Here comes the train."
George S Zaffo, Tommy on the Train, 1946, Saalfield Pub. Co., 24 pg., ill (some
color), 21x26 cm. Descriptions online look like it's got
spiral binding and 4 moveable pull tabs, but sorry - no plot
Can you keep on searching for T402?? i showed my dad and he
doesn't think it's the correct one by the cover, spiral and
pop-ups. he remembers it being a smaller book (little
golden size) and he thought tommy was on the train looking
out the window on the cover. guess i should have really picked
his brain before i submitted it.
T403: Thirteenth Witch, 1970s
I remember a story in a Halloween anthology for kids. It
might have been called "The Thirteenth Witch." It was about a
little girl who was having a witch-themed Halloween party and her
aunt dressed up and came to the party pretending to be a real
witch, fooling the children. Days before the party, a blind broom
salesman came to the door and sold the aunt a strange broom. The
aunt said it tried to twist in her hands. There was all kinds of
delicious party food, like an orange-frosted cake in the pantry.
At the end of the story, the girl realizes her aunt was the
mysterious thirteenth witch. But her little sister, Mary, remains
fooled, because she is "only eight."
T404: Topsy-Turvy Family
I'm afraid I can give you little to go on. I remember a
book which I thought was called the Topsy-Turvy Family, but I can
find no reference to it anywhere. It was a chapter book and I
think it was on the shelf near Lenski and Lovelace. I'd love to
find it again!
Emma L. Brock, The Topsy-Turvy
Family, 1943,
copyright. Not on the same shelf with Lenski and Lovelace,
but the title is right. The adventures of Tim and Debby
Wiggins in their prairie pioneer home in Minnesota. This book
was reprinted in the 1960s. Cover is yellow, with picture of
Tim, Debby, a baby, a couple of geese, a dog, and a pig. In the
background are, from left to right, sunbeams, a rainbow, and
dark storm clouds/rain.
Francesca Simon, The Topsy Turvies. Probably not your book as it is a
picture book from 2005 but it is about a Topsy Turvy
Family. I don't suppose you could be thinking about the
books about the Peterkins family by Lucretia Hale?
If you have any more detailed information about the content of
the book- what the family was like that made them "topsy-turvy"-
it would help in the search.
Brock, Emma L., The Topsy-turvy
family, 1943,
copyright. New York: Knopf, 86 p., [8] leaves of plates :
ill. (some col.) 21 cm.
Peter Newell , Topsys & Turvys. I have this book that you are looking
for, excellent condition, $7.00 with free shipping. Thank you Topsys
Turvys by Peter Newell, Dover Pubns, soft
T405: Teens on Hostel Trip
Two or Three for the Road??, mid-fifties, juvenile.
Two teen girls get permission to bike through New England one
summer. They have a budget to follow from the Youth Hostel
Assocation. On the way they run into a funny crook named George.
He thinks they have an item of his and follows them on the ferry
to Nantucket or Martha's Vineyard. I would love to know the
title of this book and if it is still around. I read it in junior
High. Thanks for any help!!
T406: Teen short story collections
Solved: The Boy Upstairs and other stories
T407: Three-volume set of children's literature, colorful
In around 1956, I had a three-volume set of children's
literature. For many decades, I have searched in vain
for this set of books, to have and read again. There were
several distinguishing features that I can recall: 1) The
volumes were somewhat colorful: One, I believe Volume 1, was pink,
one bright blue, and the third volume canary yellow. Each
was several inches thick, and there may have been a picture
displayed on the front covers. This part is hazy, but it
think it's correct. 2) The first volume contained
stories pitched at younger readers, with the third yellow volume
containing stories for young adults. The 2nd volume
contained material that was in the middle. 3) They
were all rather lavishly and arrestingly illustrated, full of
fairies, witches, demons, and other more real-life
situations. Can you possibly hazard a guess at what this set
was, given my memories?
Andrew Lang, The Pink Fairy Book. Could this possibly be the Fairy
book series by Andrew Lang? These had
pictures on the front, and were different colors. See if
these are familiar:
http://www.mythfolklore.net/andrewlang/. I don't think
these were grouped by the age of the reader, though.
T408: Teenage girl babysits sick baby
The book would have been written back in the 1970s. I was
in the 3rd or 4th grade and that's when I read it, so I'm assuming
that is when it was published. It was about a teenage age
girl by the name of "Julie", I think. I believe her last
name was "Meyers". I believe part of the title of the book
may have the word "Camden" or perhaps the city where the story is
set. "Julie" was going to babysit the neighbor's new born
baby. I believe the baby's name was "Amy" and the family's
last name was "Estes". "Amy" got real sick with a fever and
was red and crying. "Julie" had to call her mother and ask
what to do about it. That's all I remember. Also, it
was a softcover book larger than a paperback, and the cover of the
book has a picture of "Julie" with long blonde hair and not
smiling (I think). I hope you can help. Thank
you! :)
T409: time travel, safety pin
Solved: Saturday, the
Twelfth of October
T410: Teen girls love same boyfriend
Teen book from the early to mid 90's about two best
friends. One of them falls in love with the other's
boyfriend. I believe the boyfriend works on planes or owns
one. I remember there was a scene with two on a couch in an
airport hangar. I think there were also several scenes on a
porch swing. I think the ending was the friend finally
realizing her boyfriend and her best friend should end up
together. Any help identifying the title and author would be
greatly appreciated!
Sebestyen, The Girl in the Box, 1989. It's a bit of a long
shot, but could it be this book? Jackie has been kidnapped and is
imprisoned alone in a dark room with only a typewriter for
company. She touch-types her story, including how her best friend
April and the boy, she loves, Zack, betray her and fall for each
other. I dimly recall a scene in an airport hangar.
T411: Two girls friends dollhouse big house on hill
Solved: Two
are Better than One
T412: telekinetic kid plays pranks
I think this one is a long shot but it's been driving me nuts
lately. This is a book about a highchool kid with telekinesis. In
doing my own searches it is not science fiction nor does he
communicate with anyone from another planet. As far as I can
recollect he plays pranks. I also remember it being fairly
esoteric (for my 13 year old mind) His first telekinetic act was
to either move a brick, or a book. I have an image of a scene with
him in a library playing pranks, as well as a science class. I
would have read the book in the mid to late 80's. Please save me
from going crazy.
Daniel Pinkwater, Alan Mendelsohn,
the Boy from Mars,
1979, approximate. You may be talking about Alan
Mendelsohn the Boy from Mars, which was pretty far
out for a kid's book if I remember correctly. It involved
a couple of outcasts, telekinesis and a few pranks.
I responded Daniel Pinkwater to book
T412 about the boy with telekinesis, then I re-read their
description and he said not science fiction, so it probably
isn't the book I named "Alan Mendelsohn, the Boy from Mars"
Oh well, I tried.
Shusterman, Neil, The Shadow Club, 1988, copyright. This is a long shot,
but I think this may be the book you're looking for.
Richard M Koff, Christopher, 1981, approximate. Thirteen-year-old
Christopher enters a supposedly haunted house on a dare where he
meets a mysterious man who teaches him to use mental powers he
never knew existed. Several episodes of the book feature
Christopher misusing his new powers and his teacher taking him
to task over it.
T413: two girls, Ivy and __, pretend fantasy world
Two lonely girls, one poor and from a large despised family
become friends and build a wonderful world of magic and make
believe. The poor girl--Ivy, I think--seems to be destined
to be an actress, the other a writer. The writer is plump
and has glasses and her brothers and family seem to dislike
her. The other girl is wild and fey-looking. They
create costumes for their magic world and enact their fantasy
stories until the pretend seems more real than reality.
Somewhere in the book the writer takes home a duck and washes it
in the tub, getting in trouble with her parents. I think the
two girls have an argument or something, maybe just drift
apart--later Ivy dies. The writer, no longer an ugly
duckling comes back home and meets one of Ivy's sisters who seems
just like Ivy at the end.
Zilpha Keatley Snyder, The
Changeling, 1970,
copyright. Martha befriends Ivy, a poor girl from the
disreputable Carson family, and the two of them build an
imaginary world together. Google Books has considerable excerpts
from the novel, including the duck-washing incident, at
Snyder, The Changeling. This has to be Zilpha K Snyder's
The Changeling. Ivy and her friend - I loved
that book.
Zilpha Keatley Snyder, The
Changeling. Sounds exactly like The
Changeling. Snyder also wrote a series that takes
place in the world they invent in this book.
T414: Teacher In a Rural Area
Solved: Hi! Teacher
T415: 3 children, tent, creek
Solved: The Invisible Island
T416: Toys broken by animals
boys toys are found broken in backyard. animals like an elephant,
tiger and lion had been playing with his bike and ball, etc.
the animals unsuccesfully tried to fix the boys broken toys after
he trapped them in a large hole for breaking his toys. help its
from late 70s or early 80s.
McPhail, David, Those terrible
toy-breakers, 1980,
copyright. A Parents Magazine Press book. Walter and
Bernie set a trap for the lion, tiger, and elephant who break
Walter’s toys that are left outside overnight.
T417: Thumbalina board book
Thumbalina Book From 70? Board picture book. Pictures bumpy
3d? like they move if you move book back and forth.
Hans Christian Andersen, Shiba
Productions (illus.), Thumbelina, 1968, copyright. Sounds like this might
be the one you're looking for. This was published by
Golden Press, and has the words "A Golden Book" printed on the
front cover, but this is NOT a Little Golden Book. It is
larger (approx. 10" wide x 12" tall) with a black hard cover,
featuring a brightly colored 3-D hologram picture of Thumbelina,
her prince, and a couple of other tiny people, among flowers.
The title, "Thumbelina" is printed above the picture, with each
letter being a different color. Inside, the illustrations
feature Shiba Productions' pictures of posed puppets or dolls.
Shiba Productions, Thumbelina, 1970's. This is one of the fairy tale
books whose pictures were made by Shiba Productions and which
were published by Golden Press. The illustrations are
photographs of scenes with posed dolls, and the front cover of
each had an inset lenticular 3D picture (those are the ribbed
plastic ones). There were quite a few of them - Emperor's
New Clothes, Snow Queen, Hansel and Gretel, Puss In Boots, etc.
T418: timetravel, log cabin, needle book
Solved: Crazy
A girl visits Boldt Castle on Heart Island in the Thousand
Islands region of New York State.
Anne Colver,
Secret Castle, 1960, copyright. "Molly-O
and Pip set off to solve the mystery of a lost legacy. The town of
Alexandria Bay, N.Y., Devil's Oven Island, and the fascinating
Boldt Castle itself, landmark of the Thousand Islands, are 'true'
settings for this imaginary story." The hardcover version of this
book has a blue-green cover, featuring the castle in the
background, and in the foreground, two children in a rowboat, both
wearing red-and-white striped shirts & red shorts. Cover
illustration is simple, in red, white, and black. The book is
illustrated by Vaike Low.
T420: Tubby and the Poo-Bah
I THINK this is the correct title, but maybe not--- young
reader's book from some mail-order deal? Begins, "(Name of
Chinese boy) was fishing for foodle-fish. Tubby, his very
small elephant, was fishing for foodle-fish, too." Tubby
tries to get a boat for his owner and ends up in the
dungeon. My kids loved this story when they were young, and
I hope to find it for my granddaughter. I'm not sure if I
have the title right. THANK YOU.
Al Perkins, Rowland Wilson (illus.), Tubby
Poo-Bah, 1972,
copyright. "Ah Mee and his little elephant, Tubby, are
fishing for Foodle-fish. But their boat isn't big enough for a
boy and his elephant, so Tubby goes in search of one that is.
When he finds and steals the great Poo-Bah's boat, Ah Mee is
locked in a tower. Tubby can't speak, so he needs to somehow
show the Poo-Bah that Ah Mee is innocent. What is a little
elephant to do?"
T421: train trip cross country children
Boy and girl travel alone by train from New York to San Francisco
(?). The conductor and porter look after them. The train has a
very art deco look. Has color illustrations. They sleep in a
pullman car. Published in 1940s, probably. Written for
R. C. Weir, The Wonderful Train Ride, 1947, copyright. A Rand-McNally book,
reprinted multiple times during the late 40's and 50's (also
published as an Elf Book and a Junior Elf Book). The story of
two children (Bill and Kay) taking a train from New York to
California. Illustrations by Jackie and Fiore Mastri
depict the facilities on the train, including sleeper
cars/berths, dining cars, observation cars, engines, etc.
T422: Twin led by talking dolls to magical land under her
Solved: Toy Rose
T423: Teen girl in NYC wants to be actress, buys large
floppy hat
Solved: The Rise
and Fall of a Teenage Wacko
T424: Teenage
a summer crush
Solved: The Brightest Light
T425: 3
kids visiting Grandparents find clues leading to family
Solved: The Key to the Treasure
T426: theater,
tuba, orchestra
Solved: Lili
T427: train time travel
Solved: The Old Powder Line
T428: Teenage Shapeshifter
I am looking for a book i read in
the 1990s its about a teenage shapeshifter/ werewolf i believe was
called garth. Help
T429: Two English girls marry each
others' fathers
I read this book in the
1980s. It was a gentle romance (I know the plot sounds
absurd, but it somehow didn't seem so when I read it!) with
quite a religious theme. The two girls were best friends
whose mothers both died, and who eventually after many years both
ended up marrying the other girl's father. One man was a
very traditional type of vicar with a rather cold, austere style
of church; the other was warmer and more evangelical. There
was also a character - a nephew or cousin maybe - who had
cancer. For some reason the word "ivy" keeps coming to my
mind in connection with this book - could be a word from the
title, or the author's name."
T430: Teenage girl's father dies
I am looking for a book about a
teenage girl whose father is dead and she is torn between
her mother's middle class family and her upper class relations of
her father's family. I believe the mother has to go off for the
summer and the girl is in charge of her family, leading to much
chaos. I am sure the story was set in the 50's or 60's. Not much
to go on but I would really love to get a copy of this book!
Lenora Mattingly Weber, Don't Call Me Katie Rose; A New
and Different Summer. This is sounds like
a combination of two of the Katie Rose books by Lenora Mattingly
Weber. In Don't Call Me Katie Rose, Katie Rose Belford is
tempted by her late father's staid, socially-prominent family
(specifically her Aunt Eustace) and turns away from her harum
scarum, happy-go-lucky family. In A New and Different Summer,
Mrs. Belford goes to Ireland to help care for a sick relative,
leaving Katie Rose in charge. Katie tries to make the
Belfords' life fancier and runs into financial and other
Lenora Mattingly Weber, A New and Different Summer, 1967,
copyright. Your description reminded me of this book, for
which a plot synopsis exists here:
http://www.imagecascade.com/MM071.ASP?pageno=51. The theme
of Katie Rose being torn between the folksy style of her Irish
mother's background and the "higher-class" Belford relatives
runs through several of the books in this series. In this
story her mother is away for the summer and Katie Rose is in
charge. She has an older brother, Ben, a younger sister
Stacy, and the three "littles" (Matt, Jill and Brian), if that
T431: "the sky was
gray and a little bit pink"
Solved: Circus Time
T432: "The Treasure of Tenekertome"
The book that I am searching for is
one that I read in about 1965 when I was about twelve years
old. It was called, "The Treasure of Tenekertome". Please be
aware that the title and the spelling of the words of the title,
may be inaccurate, particularly "Tenekertome". I am pretty sure
the title started with, "The Treasure of.......(Something)", and
"Tenekertome" is as close as I can remember. The book is an
illustrated children's book, and is about a boy Pharaoh (not
Tutankhamen) in ancient Egypt. I do not know the author's name,
and I have no details to add about the book. There might have been
previous editions and there may have been new editions published
after 1965.
Robert Edmond Alter, Treasure of Tenakertom,
1964, copyright.
T433: Tabby cat,
wizard redcap, pink cover
this was a book i read around the
mid to late eighties. it had a pink or orange cover and was short
stories about different cats. one was a tabby cat, there were also
wizards, i think called wizard redcap and possibly wizard bluecap.
i remember in one of the stories one of the cats had to go to
borrow some sugar from a neighbour. my mam is desperate to find
this book now for my children to be enjoy it also. thanks
for your help.
T434: teenage girl line drawing manners
I went to visit a cool teenage girl
in the early 1960's. She had a book or set of books featuring line
drawings of an elegant teen or young woman (think Audrey Hepburn)
usually with her dog which was a poodle or daushund with her. It
was a nonfiction book about manners or growing up. all the
illustrations were in black white and hot pink. I would dearly
love to find it.
I had this book too, I
think it had been my mom's, anyway it was at my grandmom's. Can't
remember the name, but I was told that it was a text book from a
''how to be a lady'' class taught by a department
store--apparently those used to be common. Thought this might help
you track it down, or might spur someone else's memory.
Marjabelle Young, Ann Buchwald, White Gloves and Party Manners,
1965. Every edition I have seen (including the one my
grandma gave me a few years after it came out) has had black and
white line drawings with yellow, not pink, but otherwise the
book you're describing sounds exactly like this one right down
to the Audrey Hepburn-style elegance of the girls.
Your inquiry brought to
mind the old magazine for teens called Calling All
Girls. Cover art in the 60's, ,I believe, featured
the same girl, in fashionable attire, with her dachshund in
different seasonal settings for Valentine's Day, Halloween,
Christmas. Articles were manners, party suggestions etc.
and my personal favorite- Was My Face Red!! -funny,
embarrassing moments from subscribers write-ins. Check it
T435: train cafe
Solved: Trolley Car
T436: teenage girl
switches/time travels to the 1800's
I read this book a long time ago,
in the 80's and I believe it was written in the late 70's. I
got it in my elementary school library when I was in 5th or 6th
grade. A teenage girl and her single mom go to live in her
great grandmothers old home, and she falls asleep in her
room. When she wakes she is her great grandmother living in
the 1800's as a pioneer in the west. I have tried several book search
forums, and one book keeps being brought up: The Mirror by Marlys
Millshiser; this is not the book I am looking for. Thanks
for any help you can give me.
Taylor, The Doll (Yesterday's
Doll), 1987. This sounds very much like Cora Taylor's book The Doll, published
in paperback as Yesterday's Doll. It's
set in Canada, if that rings any bells.
T437: teen beauty book
I checked this book out of
children's section of the Lakewood, Ohio library several times
during either the late 70's or early 80's. It was a
self-improvement type book for teenage girls focused on health and
beauty. It had exercises, advice, beauty secrets, etc. It
was written (or perhaps co-written) by a girl (blond) who was a
model and a former dancer. The emphasis of the book is
self-empowerment for girls. I think the girl in the book may
have modeled for the Wilhelmina agency. It was lots of fun
to read at the time, I remember that I loved to do the
exercises! I would like to have this book for my libary just
as a nostalgic piece. Thanks!
T438: Treasure hunt for girl left by family
Solved: Spiderweb for Two
T439: Two teens suspect neighbor killed
Two teens, a boy and a girl (not
related), live in an apartment building and suspect a neighbor of
killing his wife. No one believes them so they
investigate. Turns out the guy did kill his wife and was
putting pieces of her down the garbage disposal. Read it
around 1980 - it is a children's book.
A Paul Zindel book, maybe - was
the victim's name Mrs. Hulka?
Zindel, Paul, The
undertaker's gone bananas, 1978,
copyright. The two kids, who become friends through the
course of the book are Bobby and Laurie. Bobbie's next
door neighbours are the Hulka's and Bobby thinks he saw Mr Hulka
kill his wife. Nobody believes them as both are "troubled"
T440: Time
Solved: The Girl who Slipped Through
T441: Two children, unicorn, haywire
kitchen appliances, interdimensional/space/time travel
Two children coming home, encounter
unicorn in woods/meadow, perhaps visit church, finally get
home. Kitchen appliances go haywire: on/off/moving.
Children given chance to interdimensionally/space/time
travel. Unicorn involved somehow. They go on
Alan Garner, Elidor. I think this one is Alan Garner - Elidor. It starts
with 4 children - Roland, Helen, Nicholas and David, who go into a
ruined church and are transported to Elidor. They bring back into
their own world 4 "treasures" which cause static electricity and
affect electrical appliances, first the TV and radio - the car
engine starts up on its own, then an electric razor, then the food
mixer and washing machine. They find a broken jug which has a
picture of a unicorn. Later they see the Unicorn who is called
Madeleine L'Engle, A
Swiftly Tilting Planet, 1980,
approximate. Could it be A Swiftly Tilting Planet? There
are children meeting a unicorn, time (and space) travel. I think
I remember something about haywire kitchen appliances, too - but
definitely scenes set in kitchen. Should have no difficulty
finding a copy if you want to check if this is the book.
Madeleine L'Engle, one of
the Time Quartet books.
This sounds very much like a Madeleine
L'Engle plot. I don't remember the kitchen
appliances going crazy, but there is a unicorn in Many Waters and a
unicorn-type "character" in either A Wind in the Door or A Swiftly Tilting Planet
(not sure which). At any rate, OP should check these
T442: Trash,
animals recycling near river
1960s-70s story about animals
throwing out the trash, and each item is taken by another animal
and reused. A glass case that was really dusty?, a lampshade that
was used as a hat (by a bear?), an old wheel? I think it was set
by a river or a creek.
This is a long shot, but
could it be "Ick's ABC" by Fred
It's been a very long time since I even set eyes on the book, but
from what I remember, on the front of the book, Ick was a little
lumpy creature with a lampshade on his head. I think each
letter of the alphabet was about pollution and recycling. It was
originally published in the 70s.
T443: Two
girls, pet giraffe, adventures
I believe this book was called
something like "not really" or "not so". It is about two
little girls who live with their wacky mother and have a pet
giraffe. Each chapter is about a different adventure the
girls go on at the suggestion of their mom. One chapt. is
about digging down to China.
Lesley Frost, Really Not Really, 1962. REALLY NOT REALLY,
by Lesley Frost.
Illustrated by Barbara Remington.
Frederuc Remington. It all begins when Lee
(three-and-a-half) and Elinor (five) and their mother imagine an
exuberant Giraffe into existence, capture him, and take him
home. Next they receive Ricky as a gift (even though he’s a
puppy, he can speak).”
T444: Top Floor
Solved: The
T445: Time
travel to past
Science fiction novel from fifties
in which expedition travels to past, as members of the expedition
are killed the remaining members forget them because the death
happened before they were alive, at the end the protagonist
(?) vows he will remember his brother but forgets him too.
T446: The Trumpa Tree
1990, childrens. This was an
audio book on cassette tape. A narrated story about two
children that get lost in an elaborate fairytale world inside a
magical tree. I think it was called "The Trumpa Tree."
I don't even know if this was a printed book.
T447: Turtle who lost his shoes
I'm looking for a book about a
turtle who lost his shoe(s). I had it as a child in the
70s. i think the turtle was old and misplaced several things
including his glasses and shoes.
T448: Toy
Robot Turns Into Rocket and Takes Boy Into Outer Space
Little boy gets toy robot which
turns into rocket which then takes him into outer space, where he
learns about nebulas, stars, dwarfs, etc. One scene involves
them nearly getting sucked into a black hole--their voices get
funny and they're stretched like spaghetti. The book comes
on audio tape.
Williams, Adventures Beyond the
Solar System: Planetron and Me, 1985, approximate. Second in a set
of two. The first was Adventures in the Solar System:
Planetron and Me. Both on audiotape.
T449: Two
female school chums, one social worker, other on welfare
SOLVED: Monica Dickens, Kate and Emma.
T450: True Ghost stories, maybe pub. by
Solved: Dynamite
of Ghosts and Haunted Houses
T451: Tracing book, May baskets
At a country school in the
1940s-1950s I used a large TRACING BOOK to trace and then make MAY
BASKETS, valentine hearts with arrows, etc. I think it had a
plain cloth cover and was the size of a sheet of paper; there was
one large item, made of simple lines, per page.
T452: Twin sisters spend summer at ranch
Read the book 1988-1993, twin
sisters one chubby, spend summer at aunt and uncle's ranch. chubby
one helps out and loses weight working on the ranch, falls for
neighbor boy who is arrogant. end of book has the twins on a
parade float dressed identically as if looking in mirror. thx!
Barbara Bartholomew, Mirror Image, 1983, copyright. The book
you're looking for is Mirror Image by Barbara Bartholomew. In the parade scene you
remember, the two girls are on a float, sitting on opposite sides
of a vanity table with "mirror", the glass from which is
gone...the two girls "mirror" each other's actions: "Sometimes
Adrienne was the reflection, sometimes it was Brooke, but it
became a game to try to make the same movements, the same motions
as the other girl. When Brooke turned to wave at the crowd,
Adrianne waved too."
I wanted to add some more info to this stumper, Paypal
limited the description space. I thought the title was
something like: Butterfly Summer; Beautiful Summer; Summer
Love; Beautiful Love. Some details from the story: At
the end of the parade, the boy the main character likes,
mistakes her sister for her, and kisses her sister. I
think the main character falls off a horse at some
point. I think there's a barn dance. Thank you so
much for your help on this, it's been driving me nuts.
T453: Teenage
boys switch bodies before school one day
A lazy, unpopular boy awakes one
morning to discover he is now in the body of the popular athletic
boy he always envied. But he's still a loser, and he remains
unliked even in his new, popular body. He even loses the big track
race, as his toxic attitude has a physical effect on his athletic
I wanted to add some more details to this. It could have been
a short story, part of a larger collection. The day before the
boys switch bodies, there is actually a news story announcing
that strange events may be taking place over the next 24 hours
and not to be alarmed. The two boys are not the only ones who
switch bodies the next day and there's a certain amount of
chaos at school sorting out who's who. When the unpopular boy
wakes up in the popular boy's body, he's actually in the
popular boy's house. He's very excited at first...the house is
clean and they have nicer things than his family. He's served
a healthy breakfast, though, which he doesn't like (he wants
his sugar cereal). The popular boy's mother instantly
recognizes that her wonderful son is not who he appears to be
and, because of the news, figures out that another boy is in
his body. She actually knows who the other boy is and is kind
of disgusted that this dumb slob is in her house, in her son's
body. The boy doesn't care. He sees this as a golden
opportunity to be popular and athletic for a day. But nothing
works out like he hopes it will. At the end of the day, he
expects to win the big track meet with his superbly
conditioned body. But his crappy attitude and sloth lifestyle
actually causes him to lose the big race, i.e. his mental
state actually affects his physical ability. The moral of the
story is essentially that you have to work hard to be a
good/successful person. That even if you're given good looks
and money and strength, it won't do you any good if your
attitude stinks. Am pretty sure this was written in the
70’s...possibly in the very late 60’s or the very early 80’s.
Wishing Day, 1970, approximate.
different. I'm going to submit my own query about this
story, so stay tuned.
T454: twinkle toes
1940s, childrens. My mom
talked about a book she read when she was a child. The main
character was Twinkle Toes. I would love to find out more
about this book. Sorry, not much to go on. It would be
wonderful to surprise my mom by finding it.
Thomas Burke, Twinkletoes: A Tale of Limehouse, 1918, copyright. Well, this
isn't a children's story...but you didn't specify if it was a
children's book or just a book your mother read as a child, so I
thought I'd toss it out there: The story of a young woman (Monica
Minasi, nicknamed Twinkletoes) living in London's Limehouse slum
district, who wants to be a dancer. Markie Roseleaf, the manager
of the Quayside Theatre, gives her a job in a song-and-dance
troupe, the Quayside Kids. A married prizefighter (Chuck
Lightfoot) falls in love with her, so his spiteful wife turns
Twinks' father in to the police for burglary, getting him
arrested. Chuck kills Roseleaf for getting Twinks drunk and
spending the night with her, and is himself arrested. Twinks
contemplates throwing herself into the river. The book was made
into a silent film, also called Twinkletoes, in 1926. The text of
the book is available online at books.google.com.
Saalfield Publishing, Shirley Temple, Twinkletoes,
1936, copyright. Possibly a book about Shirley Temple? Her
father used to call her Twinkletoes, and the time frame is about
right. One possibility is Shirley Temple, Twinkletoes by
Saalfield Publishing, part of a five-book set called Shirley
Temple: 5 Books About Me. Other titles in the set are: Shirley
Temple: Little Playmate, Shirley Temple in Starring Roles, Shirley
Temple: Just a Girl, and Shirley Temple on the Movie Lot. Shirley
Temple, Twinkletoes is Shirley's story of how she learned to
dance, from dancing class to instructors Jack Donohue and Sammy
Lee. Describes stair dances, tap, minuet, and hula. Four of her
partners, Bill Robinson, Buddy Ebsen, Jack Haley, report on her as
a dancer.
T455: Thomas Jefferson's daughter Martha?
Red hardcover book I read numerous
times in 70s-early 80s not large size, prob. 5x7. Fictional
account of one of Thomas Jefferson's daughters (probably Martha or
Jane), she has a trunk with a picture of Monticello on it. She
visits France when Ben Franklin is Ambassador. Wracking brain for
Miriam Anne Bourne, Patsy Jefferson's Diary, 1976, copyright. A
fictional diary of Patsy Jefferson records the highlights of her
life with Papa (Thomas Jefferson) from the time he was elected
governor of Virginia in 1779 until his return from France in 1789.
Illustrated by Laszlo Kubinyi.
Red dust jacket and cover. If this isn't the right one, you could
also try "Patsy
Jefferson of Monticello" by Marguerite Vance (1948), but the copies I've seen
are blue, not red.
Miriam Anne Bourne, Patsy
Jefferson's Diary, 1976, copyright.
There's a picture of this book on Abebooks, and the book cover
is red, and the dust jacket is sort of pinky-red and has a
drawing of, presumably, Patsy and her father in front of a
French chateau. Another possibility might be Marguerite Vance's Patsy Jefferson
of Monticello.
T456: Tiny
Solved: Tiny Tree: A Christmas Story for
T457: Twin boys walk guinea pig on leash;
girl hates them
Solved: Me and the Terrible Two
T458: teen thinks mother poisoning her
YA book about a female teen who
either thinks she is mentally ill or that her mother is poisoning
her and finds out the other is the case. It was late 70s or
early 80s. I THINK it may have been by a popular YA
author. She was in jr high or high school. There may
have been a police officer character.
Mary Anderson, Step on a Crack, 1978. "Haunted by a
recurring nightmare in which she is imprisoned behind a fence and
kills her mother, Sarah seeks the help of her friend Josie and is
changed by what she learns about her early years and real mother."
It's been a long time since I read this, so I can't be sure of the
details--but I think this is similar to what you're describing,
and it was published at the right time.
Someone posted a response to my query, but it's not the
book I'm looking for. I remembered another detail -- she
spent a lot of time near a fish pond -- it helped to calm her
I think.
Oneal, Zibby, The Language of Goldfish, 1980, copyright. Not
all the details match but could you be thinking of this
book? I still remember reading this book circa 1982 - it
details Carrie's struggle with mental illness and a
breakdown. She often thinks back to her childhood -
especially time spent at the goldfish pond.
Zibby Oneal, The
Language of Goldfish, 1980,
copyright. Your add on comment about the goldfish made
me think of this book. Its about Carrie, who thinks she is
going crazy but in actuality is having difficulty dealing
with the changes of growing up. She finds comfort from the
familiar and unchanging fishpond in her backyard. She is a
gifted artist and this is woven into much of the book. Its a
beautifully written book and well worth reading even if it
isn't the one you are looking for.
T459: Three girls with different colored
hair have 3 special ponies
I grew up in the '70's, but sense
that this book may have been published in the '50's. It was
a picture book. Along the lines of "little prince" in
illustrations. I remember 3 girls (princesses) who had
different colored hair (ie: red, brown and golden) who had 3
special ponies (red, brown and golden). They were separated
for some reason and then reunited (ie: happy ending). Good
Luck. Thanks.
Piet Worm, Three Little Horses, 1958, copyright. Could this
be Three
Little Horses by Piet
Worm? It's back in print at the moment, published by
Purple House Press with its original artwork...if you google
Purple House Press you can check out a picture on their website to
see if it rings any bells!
Worm, Piet, Three
Little Horses At The King's Palace. I
think you may be thinking of this book. The horses are
Blackie, Brownie, and Whitey. The three little princesses
have black hair, brown hair, and blonde hair. In this book
the princess and the horses are separated, then reunited at the
end. This is a sequel to "Three Little Horses," but I
haven't read that one, so you might be looking for that one
Piet Worm, Three
Little Horses, 1958.
T460: two
little French girls live on a farm and are saved by a swan(s)
I read this book in paperback in
the early 90's. The chapters alternated in telling the story
from the swans' point of view and the girls' point of view, though
in 3rd person always. The animals attended some kind of big
meeting. At the end a swan gives its life for one of the
Aymé, Marcel, The Wonderful Farm, 1951, copyright. This is
certainly the book you're looking for! The two little French
girls are Marinette and Delphine, and they live on a magical farm
where all of the animals can talk. The final chapter, which
is what you're thinking of, is called "The Swans." The two
little girls wander far away, listen in on an animal meeting, and
realize how dark it is when it's too late - their parents must be
on their way home now, and they'll get in trouble! An old
swan, however, conspires to help them so they do not get in
trouble, and he helps them as fast as he can, pushing himself to
the limit. We do not actually see the swan die, but the book
ends with the parents, having no idea that the girls were out so
late thanks to the swan's efforts, exclaiming, "What a pity you
didn't cross the road a little while ago. There was a swan
singing, out in the fields." Swans are said to sing only one
song, which they do right before they die, so that's what is
implicated. Glad I could help you!
T461: Toy prototypes come to life and
terrorize teen
Solved: Dragon Fall
This was a young adult horror book
I read probably in the last 80's / early 90's. In it a teenager (I
think he was around 15) brings home prototype toys from a toy
company (which may have been run by a relative?) for a weekend to test them
out. I believe the toys were sort of gremlin like, with realistic
latex skin, etc. Not cute things, they were creepy creatures. The
rest of his family is going away for the weekend and he's left
alone at home. At some point during the weekend (perhaps the first
night alone) the toys come to life (I don't recall if they
actually came to "life", or if they were robots that
malfunctioned), hunting him throughout his own house. They are
brutally smart and very bloodthirsty and intend to kill him, but
they enjoy taunting him first. Near the end I think he ends up
crashing through a window with one of them on his back, and the
girl he likes happens to be walking by at the time and sees him
bleeding and beaten. I don't clearly remember what happens then,
but I think he ends up having to go back in (knowing there's a
good chance they'll kill him) and destroy them to keep them from
killing his family and friends.
Lee Hindle, Dragon Fall, 1989, approximate. I think
this is Dragon Fall, by Lee
Lee J. Hindle, Dragon Fall, 1984, copyright. This may be your book.
Gabe, a teenager, builds three monsters which come to life one
weekend when he's alone in the house. This terrified me as
a kid.
Lee Hindle, Dragon
Fall. Sweet! I recognized the cover as soon
as I saw it! Thank you! :-D
T462: teenage girl helps in her father's
animal hospital
Solved: Animal Inn series
This was a series with pastel
borders on the covers I think with little animal logos scattered
throughout the border. It was about a teenager who worked or
helped out her father at his business. He was a veterinarian
and owned an animal hospital. I think it was both small and
large animals. I read the books when I was a young teenager
and I'm now 31, so maybe published in the late 80's / early
90s? I *may* have ordered them through a book club from
Virginia Vail, Animal Inn series. This sounds like Virginia
Vail's Animal Inn series - published in the "Apple paperback"
series by Scholastic, they do have pastel borders around the
covers. Val (short for Valentine) Taylor's father has an
animal clinic. Books in the series are #1 Pets are for keeps, #2 A
Kid's Best Friend, #3 Monkey Business, #4 Scaredy cat,
#5Adopt-a-pet, #6 All the way home, #7 All the way home,
#8Petnapped!, #9 One dog too many, #10 Parrot Fever, #11 Oh Deer!,
#12 Gift Horse.
Yes, Animal Inn,
that's it!! Thank you so much, this has been bugging me
for years. As soon as I saw that her name was Val Taylor
it rang a bell, and I looked up the book and completely
recognize the cover. I read these books when I was her
age and wanted to be a veterinarian, and now I'm full-grown
and a practicing small animal vet. Thanks again, it truly is
T463: Teen
girl babysits for creepy family, mid-80s series, YA
Solved: Samantha Slade series
Regular teen starts babysitting for
an Addams-ish family and is oblivious to their oddities. E.g. she
eats what she thinks are sour cream and onion chips, but it's
fingernails. I read the first 3. There was supposed to be a 4th,
about the family getting a pet monster and keeping it in the
Smith, Susan, Samantha Slade series, 1987-1989, copyright. This
sounds like the Samantha Slade series by Susan Smith: Samantha Slade, Monster Sitter;
Confessions of a Teenage Frog;
Our Friend, Public Nuisance No.
1; The Terrors of Rock
& Roll.
Smith, Susan, Samantha
Slade series, 1987, copyright. Yes, that's it!
Thank you so much. I've been looking for it for almost two
decades and you solved it within a week. I'm very grateful. I
never thought I'd get to read it again.
T464: Tea
counteracts effects of evil witch's spell
I am looking for a book from
between 1981-1986. It was about a young girl fighting
against some evil witch to cast spell but the heroine had made a
tea to conteract the effects. She had help from a boy and in
the end of the book the boy gave her a pet dog. It was part
of a series of books.
T465: Twins and older sister at British
boarding school
Mischief twins (NOT O'Sullivans)
and older sister at Brit boarding school. They're "day girls". One
chapter where older sis is sick, twins try to cook--white sauce
and cauliflower for them, something else for her; they give her
the wrong sauce, mess up the kitchen. Their apologies never sound
like apologies.
Irene Smith, Chester House wins through.
This is Chester House wins through, by Irene Smith. The twins are
Gillian and Jane and older sister is Alison. Alison is ill and the
twins cook cornflour for her, and white sauce to go on their own
cauliflower - but muddle them up and give her the white sauce
instead. Chester House is the day girls'\'' house - rest of the
school is boarders.
T466: Toystore
house book
This is a book I read in the 60's.
It was about a little boy (Timmy or Tommy?) who moves to a new
town when his parents buy a toystore. They live upstairs, and when
they first arrive all of the shelves are empty and the little boy
is unsure of it all. It all works out in the end, when all
the toys are ... [rest cut off]
T467: Teenaage
Woman who works on show ponies
Solved: The Monday Horses
T468: Trolls
the book i'm looking for i believe is called trolls.
it was hardcover and i think it was published in the eighties.
there are various stories in it about different types of trolls. i
memorized a poem from the book as a kid hopefully this will help.
The poem is: be wary of the loathsome troll who slyly
lies in wait to drag you into his dingy hole and put you
on his plate his blood is black and boiling hot he
gurgles ghastly groans hell cook you in his dinner
pot your skin your flesh your bones hell catch
your arms and clutch your legs and grind you to a
pulp then swallow you like scrambled eggs gobble
gobble gulp so watch your step when next you go
upon a pleasant stroll or you might end in the pit below
as supper for the troll hope someone can help me, thanks.
Jack Prelutzky, The Troll. The poem in question is called
"The Troll". Hope this helps!
T469: Tower, boy, adventure, evil authority
figure ... enthralling but obscure childrens or young adults
fantasy novel by male author, read in 1997, might have been
published in 1950s
About 1inch thick hardcover with white dust jacket. Plot: boy on
adventure towards a tower, showdown with evil male. Readable by
10-13-year-olds but surprising amount of darkness, evil,
psychological complexity. Aesthetic stark. Less warm & fuzzy
than A Wrinkle in Time, less grand than The Dark is Rising.
Bellairs, John, The House with a Clock in Its
Walls, 1973, copyright.
It is a hardcover book from the
eighties i think. there are various stories about trolls. one is
about a lumberjack and his sons and how the youngest son scared
the trolls away by squeezing the water from fresh cheese that
looked like a rock. i remember a poem from the book too. it is:
be wary of the loathsome troll
who slyly lies in wait
to drag you into his dingy
and put you on his plate
his blood is black and boiling hot
he gurgles ghastly groans
he'll cook you in his dinner pot
your skin your flesh your bones
he'll catch your arms and clutch
your legs
and grind you to a pulp
then swallow you like scrambled
gobble gobble gulp
so watch your steps when next you
upon a pleasant stroll
or you might end in the pit below
as supper for the troll i
have been looking for this for years but i can't seem to find it.
hope you can help. thanks.
Marc Tolon Brown, Scared Silly, a
Halloween Book for the Brave. Jack
Prelutsky wrote the lyric, which has appeared in several other
books including school textbooks.
There was a
picture on the front of the book of a troll sitting on a large
stone gnawing on a bone. there was also a story about a three
headed troll that had to share one eye to see. it had snakes for
hair and a boy i think was captured by it but he managed to
distract them and they turned to stone in the morning light.
Childcraft, v. 3, 1989, approximate. If the book
was from the late 1980s, it might be part of the Childcraft
series, since vol. 3 apparently contains that poem as well as
stories about Baba Yaga and others.
I'd like to suggest Jane's
Adventures in and out of the Book by Jonsthan Gathorne-Hardy
as a possibilty for this query. I have been
looking for this book myself for quite a while. It is
a story about a girl who finds a giant
book. This book is so huge that when opened
Jane can actually get inside the book and into the pages and
be drawn into the adventures illustrated. I don't know
any more details as I've not actually read the book myself
but here is a bit about it written in another book by the
author. Jane Carrignton lived in an enormous
castle - Curl Castle - with her father and mother, the Earl
and Countess of Cherrington and with Mrs Deal. One
summer when her parents were away she found an extrordinary
book in a remote and supposedly haunted part of the
castle It was full of strange pictures and when Jane
said certain words she sank into the pictures and had a
number of curious adventures.
Thanks for your
help so far, but unfortunately neither of these are the book im
looking for. there were quite a few different stories by various
authors, but they were all about different types of trolls. ill
keep checking back. thanks again.
Jonsen, George, Favorite Tales of Monsters and
Trolls.Someone in F243 has identified it as
George Jonsen, Author, John O'\''Brien Illustrator, Favorite Tales
of Monsters and Trolls. I have been
looking for this book too!
The title of the
book I believe is Trolls, I am not certain of the year, if it is
not from the eighties maybe the early nineties. It is a hardcover
book with various short stories and poems. The book is large, but
thin and has lots of pictures. Please help if you can. Thanks.
T471: Teenage
Girl in Civil War
Im so thrilled to find this site
and hope you can help me too! Young adult novel about a teenage
girl during the Civil War. Her family lives along the Mason
Dixon line, so her town is really divided. Her father
publishes a newspaper and her mother is a journalist, and they
leave to go cover the war. Her brother is supposed to keep
the paper going, but he runs away to fight. The girl tries
to keep the paper going, and look after her siblings, including an
older mentally disabled sister, and has a friendship/romance with
a boy whose family is no good. Her sister gets raped by some
local rednecks (brothers of the heroines friend) and later has a
baby, I think she names her Dawn. Finally, the grandmother
(who has been travelling the world as an opera singer) shows up
and helps straighten things out.
Norma Johnston, Of Time and of Seasons. One of your unsolved stumpers
led me to this - Y6 is a similar novel, so I looked up other
books by the same author and recognized the cover art on this
You know,
after sending you this, I actually found it in your unsolved
lists. It is "Of Time and Of Seasons" by Norma
Johnston. I found Y6 "Ready or Not" also by Norma
Johnson, so looked up her other books and found "Of Time and
Of Seasons".
Of Time and of Seasons. Some details are similar, for
instance the mentally disabled older sister who is molested by
some brothers who live nearby, but I'\''m not sure if this is
your book.
T472: Tree
becomes television
Childrens book published c.
1960-68- City child eats dinner every night alone in front of
television- Pipe-playing Pan lures him to Central Park to watch
sprites dance through a hole in the trunk of a large oak tree
Thick Nursery Rhyme & Story Book
Late '60's/Early 70's mother goose; vivid victorian-style
illustrations; had fables or fairy tales in back. Some rhymes were
several pages long w/ illustrations for each verse: Old Mother
Hubbard, Simple Simon, House that Jack Built, A Apple Pie, Old
King Cole. Also had Jack & Jill, Man in the Moon.
Teenage heroine is sent to a co-ed boarding school
She does not fit in and hates it, but as time goes by she becomes
involved with a school production of (I think) Hamlet. If
not Hamlet, then something else by Shakespeare. As the year goes
on, the cool style becomes a sort of grungy look, and the heroines
long, somewhat stringy blond hair is just the thing! There is a
scene where someone receives a new pair of bluejeans and has to
wash and bleach them to attain the proper look. A boy (a rather
poetic, dramatic young man) is the love interest. By the end, our
heroine has a great performance and decides she loves the school
and will continue there. The school is located out in the
countryside, and I think it is in a northern climate with snow in
the winter. It is a very "progressive" school where the students
decide much of what they will learn (hence, the Shakespeare play).
Richardson, Apples Every Day. This is definitely the
book described. The play in which the heroine stars is The
Taming of the Shrew.
Richardson, Apples Every Day, 1966. This is "Apples Every
Day". The play in which the heroine starred was The Taming
of the Shrew.
T475: Time Traveling
children's book I read in 1970s
featuring children who traveled back in time to various eras with
a professor/teacher. Large illustrated panoramic drawings of
different epochs ranging from early life to prehistoric mammals. I
can't remember the title.
Noel Streatfeild, The fearless treasure, 1953, copyright. Possibly Noel
Streatfeild - The Fearless Treasure. Six children travel
back in time to the times of their ancestors. They visit
different periods in English history- Romans, Saxons, Normans,
etc. The children are called William, Robert, Grace, Elizabeth,
John and Selina and the tutor is Mr Fosse. Don't think there are
any prehistoric monsters.
Durrell, The Fantastic
1980, reprint. Could it have been one of Durrell's books for
kids? I remember The Fantastic Dinosaur Adventure and the
Fantastic Flying Journey--but I think there were a couple more.
These do have kids traveling through time with a professor. The
drawings I remember were more cartoon-ish than epic, but I saw
the American reprinted, reformatted editions. Maybe the original
British editions were different?
1950s-1960s, approximate. Thank you for your answers!, but
these children went WAY back in time to epochs millions of years
ago and the panoramic illustrations spanned both pages of a
large paged book about a 1/4 inch thick and I seem to recall the
drawings had a key or numbers with the correct names of the
animals provided. The time travelers went all the way back to
early earth and then stopped in several different eras. Mostly
age of the dinosaurs. Each section had a great many animals
illustrated. I tried finding the book at the Ruth Bach library
in Long Beach CA in the 80s but it was gone by then. I read it
there when I was in elementary school, probably late 1960s to
early 1970s. I even searched the database and card file (back
then) but there was no trail to follow. Thanks for your efforts!
Someone out there has this book or remembers it!
Do you remember if there was a character in the story who acted
as a narrator? This person came out on the stage between
different periods in time. The children would learn about one
period in time and there were elaborate drawings on these
pages and then the curtains would close on the stage and the
narrator would provide information about the next epoch and and
then on the following pages there would be more information and
drawings from the next epoch. If this is the book
you are thinking of, I think the book had a red or black cover,
or a red and black cover.
T476: Teen
Angst Drama
She’s outside a church, trying to get somewhere – to a car maybe –
but having a difficult time because her leg doesn’t work very well
(broken, or short). As a teenager she was in love with the
“bad boy” in town Robert or Rodger or something like that. I
think she was friends with the pretty girl maybe, or had a cousin
who was demanding of her. Maybe it was a sister. When
she grew up, she had nieces and nephews – maybe just nieces – who
came to visit her, maybe the “bad boy” was Robert or Rodger and
the guy she was in love with was his father. The young kids
were trying to discover what happened way back when, and their
Aunt gets mad and frustrated because they start stewing the pot …I
believe there are two or three books about the story. One
told when the girl was a teenager, and one or two when she is an
older adult. I also remember it being a chapter
book, but for some reason remember finding it in the juvenile
section. It may have been the YA section though...Sweet! So the secret, I believe,
was that the
"bad boy" was raised by his
grandmother, even though he though she was his mother. His
"older sister" (really his mother) had left town and rarely came
home. Everyone in the sister's generation knew about it,
but all the kids in the "bad boy's" generation were trying to
figure it out.
I believe the secret they are trying to find
out is that the "bad boy" was raised by his grandmother, even
though he thought she was his mother. His "older sister"
(really his mother) had left town and rarely came home.
Everyone in the sister's generation knew about it (the story is
told from the perspective of one of her friends), but all the
kids in the "bad boy's" generation were trying to figure it
out. The narrator has a limp, which makes it really hard
for her to get around town.
Too Young to Die
I read this aged 13, mid
1980s. It was about a girl with lupus (?). As a
result, she believed her room was on fire (it wasn't; it was just
fever?). She then jumped out the window to escape it. I came
away thinking this was a common symptom of lupus. Not 13 is too
young to die, as far as I know.
Isaacsen-Bright , 13 is Too Young to Die Willowisp Press, 1980, 1989.
Lurlene McDaniels, Too Young To Die, July 31, 1989, approximate.I've
about every Lurlene McDaniels book out there, and this was one of
her best. She is an amazing author and my children are now hooked.
I hope this helps. :)
Tombstone for Friendly Ghost
Modern (1930s) British children are
sent to an Elizabethan manor house where an archaeological dig is
going on in the oldest wing of the house. Their uncle
cautions them never to go into the area where they find a room
paneled in oak. The ornamentation has acoprns carver in it. One of
th acorns when pressed, opens a secret panel. In the hidden room
beyond, they encounter the ghost of a boy who died in the house
centuries before. His spirit haunts the place becuase he didn't
get a proper burial. They make fiends with the ghost. The children
are unwilling to tell the adults about their find because they
believe the bones will be exhibited in a museum. They want the
boy's remains to have a proper churchyard burial so his spirit can
rest. They decide to make a grave marker themselves, and find an
oak plank they plan to use. The letters for the incrcription come
from a coin-operated machine at the railway platform. But before
they can get enough of the letterf for the inscription, the
machine runs out of the letters they need. There is a fire in the
house and thier uncle blames them for starting it, although it's
not their fault. I can't recall the title of the book, the
author, or how it ends. It isn't any of the GREEN KNOWE BOOKS, nor
CARRIE'S WAR, nor A HOUSE CALLED HADLOWS. I read this book before
1965. It was a hardcover chapterbook in the children's section of
the public library in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. I've been looking for
it ever since. Please do help if you can. Many thanks!
Television series called "Sara"
I read the book
in the early 1970s, it had a much longer title. It was
about a school teacher in the west in the late 1800s. It
was made into a TV series in 1976, starring Brenda
Vaccaro. The actual character's name might be different, I
remember being upset that they changed the title.
Cockrell, Marion, Revolt of Sarah Perkins. From TV ACRES: Westerns.
TRIVIA NOTE: This was the Brenda Vaccaro'\''s first TV series.
Prior to SARA, she had performed on stage and in such films as
Cactus Flower, Midnight Cowboy, Once is Not Enough. The series was based on the novel "The Revolt
of Sarah Perkins" by Marian Cockrell about a teacher hired to
replace a single woman who ran off and got married and
left the town without a schoolmarm.
Cockrell, The Revolt of Sarah Perkins, 1966 Hurst & Blackett. According to tvacres, the
series was "based on the novel "The Revolt of Sarah Perkins" by
Marian Cockrell, about a teacher hired to replace a single woman
who ran off and got married and left the town without a
schoolmarm." Ms. Cockrell also wrote Shadow Castle.
Cockrell, The Revolt of Sara Perkins, 1965, copyright.
Cockrell, The Revolt of Sarah Perkins, 1965, copyright. Sarah Perkins is hired to be
the schoolteacher in an 1800's western frontier town where women
are scarce. Every single schoolteacher has ended up
getting married. Sarah is hired because she is "plain" and
therefore considered unlikely to get married. But she is
smart and has ideas that revolutionize the town and her
Christy, 1967, approximate. Could you mean Christy rather than Sara? The tv show
series Sara was about a legal team (as in lawyers). Christy is
about a teacher in TN in 1912 and is very similar to what you
described with the exception that the name doesn't change.
Christy was made into a TV-movie and television series in 1994.
Cockrell, The Revolt of Sarah Perkins, 1969, copyright. Description from the net: "A small 19th century frontier town has so
few single women that every time someone is hired to teach at
the local school she marries quickly and leaves the children
without a teacher. Determined to avoid this situation, the
school board decides to hire someone so plain she will remain
single. Thus, Sarah Perkins, a single lady from the East Coast
ventures out West, without knowing why she was chosen for the
Marian Cockrell, The Revolt of Sarah Perkins, 1965,
copyright. In a
small western town in the 1800's, where women are a scarce
commodity, the school board is desperate to find a teacher who
won't get married, so they set out to hire an unattractive
woman. What they get is Sarah Perkins, who is plain, but far
from shy. She is, in fact, a warm, interesting woman with a gift
for loving, and an inspired teacher as well.
Cockrell, The Revolt of Sarah Perkins.
Marian, The Revolt of Sara Perkins. In the entry for the show "Sara" on
tvacres.com, there is a reference to the the book "The Revolt of
Sara Perkins," by Marian Cockrell. But on the website for
Marian Cockrell I didn't see any mention of this book.
It's a start, though!?
Cockrell, The Revolt of Sarah Perkins, 1969, copyright.
Cockrell, The Revolt of Sarah Perkins.TV show's character was called Sara
Cockrell, The Revolt of Sarah Perkins. This is the book that TV series was based
Marian Cockrell, The Revolt of Sarah Perkins, 1969,
Cockrell, The Revolt of Sara Perkins, 1976, approximate. According to TVfarm.com, "The
series was based on the novel "The Revolt of Sarah Perkins" by
Marian Cockrell about a teacher hired to replace a single woman
who ran off and got married and left the town without a
schoolmarm. "
vaguely remember this TV series--I was 12 at the time. I did a
bit of googling and the novel might be The Revolt of Sarah
Perkins by Marian Cockrel.
There was in the Brearley School Middle School Library
1944 or later an old fashioned book
of stories about cats who had their own kingdom (it may have been
underground) and I think dressed in Victorian clothing. They
walked standing up. Would appreciate knowing the title,
author, etc. in order to purchase. Thanks!
The White Cat. This sounds like the fairy
tale, "The White Cat" about a prince who finds a kingdom full of
cats who wear clothes like humans.
Goyder, Catland series. Possibly one of Alice Goyder's
Catland books, such as Christmas in Catland?
Teenage girl with married sister in student housing
From 60s or 70s. Main
character=teenage girl. Married sister=college student & lives
in married stud. housing. Sister, to save money, buy unlabeled
cansand picks 3-4 for dinner. Girl goes to Chinese rest. where
they serve 1000-year-old eggs. Sis says can study all night with
energy from one peanut.
Beverly Cleary, Sister
of the Bride Fifteen, 1950s/early 1960s,
approximate. Details given are from two different Beverly Cleary
young adult books: the unlabeled cans, married student
housing are from "Sister of the Bride" and the Chinatown/thousand
year old eggs are from "Fifteen".
Beverly Cleary, Sister
of the bride,
1963, copyright. Rosemary, the older sister, is not married until
the end of the book, but it chronicles all the events leading up
to her wedding from the perspective of her younger sister,
Barbara. The only detail that's off here is the Chinese restaurant
and bantering about thousand year old eggs. That is from Beverly
Cleary's "Fifteen" where Jane and Stan go on a double-date.
Beverly Cleary, Sister of the Bride.
I think this might be Beverly Cleary's Sister of the Bride.
Although the Chinese Restaurant scene may be from Beverly Cleary's
Jean and Johnny. Both of these are great books.
Beverly Cleary, Sister
of the Bride, 1963, copyright. The married
college student sister, the unlabeled cans, and the peanut energy
are all from Sister of the Bride. The Chinese restaurant
scene, however, is from another Cleary book called Fifteen.
The characters discuss the eggs on the way to the restaurant but I
don't believe they actually order any.
Beverly Cleary, Sister
of the Bride. This is definitely Sister of the
Bride - Barbara is the younger sister. The cans were joke gifts
from a wedding shower, and her sister, who is writing her thesis,
says she doesn't need a snack because a student can study all
night on one peanut (making it harder for Barbara to convince her
to go to the surprise shower). The chinese food reference, is, I
think, from Fifteen, also by Beverly Cleary. I often confuse the
two books in my head! Enjoy!
Beverly Cleary, Sister
of the Bride/Fifteen. It sounds to me like you
might be getting these two books by Beverly Cleary confused. In
Sister of the Bride, the main character's old sister gets married
while in college, and is given--by her friends--a lot of unlabeled
cans as a wedding present. In Fifteen, the main character goes on
a date to Chinatown.
Beverly Cleary, Sister
of the Bride. I *think* this is Sister of the Bride. It could be
one of Cleary's other teenage-girl books, but it's most likely
this one.
Cleary, Sister of the Bride, 1963, copyright. The part with
the peanut is on page 148 of the 1992 Avon Flare edition, and the
part with the unlabled cans is on page 200. (http://books.google.com/books?id=hCebqi75YUcC&lpg=PA148&ots=hPeEzKj9ge&dq=%22Sister%20of%20the%20Bride%22%20cleary%20peanut&pg=PA148#v=onepage&q=&f=false)
I can't locate the Chinese restaurant part online, but
it sounds familiar -- I reread Sister of the Bride along with some
other 1950s Cleary novels (Fifteen, The Luckiest Girl, Jean and
Johnny) last summer.
The Sausage at the End of the
Nose, 1974.
This is a play written by Beverly Cleary in 1974. I played the
same part and in 6th grade as well! I have Googled many variations
trying to come up with a copy of the script and I emailed the
Children's Book Council to see if they knew where to get a copy
but never heard back from them. I would love a copy. I remember
wearing green leotards on each arm as part of my bookworm's
Two Birds (Owls) on the Front Cover?
Solved The Happy Owls
T483: Teenage boy riding the rails
Teenage boy riding the rails with dog. Near the end there was a
new conductor who knew the boy was going to get on the train
because he often did. He held the lantern too low for the dog. The
dog was blinded by the light, went under the train and dwas
killed. That is about all that I remember about the book except
that one time when he was visiting the family that he often
visited, they offered him fried chicken. He took the drumstick.
They told him that he could have the breast if he wished. He
thought that is was reserved for the adults but he still prefered
the drumstick. In the very end, he was given a puppy that his dog
had sired.
T484: Teacup
& Other Stories
Series of books/anthologies/encyc of
children's stories/poems printed in the 60's/early 70's, gray or
silver binding w/blue. Stories incl.
Teacup Whale, Nonsense Alphabet, possibly
Hansel and Gretel, Gingerbread Man, 7 Chinese Brothers, House that
Jack Built. Pretty, glossy color
plates thru out.
Time Travel in Scotland
kids' book set in Scotland and
involving time travel. This is a book I read in the early 70s, and
I think was written around that time (not, for example, in the
1950s). I can’t remember either author or title though I *think*
it was called something like The Tower of Time. The plot is that
four children are sent by their parents to stay for some length of
time (summer?) with their grandmother who lives in Scotland. On or
near her land they find a very old ruined tower. One day playing
around it, the youngest, a girl of 8 or 9, vanishes, and somehow
her sister and brothers realise she has gone back in time. They
wind up following her, to what I think was about 8th century
Scotland (long, long ago, anyway). The first snag is that while
the 3 older siblings arrive as themselves – kids out of time –
their sister seems to have arrived in the past as someone *from*
the past – an actual Scot girl who no longer knows English or how
to read, speaking only Scots Gaelic. They have some adventures in
the past, which I vaguely associate with the Stone of Scone, and
eventually make it back to their own time.
The second
snag is that while the 3 older kids arrive back as themselves,
the youngest arrives back in contemporary time still as an 8th
century girl. She is frightened of cars and baffled by
television, for instance; I remember the older kids are trying
to figure out how they are going to explain to their parents why
the girl no longer reads when that used to be her passion. I
can’t remember how it all works out (or if it does), and I have
this vague notion that somehow they figure out the grandmother
started out as someone from the past, who got sent *forwards* in
time (from, say, the 8th century to the 20th). This is
absolutely *not* an Edward Eager or E. Nesbit book. The tone is
much more serious, and lacks the whimsy of either of those
authors... and it was on a different shelf in the school library
than either of them. (Why, oh why, can I remember the
shelf-placement and not the title or author’s name?!)
Anderson, In the Circle of
Time, 1979, copyright. I
think this is probably the one you're looking for! "Two children
are hurled into the future as a result of their hunt for three
12-foot stones missing from an ancient Scottish stone circle.
There's at least one sequel--In the Keep of Time, and maybe
another as well.
Margaret J. Anderson,
In the Keep of Time,1977, copyright. Sounds like IN THE KEEP OF
TIME by Margaret J. Anderson. 4 children go back in time while
exploring an old Scottish keep or tower. If I remember
correctly, one of the children doesn't make it back, instead a
child from the past comes back in her place and passes for her,
or something along those lines.~from a librarian
Margaret Jean
Anderson, In the Keep of Time. Maybe this one?
Margaret Jean
Anderson, In the Keep of Time, 1977, approximate. search brought up this
book which sounds exactly like the one you are looking for, and
it also has a sequel called "In the Circle of Time".
Margaret J. Anderson,
In the Keep of Time. This sounds about right - tower, time
travel, Scotland
Margaret Anderson, In the Keep of Time. I recognized this instantly as In the Keep
of Time by Margaret Anderson....the same book I submitted as a
stumper a few years ago! This is: In the Keep
of Time by Margaret J. Anderson. See Solved Mysteries. I was the first one
to solve that stumper from long ago - somehow, I managed to type
"entical-looking" when I meant "identical-looking."
Time travel, dinosaur egg, garage, father as scientist
Solved: The Bunjee Venture
To Date a Rogue or Not?
I read this book in the early to mid-70's, I
think. A British YA -(?) novel about a young woman who
somehow meets and possibly is torn between two brothers (one a
rakish airplane pilot who crashes, but survives?). The
story also involves horses, I think- perhaps the young woman
learning to ride?
K. M.
Peyton, Flambards, 1967, copyright. Undoubtedly
this is Flambards, or one of it's sequels. The orphaned
Christina is sent to live with her impoverished uncle and two
male cousins at Flambards (a country house), one an arrogant
brutish fellow, the other a sensitive boy who wants to be an
aviator (set in 1901, or thereabouts).
This sounds like the Flambards
series or possibly another work by K. M. Peyton.
KM Peyton,
Flambards. Sounds like this
Peyton, K. M., Flambards, 1967. This is the
Flambards trilogy. Flambards (1967)
starts when Christina is 12. The Edge of the Cloud, and Flambards
in Summer followed shortly thereafter. Flambards Divided (1981)is
a later sequel. The first three books were made into a popular
Yorkshire TV series in 1979, later shown on American public TV.
K.M. Peyton, Flambards.The solution to this stumper
may be K.M. Peyton's Flambards series: Flambards,
of the Cloud, Flambards in Summer, and Flambards Divided.
Children's book read in the 1960's
about a young boy befriended by a tiny tiny woman (think
Thumbelina size) She mentors, guides, teaches him about life and
helps him grow up. When she is finished (or he grows up ala Mary
Poppins style) she flies away on a balloon I guess to find
another child to mentor. I thought her name was Tivoli? Or
Tevali? Can't think of the title or author. There were
Three Stories
Solved: Bedtime Stories (Potter)
Written for children before
1958. Three short children's stories in one small, 6 1/2" by 5",
picture story book, about 30 pages. Characters are animals with
human characteristics. 1st- children are tucked into bed,
but not tired. Allowed to get up,
play for a bit, then happily go to bed. 2nd- children
accompany mother to neighbor's home. Mother goes inside and
children are offered grapes growing around home.
They eat all the grapes to the adults disappointment. Next day they tie more grapes to the
vines with red yarn. 3rd- mother goes off to shop. Children attempt to make a cake. Father
arrives just in time with ice cream.
Miriam Clark Potter, Bedtime Stories, 1951, copyright. My
mystery was already solved. I should
have checked the solutions page first. Someone
was looking for it before me. I
managed to get a copy from Nova Scotia and one from U.S. Thanks
for the help. I sat in my mom's chair and read it out loud to my
Miriam Clark Potter, Bedtime
Stories,1951. From the Solved Mysteries: Potter, Miriam
Clark, illus. Tony Brice, Bedtime Stories, Rand-McNally 1951.
"The stories are Three Jumpy Kittens ("Mother Cat had three
little gray kittens. They had blue eyes and pink tongues. One
afternoon she said to them, "It's time for your naps. Come with
me." So they all went to the kittens' bedroom." They can't sleep
and jump around on the furniture, "from the chest to the
armchair, from the armchair to the straight-back chair, very
softly so they would not wake their mother up.") and finally are
tired enough for her to tuck them in right up to their
noses, Mrs. Groundhog's Grapevine ("Mrs. Squirrel had two
little squirrels, Fluffy and Frisky. She washed their faces and
paws and put on their best clothes. "Very soon now we shall see
Mrs. Groundhog's house. It has a little white fence with a
grapevine on it." They are told "There are lots of grapes. You
may eat all you want." and eat all of them. Then they are sorry
and take all their money and buy fruit to tie on the vine. "The
grapevine was full of things: more grapes, a few apples and
plums and peaches and a carrot or two. Yes, there was even a
banana."), and Mrs. Rabbit's Birthday Cake ("Once there
was a family of three little rabbits. They were Munchy, Bunchy,
and Boo." While their mother is at market they bake a cake for
her birthday.)"
Riddle of Castle Hill
Television Sci-Fi Kids Book
Does anyone know the name of the
children's book where a boy loves to read and everyone in his
alternate universe is trying to get him to watch television
instead? I remember portions where teachers tried to make the book
act like TV-get up for a minute, and he's missed portions, etc.
Raymond F. Jones, A Bowl of Biskies Makes a Growing
Boy, 1973.Possibly
this science fiction short story about a boy who doesn't like to
watch TV, who discovers that a ubiquitous food additive, in
conjunction with TV viewing, has a brainwashing effect--and
seemingly everyone in the population is affected but him. In the
end, "They" (the government?) have him drugged and watching TV. I
don't recall the scene with the teacher, though. It appeared in
The Other Side of Tomorrow, edited by Roger Elwood.
Florence Parry Heide, The Problem with Pulcifer.
Definitely this book!
Time for an Orphan
A book for young adults that I read in the mid
1970s. May have been a book ordered through
school. The plot involves siblings (maybe cousins) who
live in England and are orphans. They are under the
guardianship of some not so nice people and the children
discover that time is not a straight line but circular like a
wagon wheel and there are times when the two circles can
connect. I seem to remember that at the end of the book
the children find that they are no longer orphaned. There was
a character who was called sneakin' Meakin'. She was a
servant type who looked after the children but was not a good
Barber, Antonia, The Ghosts.The wheel of time was in The Ghosts by Antonia
Barber. The children have a mother, but their father has died,
and they are in financial trouble. By the end of the book, they
find that they are related to the family who owns the manor. I
can't confirm the sneaky servant because it's been too long
since I read it.~from a librarian
The Amazing Mr Blundon. The two "present day" children
have a mother, but their father has died in a car crash. I think
the present day girl was called Lucy. Partly because of their
father's death they have no money. a mysterious solicitor, Mr
Blundon, comes and offers their mother a job as a caretaker for
a rich house, only it is partly in ruins due to a fire. The firm
of solicitors are trying to trace the owners of the house.The
two Victorian children they meet are called Sara and William (I
think). The victorian children are orphans, their parents were
killed in a coach accident. (the Victorian equivalent of a car
crash). The victorian children have or will die in a fire.
Eventually the present day children help Mr Blundon to save the
victorian children from a fire which damaged the property. The
present day boy is hurt in the process, but back in the modern
times its said he fell playing in the ruins, he eventually
recovers. Once that is all resolved their learn that
William inherited the property, and lived to old age. But died
without issue. Sara married the gardner's boy, Tom and went to
America. It turns out the present day children are descendents
of Sara and Tom (who were their Great Grandparents). So of
course they inherit the property.
Three men & three horses in a hot air balloon
An oversized illustrated children's
book published in the 1950's or 1960's. It told the story of
three men - one with black hair, one with yellow hair, and one
with red hair. They have three horses - one black, one
yellow, and one red. All the men & horses get into the
basket of a hot air balloon.
Piet Worm, Three
Little Horses.
Not sure about the balloon, but the coloring of the trio
suggests this old favorite from the late 50s.
Toes Fall Off
Solved: The Pobble Who
Has No Toes
This is a book I
remember from my very childhood (I remember my Mom reading it to
keep me quiet as I sat in the doctor's office). I don't recall
the title or author, although I seem to remember the story was
told in rhyme similar to Dr. Suess format.The plot is as
follows: There is a certain race of creatures (I seem to recall
they were called Wobbles or Hobbles or something along those
lines) who are doomed to lose their toes once they reach a
certain age. The only way to prevent this toe loss is to keep
their noses warm. One particular creature decided he was NOT
going to lose his toes and always wore a scarf around his very
large nose. One day he went for a swim and the scarf fell
off...and (you guessed it) so did his toes. After he gets out of
the water, he mourns the loss of his toes and speculates which
sea creature might have his them and what they did with them.I
seem to remember that the creature was yellow and looked a bit
like Bullwinkle Moose (without the horns): tall and skinny, very
large nose. The scarf was either red or orange. The phrase
"always lose their toes" is repeated frequently throughout the
book. The book was published either in the late 70s or very
early 80s. I''ve been going nuts trying to remember the title of
this book. Those I've asked (a local children's librarian)
looked at me like I was nuts when I described the plot to her.
Please help...if you can. Thank you!
Lear, Edward., The Pobble who has no toes.
nonsense poem - there was an edition illustrated by Kevin
Maddision in 1977/8 published in both the UK and US. Lots of responses to this, I'll bet! It's The Pobble
Who Has No Toes by Edward
Lear. You can read it in The Golden Treasury of Poetry, ed. Louis
Untermeyer with illustrator Joan Walsh Anglund - see the Anthology
Finder. Your librarian could stand to brush up a bit on
the classic Victorian writers! I never knew it was put in the
title of any book, though. Paul Galdone was one
illustrator (of Two
Laughable Lyrics: The Pobble Who Has No Toes & The
Quangle Wangle's Hat, 1966 ) and other illustrators
were Dale Maxey in 1968, Kevin W. Maddison in 1977,
Margaret Lock(e) in 1979, and Emma (Emily?) Crosby in 1986.
Interestingly, another title is The Young Pobble's Guide to His Toes by
Gavin Ewart, 1985. Oh, and here's
can read the original.
Edward Lear, The
Pobble Who Has No Toes, c.
1915. This is a popular old poem about a funny
little creature who is given a red flannel by his Aunt Jobiska
to keep his nose warm, so that no harm will come to his toes.
Edward Lear, The Pobble Who Has No Toes.
It's a poem by Edward Lear. Blog
text. There have been various illustrated editions of the
poem. You might try those illustrated by Paul Galdone or
Kevin W. Maddison. I wouldn't call Maddison's Pobble
yellow, though--he's more elephant-gray and is wearing a red and
white striped shirt.
Edward Lear, The
Pobble Who Has No Toes. I think you're
looking for an illustrated version of one of Edward Lear's
classic nonsense poems. You can find the complete text
of the poem on the internet (it's in the public domain), so
that much should be easy to verify. As for the book
itself, I could only find details of one standalone version of
the poem (it usually appears as part of Lear's Complete Book of Nonsense).
That edition was published in 1977 or 1978, so the
timing is right, and it was illustrated by Kevin W.
Maddison. Bing Image Search turns up one picture of the
(a?) cover, showing two greyish pobbles with, indeed, very
large noses. Search for "pobble, Maddison" and you can
take a look for yourself.
Edward Lear, The
Pobble Who Has No Toes. An excerpt:
"The Pobble who has no toes / Swam across the Bristol Channel
/ But before he set out he wrapped his nose / In a piece of
scarlet flannel. / For his Aunt Jobiska said "No harm / Can
come to his toes if his nose is warm / And it's
perfectly known that a Pobble's toes / Are safe, -- provided
he minds his nose!" This poem has been published in book
form, and also anthologized in various books of children's
literature, poetry, and nonsense verse.
Edward Lear, The
Pobble Who Has No Toes. This is almost
certainly The Pobble Who Has No Toes by Edward Lear,
but there are quite a number of editions out there.
Augusta Baker (editor), Best
Loved Fairy Tales, 1974. This
book does not have all of the stories mentioned, nor are the
illustrations (by various artists) credited. But it is a large
book with a brown/orange/white cover, fwiw... It has these
stories (and more): Puss in Boots , The Brave Tin Soldier (Here
as 'The Steadfast Tin Soldier'), The Tinderbox, Why the Sea is
Salt, Beauty and the Beast , and the Wonderful Tar Baby
Story. (and more).
T495: Teddy
Bear with Green Eye
A boy with superpowers has a teddy bear with one green eye. He collaborates with other children with
superpowers to defeat a villain. When/if
teddy bear's other eye turns green the villain will be ...
defeated? vanquished?
I don't know! The last 15
pages were missing! Read this ca.
Toboggan Run
I read this book when I was a child, in the late 1970s. Fabulous
illustrations. The one that sticks in my mind is of a child riding
a toboggan that was really a ram, the horns were warm. Not much to
go on, sorry!
Monica Beisner, Fantastic Toys, 1973.This beautiful picture book is a sort of
catalog of fantasy toys, including the Ram toboggan (which will
bleat when you press your knees against its sides), as well as
others like jumping boots with springs that you wear with a bird
feather cloak, animal umbrellas, an alphabet maze, a giant
inflatable balloon to paint, bubble bath with stiff bubbles you
can mold into giant animals, and many others.
A long shot, but could it
be the wonderful 1958 book The
Snowstorm by Swiss
poet Selina Chonz and illustrated by Alois Carigiet? Can't find an image of the
cover, but my copy shows the exhausted Florina being carried on
her brother Ursli's back (he's on skis). The book centers on a
sled parade that happens near the end and each sled has a
different "figurehead." Each is the carved head of an animal.
Chonz's 100th anniversary will be in Oct. 2010. There are two
other books in that series.
Telepathic Communication
Read this back in the early
80's...it had a brother & sister who run across a little boy
and they suddenly get the ability to talk to each other
telepathically. One of them keeps having a recurring dream
about chasing the little boy down a football field towards a
bright light...
Escape to
Witch Mountain, Key Alexander.
William Sleator, Into
The Dream, 1979, copyright. Two acquaintances
from school find that they have telepathic powers, and are sharing
a dream about a little boy who is in danger. The dream is a
warning from the little boy's dog - they all were affected by
contact with a UFO. The boy is being chased by unspecified
spies/bad guys who want to control his abilities. The climax comes
when they try to escape at an amusement park and are trapped on
the ferris wheel (the bright lights from the dream).
Two Girls and a Ouija Board
Ginnie and the Mystery Light
T499: Towns people
walking in a daze to giant bonfire
Child awakens to see towns people
walking in a daze to giant bonfire, They leap unnaturally high
over the flames and after return to their homes. I always thought
it was called midsummers magic but it is not. Regarding, T499: Towns people walking in a daze to
giant bonfire, I’m afraid it isn’t
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Young Goodman Brown. In error I
neglected to say it was a children’s book from the 60’s or early
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Young Goodman Brown. This
is a longshot--could the seeker be thinking of the short story
by Hawthorne.
T500: Twisted
fairy tales, butterflies, tooth fairy
read 1991 or so- book of twisted
or dark fairy tales? Three stories: Boy who hit butterflies with rackets so
butterflies stole his legs which went on a world adventure until boy
apologized and got legs back. Girl had to find tooth fairy. Magic
fish gave boy rainbow-he gave pieces away until none.
Joan Aiken, The Last Slice of Rainbow and other
stories, 1985. This is a collection of nine
of Joan Aiken's stories, including the three that you remember:
"The Last Slice of Rainbow" is the one with the fish and the
rainbow "Clem's Dream" is the one
with the tooth fairy (though Clem is a boy, not a girl) and "Lost - One Pair of Legs" is
the one with the butterflies and the adventurous legs.
Time travel, glass covered shuttle
I am looking for a book i read as a
child back in the late 80s. here is a description of this book.
Was maybe about kids that traveled in time like to the medieval
and the desert in a glass covered shuttle. girl on cover wears
armor?theres a prince too??
Eager, Edward,
Half Magic. It's a longshot, but perhaps you are remembering Half Magic? It's a magic
coin, not a glass shuttle, that allows for magic, but the
children do travel back to Camelot and, at another time, end up
in a desert. One of the early, and very distinctive, covers
showed a picture of a girl such that her left half had normal
clothes and her right half was wearing armor.
Eager, Half Magic. The cover description matches the older
cover of Half Magic-
half of the girl is regular, the other half is in a suit of
armor. I know Eager''s books have a lot of time travel
adventures, but the glass shuttle isn't ringing a bell, so I
can't swear this is the right book.~from a librarian
Telepathic girl with a pet rabbit
Solved: Zilpha Keatley
Snyder, And All Between,
T503: Teens, Wilderness
Survival, Killers
I read this book sometime around 1980-82. It is about a group
of teens sent to something like Outward Bound or wilderness
survival for the summer by their parents. Somehow it is
revealed to them that for various reasons their parents want
them dead and have sent them here to be killed. I remember
that the group leader falls in love with one of the girls. I
think the rest of the book is about them working together to
elude the killers and possibly how they could disappear so the
parents can't ever find them. Thank
you for any help you can give.
Thompson, Julian
F., Grounding of Group 6, 1983. My daughter and I both read
this book shortly after it was published. Each of the kids
was sent to the private school for having done something that
caused the family embarrassment -- plagiarism, etc. The
parents and the school have planned to have the kids killed
(grounded). My daughter particularly was impressed with the
horrible food the kids had to eat at the school.
Thompson, The Grounding of
Group 6. I
remember this one very fondly, although at the time, I thought it
was an odd premise for a book. What parent would want to kill
their kid? Now, as an adult, I can *sort of* understand the
premise a little better...though I still don't agree with it! :)
Anyway, I'm sure this is the book you're looking for.
T504: Time
I read a blue
hardcover book around 1984. It was a time travel
story. All I can remember is a covered wagon with a mirror
on it was involved. Was a great book and I wish I could remember
more about it. Thanks for your help.
Millhiser, The Mirror, 1978. Could this be the book? A
20-year-old Boulder girl (Shay)stares into her grandmother's
Chinese mirror on her wedding day in 1978, faints and comes to
in her grandmother's body--in 1900--about to be married to a
Millhiser, The Mirror,
1979. Could this be the
book? "Shay Garrett is getting ready for her wedding the
following day. Her grandmother, Brandy, has been brought from
the nursing home to attend the wedding. Brandy has spent most of
Shay's life in the nursing home. Rachel, Shay's mother, gives
her an old, ugly mirror that had originally been Brandy's
wedding present from her father. That night, Shay looks in the
strange mirror and locks gazes with her grandmother. A noise and
shaking like an earthquake occurs and Shay passes out. When she
wakes up, everything is wrong. Strange people are hovering
around her and calling her Brandy. Her body doesn''t feel right.
The house has changed, with less and different furniture around.
She realizes something is wrong, but it takes a little while to
figure what has happened. Shay's essence has transferred to
Brandy's 20 year old body almost 60 years previous to the time
Shay knows. Brandy's parents see Brandy, not Shay, and believe
the problem with her is the wedding she is being forced into the
following day. Shay knows she cannot explain what she does not
understand, but she has to get the mirror to put things back the
way they belong."
I've read The Mirror by Millhiser. It is a good book, but
not the book I'm looking for. Thank you for your reply though.
Thief's daughter lives unhappily in forest
SOLVED: The Robber's
T506: Time travel, boy,
little shop in New England
SOLVED: Mr. Wicker's
T507: Tall
Tales Fables
I am looking for a book that is a
collection of tall tales/fables (probably 25 stories or so, maybe
more). It had Pecos Bill (I think it was the "rides a tornado
story") Paul Bunyan. Jack and the Beanstalk I think ~ It was
probably 14" x 10", covered in moss green fabric, probably 2"
thick, with thick paper pages and I believe it was black and white
graphics inside that looked hand drawn, not so much detail.
T508: Two best
friends have dolls that they make up adventures about
SOLVED: Two Are Better Than One
T509: two boys get a
new home
Large format picture book,
probably 50's or 60's. Two friends,
one tall one short, each have bad living circumstances. One is in a basement and one is in an
attic. They find a home (house? apartment?) together and repair it, and
as I recall, wallpaper the walls with newspapers.
T510: Tobie/Toby/Tory
the dog in a magical pixie forest
Purchased in the late 70's/early
80's. I believe it was called Tobie/Toby or Tory. It was a chapter
book about a dog (a schnauzer) who travels into a magical forest
and meets up with pixies or fairies. I believe the story was told
from the dog's perspective. There was a magical pond or brook
T511: 3 ghosts who
want to trick-or-treat
SOLVED: Priscilla and Otto Friedrich, The Marshmallow Ghosts
T512: Tow Trucks
May be a Little Golden Book? This
is a book about tow trucks. As I remember, it lists a litany
of things that tow trucks tow, for example: tow trucks tow
cars, tow trucks tow trucks, etc. I remember the last line
in the book was tow trucks tow tow trucks and it had a picture of
a tow truck towing a tow truck. I used to read this book to
my sons when they were young but no longer have the book.
They have told me it was one of their favorite books. Now my
oldest son and his wife are expecting their first child(a boy)and
I thought it would be fun if I could find this book for him to
read to his son. I hope you can find it.
Pomerantz, How Many Trucks Can
a Tow Truck Tow? It could be this one. Each tow truck is a
different color, and each one breaks down until the smallest one
is pulling them all. One of the repeated stanzas is "with my red
lights turning and my blue lights winking and my headlights
burning and my green lights blinking, I'm moving along and what do
I see?"
Thank you, unfortunately, the book you suggested "How
Many Trucks Can a Tow Truck Tow?" is not the book I am thinking
of. The book I remember had a litany
of things tow trucks could tow. Each
page had a different vehicle that a tow truck could tow, ie, one
page said, "Tow trucks tow cars", the next page said, "Tow trucks
tow trucks" and so on. It had no plot
or story line. Just a listing of
things tow trucks could tow. One on each page.
The last page said, "Tow trucks tow tow trucks" and it had
a picture of one tow truck towing another tow truck.
David L.
Harrison, Let's Go, Trucks!, 1973. This is a Little Golden Book. The tow
truck page reads "Tow trucks tow cars. Tow trucks tow trucks. Tow
trucks tow tow trucks. There's not much that tow trucks don't
tow." But the book is actually about trucks in general, not tow
trucks in specific.
SOLVED: David L. Harrison, Let's Go Trucks!, 1973.
Thank you so much for your research. Yes! This is the
book I remember! I was pretty sure it was a Little Golden
Book, but I had forgotten it was also about all kinds of trucks,
not just tow trucks. Now that I know the name of the book, I
can hopefully find it somewhere. You are terrific!
Thanks, again!
T513: Tailor designs
flower clothes
A book I had as a child, about a
tailor who designs clothes based on flowers around the
village. He makes the girl a blubell dress, and I think the
mayor is an iris? Lucas,
David, Halibut Jackson. Halibut Jackson is so shy, he makes suits of clothes that
blend into his surroundings so he won'\''t be noticed. But once
someone finally notices, he gets so many requests for clothes like
his, he opens up a shop.
T514: tunnel,
island, ocean, adventure
Date: approximately 1953. A single book or series of books about
a group of children having numerous adventures walking out to a
deserted island through a secret tunnel only they knew about.
Enid Blyton, The Secret
Island and The Secret of Spiggy Holes. Sounds like
part of the secret series by Enid Blyton. I believe it had 4 kids
who run away from home to a nearby deserted island. Peggy and Jack
were 2 of the children I think. In the second book they travel
between two houses in secret tunnels alot.
Tiny Mouse New House and Clothes
This was a book about teeny mouse
and tiny mouse and their new house (circa 1970's?). They would buy
things in every color for the house and then "a new suit for Tiny
and a new dress for Teeny" in the same colors. Black was licorice,
and brown was a table.
T516: Turner's
Here’s the quandary: Newbery
Honor author Megan Whalen Turner read two books as a young adult
that presented two very different pictures from the same
historical period. The first was The Striped Ships by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
about the Norman Conquest as seen through the eyes of a young
Saxon girl. The second presented the opposite viewpoint,
with William the Conquerer as the hero. Could it be The King's Shadow by
Elizabeth Alder? Or something clearly from William’s point
of view? What think you, Stumper Magicians?
Heyer, Georgette, The Conqueror. One possiblity - Georgette Heyer is perennially popular.
Greenleaf, Banner Over Me, 1968. I haven't read it, myself,
but a couple of sites mention it. One person thinks she
remembers that the main character uses the Song of Roland to
inspire the troops. Does that ring any bells? It was
published by Follett in 1968, and illustrated by Charles
Mikolaycak, who has a quite distinctive style, in case that helps.
T517: "Truck," young man starts business
In 7th grade I read a few books
along the line of Steven Meaders BULLDOZER. One was called TRUCK
(I think) It was about a young man who found and bought a old
chain drive delivery tuck, fixed it up and started a business. One
chapter described a snowstorm he drove through because of the
drive chains.
Update: I NEEEEEED to know the answer to T517. I
know the book. It’s yellow and black and has black and white
drawings. I would love to be able to remember the name. I keep
thinking “Tommy’s Truck” or something like that. Any help?
Updated: I NEEEEEED to know
the answer to T517. I know the book. It’s yellow and black and
has black and white drawings. I would love to be able to
remember the name. I keep thinking “Tommy’s Truck” or something
like that.
T518: Teens,
Cryogenic sleep, Postapocalyptic, mutant dangers(?) Character:
Series I read in the 1990's. Teen
boy wakes from a cryo and world is over ( nuclear?). His dad
(scientist?) tasked him with saving civilization (?). He
must find other teens to help. Teen girl (old friend?) Sarah, teen
named Rebel (Reb), and a black teen (las two characters have
issues at first).
Deborah Moulton, Children of
Time, 1989.
T519: Top
This book falls under the
catagory of mystery/extra sensory perception. The main character
is a girl named Dorcas ( an orphan) who has a special top when she spins it, it can foretell the
future. There is also a detective named Michael who trys to
help/befriend her. He buys her a red scarf which actually helps
save her life at the end of the book. She is kidnapped and forced
into a cave by ill-intentioned smugglers/ embezzelers who leave
her there to die. This is a fantastic book whose title and author
escape me, but has everything to do with a spinning top!
Gladys Spicer, The Humming Top, 1968. I loved this book as
well, and must've read it a thousand times as a kid in the 1970s.
T520: Tarzan,
Bomba and other jungle heroes
SOLVED: Arthur Prager, Rascals
At Large: The Clue in the Old Nostalgia, 1971.
T521: Three Paneled
Flip Book of Paintings
SOLVED: Graham Oakley, Graham
Oakley's Magical Changes.
T522: Telepathic
communication via tonsils?
SOLVED: Atlantis Hallan, Star Ship on Saddle
Mountain, 1955.
T523: Train
The story is
about a boy living near a train yard who is befriended by an
elderly train mechanic. Together they work on an old engine,
perhaps "old number 99". One night the mechanic taps on the
boy's window and it time to take the train out for a ride
through the country side. Very exciting. I'd like to find it to
read to my great grandson. Thanks for the help.
Terrance Dicks, Steaming
Sam, 1992.
Sam and Mr Foskett restore an old steam train and plan to run it
on a disused track, but a local farmer threatens their
plans. Illustrated by Robert Geary.
Meigs, The Wonderful
Locomotive, 1928. Illustrated by Berta and Elmer Hader
published by The MacMillan Company. Peter drives Old
Number 44 non-stop (alone!) all the way across the USA and back
in only three days each way (VERY fast in 1928!). Awfully
out of date by today's standards, but a terrific adventure
T524: Taupe dress
SOLVED: Mary Stoltz, The Seagulls Woke Me. Thank you so much for solving my stumper. It
was so much fun to read the book again....38 years later!
T525: Tiger named Samson
This title was part of a book club,
60s? A tiger named Samson(?) escaped from the zoo. He had many
adventures until he met a little girl and befriended her. She took
him back to his cage at the zoo. Samson goes for a walk? Samson
gets dinner? The cover was blue 5" x 7" ish - duotone.
Makower, Samson's Breakfast.
T526: Teddy bear
and animals captured and taken to zoo/prison
Illustrated children's book (with a slightly overall dark tone) of
a teddy bear that is investigating animals being captured and
taken away and is then himself taken away to a zoo or prison. In
the end the animals escape (except for the sheep which decides to
stay for some reason).
T527: Teenage girls staying overnight in "haunted" house
YA novel, early 90s? 3 girls stay
overnight at elderly Aunts house. They play with ouija board, hear
strange noises, find a glove on the window sill and freak out.
Turns out it was half prank, half old aunt who had falled and was
trapped upstairs.
Joan Phipson, The Haunted
Night, 1970,
approximate. This may be too old to be the book you're
looking for, but it sounds very similar. Three (or maybe four)
teenage girls in an old house, hearing strange noises. They use
the Ouija board, and do some investigating. There is an aunt in
the house, but also a teenage addict who's hiding in the
attic. Just thought it was worth a mention, in case.
T528: Tarquin, hero
My father read a book as a
youngster, possibly a series, with Tarquin as the
protagonist. My father, born in 1926, died 18 years ago and
I am unable to remember the author, whom he described as a
favourite. Must have been written pre-1944. Hero stood
up for principle and what was right.
This isn't a solution,
but an aide! (Hopefully) There is a book called: My Name in Books: A Guide to Character Names in Children's
Literature by Katharyn
E. Tuten- Puckett. I don't know if it would have the book that you
are looking for listed, but it's worth a shot.
Sherman, Harold M., Tahara. Is there any
chance the series character might have been Tahara (who appeared
in four titles published in 1933, written by Harold M. Sherman,
author of a number of other boys' books)? Or
Tod Moran (written by Howard Pease, with the earliest volumes
published in the 1920s and 1930s)?
T529: Teenage
boy in mountains
I read this book in the 1960s when I was a boy.
It's a coming-of-age story of a teenage boy with a rifle
who goes up into the mountains (the Sierras?) looking for
something or someone and there is an outlaw (Indian?) who hides up
there and shoots down at him. He
finds empty peach cans at campsites. The boy,
lost his father somehow, goes up into the mountains (canyons?)
looking for his killer (?), finds traces of campsites with empty
peach (or pear) cans. The outlaw shoots at him with a
heavy caliber rifle (scary!). The boy has his own rifle
which isn't as powerful as the bad guy's. At first I
thought the author was Jim Kjelgaard, but not sure.
Gordon Shirreff, Mystery
of the Haunted Mine, 1960. I think this is the
book you're looking for...the peaches definitely ring a bell!
Gordon D.
Shirreffs, Mystery of the
Haunted Mine / Haunted Treasure of the Espectros. The original title of this is
Haunted Treasure of the Espectros, but I imagine that most people
remember it under the Scholastic paperback title, Mystery of the
Haunted Mine. Two boys, plus the girl cousin of one of them,
go to seek a lost gold mine. The place is allegedly haunted
by the ghost of Asesino, an Indian who had killed a lot of people
(hence his name). The peaches are in the story, too.
T530: Two young boys
enter a dark magic world via a ring of mushrooms
The protagonists of this
melancholic fantasy book are two young boys, one wilder than the
other, who are best friends. In a forest which I believe is
near their suburban homes, they walk through a ring of mushrooms
and find themselves in a magical land facing various
dangers. Wolves were involved. Over the course of the
book, the boys grow apart, and I think the wilder boy, who has
been gravitating towards evil, ends up staying in the magic land
with the wolves.
T531: Twelve
Dancing Princesses
My mother had a boxed set of books (came ina cardboard holder)
that were centered around the 12 Dancing Princesses back in the
1950s. They may have been published before then if her
mother bought them used though. She lived in British
Columbia, Canada so it may have been through a Canadian
publisher. They were really small, perhaps 6 by 8 inches and
had impressive illustrations.There was one book for each princess
who had a different dress. They waited until night and then went
down through a secret trapdoor in the floor and danced all night
and they needed a lot of shoes because they wore them out quickly.
They were dressed as medieval princesses and there was a prince in
the stories. This book was definitely based off of Grimm's
story, but I can't find the set that was published. I would
love to get her this for Christmas- please help!
T532: Teenage sisters
move to foreign country
teenage sisters move with their family to a foreign
country. When one goes out the roads are straight, the
other they curve all over. I think one had red hair and
the book may have had a medal for some book award. It was
probably published between the early 1970s and 1994 at the very
latest. (pretty sure I sent this one in around 2006 but can't
find it in the search)
Perhaps a book by Andre
Norton? The era seems right for it to
be one of hers. This reminds me of an
Andre Norton book that I successfully searched here a few years
ago, which was
LAVENDER-GREEN MAGIC, one of her "Magic" series. This is because that book has a similar
premise of one sibling experiencing a garden in one way (good),
and the other sibling sees it the obverse (evil). Ms. Norton was a
very prolific writer, but it might give you a place to start. Good
luck! I'm curious now myself.
Goldstein, Tourists. I'm pretty sure this is your book.
The roads that go different ways are key in the book. The
daughters are Casey and Angie.
T533: Traveler
witnesses murder, "White Ibis"?
Looking for a young adult book in
which a young woman travels to Europe w/ an older relative. I
think in Greece, witnesses a murder from a distance above amazing
blue water. The White Ibis or something? Thanks!
T534: "Tall Tales"
Tall, narrow board
book. Pages were split into 3 sections (top, middle,
bottom) so you could flip pages back/forth to make a
different "tall tale" each time. Received it for Xmas in the
70's. I am quite certain it had the words "Tall Tales" on
the cover. It was NOT about Johnny Appleseed, etc
Kent Salisbury, Tell a Tall
Tale, 1966. Are you sure it was only three
sections? Because it sounds like Tell a Tall Tale, which
had seven per page. The stories on each page made sense
("Once upon a time a knight / rode his trusty charger / through
an enchanted forest / to a faraway magic castle / where a
beautiful young princess / was attending a grand ball / and they
waltzed in the ballroom together" or words to that
effect). The funny part came when you mixed them up, and
you got things like "Once upon a time a spaceman / paddled his
tippy canoe / across a sandy desert / to the faraway moon /
where a beautiful young princess / was catching little lizards /
and they chased each other in the jungle.
T535: Three Blind
Mice trigger to past life
1980's? YA Book. A girl that has
dejavu - Three Blind Mice triggers it. The girl goes to a nearby
town & starts to remember a past life; finds music box. It
ends with her seeing an old man and knowing that he killed her in
the past life. Odd chapter style: definitions at beginning
of each chapter.
T536: Tomboy
A 70's book about a young tomboy
who wears overalls, loves her train set & building things. Her
teacher doesnt approve & classmates tease her. Her parents
explain that it is ok to be herself. In the end, she meets a girl
who wears frilly dresses but also has a huge train set & they
become friends.
Elizabeth Levy, Nice Little
Girls. This is definitely Nice Little Girls - I
just found a copy for my nieces, so have read it to them recently!
VERY 1970s! :)
T537: Teen girl,
strict uncles
Teen girl lives with her two strict
uncles, who won't let her date. She has a crush on a boy
that she met on the bus coming home from a camping trip. Uncles
makes her wear "baby" blouses. Pub mid-late 80's. Photo of
teen girl on cover wearing striped polo? Paperback, teen reading
type of book.
T538: Three
children - girl from quasi-medieval world, boy from
quasi-futuristic world, and boy from modern-ish world - all
escape to another world
Children's book, read 1996 or 1997. The boy from the future was
named Pix, had blue skin and possibly red hair, and lived in a
society where no one left their homes - everything was
simulated. He broke free and escaped to experience
life. The girl - R-something - was fleeing an arranged
John Peel, Diadem, 1990s. This
100%, the Diadem
series by John Peel. The
first in the series is called Book of Names, and the girl
character you remember is named Helaine Votrin (aka Renald).
T539: Two islands,
two tribes
Read in Austria (German
version-prefer this version, Eng version too?) beautiful illustr.
2 islands, 2 tribes: Island A-underdeveloped, island B-
rich/developed. B tribe find gold on A island, dig/ruin it. I
think huge storm ruins B island, A shares meager supplies despite
pillaging. good moral.
T540: Trees
overtaking towns, lost boy found in forest
SOLVED: Richard Grant, Rumors of Spring.
T541: Two Volume
Children's Story Collection from the 50s
This is a collection of children's
stories, poems, haikus, and other assorted written mediums that my
mom had when she was young. They were in two large volumes
and had green covers. She was born in 1961 and had older
siblings so it was probably published sometime in the 50s.
Louis and Bryna
Untermeyer, Golden Treasury of Childrens Literature. I wonder if the author could be
thinking of this book in combination with Margaret
Martignoni's Illustrated
Treasury of Children's Literature.
T542: Time Travel
Wow! I have so little to give
to the amazing Stumper Magicians! I will share what I can
recall... I remember a novel from my childhood years (I was
about 10 years old, perhaps)that entailed some siblings that were
staying at a huge mansion (either visiting, vacationing, or had
recently moved there---not sure). While they explored the
home, they found a closet that had penciled-in height markings on
the door jamb (measuring and dating the heights of the children,
as they grew, that used to live there, about a century
prior). If I recall correctly (which is not a guarantee!),
when they left the closet (after exploring), they were somehow in
that prior time---and ran into the children who used to live
there, as it was "their" house in this new/prior time... If
I recall, they could not play together outside, as that would
break "the spell." Wow! Not much to go on, as I said,
but truly a book I had loved. I'm most thankful for ANY and
ALL help that you literary sleuths can provide! Thanking you
each, in advance!
Sleigh, Jessamy, 1967. Orphaned Jessamy has to stay with old Miss
Brindle, the childless caretaker of an empty Victorian mansion,
during a school holiday. Jessamy explores the house and comes
across a schoolroom. She opens a large empty cupboard and sees
three sets of old pencil marks on the door showing the heights of
four children, one of them named Jessamy, like her. Her flashlight
turns into a candle as she slips back in time 43 years. Back in
time, Jessamy finds she had fallen from a tree the previous day
and should be recovering in bed from concussion. She's thought to
have suffered some memory loss, which happily accounts for some of
her strange questions... (From Wikipedia)
Lindbergh, Nick Of Time.
The height marking thing
makes me think this might be Nick of Time by Anne Lindbergh. The
"today" kids are part of some sort of home-based
experimental/alternative school run by the main character's
parents. They get a visitor from the future, Nick, who comes
through a door marked with height lines. They discover they can go
into the future to his time, but only as long as they are a
certain height that matches one of the lines. One of the girls
decides to stay in the future.
Children of Green Knowe, 1965. Sounds a bit like The Children of Green
Knowe--part of a series about a huge, old British mansion called
Green Knowe. In this particular volume, three kids come to visit
their grandmother at the house, and "meet" all the children who
lived in the house over the years. I do believe there is a
place where various generations marked their heights over the
Sorry I can't solve
this, but just a bit of further info for searching: 1) This
definitely is not The *Children* of Green Knowe (a book I know
well), but it might be one of the others in the series. 2)
Contrary to the date given which may be a typo, all but the last
(Stones of G.K.) were published before 1965.
T543: Turnstile in
Swamp, Flying Snake, Wizard who disintegrates people
YA novel (I believe) from *at
least* 20 years ago. A turnstile is found in a swamp. Going
through makes any metal carried (such as coins) burning hot.
Beyond is a magic land (of course) with a wizard who can
disintegrate people, leaving only the skull. Transportation
is by a (flying?) flat snake. Updated: More info: in the final pages/chapters
of the book there was a storm that blew down a lot of the swamp
and they were unable to find the turnstile anymore. I think
the main characters may have been following an owl or other bird
through the swamp when they found the turnstile in the first
place. And there were actually scouting incursions from the
magic world into our own in the second half of the book. One
of the main supporting characters was disintegrated by the evil
wizard early on, but at the end of the story after the wizard’s
defeat everyone was “re-integrated” back to life. I
definitively remember that transportation by the main characters
was via a large snake. Whether the snake was flat- or not-
and whether it really could fly- or not- I can’t say for sure, but
I’m pretty sure that it was both flat and could fly (almost like a
living magic carpet)!
T544: Two boys avert
the apocalypse... Fenrir
SOLVED: Williams, Jay, Hero
From OtherWhere.
T545: Tomato soup and
cold fried chicken
Looking for a book from the
1960's. A little boy was intrigued by a little girl in his
class who brought tomato soup in a thermos bottle and cold fried
chicken in her lunch. Maybe she was rich?
I KNEW this sounded familiar -
could it be What's
Charley? by Margaret
Hodges and illustrated by Aliki Brandenberg,
1961? See
Solved Mysteries. Rosabelle has that lunch.
Hodges, What's for Lunch,
1961. Every day, Charley brings an ordinary lunch to school: a
peanut butter sandwich, an apple, a cookie, etc. The new girl
always has much more interesting things in her lunch, such as
tomato soup, cold fried chicken, and even chocolate cake. One day,
Charley forgets his lunch, so he goes to a fancy hotel restaurant
and orders tomato soup, chicken, and chocolate cake for himself.
His dad then shows up and pays the bill. I think the girl'\''s
mother or father worked at the restaurant, which was why she
always had leftovers in her lunches.
T546: Tragic
SOLVED: Opie Read, The Colossus. Thank you. I already found it, and the story is nothing
like I imagined the book would be.
T547: Three Little Pigs
I am looking for a specific version of The Three Little Pigs. I read it so often that it fell apart,
and my mom threw it away. It was a
paperback book with beautiful illustrations.
The cover had the three pigs walking sideways. At least one was wearing overalls and
one was wearing purple. All had
shirts and pants. The first two pigs
get eaten, and in the aftermath, the wolf is shown in covered in
straw and then in twigs.
Three Little Pigs, Three Little Pigs (Little Golden
Book). The cover of
the Little Golden Books reissue of the Disney version
of Three Little Pigs matches the description:
one pig is in purple a second is in yellow with a purple
band on his hat (and is playing a fiddle) the third is in a
yellow shirt and blue overalls.
T548: Teen wants to
be an actress
SOLVED: Glen and Jane
Sire, Something Foolish,
Something Gay.
Telepathic children catastrophe? earthquake
Read between 83 and 86. Book about
group of children called together telepathically. Central
character is teenage girl who follows call and packs for journey
with water from toilet cistern. Meets boy and a baby named Andrew
/ Drew strong telepathy. Older man ? uncle at house with other
Wilanne Schneider Belden, Mind-Call, 1980, approximate. I think you're
looking for one of the three books by Wilanne Belden:
Mind-Find, Mind-Call and Mind-Hold.
They're losely connected but each book is focused on a different
pair or group of children making their way to a safe house once
telepathy becomes more known in the world, but still not accepted.
T550: Teenage girl
has power to generate internal fire
Patricia Wrede, Daughter of Witches.
T551: Teenager sails Chesapeake, solves mystery
This is a book I read from the
library at my junior high school in the early 1970's. It is about
a teenage girl possibly staying with a friend or relative on the
Chesapeake Bay. She sails to an island. There is a mystery of some
kind involving the people she is staying with and the little
island in the bay. The girl's name may be Cat, but maybe not.
T552: Three brothers,
Depression, carnival, fruit basket
SOLVED: Tyler, Wilkin and Skee.
T553: Teddy bear
climbs ladder, ominous clouds
A teddy bear and two friends go on
an adventure. On one page the bear climbs a ladder and gets
sick and throws up. On another page someone says "the clouds
look ominous."
T554: Teddy bear
falls out of car window
SOLVED: Lebeck, Oskar, Teddy B.B.
T555: Two tribes of
tiny human like creatures
SOLVED: Peter Dallas-Smith, (Peter
Cross, illustrator), Trouble
for Trumpets.
Timbuktu wild romp
I have a recollection of a story book from my childhood
(1970's). It was set in Africa and involved an explorer
(perhaps soldier) on his way to Timbuktu. The book was a
wild romp, illustrated with adventures involving riding ostriches,
witchdoctors, being boiled in cauldrons ...may have also involved
adventures in the markets of Zanzibar, and is likely to be
politically incorrect by today's standards. Any idea?
Twin sisters with ESP
Twin sisters with ESP. One goes on a space trip to Mars
and the other stays behind. They can communicate through
space with their thoughts. I remember reading this book in
the 1960's, checked out from the local Carnige Library.
Probably a Young Adult or Teen book, hardback.
If there's any chance it was brothers instead
of sisters, this sounds like Heinlein's Time for the Stars,
published in 1957. Wikipedia has a cover image and plot
Heinlein, Robert, Time for the Stars,
1956. If the main characters were boys instead of girls, I'd
suggest Time for the Stars (1956) by Robert Heinlein. Pat
and Tom are identical twins, who have developed what they think is
a secret language that only they can understand. What they
don't realize is that they are really communicating
telepathically. The space program has devised a program
utilizing similarly telepathic twins, in which one twin will board
a long-range space ship, and the other will remain on Earth.
Since regular communications devices won't work as space ships
approach the speed of light, only the telepathic bonds between
twins will allow for the transfer of information between the ships
and Earth. Sadly, the ship-board twin will age far more
slowly than the Earth-bound twin. A truly stellar juvenile
Hugh Walters, Mission to Mercury,
Hugh Walters. Might be either Mission
Mercury or Spaceship to Saturn, both by
Hugh Walters. Both involve a set of telepathic female
twins, Gill and Gail, one of whom goes on the mission and the
other stays behind so that instantaneous communication can take
place between the astronauts and "mission control." My copies are
dated 1965 and 1967, respectively.
Teen Girl called October Blonde by Boyfriend
Teen 1950s- 60's novel is about a girl who either moves with
her family or stays in the same city changes schools for 10th g
High School makes friends with another girl they start a singing
duo for hire She is blond with brown eyes and the guy she
likes calls her An October Blonde.
It was a hard cover book with sketch drawing
illustrations. It was about a group of kids that lived in
customized tree houses that were specific to the characteristics
of each kid. Probably published in the 1970's.
Burns, Doris, Andrew Henry's Meadow
many times stumper.
Teenage twins
I read this book in the early 1990's. It was about two teenagers,
I think they were twins (brother and sister). It involved the
neighbors and witchcraft. Could SWEAR the author is Judith
Hawkins, couldn't find it anywhere.
Sounds like this could
be Double Trouble by
Barthe DeClements.
Town grows
This is a children's book, probably from the 1960's. It
describes how a town went from a few people and grew. Each
page tells of the next addition to the town and the addition is
illustrated. The town grows page by page.
A long shot, but could
you be thinking of The Little House,
by Virginia Burton? It starts with just the one
house, but a neighborhood, then a village, then a city grow up
around it. It's a classic.
It's later than your guess, but could it be
Window by Jeannie
Baker ( New York: Greenwillow
Books, 1991. ISBN 068808918). From
teachers.net: "This wordless picture book chronicles events and
changes in a young boy's habitat as seen through the window of
his room. A peaceful rural neighborhood evolves slowly into a
crowded and dirty city. Australian author and illustrator Baker
uses collage construction to indicate the passage of time and to
describe the effect of growth and development on the child's
environment. At the end of the story, the boy is grown, and is
seen moving his own child to a new house in a another rural
area. And the cycle begins again."
T562: Town with no windows
As a child in the 70's, but I read a lot of hand-me-down
book from siblings, I remember reading a book about a town that
had no windows and the towns people spent most of their time
running around town trying to capture the sunlight with mirrors.
Until a boy (I think) came to town and helped them create
windows. Another story from this book had him plant popcorn
(or something else) and it grew into a tree. This book was
illustrated in black and white, sketching. I remember the boy
wearing a crown and hanging from a tree upside down. THis
may be collection of stories in a book or several
books. I used the window story in a sermon last Sunday and
now there is a congregation trying to find this book for me.
This is a very long
shot, but your description reminds me of a book I read in the
mid-1960's or thereabouts that I can't for the life of me
remember the title of. It is about a little boy who
stumbles across twelve (possibly ten) foolish men. I
thought the title was something like "X and the Twelve Foolish
Men" where X is the name of the boy, but I can't find anything
even remotely like that in Google. In the book I'm
thinking of, the 12 stupid men keep making silly mistakes:
for example, if memory serves, at one point they are unable to
use some tool or something like that because they are holding it
upside down. At one point they build themselves a house,
but don't know that they must put in windows. They are
frantically carrying pans (not mirrors, unless I'm confused) of
light in, but the inside of the house is still dark and they
don't know what to do. After the boy solves five or six of
their little dilemmas they elect him their king (that's why he's
wearing the crown at the end of the book). The drawings
are all in black and white, and, if I remember correctly, the
men are all wearing dark suits. The book was large, 6 or 8
inches by 12 inches, like a Dr. Seuss book.
T563: Twins stranded in a lifeboat eating
canned food
I vaguely remember a book from my
childhood where twins, siblings or two kids (boy and a
girl, maybe) were stranded in a lifeboat and had to find
for themselves and eat canned food. I think one may have
been named Elijah. I would love to re-read this book
again, or at least find out the name of it as a starting
place. I seem to recall it had pictures but it seemed
like a book for older kids versus toddlers.
Island by Carol Ryrie Brink? That one has
two sisters plus four babies, one of whom is definitely named
Elijah. There's also canned food. Also see Two on an
Island, by Bianca Bradbury. That one has
two siblings and canned food.
This sounds
like it could be Baby Island, by Carol Ryrie
Brink. Two sisters, Mary and Jean, were stranded in a
lifeboat with four babies (one of whom was named Elijah and had a
twin brother Elisha) and had to survive for a few days on canned
food until they reached an island, where they set up housekeeping
with all the babies.
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