Loganberry Books
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Q1: Quadruplets nicknamed "Frogs"'
Solved: We Four Together
Q2: Quacks
Solved: Billions of Quacks
Q3: Quaker girl loses
mother/questions faith
Solved: I Take Thee, Serenity
Q4: Quack Said Joshua
Solved: 'Quack!' Said Jerusha
Q5: Quilt scraps left
by ghost,/witch/stranger
Solved: The Ghost of
Windy Hill
Q6: quilts
Solved: Eight Hands Round
Q7: quincy
Solved: All By
Q8: Quaker
vegetable hate
In this story, the child (I think it was a
girl) says she hates eating vegetables. The mother replies
with something like "Thee cannot hate a vegetable." The
idea is that hatred is a very strong emotion not appropriate for
general use.
Q8 Jessamyn West wrote a lot of
books about Quakers.
I am not sure but could this be one of
Marguerite de Angeli's books: Thee Hannah?
Skippack School? or maybe Yonie Wondernose?
Brinton Turkle, Thy Friend, Obadiah. (1982) This may not be the right book,
but Turkle wrote several picture books about Obadiah this is the
only one still in print. The stumper is not looking for a
Marguerite d'Angeli book, though, unless it's Thee, Hannah,
because her other books are about Amish children, not Quakers
(Yonie Wondernose, etc.).
Q9: Quick,
Solved: Doctor Squash the Doll Doctor
Q10: Queen Anne's Lace/Mystery
Solved: Queen Anne's Lace
A quest for a namesake
Solved: The Namesake
Queen Esther
Children's book about Queen Esther. Each character illustrated as
a different animal: Queen Esther is a goat, King Ahasuerus is a
dog, etc. I remember a bright blue cover with a picture of Esther
(as a goat) on the front. probably published around 1980's
Kurt Mitchell, Esther: Selected
Verses from the Book of Esther, 1983, copyright. Description from
Worldcat: "Contains selected verses from the Book of Esther
illustrated with animal figures."
Q13: Quiet Place
I am 95% certain that's the book title...I would like to know the
author and/or illustrator. The story is a small book (might be a
Whitman Tiny Tot Tale printed 1969). It's about a child named
Grace who is looking for a quiet place. Thanks so much...this is
the most beloved book from my childhood.
Lynn Wheeling, A Quiet Place, 1969. This story was published in 1969 by
Whitman, a Tiny-Tot Tale.
Q14: Quest
Looking for "The Quest" ? book about
a modern search for the grail. Rather like an Indiana
Jones movie, the grail has been hidden for ages. The "good
guy" is following the trail. It has been covered over with gold
and jewels by Jewish metalworkers...? There is a
discription of how 666 relates to 6 days without God, 6
something without something and 6 is man with out God and that
is hell. There are deserts and digging and tents and James
Bond like stuff going on. Set in modern times, but has
historical accounts, but is definately a work of fiction.
I read it about 10 years ago in paperback.
This also may be called
"the Chalice" or "The Grail Quest" of something of that sort. I now believe it was a best seller of
the week in the 1980s or around then. Still
would like to find it.
Q15: Queen Ann's Lace
I am going to give you what I know about the story. It was read
to me in the 50's or early 60's. It was a story about how the
flower Queen Ann's Lace came to be. I do not remember very much
except a witch was trying to get a girl (princess, maybe). Somehow
white flowers grew up and trapped her. If you look at the
flower Queen Ann's Lace you will see a little black speck in the
middle. This represents the witch amid a sea of white flowers.
That is why Queen's Ann's Lace blooms with the back speck in the
middle. Every year about this time when it blooms I am
reminded of this story. Please help me locate this fairy tale or
folk lore story. No one seems to remember it but me.
I was told that Queen Anne gathered those
black dots ..which, when you rub them in your palm, become deep
red, wanted millions of those collected to dye her dress that
deep color and, hence, that is how it got the name..MY parents
used to work in the Catskill Mountains and my dad would take the
guests of the Fallsview Hotel (where I was married 33years
ago) for a "nature walk" around the golf course and
mountains. SInce we grew up in NYC/the Bronx, he did
research to give info on these walks. THat is how I got that
info. Coincidentally, my dad is 89 now, and last weekend,
I went up to the Catskills to take care of him a bit and
he doesn't remember telling that story. I tell it to
everyone and I cannot believe it was in your online newsletter.
Nothing is a coincidence!!! Whew.. Thanks so much for another
story ......I thought I was the only one in the world who was
thinking so much about Queen Annes Lace these last few weeks.
Q16: Q about virtual reality, game, colonizing other
Solved: Invitation to the Game
Q17: Queen of dolls
I am looking for a book about a queen of dolls who comes each
night in a coach that might be drawn by mice and takes forgotten
and mistreated dolls to a hospital. It may have been written
in the 30's. It was my grandmother's book. My mom
really liked it when she was a kid and is looking for a copy of
Josephine Scribner Gates' 1901 book,
The Book of Live Dolls, illustrated by Virginia
Keep, which comes in three parts. See Solved Mysteries.
I believe the illustrations for The Book of
Live Dolls were also done by Mabel Rogers - in the Better Homes
and Gardens Storybook, anyway.
Q18: Quirky alphabet book
Solved: Birds in my
Q19: Quack, said Jerusha
Solved: Children's
Q20: Queen of Prussia
This fiction book takes place in King of
Prussia, Pennsylvania or environs. I think "Queen of
Prussia" is in the title. It is the story of a family who
spends summers at the Matriarch's home, written from the view
point of a young teen granddaughter. The family is kind of
odd ball, consisting of the Grandmother, her adult daughters and
the grand children. I read it over 25 years ago, maybe as
long ago as the late '70's. It was a book my mother got
from some book club she subscribed to, which leads me to believe
it had some importance at one time...maybe even a best seller.
The author must have some connection to King of Prussia,
Chase, Joan, During the Reign of the
King of Persia, 1983,
copyright. This is a long shot, but the grandmother
matriarch fits.
Q21: Queen for a day
My mother-in-law is trying to find a book
she read as a teenager in the late 50's early 60's she
thinks the title was Queen for a day and the book was about a
boy named Sandy who had down syndrome. That's all she can
remember from it. Can you help?
when circus in town
Approximate date: 1950s.
Hardcover, green cover, several stories of course with pictures,
the one I remember most is about the little girl quarantined with
measles or mumps when circus came to town and they paraded by her
house so she could see them. also think there is a story about a
horse. probably 4th 5th grade level.
Betty, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, 1947. This
bit of a stretch, but two of the stories in the first Mrs. Piggle
Wiggle book could fit the bill. The first is about a boy who never
puts away his toys until eventually he can't get out of his room,
at which point Mrs. Piggle Wiggle and all of the other kids in the
neighborhood come by in a parade, heading to the circus, to
encourage him to clean his room so he can go. Another is about a
boy who is a "slow eater tiny bite taker", who finally starts
eating normally again when he finds he doesn't have the strength
to take his turn riding Mrs. Piggle Wiggle's horse.
Carol Ryrie
Brink, Caddie Woodlawn
or Magical Melons, 1936. I would have sworn it was Caddie Woodlawn
(and I have the idea that the sickness was mumps and it was
confirmed with the pickle test), but I can't find a mention of it
in any summaries online. I wonder, though, if it could have
come from Magical Melons, now republished as Caddie Woodlawn's Family.
R2: Riding lessons
I found your website and since I am trying
to find some lost books for a friend, I knew that I found the
right place. I am trying to find the title for this book - all
that can be remembered is as follows: This book is about a little girl whose mother
dies and the girl is sent to live with her aunt who owns a
riding stable. Since the aunt is sickly, the girl takes over
giving riding lessons. The story takes place in either Arizona
or New Mexico and also talks about a canyon. This book also had
a copyright sometime around 1945. If you or anyone else can
remember this book, I would appreciate hearing from you with the
titles or any more specific information, since my friend would
like to get these books for her daughter.
this is the best I've found so far, and
it's vague. Hamlin, John H. Beloved Acres
published by Century, 1925 "A capable young girl manages a
California ranch, and through hard work and good judgment is
able to keep it out of the hands of a designing ranch owner who
tries to force her to give it up."
Another possible, a little closer - Shooting
Star Farm, by Anne Molloy, illustrated by
Barbara Cooney, published Houghton 1946, 231 pages. "It's having
people and someone to do things with that counts," says Sabra
when new neighbors appeared and Grandma rejoiced over lights in
the old house. The newcomers were ready to open a riding school,
a venture which affected Sabra's future in several ways. She
loved horses as much as she did companionship and girls with
similar tastes may follow her doings with enjoyment." (Horn Book
Sep/46 p.353)
Dorothy Lyons. The plot and
characters sound like a Dorothy Lyons book, although I don't
remember these exact details. Her books are delightful and
well-worth reading.
R4: Rusty
Solved: Rusty
R16: Rich lady adopts girl
who looks like her dead daughter
Solved: The Bewitching
of Alison Albright
R17: Roman city rediscovered
Solved: The End of the
R21: Rope--What's at the
I am looking for a book from the early 60's
that is probably a Wonder Book. It had a glossy cover and
featured a dark haired little boy on the front holding a
rope. The whole book was about the little boy trying to
find out "do you know what's at the end of my rope?" He
goes through several guesses, but the last page reveals that a
HOUSE is at the end of his rope. Any ideas?
R21- Teddy's Surprise
I checked into this, and "Teddy's
Surprise" isn't the book I had as a child.
I just checked my copy of a book by Hegarty
called The rope's end. It is NOT your book.
[It's abt a boy on a whaling ship]
Marjory Schwalje, Guess What I
Have. It's a Whitman Tell-a-Tale book. Cover
is exactly as you describe with a dark haired boy pulling at a
R24: Run away home
Solved: Run Away Home
R25: Rag bottom boat
My sister and I (both 45) remeber a book
from our childhood. A big potion of the book was devoted to how
an old sailor taught/helped some children re-build a sail-boat,
including putting a canvas bottom on the hull (I think the name
of the boat ended up being 'Rag Bottom".) Some where in the
story there was also a boy who wasn't part of the group of
children who seemed to be a loner. Can you find naything out
about this book?
This couldn't be Robb White's Sailor
Sun again, could it? If not, it could be another of
his younger titles.
R25 rag bottom: a book about the rebuilding
of a boat is The Rainbow, by Edna S. Weiss,
illustrated by Don Lambo, published Nelson 1960, 143 pages. "A
seacoast town is the background for this realistic story of a
boat-builder's family and, especially, of the younger son
whose love for sailing matches his father's. The rebuilding of
the wrecked sloop Rainbow was undertaken as a labor of love by
10-year-old Joel's parent, but its completion was not assured
until the Boy Seafarers were organized ..." (HB Aug/60 p.297)
"The Rainbow, a storm-wrecked keel sloop, provides the Hubbard
family with trouble, problems, and new hopes. Boys and girls 8
to 12."
R26: Robber knight
Hi, I really hope you can help me.
I'm looking for a book I always used to take out of the local
library when I was young. I think it may have been called
"The Robber Knight" or "The Robber Prince". It was about a
black knight who stole strawberries at night from a strawberry
field. I think there may have been a good knight which
was, of course, a white knight. My mother and I are always
remembering this book but neither of us can find it
anywhere. Can you help?
Bang, Molly, The Grey Lady and the
Strawberry Snatcher, Four Winds 1983. Not a
complete match, but worth mentioning "The Grey Lady loves
strawberries. But so does the Strawberry Snatcher, and
unfortunately for the Grey Lady he is not far away and getting
closer all the time. Past flower shops and bakeries he stalks
her, silently, steadily, biding his time. He pursues her by foot
along haunting red-brick paths, and then by skateboard into the
mysterious depths of a swamp both beautiful and terrifying.
Closer and closer he gets, and yet the Grey Lady escapes him, in
fantastic and marvelously improbable ways, until, in the heart
of the forest the Strawberry Snatcher discovers instead --
blackberries!" Probably too recent is Oliver's Strawberry
Patch, by Anton Kroon, Hyperion 1992. "Oliver tries to catch
thief stealing strawberries from garden."
Wondriska, William, The Tomato Patch. NY Holt 1964. Another possible is
this one, though it's tomatos and not strawberries. The story
has two kingdoms, Krullerberg and Appletania. There are no
gardens, and all food comes out of cans. A wise little girl
cultivates a tomato patch in the forest, and a prince comes into
it somewhere.
Helen Chetin, The Lady of the
Strawberries, 1978.
Geoffrey Palmer and Noel Lloyd,
Moonshine and Magic,
1967. This book includes a story called "The Strawberry
Walter Kreye, illus. David McKee,
The Poor Farmer and the Robber Knights.(Late 70s,
approximate) YES!! I have been trying to find a book I
remembered about Robber Knights for ages.Your query reminded me
about the strawberries, and that detail helped me find the title
(still haven't got the book though). So even if this isn't your
book, you helped me find mine!It was a Picture Puffin. I think
it'\''s translated from german, and the pictures by David McKee
(who did Mr Benn and Elmer) are very interesting and go round
the page so they're partly upside down.The poor farmer grows
strawberries but the robber knights come and eat them, trampling
around and being gross. Then they fall asleep (why? can't
remember! ) and the farmer does something to their armour
(water? rust?) so they can't move. They wake up and lie there
pulling faces. I think he frees them in the end ( with a
screwdriver? oil can?) and they become good knights. Hope this
is your book !
R27: Ratty and Mousie
Solved: Good Neighbors
R29: Rhyming book
Solved: the strawberry
book of shapes
R31: Reflecting surface
This book was probably written between 1962
and 1970. The illustrations took up a significant amount
of room on the page. It was about an old man who looks
into something (a box? a pool? a well?) and sees the image of a
boy. It turns out to be an image of himself as a
child. I am probably remembering only a fraction of the
plot. The illustrations of the old man were frightening
and kind of expressionistic. The whole book had a kind of
eerie feel to it. I am very curious about this book.
R31 a long shot, but how about Leon
Garfield'sThe Ghost Downstairs, illustrated by
Anthony Maitland, published 1972, where the solicitor's clerk
Mr. Fast gives up 7 years of his life to the mysterious Mr.
only to find that he's lost the 7 years of
his childhood, causing him to be haunted by the ghost of his
young self. The illustrations are detailed b/w line and wash,
mostly full-page, with one of p.57 showing Fast and his
child-ghost reflected in a shop window.
Inside the window is a scale-model of St. Paul's Cathedral. Fast
is a youngish man, but he looks older in this illo. On p.45
there's a picture of the old Mr. Fishbane taking the
child-ghost by the hand, both of them
looking at the viewer. The ghost wears a sailor suit and
wide-brimmed hat.
SOLVED: Robert Pack, The Forgotten Secret (1959). Years ago I
posted this question, and I am found the answer all by myself -
using Ebay! I used this search: childrens book 1955, next:
childrens book 1956, and so on, changing the year. I did
this for a couple of months and one day I saw the familar cover
of the book. I bought the book, of course. There is a mysterious
old man with a magic sack who allows children to peek in, but
not adults. The town'\''s council of elders trieds to put
a stop to the delight experienced by the children. The
mayor follows the old man, steals the sack, looks inside, and
sees his own face as he was as a boy. I know why I was intrigued
when I was a kid. I think this picture book is as much for
adults as it is for children and the pen, ink and crayon
illustrations are awesome.
R36: Rings and musical instruments
Solved: The Great and
Terrible Quest
R37: Reincarnation
I've been looking forever for a book that I
absolutely loved when I was about 12 or 13. It was part of
a boxed set that was a gift to my mother in the 1940's.
One of the two books in the set was the poem "White Cliffs of
Dover" - I've found that one. The other book in the set
(very small, slim book) was a novel about reincarnation.
Two people meet in Heaven, fall in love, and vow to find one
another after they're born. They eventually do find one
another and have a romantic reunion in pre-war Europe. I
do not recall how it ends, so probably they end up back in
Heaven. But it was my favorite book as a young girl.
Any help in figuring out the author or title would be *MUCH*
?? Dana Burnet,
?? The Pool, 1945. I'm not at all sure this
is the right story, but the description reminds me a bit of one
I've read, and maybe it could be by the same author. The
publication data seem to fit. In a compilation called A
Treasury of Beauty and Romance (Marjorie Barrows, Spencer Press,
1955) is a short story called "The Pool" by Dana Burnet, which
the acknowledgments say was "published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.,
copyright 1945 by Dana Burnet, copyright 1945 by Curtis
Publishing Company" (who did magazines). Then next to the title
of the story, the book editor has put, "This delicate and
tender love story is found in many scrapbooks. People...
have reread it at least once a year since it first appeared in
magazine form." So evidently, due to its great
popularity as a magazine story, it was published by Knopf in
book form? It would definitely make a reasonable partner
for "The White Cliffs of Dover", also a war story. This
one is about Richard and Nancy, who meet during WWII in England
and fall in love, discussing their personal "special places"
that one must return to, to find oneself (his is a trout pool).
It's not reincarnation, but they talk a lot about "coming back"
and "forever". The story shifts several times from present
to past and back again, but at the end it's clear that both
lovers have died and found one another again. Good luck!
Made in Heaven? this sounds a
lot like the 1987 movie Made in Heaven. Maybe you could
look at that and find out what it was based on?
R38: Reader with rabbits
Around 1966 I was given three hardcover
elementary school readers from some neighboring kids a few years
older then I was, so they would have been current in the late
1950s. Of those three I still have two and would like to find a
copy of the third, though all I can say about it is that is had
a buff gray cover with a drawing of three or four rabbits on the
front. There were several illustrated stories inside, but the
only one I recall had something to do with the rabbits in the
snow. Since the three books were all in similar format, it may
help to note that one was "The Story Road" (red cover with a kid
walking down a road) and the second one was "On Cherry Street"
(orange cover). Any help with finding the title of the third
book would be greatly appreciated, as would information on how
to get a copy - I've been puzzling over this one for years!
#R38--Reader with Rabbits: You're
definitely looking for one of the Ginn Basic Readers
by Odille Ousley and David H. Russell, which were
published under the same titles over the years but in various
editions. The only hint I can give you is don't bother
looking at ANYTHING dated 1961 or later. Some of the
inside contents may be the same, but by then they'd switched to
the bright, colorful covers so you'd never recognize it.
Stick to the drab 1940s-50s blue and gray covers and eventually
you'll come across it. Looking at Ginn Basic Readers
listed on eBay may help, but there are way too many even to
begin a good process of elimination unless someone wants to
share tables of contents. There are nice web pages devoted
to Dick and Jane and Alice and Jerry, so when someone puts up
one for these other series I hope it's posted here so we can all
check it for some of our lost textbooks!
I believe you have an odd assortment of
readers, not a set from one publisher! The Story Road
is by John C. Winston and On Cherry Street is
a Ginn Reader. (I have never heard of a Ginn Reader
called Story Road.) Around Green Hills- A Betts
Basic Reader- has 2 children with 2 rabbits on their laps! Also,
Story Road (1940) has an orange cover with 2
rabbits on it!! After much searching those are the only
bunnies found so far!
R41: Russian brothers and sisters
I can only remember that it was a hardback
book, navy blue I believe. It was about some Russian
brother and sisters and that's all I can remember. My
grandmother bought it for me for Christmas and in all the moving
we've done, it got lost or given away.
E. M. Almedingen, Little Katia.
Seems like a possible answer to
this one, as well as R42. Other books by Almedingen, e.g.
"Anna", might also be possibilities. If there were animals as
well as children in the book, then it could be Olga
Petrovskaia's "Kids and Cubs". If it was set at the time of the
Russian Revolution, it could be Stephanie Plowman's "My Kingdom
for a Grave" or "Three Lives for the Czar".
R42: Russian girl Katia
Solved: In Place of
R43: Recorder (instrument) ensemble
I read this book in the mid- to late 60's, and remembered it a
few years ago when my daughter started learning to play the
recorder. A group of kids (siblings I think) take recorder lessons
from 2 (or maybe 3) somewhat eccentric older women (the women are
sisters, I think?). As a group, they play all 4 types of recorders
(soprano, alto, tenor, bass(?)). Can't remember the title, nor
anything more about the plot (except maybe some mishaps during a
Maybe - Fripsey Fun, written
and illustrated by Madye Lee Chastain, published by
Harcourt 1955, 198 pages. "The big Fripsey family and friend
Marcy learn to play recorders for fun and find themselves on
Their success may seem extraordinary, but it
is not incredible, and may arouse interest in making music among
the little girls who like these easily read family stories."
(Horn Book Oct/55 p.365) "Learning to play recorders leads the
numerous Fripseys and their friends into unexpected adventures.
Ages 9-12." (same Aug/55 p.301 pub.ad.)
R44: Robbers in a barn
Solved: Georgie and the Robbers
R45: Rottenest brother
Solved: The Rotten Book
R46: Rosy Nose the Polar Bear
Solved: Rosy Nose
R47: Russian fairy tales
I am trying to find a book I had as a
child. It was quite large and had many beautiful illustrations.
I remember the stories of the snow queen and the nutcracker were
featured. The book had Russian and European tales. Can you help?
Grimm, Anderson, Dumas etc., trans.
Marie Ponsot, The Snow Queen and other Tales, 1961. Could this be The Snow Queen
and Other Tales, the companion volume to the famous
Golden Book of Fairy Tales, illustrated by
Adrienne Segur? Like the Golden Book, Snow Queen is quite large,
about 12 by 15 inches, and has stunning coloured illustrations.
It contains a variety of Russian and European tales including The
of a Nutcracker, The Snow Queen, Baba Yaga, The Cat Who Became
Lord of the Forest, Jorinda and Joringel, Winter's Promised
Bride, etc. My copy was published by Golden Press in
1961. according to the amazon.com site it's scheduled to
come back into print in October 2001.
R48: Runaways
Solved: Secrets of the Shopping Mall
R49: Robot oranges
Solved: The
Big Orange Thing
R50: Robots Come Alive
Solved: Andy Buckram's Tin Men
R51: Room at the Top
Solved: Time at the Top
R52: Rescuing a princess
Solved: Book of Brownies
R53: Rat called Not-Polite
This is a fairly large and very colourful illustrated, children's
book (somewhat larger than A4 paper). There are two prominent
characters one was a creature who I remember had a big nose with a
few hairs protruding from it, had a brownish body but a
sandy-coloured tummy and was a rather short, dumpy little thing.
This is no animal, so I cannot adequately describe it. I remember
the book had a description about the "thing" along the lines of
"___ are very soft and silky and live in blue watering cans." The
second character is a rather spindly rat called Not-Polite. He
wears a red berret and a red scarf. The two characters end up
going to the moon via a kite. Here, the discover how the moon
"waxes and wanes " firstly the moon has a huge feast, which the
"thing" and Mr. Not-Polite join him. The moon and the two main
characters subsquently become rather tubby, and the moon is now a
full moon. Then along come these almost alien creatures (again
with the prominent noses) and they tickle the moon and the two
characters so that they laugh so hard they grow thing again (the
moon starts to wane). I honestly cannot remember the ending to
this wonderful book, and since I have forgotten the name of the
title character (I had my suspicions that it might be called a
Woozle, or a Wuzzle or similar), various searches on the
internet have been fruitless. PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG!!!!!!
R53 rat called not-polite: not too likely,
but there's Twirlup on the Moon, by Laura
Bannon, illustrated by Will Gordon, published Whitman
1964, 63 pages, which features a kangaroo rat and an odd
creature called a Twirlup
who go to the moon, but via a rocketship. So
not really close enough.
R53 rat not-polite: a real long shot, but
there's Beyond The Rainbow, written and
illustrated by R.F. Lowis, published Hutchinson c.
1960? "A Charming book about the adventures of a rat." And
that's it, that's all the
information I have, couldn't even track down
a record with a publication date!
R. F. Lowis, The Runaway Balloon. (1959) This is not a solution -
just something that may help. The R.F.Lowis mentioned was my
teacher when I was 7 in Grimsby, England. He wrote "The Runaway
Balloon" - a story with animal characters including a rat, in
1959. You may try finding his family in that location and seeing
if they can take the solution further.
R54: Runaway
Solved: Charley
R55: Red-Headed boy gets
Solved: Mop Top
R56: Runaway
Solved: Runaway's
R57: Reincarnation
mystery/romance Ancient Egypt
Solved: The Curse
R58: Rose garden treasure hunt
I first read the book in the late 50's
early 60's at about the age of 10. I suspect that the book
had probably been published quite a number of years
earlier. My description of the book's plot was as follows
... The plot commenced with a child or children examining
a old rose garden which was arranged in a horseshoe shape.
It was noticed that the first letter of the names of each of the
roses (as shown on a plaque beneath each bush) spelt out the
first clue for a treasure hunt. This treasure hunt then
traversed a series of steps lasting many days/weeks which
consumed both the book and its reader.
Reading Program
Solved: SRA Cards
R60: Rowan - girl, runaway, lives in hedge
Solved: Charley
R61: Race To The Valley
I am looking for a short story that I remember from my childhood
in the 1940's entitled "Race To The Valley". It was about
two boys operating a bobsled or a toboggan, a sick or injured
person and a race down a snowy mountain to get medical help in the
valley below.
The only book that sounds somewhat familiar
to me is Treasure In The Snow. I forget the
author, but it's a Christian book that I borrowed from my
church's library when I was preteen.
It's set in Switzerland, I believe, and a young boy races down a
mountain on a sled through a storm to find a
doctor in the village below to help a boy
that has been injured. The boy on the sled is responsible
for the boy's injury.
R62: Rabbit who runs away
Solved: The Country Bunny and the Little Gold
R63: Ram Tram
This was an adventure book, perhaps
intended for a young adult audience. I received it as a
gift in the early 80s or late 70s, then loaned it to a
friend. Two teenagers built a vehicle for traveling on
railroad tracks, called the RamTram(?). They travel into a
madman's encampment, which I recall as a tented compound.
They see the madman playing a large organ in one end of a
tent. Dynamite or other explosives may have been involved
in their escape. That's all I can remember. Thanks.
R64: Round Round World
Solved: Round Round
R65: Red Balloon
Solved: Piccoli
R66: rufus2
Solved: Rufous Redtail
R67: Rhinoceros with pillow on horn
Solved: Bertram and the
Ticklish Rhinoceros
R68: Ralph of the Roundhouse series of books
Solved: Ralph of the
Round House
R69: Rich Family & Poor Family
Solved: The
Fence: a Mexican Tale
R70: Receipe, children's, non-edible, fun
One page in a children's book. Drawing of a
six-year-old girl in front of a mud puddle, throwing sticks and
leaves into the water. Below the drawing is a receipe written
like a poem. The details of the receipe are to throw flowers,
leaves and sticks into the water.
R70 Do you suppose this is it?
Winslow, Marjorie. Mud pies and other recipes.
illus by Erik Blegvad.Colllier, 1961. recipes from mud and
plants to serve to dolls
Silverstein *or* Prelutsky.
shaky, on white. Jack Prelutsky also specializes in silly, yucky
R71: Rosemary Rose, a friend to man
Solved: London Men and
English Men
R72: rocking horse
Solved: Dapple
R73: Ruth and Rebecca or Sara
Book about two girls, I read in the 1950's. Ruth and
Rebecca or Sara or .. Story about celebrating a jewish
Maybe in a series.
Are we sure this isn't All-of-a-Kind
Family again? That series pops up a lot and
most of the chapters are titled and could "stand alone" as a
single story.
The sisters in All-of-a-Kind Family
are named Gertie, Sarah, Henny (Henrietta), Charlotte, and Ella.
Thanks but no it's definately not "All of a kind" as there were
only two girls in the story.
Could it be What the Moon Brought,
short stories about Jewish holidays with twin girls named Ruth
and Debbie?
R74: Rose, dragontail
Solved: Firerose
R75: Rich Girl
Solved: Maida's Little Shop
R76: Runaway Baby Buggy
Solved: Billy Brown:
The Baby Sitter
R77: Rainy Day Kids inside
Solved: Open Your Eyes
R78: Rainbow--child travels through rainbow lands
Solved: Once Upon a
Solved: Five Little Raccoons
R80: Reversible Book
A book about a group of people (or toys) that go on a journey or
adventure. The most interesting thing about the book is that
you could read it starting at either end. The back half of
the book would be upside down as you read from the front. On
the center page, both stories/adventures met up.
This reminds me of Ann Jonas'
books, particularly Round Trip. It's done
in black and white -- a car takes a trip to the city, and when
you reach the end of the book, you flip it over and you take the
trip back to the country. The illustrations take on a
different perspective when you flip the book upside-down.
But since the two 'stories' don't meet in the middle of the
book, I don't think this is what you're looking for.
Tops & Bottoms, '90's? Can't remember the author but I
think this was a Caldecott honor book or winner. However, the
book flips up instead of turning pages left-to-right. Involves a
lazy bear, I believe.
R81: Rags
Solved: Make Room For
R82:Run Away Home
Solved: Run Away Home
R83: Robin Hood, glossy green cover
Solved: The Merry
Adventures of Robin Hood
R84: Rabbits overcoming prejudice
A white rabbit who is prejudiced against brown rabbits is hit by
a car. The doctor who saves his life is a brown rabbit.
R85: rowboat short story
looking for a short story from a grade school reader. A poor
father takes his daughter out in a rowboat in a harbour intending
to drown her to save her from the fate of growing up in poverty in
the evil port city. He looks at the sky and decides not to.
R86: red hair, twins
Solved: Kissed by Magic
I remember very little about the book i need help finding.
I do remember that the guy is the assisstant for the girl.
The girl has been burned by a bad marriage to a tennis pro I
think. The man is wealthy. He tricks her into going away for
the weekend on a "business" trip to acquire some business
that he owns. I do remember that all the women in his family have
red hair. In the end they are married and she is pregnant he tells
her she is carrying twins and they will have red hair and what
they want to be named. Help!!!!!
Kay Hooper, Kissed by Magic, 1983. "Rebel Sinclair's new assistant Donovan
Knight knows her so well it's ALMOST like he's reading her
mind." Published as Loveswept I think, this was reprinted in
2004 in an anthology called Enchanted. Donovan has a
large, quirky family of mostly redheaded psychics.
R87: Railroad locomotive dream
Solved: The Wonderful Locomotive
A friend of mine remembers a book (she thinks it was a "Golden
Book" ) that had a character named Rutabaga. I don't think it's
the "Rootabaga Stories," because she said there was an actual
character named Rutabaga and I'm not sure there is one in the
Rootabaga Stories (I've never read them). Can you help?
I wrote this stumper and have more information to provide. My
friend said that she thinks this was a golden book or a similar
format. It was about rutabagas more so than an actual character
she thinks. She can't really remember much more than that. Any
help is appreciated!
Is it possible that this might be a Margaret
Brown book? There are two books, The Little Farmer,
and Two Little Gardeners, which I cannot find
summaries for -- does anyone know if either of these books might
be about growing rutabagas?
Book was printed in the 1940's early
1950's (in Golden Book format if not an actual Golden Book)
telling the story of a family or farmer or children planting
rutabagas, growing them, eating them.
Two Little Gardeners doesn't have anything to do with
rutabagas. It simply tells the story of two gardeners as
they plant a garden and watch it grow throughout the year.
R89: Rabbit and a cable car
1978-1980. It is a children's chapter book. About a
small town a full size rabbit (human size) and it rides the cable
R90: Richard Scarry
Solved: What do people
do all day?
R91: Racehorse story from horse's viewpoint
Solved: Old Bones: The Wonder Horse
Red Adair Canadian hunter
I grew up in England in the 1950’s and remember reading a
hardcover book that in think originally belonged to my father and
so was from the 1920’s or 30’s and published in England. It was a
book about the adventures of hunters and trappers in the wilds of
Canada. I think there was a main character whose name was Adair or
perhaps Red Adair. Can anybody recognize the book from this brief
I am writing only to comment on the name of
Red Adair. Red Adair was a famous fighter of oil well
fires in the U.S.
Charles G D Roberts, or Ernest
Thompson Seton. Might be worth checking these
Grey Owl. Another
possible author-this is a follow up to my suggestion yesterday
re Charles G D Roberts and Ernest Thompson Seton. The
thing is, an awful lot of Canadian fiction at that time dealt
with trappers, hunters, frontier life, and animals!
R93: Rainy day walk in new zoris
Solved: A Pair of Red Clogs
R94: Redwood naturalist
Solved: Redwood Pioneer
R95: Rocking horse becomes real at night
Solved: Merrylegs the Rocking Pony
R96: Rufflehead/Russian folk tale
Solved: The Richest
Sparrow in the World
R97: Rocking horse becomes real at night
Solved: Dapple Gray
R98: Red headed twins
Solved: Under the Mountain
Russian girl, boarding school, Decembrist Revolution
Solved: Masha
R100: Reasonable Rabbit
Solved: The Boss of the
Barnyard and Other Barnyard Stories
R101: red, white and green torches
as a child I read a book but don't know the title or author. it
was in the 70's about children using torches with coloured lenses
as codes which they used to warn each other about someone i think
it was men,coming to get them as they hid in houses or old
buildings, not sure but i think it was in set in england and about
post war but could be wrong.
Michael de Larrabeiti, The
R102: Russian emigre autobiography Siberia exile
The book is written in the first person and is the actual
account of an individual's experience in Eastern Siberia
along the Chinese and Mongolian border. The time of
his adventures coincide with the Bolshevik Revolution which exiled
him. The author was one of the privileged classes under the
Csars but I don't recall if he was titled or just a member of the
gentry. In the foreword or first chapter, the author attests
to the absolute truthfulness of his account, since some of it,
especially the Mongolian mysticism, is astounding. The
events probably took place 1910- 1925, and the book written in the
1930's when the author lived in Europe, perhaps France or
This isn't poster's book, but while
searching, may want to read Peter Dickinson's Skeleton-in
Waiting, a mystery which has a plot about someone
who has written just such a book. Second in his books about a
fictional British Royal family. (Based on premise that the real
Prince Albert Victor does not die, so his fiance Mary marries
him as scheduled rather than his brother the future George V.)
As all of Dickinson's books, a wonderful read. Forst one is King
and Joker.
R103: Red and Pink Ribbons
Solved: The Funny Guy
R104: Revolutionary War Girl
Story of a young woman in the Revolutionary
war, who manages somehow to be part of many major parts of the
war, from Philadelphia/Trenton (and maybe Valley Forge) to
Battle of Yorktown. George Washington is in the book, and a
handsome young soldier (of course). I think this is a classic
story about the war; title is probably the heroine's name.
Elswyth Thane, Dawn's Early Light, 1938. It's been decades since I read
Thane's seven-book Williamsburg series, but maybe this is what
you're looking for.
By name only- Jenny Lee, Patriot
by Anne Emery-1964.?? Maybe?
Gwen Bristow, Celia
Garth, 1959, approximate. I thought of
this old favorite, but it was set in Charleston.
R105: room house windows walls
Solved: House Without
Windows and Eepersip's Life There
R106: Red haired sisters
Solved: Eric's Girls
R107: Runaway girl
Solved: Charley
on cover
My mother remembers this pre-World War I book (she was born in
1911), that was a book of fairy tales. She guesses it may have
been Grimms. This edition had a princess with flowing red hair,
like a Botticelli painting she says. It sounds like an
art-nouveau, Beardsley-esque illustration, when the hair was all
like that.
Could this be an Oz book,
perhaps Ozma of Oz? The John R. Neill
illustrations were very like the description.
Solved: Rusty's Space
Romance novel
Solved: The Wolf and
the Dove
R111: Runaway dog that eats too many biscuits at bakery
Solved: Benjy's Dog
R112: Rosemunde
I am looking for a romance novel that I
read in hight school, between 1979-1981 titled either Rosemunde
or Rosamunde. Just leave Pilcher out of the search, she has
nothing to do with this. It's a historical romance novel, the
cheesy kind that high school girls love to dream about. I read
it in 1980 and it's titled either Rosamund, Rosamunde or such.
It's about a beautiful young woman who is kidnapped by the bad
guy who secretly is an heir to an estate and they fall in love
even though they are enemies. I wish I had more, but if I
did I could find this myself. Good luck, Jim.
Well, it's NOT Rosamund by
Julia Murray (Hale, 1978). That Regency plot
involves twin brother and sister robbing coaches, and Sir Hugh,
the man who their father hopes will marry Rosamund - even efter
he's one of their robbery victims. Possibly - Rosamunda
by Marjory Hall (Dell, 1974) - couldn't find and
description of that one.
Rosemary Rogers, Sweet Savage
Love. Perhaps it is by Rosemary Rogers.
She wrote a series of love books about Steve and Ginnie, who are
enemies, but fall in love. Other books are Dark Fires, Lost
Love, Last Love, and a newer book called Savage
R113: Rosa
Solved: Rosa-Too-Little
R114: Russian Women Flee to FortRoss
Solved: Another Place
Another Spring
R115: Rhinoceros
this book was probably written in the late 60's or early 70's.
All that I remember is that it was a pretty dark (content and
somewhat art) and at one point involved a rhinoceros. Like someone
was walking in the dark and the next thing they knew they were in
a pen (maybe with a concrete wall at a zoo) with the rhino. I also
recall a castle or big house and maybe cobblestones. I sometimes
think of frankenstein's monster when I recall this book. There may
have been a doctor or scientist involved and maybe electrodes or
vacuum tubes.
R116: Riddle game, rose trellis
Solved: The Big Joke
R117: Rabbit runs away from home
No longer solved as Morris's
Disappearing Bag
This is a long shot.. ! I'm looking for a children's book about a
rabbit who has lots of brothers and sisters who irritate her, so
she runs away from home. The only detail in the book I can
remember is that one little brother (whose name may have been
Tommy) does something to her lipstick. And it doesn't have
anything to do with Easter bunnies. :) I read it when
I was 4 or 5, so I'm guessing it wasn't a chapter book or
Felecia Bond, Poinsettia.
her house
Gay, Zhenya Small one.
Viking, Junior Literary
Guild, 1968. rabbits; runaways; separation from parents -
juvenile fiction
This is NOT Small One by Z.
Gay. In that story, Small One was frightened by a
noise out of the safety of the bushes where his mother left him
and his brothers and sisters. He then gets lost and spends
the rest of the book looking for his mother. No lipstick in
this story.
R117 Google has 144,000 entries under rabbit
How about Morris's Disappearing Bag by
Rosemary Wells. On Christmas morning, Morris's
brother Victor gets a hockey outfit. Morris's sister Rose gets a
beauty kit. Morris's other sister Betty gets a chemistry set. And
Morris gets a teddy bear. His siblings all tell him he's too
little to play with their gifts. Then Morris finds one last
present under the tree (a disappearing bag) and discovers just the
diversion he needs to keep the others busy--while he enjoys their
toys! One picture shows him trying out the lipstick.
R117 Wells, Rosemary. Morris's
disappearing bag; a Christmas story.
Dell, 1975. rabbits; Christmas; youngest child; sharing.
Pearson, Molly Moves Out. The second query under Morris' Disappearing Bag on the Solved M page probably isn't seeking Morris. The answer is more likely to
be Molly Moves Out by Susan Pearson. Although there is makeup in Morris, Molly has a little brother who
gets in her lipstick (and paints his face), and she is the one who
runs away to live elsewhere in Molly Moves Out.
R118: rapunzel, rumplestiltskin, and frog prince
I am trying to find a children's book from
the 70s that contained 3 stories, rapunzel, rumplestiltskin, and
the frog prince. It had gorgeous illustrations. I
think the book size was approx 8 x 10. Thank you.
R119: Robin caretakers and the bird ball
Solved: The Tune is in
The Tree
R120: Rosie choosing a religion
Solved: A Year in the
Life of Rosie Bernard
Runaway boy adopted by homeless man
I read this children's book in 1961 when I was 10. The
story starts with a young boy who gets caught swearing by his
babysitter. When the babysitter threatens to wash his mouth
out with soap the boy runs away and is adopted by a homeless man
whose real son died in a tragic accident and is in denial.
The homeless man thinks the runaway boy is his dead son and takes
him to live in the woods with his friends. They go berry
picking and live off the land for a while until the homeless man
realizes that the kid is not his son and returns him home.
The boys father is so gratefuol that he immediately hires the
homeless man to be his handyman/ auto mechanic.
R122: Rocket Ship, Barber Chair, Children's book
I am looking for a children's book that I am guessing was
published in sometime in the mid 1950's - mid 1960's about a boy
and his friends (or possibly his brother) who build a rocketship
to the moon. I do not remember the title or author at all,
however the one notable thing I do remember is the boys in this
story were whiz-kid inventors and at one point build two
adjustable-height barber chairs that are able to pump up out of
the roof of their house and up hundreds of feet in the
air. There were black-and-white illustrations of this
feat, as well as of the spacecraft which they later build, the
supplies they bring, etc. There may have been more than one
book written about these characters, but I am not sure about
that. Thank you very much, until I came across your
website I had no idea how I was going to start to research this.
Jay Williams, Danny Dunn and the
Anti-Gravity Paint,
1964. This sounds like it could be the Danny Dunn series,
about a boy inventor and his friends. Maybe Danny Dunn and the
Anti-Gravity Paint, there is a spaceship built in that one.
R122 Total shot in the dark, but could this
Hicks? The book was published in 1960 and republished
frequently. There are other books about Alvin, his friend Shoey
and Alvin's pesky little sister. However, I can't say if the
inventions match. Another possibility is the Mad Scientists Club
books (www.madscientistsclub.com)~from a librarian.
William Pene duBois (author and
illustrator), The Twenty-One Balloons,
1947. If you're sure about the rocket ship to the moon,
then this can't be the book, but page 109 has an illustration of
a brother and sister who design and build adjustable height twin
beds that can be raised through skylights on the roof or lowered
through their bedroom floor into the bathroom below.
Thanks everyone for your replies, I'll begin to research these
suggestions. Someone locally also suggested that this may
be one of Eleanor Cameron's Mushroom Planet books, which
are suprisingly hard to find, but I will research that
also. I am not 100% sure about the rocket's
destination, but there definitely was space travel
involved...thanks again
HRL: several of the Eleanor Cameron books have been
reprinted and are easy to get. See Most Requested.
Thanks again to all - I would say this is 50% solved -
especially for mentioning The Twenty-One Balloons, I do
recall reading that as a youngster many years ago. Perhaps
my memory did combine 2 books - I did grow up in the 60's after
all...but I still recall a book about children constructing a
rocketship - the book had wonderful detailed descriptions of
their food supplies, etc. Thanks again to all.
Robert Heinlein, Rocket Ship Galileo. How about checking the Heinlein juveniles?
Rocket Ship Galileo is certainly about 3 whiz kids building
their own moon rocket. The barber chair scene is not there, but
if you mixed up two books, this could be the other one. Here is
a weblink to information about many of his juvenile books here.
R123: red childrens story books
1960-65, childrens. They were hard cover red books and we
had 2 volumes I don't know if more volumes were
available. I think they were adventure-type stories that
Middle Elementary students would like, but not related to the
little golden book stories as far as I know. There may have been
golden lettering on the front cover and I think the volumes were
about 2 - 3 inches thick. One story I fell in love with was
about wild horses in a canyon in the "Old West". I think a
white stallion was the "main character". There were a few
color pictures in each book, color paintings on glossy paper, I
think. One of the pictures was of a herd of wild horses in
the canyon. We possibly had them around 1960-65? the
books were 81/2 by 11 or a little smaller than that. thank you
Marjorie Barrows, ed., The
Children's Hour, 1953. The 1953 edition, at
least, was red with gold lettering, although the volumes were
smaller than the submitter remembers, and my edition has no
glossy multi-colored illustrations. Volume 14 includes
"Wild-Horse Roundup" by Gladys Frances Lewis. My
information is from the Vol. 16 Index. I haven't seen
Volume 14.
I think Children's Hour
definitely fits the bill! Volume 14 Favorite Animal Stories has
a number of horst stories worth checking out!!
R124: rose between worlds
My stumper involves a book that I read for our school librarian
in the early 1980's. (She had me read a bunch of old books
that hadn't been checked out in years to determine if we should
keep them.) The book that I am looking for is about a girl
who is somehow transported into another world. She receives
cruel treatment from a woman in power. She befriends a
boy/man who is somehow connected to the woman in power. I think
the girl travels between the two worlds multiple times. She is
drawn back to the other world by the man/boy despite the
unpleasant treatment she receives. Time doesn't operate at
the same "speed" from world to world. The last time she goes back
to her own world, she finds that her family has changed (father
dead perhaps). The family moves away. The girl goes
back to the old house and she finds a rose on the mantel that is a
sign from the man/boy that she loved in the other
world. The key scene in my mind is the one
towards the end of the book when she finds the rose. I don't
know if it means that she will be reunited with the man/boy or if
it signals the end of their relationship.
I believe I read this book in the early to
mid 1970s. I think the boy/man was named Kit and the girl went
back in time by going into a closet or mirror or something. I
have always wondered the name and author of the book!
R125: raccoon rescue
There was a book that I had either in the late 1970's or early
'80's about a woman who took in injured and abandoned wild animals
(raccoons, squirrels, etc) and nursed them back to health.
The book was non fiction and was geared toward preteenaged
Harriet Weaver, Frosty: A Racoon to
Remember, 1973.
This sound like it could be "Frosty: A Racoon to
Remember." I don't remember the book to well - just that a
forest ranger rescued a racoon, and there were stories about her
and the racoon. I think it was non-fiction, and the reading
level sounds about right, as does the time frame. Could
this be it?
era zistel, orphan, a raccoon. even if this is not the book/author you
are looking for, it is worth checking out all era zistel's books
- including The Good Year and The Gentle People.
She wrote non-fiction and fiction, for adults and children.
Setting is in the Catskills, New York.
R125 Looking at a good paperback of Tucker's
book, I believe it isn't quite right. It is about healthy
raccoon [no other critters] who captivates a female park ranger
and all the visitors to the California park.
R126: refugee boat
This is a children's novel, about a group
of people fleeing their homeland (because of war?) on a small
refugee type boat. We saw a young boy's perspective, he has a
friend who is a girl, and there is a particular scene where he
shares his last piece of gum with her even though it makes them
both really thirsty and they have water rationing. There is also
a chapter where another larger boat appears in the water and all
the women on board have to hide under the deck. One man hides
coins in his shoes which are taken off him, another man is
thrown overboard to drown and the large ship takes his wife. i
think the title is like 500 or 500 miles or kilometres or
something like that. The book what read to me at school in
Australia 1993. i think it had a blue cover with a picture of a
boat on it and red lettering for the title. the only thing i
could find was 'boy overboard' by Morris Gleitzman and it's not
that book.
Wartski, Maureen Crane, A boat to
nowhere, 1980.
Philadelphia: Westminster Press. Tells the story of a
grandfather and his two granchildren Mai and Lok. Along
with runaway Kien, they leave their remote country village and
sail on an open boat on the South China Sea. They are
aiming for Thailand but are refused permission to enter when
they arrive. After taking refuge on Outcast Island, they
endure more hardship and the grandfather passes away. They
set out to sea again and are eventually rescued by an American
freighter. There is a sequel called A long way from
R127: Robots battle the forces of Satan short story
Solved: The Battle
R128: Russian girl learns ballet
Solved: Katrinka, the Story of a Russian
Rabbit stuck on desert island, finally escapes
Solved: The Adventures
of Benjamin Pink
R130: Ringdinkydoo
I'm looking for a (young) kid's book I read in the late 70s or
early 80s. I don't recall much about the book, except that there
were several animals off on an adventure in a boat called the
Ringdinkydoo. The lines that stick in my head still are: "I am the
captain, you are the crew! Sailing the waves on the Ringdinkydoo!"
Unfortunately, searching for Ringdinkydoo hasn't turned up
anything for me. Thanks for your help
?Edward Lear. I'm not sure
about this, but from your description it sounds like it could be
one of Edward Lear's poems. Hope this helps.
I looked up Lear's work and I don't think
it's the right solution. The book I recall was a children's
picture book with lots of colors - not the line drawings like
Lear produced.
R131: Reflections
girl who is obsessed with reflection, very
pretty, watches herself in storefront windows, mirrors, had dark
hair. I remember reading this in the 1970s possibly as
part of monthly books I received from book club. Illustrations
were pastel colors-- I remember pinks and the girl had short
dark hair
Elizabeth Enright, The Saturdays. Don't know about the
illustrations/pinks, but there is one part of The Saturdays
where one of the girls is out by herself, and she watches her
reflection in store windows and hopes people are thinking things
like "who is that beautiful girl with the mysterious smile"?
I remember this book. The girl had short
hair and looked a little like Twiggy. She spent so much time
looking at her reflection, she fell down (a manhole?)
and was all bandaged up.
Mary Poppins had such a fetish, but it
wasn't the focus of the story.
R132: Russian-American marriage
About 30 years ago I read a book about
America in the late 1800's, involving Russian immigrants and
American pioneers. One of the Russian immigrants was named
Karl, and he fell in love with an American girl. The girl
also was attracted to an American boy, that her family really
wanted her to marry. However, almost against her will, she
fell in love with Karl. Her father was prejudiced and
would not accept the marriage.
R133: Red Feather
Message: Red Feather early 1940's about a
changling, a girl named rosemary, and faeries.
Fisher, Marjorie, Red Feather, 1950. illus by Davine. subject
headings: fairies and kings and rulers
the red feather someone "solved" is incorrect. it was
1940's or 30's and not about kings and rulers. my mom, who is
searching for the book, is a librarian and she said there are a
few books with the same title but she has been unable to find
the correct one. note, she is retired and never used modern
searching software.
Fischer, Marjorie, Red Feather, 1937. This is in the solved file with the
following description: In Fischer's story,
mortals are indeed prized for their housekeeping abilities,
and so the Queen of Fairyland wants a mortal maid. The
changeling is made, alas, a little too perfect in every
detail, and when interrupted in the swap the fairies can not
tell for sure which baby is human and which fairy. Was
the human or the fairy whisked away to work in Fairyland? In
which world does Rosemary and in which does Lisa
belong? The Queen does, indeed, inspect for
cleanliness by running a white-gloved hand over surfaces she
is outraged to find gold dust. I believe this
really is the book you are looking for - everything seems to
Marjorie Fischer, Red Feather. This is definitely it. I just read the book
last year.
R134: Red brick anthology
Solved: Book Trails
R135: Red-haired boys gang
There is a children's book where children
go to this world/land where there are no adults. There is
also a gang of red-haired boys. I want to say that it was
from the 1970's or 1980's, but I'm not sure. Does anyone
know the title of this book? Thank you!
Philip Pullman, The Subtle Knife. I think when Lyra goes to Cittagazze
there are only children left and they have red hair. I
don't have a copy on me to check. This book was probably
published a little later than the poster has indicated.
The mystery of the “Red-haired” gang of
boys has not been solved yet, but I appreciate the speedy
guess. The Subtle Knife is too recent of a book
and it was not a YA book. Thank you and I look forward to
solving the mystery.
Nelson, O.T., Girl Who Owned a City,
1975. A real long-shot of
a guess -- might this be O.T. Nelson's The Girl Who
Owned a City? The lack of adults and the presence of
gangs definitely fit (the young protagonist, Lisa, is striving
to survive & rebuild society in a post-apocalyptic world in
which plague has killed all adults, with marauding gangs but one
of her challenges) but I don't remember the book well enough to
say whether red-hair plays any part whatsover.
Stanley Kiesel, Skinny Malinky Leads
the War for Kidness.
(1980, approximate) Skinny Malinky leads a group of kids
to fight Mr. Foreclosure who is trying to put all the kids into
a machine that will make them well-behaved and nice (remove all
the "kidness"). His only adult helper is Ida, the
cafeteria lady. I think Mr. Foreclosure turns out to be an
Pierre Berton, Secret World of
Og, 1996, llustrated by Patsy Berton.
This might be a long shot, but the group of children in this
book are all red-headed, though not all boys. They travel
to the land of Og, filled with small people (not "adult" sized),
in search of their baby brother Pollywog. All the
children's names start with P. It was a TV special in the
R136: Roly-Poly Policeman
Basically, it's an illustrated story about
this little dog in the neighborhood who is always going into the
butcher's shop & stealing strings of hot dogs or sausages
& a fat policeman with a billy stick & on foot who is
always trying to capture the dog. That's all I can remember.
There's a fat policeman in the Raggedy Ann and Andy series....
Margaret Wise Brown, The Little Fat
Policeman, 1950.
I'm not sure this is right. It is a Little Golden Book
that was illustrated by the Provensens (the same team that did The
Color Kittens). I think the book contains more
than one "story." I never had the original book but had a
Golden Book antology that had a couple of them. I remember
one about an elderly woman who drove too fast because she was
always singing "Shine little glow worm, glimmer, glimmer" to
herself, and another where the fat little policeman saved
someone who was swimming. I don't remember this story, but
the description of the policeman is consistent with the
Provensen illustrations.
R136: Probably The Great Big Happy Book
by Caroline and Judith Horowitz, illustrated by Margery
Deckinger, published in 1947. Here's a description from
BookSleuth: "Some characters in it included the Roly-poly
policeman, and a poem about a little old lady and a little old
man. One of the lines was "he combed his hair with the back of a
chair and played ping-pong with a polar bear." There was also
one about a little lady who kept shrinking. Illustrations show a
little woman in a purple dress, sitting in a chair. In each
drawing, the woman is smaller and the chair begins to look huge.
It may have come from England. It's probably from the 1920's or
R137: Robinson Crusoe's grandson
Looking for a teen book written (published)
in 1896 about a cabin boy who is shipwrecked with a man who says
he is the grandson of Robinson Crusoe. They have to do
everything exactly like the grandfather did -- it is a great
book and I am looking for the name and the author. Name was
something like Robinson Crusoe Revisted. I think the author's
first name was James.
W. L. Alden (William Livingston Alden), A New Robinson Crusoe, 1888.I think this is your
book. An excerpt from the beginning of the book: "That was
the beginning of my acquaintance with the queer passenger.
After that he often used to talk to me when we happened to be on
deck together, and was as kind to me as he could be. He
told me his name was James Robinson Crusoe, and that his
grandfather was a very celebrated man, who lived for
twenty-eight years on an island all by himself, having been cast
away. The passenger was forever talking about his grandfather,
whose name was Robinson Crusoe, without the James but I
never could see that the old man amounted to very much, though I
never read the book of travels that he wrote, and perhaps
the passenger did not always tell the truth about him." You can read the book online here: http://www.archive.org/details/anewrobinsoncru00aldegoog.
R138: Rules and Things Number 29
Solved: Bud, Not Buddy
R139: Rockets, fly, boy, space, sky
Solved: Rick
Brant: Rocket Jumper
R140: Rags Tags Wags & Obadiah
Rags, Tags, Wags, and Obadiah are 4 puppies in a Golden
Book I read and read as a child in the mid to late 60s. They are
drawn in the manner of The Poky Little Puppy, but with
clothing. (This NOT Lillian Obligato's work in 4 Little
Puppies, NOR the black-and-white photo book published by
Schachman in the 1950s) I'm going slowly mad trying to
locate it - please help! Thanks.
Frees, Harry Whittier, Four Little
Puppies, 1935.
another of Frees photo books originally published by Rand
Mcnally in 1935, republished by Shackman in 1983.
Anon Four little puppies.
Rags, and Obadiah, puppies photographed in clothes raking the
lawn, reading books and newspapers, etc. - presumably by Harry
Frees. Merrimack Publishing Corp [reprint of
antique edition] c1983
Thank you for the info, however the book I am seeking is
ILLUSTRATED, and not a photo book.
Ruth Dixon, Four Little Puppies, 1957. Have you looked at the Rand
McNalley Elf Book, Four Little Puppies by Ruth
Dixon? Yes, this book does used photographs of the
puppies, but they are COLOR photographs, and in my opinion,
really look more like illustrations than photos. I've seen two
different covers on this book - the first is yellow, with
pictures of just the four dog's heads against a yellow
background, wearing hats. (A blue cap, like an engineer, a straw
farmer's hat, a green top hat w/ red hatband, and a red hat w/ a
green band.) These are four separate pictures, one of each dog,
not one picture of all four dogs together. Honestly, if I just
saw the cover, I'd swear that the pictures were drawn/painted,
and not photographed. I've seen this one listed online as
a Famous Elf Book, Elf Book #8335, and Tip-Top Elf Book
#8597. There is also at least one other cover. This one is
pink, and shows a single picture of the four puppies standing
side by side on a grey floor. (One puppy is in a blue pointed
cap, purple shirt, and green pants. Another is in a green/red
top hat, red jacket, red & yellow striped shirt, and blue
pants. One is in a yellow pointed cap, yellow striped shirt,
green pants, and red suspenders, and the last is in a red cap,
blue shirt, and red pants.) Again, the puppies on the cover look
more like illustrations than photos. Harry Frees is credited as
being the photographer in these books, but these are NOT black
and white pictures, so maybe his b&w photos were hand
colored and/or retouched for these editions? That might explain
why you remember the book as being illustrated, instead of
photographic? It's at least worth a look - maybe one of
those covers will look familar to you.
R141: rose growing out of man's ear
Solved: A Rose for Mr. Bloom
R142: Reading book with short stories
This was a school reader that I inherited
from the school where my dad worked. The school must have been
purging all their 1940s-era books when I was a child in the
1970s! The book was maybe a thrid-grade level reader. It was
hardback with a blue cloth cover, definitely a late 1940s book,
with beautiful illustrations, maybe an inch or inch-an-a-half
thick. The book had fifteen or twenty short stories. One of the
stories I remember from the reader involved a girl going to her
grandparents' farm and riding the huge workhorses. Another story
was about a girl who made Valentine sugar cookies for each of
her classmates, with their names piped on top...she was
distraught because she didn't have money to buy fancy paper
Valentines, but the kids loved their special cookies. I've been
dying to find this book for years and years!
More Friends and Neighbors. This
the description exactly but may be worth looking into- More
and Neighbors is a school reader published by Scott,
Foresman, and Company. My copy is from 1946-47.
Among many other stories it includes 'The Surprise Valentines'
by Ethel M. Legg. In this story Betty's paper valentines
are ruined when snow blows in the window the night before
Valentine's day. Her mother helps her make valentine heart
cookies for her class and she brings them in after lunch.
She wants to put her friends names on them but her mother says
it doesn't matter and there's one for everyone in the
room. Her friends love the cookies and say they are the
'best valentines of all'. The book does also include some
stories about children riding an old farm horse called 'Sleepy
Sam'. Some other memorable stories include 'The First
Woodpecker' about a woman turning into a woodpecker, 'Mrs. Goose
Forgets' by Miriam Potter, 'The Rabbit who wanted Wings' by
Carolyn Bailey. I hope this is your book.
Mildred Lawrence, Valentines
for America, Anya is a immigrant to the united
states and does not find out about Valentines Day until it is
too late to buy fancy paper. Wanting very badly to fit in she
makes Valentines out of cookies and writes each childs name in
white icing. Her classmates, of course, enjoy the yummy
"valentines". And the teacher asks Anya to tell her parents
"...how glad we are to have such fine new Americans in our
country" To which the girl replies, "Oh thank you, please.",
after which Anya is afraid the class will laugh, but everyone is
just too busy eating their valentines to notice the misuse of
Enlgish that she had been teased for prior.
I haven't heard of the other tale.
Good luck finding your reader.
R143: Raccoon eating manners
Illustrated book about a raccoon who has to
learn to chew with his mouth closed. I think he eats
pancakes in the story. I had this book as a child in the
late 70's or early 80's.
R144: Running away from home
Looking for a child’s picture book I read
in the mid 70s. Possibly about a boy running away from home to
live in the wild. (not Where the Wild Things Are) Picture
I remember was of a giant tree with various levels of a tree
house supported throughout it, and a cave and campfire
nearby. Sorry about the lack of info (but if I had more
details it wouldn’t be a “stumper” would it?)
Jean Craighead George, My Side of
the Mountain, 2001,
reprint. Could My Side of the Mountain be
the book? Here is a review: "Every kid thinks about running away
at one point or another few get farther than the end of
the block. Young Sam Gribley gets to the end of the block and
keeps going--all the way to the Catskill Mountains of upstate
New York. There he sets up house in a huge hollowed-out tree,
with a falcon and a weasel for companions and his wits as his
tool for survival. In a spellbinding, touching, funny account,
Sam learns to live off the land, and grows up a little in the
process. Blizzards, hunters, loneliness, and fear all battle to
drive Sam back to city life. But his desire for freedom,
independence, and adventure is stronger. No reader will be
immune to the compulsion to go right out and start whittling
fishhooks and befriending raccoons."
R144: Andrew Henry's Meadow?
See Solved Mysteries.
R145: Rhino with glasses
Solved: Rupert the
R146: Rosemary is for Rememberance; Ghost story
Solved: The Phantom
Carousel and Other Ghostly Tales
R147: Reform school boys find River Styx
This one's been driving me nuts for years. I read this book
as a kid, probably in the early to mid 1980's. It was the
story of a group of boys who are brought to a reform school.
They find a tunnel or cavern of some sort, and end up going on an
adventure. In the tunnel, they find a river they refer to as
Styx. I remember small details, like the fact that one of
the boys tried to hide some money in some drums he was bringing to
the school, but both the money and drums were confiscated.
The boys hid contraband on the roof of their cabin (before the
underground adventure) and accessed it via one of the
windows. The hardcover edition of the book was primarily
warm (red, orange) colors, and I seem to remember it featuring the
boys in some sort of all-terrain vehicle. Any ideas?
Dan Simmons, The River Styx Runs
Upstream, 1982. I
googled the keywords and came up with this, don't know whether
it's right or not, but the synopsis was something like, "A young
boy's mother dies and the father decided to ressurect her" Look
it up and see what you think!
Definitely not Dan Simmons. The
River Styx Runs Upstream : a boy tells of his
mother's resurrection, and the aftermath.
I don't know the book sought, but I do know
the Dan Simmons story suggested and can verify that the
Simmons story is not that book.
R148: Raking leaves protest
a public school library book in the 1970's. It was about a man
who hated racking his leaves in the fall so he cut all of his
trees down. Then he realized what a mistake he had
made. In the spring his land was wet, muddy, and yucky. In
the summer his house was too hot. I believe he replanted
tree at the end.
Ernst, Kathryn, Mr. Tamarin's Trees, 1976. Mr. Tamarin comes to regret his
vengeance on the trees for shedding their leaves all over his
beautiful lawn.
R149: Rhoda gets stung by bee
Solved: Stanley &
R150: Red Balloon -ish
I am looking for a children's book that was
read to me in the early 80's. It was real pictures, NOT
illustrations, and had a feel like "The Red Balloon". I have
some semi-vague memories, but I know there were kids (I feel
like a white boy and a black girl, who had an afro, and they
wore very late 70's early 80's clothes....bellbottoms, etc.).
They ate a HUGE bowl of ice cream, and there was a HUGE circle
lollipop, as big as their heads. I think it melted, and it might
have been on the roof of an apt. building, in a big city like
New York. I can't find this anywhere, and these are all of the
details I know. Please help! I think what makes it stand out was
that it was photographs, not illustrations. Thanks!!!
I think the book you're talking about may
just be called Colors. I don't think it had
any words. I used to "read" it to my kids in the 80s, but
it was old then...
R151: Royal boy stops assasination
I'm looking for a book I read in grammar school, between 5th and
8th grade (I graduated 8th grade in '72). I don't remember the
title nor the author so I'm hoping someone can recall from the
following description. I'm thinking the story may have been a
couple decades old by the time I read it so somewhere between
'30's & '60's maybe? It had a black cloth cover and I think
there may have been some kind pattern all worn away. I believe the
title had the word "Black" in it. The story starts out where a
young boy is living on a farm with a family in medieval England.
He believes the man is his uncle and his parents died when he was
young. One day a man (a Lord or a Lord's man) comes to the farm
and it comes to light that the boy is in some way related to
royalty and possibly an heir. The man he believed was his uncle
had taken him in to protect him. The boy is taken to a castle to
be trained for his station in life. He's actually being used as
some type of pawn but he's initially unaware of it. During his
wanderings in the castle, the boy finds a secret passage and
explores the castle and hides out because he is unhappy and
lonely. I think he eventually makes friends with a kitchen
boy/girl...not sure. During his explorations, he overhears a plot
to assassinate the king (?) and he tries to find a way to save the
day. I also remember something about a tower or a secret tower.
Because it's been close to 40 years since I read the story, a lot
of the particulars are lost in my mind but I remember loving the
story, the boy was a hero. There was no magic or wizards in this
story. If anyone has an inkling to the name of this book, I would
be eternally grateful. The name, "The Secret Passage" keeps
rolling around in my head but I've not been able to turn anything
up on the Internet. I now have a grandchild with one on the way
and have collected other books from my youth that made a lasting
impression. This is the last of them.
Howard Pyle, Otto of the Silver Hand. Could this be your book? It is a
very old story (originally 1888, I think) and it has many of the
elements you describe. There is a searchable full-text
copy of it online if you Google it.
Thank you for your input but it's not the same story. This was
definitely an English boy in medieval England. Also, the writing
style was not as old fashioned....it seems to me to be somewhere
from the '20s through 50's. But I do thank you for your time in
trying to solve this.
Geoffrey Trease. Just a
possibility -- maybe one of Trease's historical novels?
They were written in the right time period.
Barbara Willard, A Sprig of Broom. (1971) This is a longshot, but I read
the beginning of this novel a few years ago and recall the
protaganist being a boy (named Richard?) who is being
transported from the place he grew up to a castle, and it's
clear from the narrative voice that something unpleasant is
going on -- I think he turns out to be an illegitimate relative
of the royal family and he is being used in a plot against
them. Since I didn't read very far into the book I can't
be sure if any other details match, but thought I'd suggest it.
Joan Aiken, Black Hearts in Battersea. (1964) This kind of sounds like a blend
of the plots in the books from Joan Aiken's "Wolves Chronicles."
"Black Hearts in Battersea" is where the foundling Simon goes to
London to attend art school and ends up discovering and foiling
a plot to overthrow King James and get rid of the Duke and
Duchess of Battersea.
I'm sorry. I can't help you with the title
or author - but assuming that you know the school, have you
thought of e-mailing the Administration? They DO keep
records - and sometimes for incredible periods of time.
May be worth a try. Lots of luck.
Norton, Andre, The Prince
Commands. This is a close match to your plot,
although the boy starts out in an isolated house, not a
farm. A threatening insurgent leader is named Black
Stefan, which may account for your recollection of "Black."'
R152: Regeneration of the planet
Solved: The Missing Persons League
R153: Rhyming bear cheerful stories collection
Compilation of cheerful stories about a bear and his daily
interactions, everything was in rhyme I believe -- events and
conversations -- with colorful illustrations throughout, dark red
binding, about 10" by 12" format, not a huge number of pages in
all. Possibly one of a series.
Possibly the Jessie Bear series
by Nancy Carlstrom? Jesse Bear, What Will You
Wear? (Jesse Bear, what will you wear, what will you wear in the
morning? I'll wear my pants, my pants that dance, pants
that dance in the morning) Also: Better not get wet,
Jesse Bear / How do you say it today, Jesse Bear? /
What a scare, Jesse Bear! / It's about time, Jesse Bear, and
other rhymes / Let's count it out, Jesse Bear / Guess who's
coming, Jesse Bear / Where is Christmas, Jesse Bear? / Happy
birthday, Jesse Bear! / Climb the family tree, Jesse Bear!
Could these be the Jesse Bear books
by Nancy White Carlstrom? As far as I remember they are
all written in rhyme. Titles include - Guess Who's Coming, Jesse
Bear and Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?
Upham, Elizabeth, Little Brown Bear series.
(1950's, approximate) I have a copy of "Little Brown Bear
Goes to School," which is dark red and about the size the
requester is searching for. There are cheerful short
stories about Little Brown Bear, who often (but not always)
speaks in rhyme, although the stories themselves are not in
rhyme. "A riddle and a rhyme, I'm just in time," is an
example of his rhyming speech. I'm not sure how many books
are in the series.
R154: Roman Empire, dancing girl, British Grandmother
I am looking for a young adult novel which was published before
1973. It is about a young woman/girl living during the Roman
Empire and is employed in a dancing troop. I remember that
she had blond hair (which she had inherited from her British
grandmother) which the woman who ran the troop made her cover with
a black wig. I remember that they are on ships in the
Mediterranean and that there is drama and romance but little
more. Any leads? thanks so much!
Bryher (?). Many of her books
are set during the time of the Roman Empire.
R155: Roman conquest of Britain
I am looking for a young adult novel written before 1973.
It takes place right after the defeat of British king Caradoc
(used in book) or Cymbelian (alt name) and depects his family's
journy to Rome to be paraded in a triumph. They settle there
and convert to Christianity. The daughter marries a Roman, I
think. Any leads? Thank you.
R155 the subject headings I have on a book
that I have sold make me think it could possibly be Hill,
Yourd. The secret of Avalon
Maxine Shore, Captive princess. Told from the perspective of
Caractacus's daughter Gladys who takes the name Claudia.
Bryher (?). Many of her books
are set during the time of the Roman Empire.
R156: Red fairy tale anthology
Solved: Around the
World Fairy Tales
R157: Running Deer
Solved: Running Deer
R158: Rubies found in a mountain by a pool by children
Children find rubies buried in a mountain
by a pool in the woods. I remember a poem in the book written by
a man who originally found the rubies but didn't dig them up,
about a woman he loved: "One dark rose more lovely than all the
ruby fire buried in the mountain by the pool of lost desire." I
believe one of the children was very interested in rocks and had
a thing about garnets and tourmalines.
It's Mystery Back of the Mountain
by Mary Childs Jane, 1960. In one chapter, a sandwich is
made out of mustard and marshmallow.
R159: Runaway bear
I'm looking for a book the I owned as a
child, but have since lost in the moving. It was about a bear
who was always running away, but was always found. The book came
with a small stuffed bear, (about 5-6" tall) that fit in
the front of the books cover. The illustrations matched the
stuffed toy. It was from the mid 70's. I remember it being a
small book. Any help in finding this would be greatly
Rocking horse
Published before 1978. Story about a
father or grandfather making a rocking horse for a small
boy the mane and tail of the rocking horse are made of
real horse hair drawings were in bright, dark colors of
blue, green, red, brown. Hard cover. Large book. Reading
age 6-8.
R161: Replica dollhouse
This was a children's book I read repeatedly in the late 1960's
but could have dated from earlier. A boy and girl (i believe they
were brother and sister) move in to an old mansion. I recall that
they weren't too happy about it and were bored. There was an black
housekeeper. The house had a few mysteries. One was that the
housekeeper's son had come home from war (WWII? Possibly Vietnam)
and disappeared. The children were playing/exploring the house one
day and found a dollhouse that was an exact replica of the house
that they were living in. Later on in the story, they discovered a
secret trap door in the bottom of the closet inside the dollhouse.
They checked the closet in the real house and sure enough, it also
had a trap door--and when it was opened, they found the remains of
the missing Joe at the bottom of the stairs, he'd apparently
fallen. I know it's not a lot to go on, but I loved that
mystery and would love to find another copy. Thank you!
Florence Hightower, Ghost of
Follonsbee's Folly. (1958)
are getting two books confused. Another Scholastic
mystery(I can't remember the title.) has the children find the
dead pirate in the basement. The one you're remembering
has the son still be alive and living in the woods, although he
does sneak up to the basement at times.
Florence Hightower, The Ghost of
Follonsbee's Folly.
We just finished this book in one of my reading groups, so I'm
pretty sure of the identification.
Betty Ren Wright, The Dollhouse
Murders. (1983) Is it
possible you might have read the book a little bit later, like
maybe the early 1980's? Because if not for the date, this
one sounds like it could be the one you're looking for.
Twelve-year-old Amy finds an unusual dollhouse in the attic of
her grandparents' house. Not only is the dollhouse an exact
reproduction of her grandparents' home, but it is also filled
with dolls who seem to represent her extended family--dolls that
seem to have the ability to move about at will. Amy is soon
convinced that the dolls are trying to tell her something and
before too long she has uncovered a long-held family
secret--that her grandparents were murdered and that her Aunt
Claire's then-fiancee was considered a prime suspect in the
crime. With the help of her younger sister, who although
brain-damaged is very capable, Amy sets out to solve the
Ghost of Follonsbee's Folly by Florence Hightower, published in
THanks, but neither of these two
proposals is correct. The son was NOT a pirate, nor were there
any woods involved. The son's name was Joe. I read this book
dozens of times, I'm very sure of the story facts. It was def.
NOT in the 1980's. I was in elementary school from 1965-1971.
R162: rainbow missing girl searches
In this book a rainbow is missing or color is missing and a
little girl finds the colors one at a time so that each page
reveals an individual color as she opens doors in her house and at
the end the whole rainbow is revealed. I used to take
this book to school with me approx. 1974 to 1983?
Harry Coe Verr, Rainbow Brite and
the Color Thieves, 1984,
approximately. Your description reminds me of the Rainbow
Brite cartoon, where the world is gray and living things are
turned to stone. Rainbow Brite rescues the Color Kids and
restores color to the world. This book is similar to that
Rainbow Brite was suggested but it
definately wasn't a rainbow brite book : ( thanks for
the suggestion though
R163: Rabbitville
I remember a book about rabbits from my early childhood. It
was likely published in the 1920s-30s-40s. I believe the
first lines are, "Father Rabbit Lived in Rabbitville. Mother
Rabbit lived in Rabbitville," and so on -- there are one or two
rabbit children. They are riding on a streetcar.
There's something in it about a pie and the moon. Sorry I
can't remember more, but I was probably about 4 years old.
(I was born in 1951.)
Serle, Emma, In Rabbitville, 1930. Also - What They Say In
Rabbitville (1935). These are longer books,
over 100 pgs., so if your book was a picture book, these aren't
the ones you're looking for.
R164: Runaways w/ green/red codes
SOLVED: Dennis J Reader, Coming Back Alive, 1981.
R165: Rocking Chair
Solved: Second Sight
R166: Rosemary, Sarah and Flossie
My mom read this book in the mid to late 1960's about three
sisters in the 1920's. Their names were Rosemary, Sarah and
Flossie. They had an older brother perhaps named Hugh and
were orphans. She couldn't remember if they were being cared
for by the brother or the Aunt. She remembered
Rosemary got her hair bobbed in one of the parts. The kids weren't
orphaned but their mother was away at a sanitarium because of
tuberculosis. The older brother Hugh was a doctor and the
great Aunt lived with them but the girl's felt she was too
restrictive. She thinks it may have been a trilogy.
Josephine Lawrence, Josephine
Lawrence Stories for Girls, 1939. I just noticed the original stumper mentioned a
trilogy. The other two Rosemary titles are Rainbow Hill
from 1924 and Rosemary and the Princess from 1927. They
were published together in one volume, Josephine Lawrence
Stories for Girls, in 1939.
Lawrence, Josephine, Rosemary, 1922. This book was also published
separately (earlier, apparantly), in 1922. (I have a copy of it
in front of me as I type.)
R167: Runaway makes own family
Solved: To Take A Dare
R168: Ring around the Moon
Solved: Wind on the
R169a: Reptilian intelligent underground Earth civilization
Solved: Stranger from
the Depths
R169b: rabbit
my title guess- hoppity goes shopping,
before 1989. It was a hardback book, a series. i
believe it was about a rabbit. He was afraid of thunder, hid
under his bed, left hes teddy bear outside in the swing. one was
he was going to the beach, one was first day of school, or going
shopping. I remember the cartoon drawings, and the pages so
vividly. i can't remember the name or the author.
R170: rocking horse money
Solved: The Rocking
Horse Winner
R171: retired Shakespearean actress
Solved: The Ghost of
Garina Street
R172: race to stop "bone men"
Solved: Bone People
R173: rumrunners, quilt, mystery
Solved: Secret of the
Crazy Quilt
R174: ranch
Solved: This is a
R175: rabbits hiding in house
1920s-1950s. A large group of rabbits of
several natural colors, including spotted ones, hid in a
house. Some were under the bed and others were under or
behind other pieces of furniture. The illustrations were
probably outlined in black ink, with the colors filled in.
I'm not confusing it with PIGS IN HIDING. They
were definitely rabbits. At the back of the book was another
story, which I think was CHICKEN LITTLE. This book belonged
originally to someone else in my family and the cover was torn
R176: Revolutionary War, dressmaker to Peggy Shippen
Solved: A Touch of
R177: Rabbit cuts off fur; mom makes him new fur coat
Solved: A Treasury of
Bedtime Stories
R178: Red haired girl taken by indians, treated as a
late 1950s-early 1960s. Red haired girl
taken by indians, treated as a princess
A long shot, but is it Caddie
Woodlawn? See Solved Mysteries. The author is
Caddie's granddaughter. She's friends with the Indians, but the
"princess" element isn't there - unless you mean near he end,
when the family has to choose whether to accept an aristocratic
title and go to England, which only the father has ever seen.
Also, Caddie's allowed by her father to have outdoor adventures
because she and her baby sister were sickly and her sister had
died in infancy, but as a critic pointed out, "(in the 19th
century, ultimately) she had to grow up to be a 'proper lady';
there was no other way."
Dorothy Marie Johnson, "The Lost
Sister,"1968. Could it be one of D M Johnson's short
such as the "Lost Sister"? I vaguely remember one
about two sisters who were kidnapped by native Americans.
The younger one was treated very well and nicknamed something
like Blue Jay. The older one found it harder to fit in,
but eventually married one of the young men.
Lois Lenski,Indian Captive: The Story
of Mary Jemison, 1941.This
could be the one you're looking for--set in 1758, a girl is
captured by Indians and slowly grows to love them for their
kindness towards her, treating her as one of their own.
Alice Marriott, Indian Annie: Kiowa
Captive, 1965. 'It might be this book. Annie has
red hair and is kidnapped by a Kiowa man whose daughter died of
smallpox. He and his wife treat her like their daughter and she
grows up and is reunited with her birth family, but decides to
stay with the Kiowa and marry a Kiowa.
R179: Rocks fall on Asian couples' house
Solved: Ming Lo Moves
the Mountain
R180: Red yarn ball with "surprises" inside
This book is a story about a little girl who receives a ball of
red yarn or wool from her grandmother as a gift. The red wool ball
is tightly wound, and as the girl begins knitting with it she
finds all kind of little surprises, like a lollipop and others
that I can't remember. At the very center, once she's finished
knitting, she finds a little doll, and realizes she now also has a
lovely hand-knitted blanket for her new dolly. I'm almost sure
this was published in the 60s, and I seem to recall the cover was
mainly a light blue. I'd love to know the title of this book!
Take a look at the Solved Mysteries under L
for Little Colonel- there's a part of this book where the
heroine reads a story called Marguerite's Wonderball
which is just as you describe.
Hmm no that's not it. The one I'm
thinking of is a complete book in its self, and it was
published much later than 1903. I would think late 50s or
early 60s, and at the end of the ball of wool is a doll not
pearls. Good try though, it had my hopes up for a few minutes!
I remembered this story/book
instantly when I read your post! I am sure I read it as a
child in England in the late '50's, early '60's. However, as
much as I've been racking my brain, alas, I cannot come up with
a definite title/author. Is it possible it's a book originating
from the BBC radio "Listen with mother"
series? I also keep thinking the story may be
found in one of Dorothy
Edwards' "My naughty little
sister" books or Joan G. Robinson's "Mary-Mary"
series, but I can't verify that either. Another
longshot may be one of Joyce
Lankester Brisley's "Bunchy"
books (although these were published much
earlier). Bunchy lived with her grandmother. Wish I
could be of more help!
Hmm no it's not any of those either. Thanks for the
suggestions though :) Ohhh I wish I could solve
R181: Rowan Tree Berry Cinderella-like Dress
Solved: Twinkle Annual
R182: Rejected doll
This memory has been driving me nuts for years! I have a
very vague memory of this book from first grade (early 1960's).
Something about a doll brought to a park by a little girl who then
rejects it for a newer doll. Or perhaps the doll was already
rejected and made its own way to the park. I seem to
remember that the other lost/rejected dolls at the park "woke up"
after all the kids went home and told their stories. Now
that I think about it, the little girl (I think it was a girl)
suddenly realizes she left her doll behind and goes back to find
it. Years ago I spoke with my first-grade teacher about it and she
thought it was Impunity Jane - but it's not. Any clues?
Not likely, but see the early 1970s Galldora
books by Modwena Sedgwick.
I checked out the Galldora books but
that's not it. Thanks, anyway.
Ardizzone, Edward, The Little Girl
and the Tiny Doll. This is a long shot, because there's no park
scene in it but is it possible you might be thinking of
this book? It's come up lately in a couple of other
stumpers. One girl doesn't want the doll and drops her in
the grocery store freezer the other girl sees her in the freezer
and then comes back several times with little gifts, eventually
getting permission to take her home to keep. The last page
of the book shows the doll telling her story to the girl's other
dolls, in front of a doll house, is it possible that's what
you're remembering?
Baker, Margaret and Baker, Mary, The
roaming doll, 1936,
copyright. This book is possibly a little old.
Victoria Josephine is a rather spoiled doll who is rejected and
yet finds her way back to a loving home in a rather surprising
R183: Rabbit Boy and Porcupine
This is a book series from the 70s or
earlier, a little boy rabbit who lives in the woods with his mom
and dad. He has a friend porcupine who comes over to his
house and they play together. The porcupine wears pajamas with a
flap back, with his quillls sticking through. In one book the
dad rabbit made a hobby horse out of a sack and a stick. Also in
a book they have a potato sack race.
Mercer Mayer, Little Critter Sleeps
Over, 1999. I know
Mercer Mayer wrote many books about a porcupine named Little
Critter. In at least one, he wore footy pajamas with a
drop drawer. I think this may be Little Critter Sleeps
Over, where he stays with a friend for the first time (I'm
almost sure the friend is a bunny).
This is not the answer, the book had to
have been in print before 1979.
Patricia Scarry, Little Richard, 1970, approximate. I was searching for
this myself. I found it at Alibris.
R184: Robot, little girl, scavenger hunt
This book was about a little girl with a
robot companion, and they're on the moon or Mars, maybe.
The robot was a sort of caretaker and butler. They were on
a scavenger hunt or competition against others, and they had to
use the natural surroundings for stuff like camping. The
pictures were cartoon-like. Near the end, the little girl
falls or gets sick or something, and the robot saves her (or
maybe it's vice versa), and they win the hunt. There were
lunar vehicles in it, too, I think. I read this about
twenty years ago, and it wasn't a new book at that time. It
seemed to have an air of the 60s or 70s around it...maybe there
were moon boots?
Monica Hughes, The Keeper of the
Isis Light, 1980.
Probably not, but the mention of the robot caretaker/butler
makes me think R184 could be a very garbled memory of this
book. It doesn't have illustrations, but several solved
stumpers in the archives remembered it as a short story, so
possibly portions of it were published in that format at some
I wanted to add to my stumper that I had
looked over the website for these keywords, and Keeper of
the Isis Light kept coming up, but that's not it (nor
were any of the other books that came up in my search on the
website). Also, I read this book in a paperback form, it
was for young readers around the ages of 7-9, and it was not
really meant to be a heavy read.
R185: Rocket ship, girl, dog
I've been trying for years to think of a book I read probably in
the early to mid 1960s. It was a science fiction book about a boy,
girl, dog and an older man. They end up in space in a home made
rocket ship in the old man's garage. I remember very funny looking
space helmets-even on the dog! And the girl had a lot to do with
them getting home safely at the end, even though she was a girl.
R186: Red balloon, little boy and mother, mid-50's
For what I can remember of the book, (I haven't read it in 36
years) is a little boy goes out on a walk through the city with
his mother. They see all kinds of sights. The last one
they see is an organ grinder and his monkey. And I'm 99%
sure the little boy gets a red balloon. At the end his
mother and he arrive home so she can cook dinner for his father
who will be home soon. They walk up their brownstone or
apartment steps together. I believe the little boys
name is Peter. It's set in the 50's. I remember his
mother wearing a dress from the mid-fifties. This book isn't
about the little boy who runs after a red balloon. I've seen
that movie and I can say with confidence it's not that one.
Thank you so much for your help.
Rosemary and Richard Dawson, A Walk
in the City. This
cute book documents a young boy's outing as he walks through the
city's streets, with his Mother and wagon dressed in their
Sunday finest---no jeans, sneakers or sweatshirts. Along
the way they meet an Organ Grinder and his monkey, Grocery Man,
friendly dogs, the Ice Man, Coal Man, a band, bus, taxi, park,
etc. The text is in rhyme and quite delightful!
There is a map on the inside front and back covers where the
child can follow his path!!
Gladys M. Horn, illustrator Dorcas, Hippety
the Block, 1953,
copyright. I wonder if this could be it -- my copy is the
later version (1973) retitled Baby Goes Around the Block, and
with a different illustrator, and the only balloon is in a
picture of some children leaving a birthday party. The
story is in rhyme: "I took Mommy walking, and we saw... A
soft gray kitty with one white paw, A boy I know, with a truck
that can GO! <...> A fat, round doggy, and one that was
thinner, and Daddy, coming home for dinner!" A picture of
the older edition's cover is at
R187: Rose wore a red dress
Solved: Mary Wore a Red Dress
R188: Reader with donkey and apples
I'm trying to find an old Reader that was my grandpa's favorite
childhood school book. It was a Reader, and that there was one
part where a donkey is carrying some apples and something happens
to where all the apples spill over... He said he started first
grade in 1938 and that it had to be between then and no later than
'41. He went to school in Grand Saline - Van Zandt County
[Texas]. My grandpa also said - but is not for sure - that
it had a tan or ivory cover and maybe burnt orange letters on the
front... but he really wasn't for sure on that. Thanks for
any help you can provide!
I think I may have found my answer. Not sure. I came
across a book called Down the River Road on the Internet
but I only see the cover. It has two children and a donkey on
the cover so I thought I'd see if you think this could be the
book I'm looking for.
O'Donnell, Mabel, Down
the River Road, 1938, copyright. This is
a reader from the Alice and Jerry Books. It features a donkey
named Mr. Bones. In the last chapter,Jack and Lucky are trying
to earn some money to buy baseball suits, so they decide to sell
their apples. Mr. Bones is pulling the cart load of apples when
the cart's wheel falls off. Jack and Lucky end up carrying all
the apples to town themselves.
R189: Red apples I cried out to Jane
Solved: What
Will We See?
R190: Readers series with animals
There's a series of readers from 1973-74-75 or so that were thin,
yellow and had various simple characters. Mit and Mat were a
couple I remember. They were very simple and black and white
cartoony monkeys and other animals. There was an entire
season. Oh yeah, and there was a lion. The monkey
walked on stilts in one picture. That's all I can
remember. I was in Seattle at the time. Wonder if it's
a local publication. Thank you so much for doing what you
do! You are so very very valuable!
Reading for All Learners Programs.Could
the Reading for All Learners Programs. There's a picture here:
The Bob Books. I think these
were the Bob Books. There were 3 diferent sets-yellow, blue and
red. They were small (4 or 5 inches), thin primary readers. We
got these from those school book orders (Scholastic?) in 80 or
81. They came in boxed sets and had a lot of rhyming and
R191: Rabbit visits ocean, travels on a train
This book is from the mid-1980s, about 12-14" tall, and has
detailed illustration. I remember that the main character is
a rabbit who goes to the ocean (to visit a friend?) where they go
diving for shellfish, cook dinner, etc. I remember the
diving scene vividly--coral, mollusks and scallops or clams that
they were looking for. I think at the end the rabbit goes
home via train with a boxed lunch.
Doris Susan
Smith, The Travels of J.B.
Rabbit, 1982,
copyright. A wonderful story of Jeremy B. Rabbit, who is
invited to the seashore to visit his Cousin Waldo. It is quite an
adventure getting there via train --- and fun when he arrives.
Illustrated by the author. Front cover shows Jeremy, Waldo, and
another animal in a red-and-yellow hot air balloon, over the
ocean, with seagulls and several ships below them.
R192: Romance/mystery, girl marries to help hide injured
brother, pearl necklace
This is a book I would have read about 1976
or so. It was a romance/mystery. If I remember correctly, it
starts out with a man asking a woman to marry him. She refuses.
So this young girl (19? 20?) asks him if he will marry HER. She
is wearing a strand of pearls but they are kept under a sweater.
His best friend (or his name) is Gregory. The best friend played
football in college and is solidly built. The girl has a
brother that had been in a very bad car accident and needed a
place to recover without anyone bothering him. So the girl, her
new husband and her brother go back to his house in the country.
The best friend is suspicious of all of this. He breaks into the
little house that the brother is staying in trying to find out
more. The girl and the husband eventually fall in love. The
brother is discovered to have been a famous actor. In the car
accident, his face was messed up bad from glass. I *think* his
wife was killed. So that is why they wanted to be where no one
would discover him - he needed to heal before going back out in
the world. The husband discovers the brother's identity when the
brother puts on makeup to cover the injuries and he recognizes
him. Somehow the husband discovers the pearls that the
girl is wearing are real and that makes him curious about her. I
believe an old girlfriend comes back into the picture but that
could just be my memory for the original girl he asked to marry
him. This is one line I remember, "In that case, would you
consider marrying ME?" - I am 99% sure that is the way the
sentence went. On the cover, it had a stained glass window
- don't remember what else. Hopefully this is enough to go
on! I know it's a long shot but I used to love that book and
never have been able to come up with a title or author so it
would be great if one or more of that info could be found!
This was NOT a Harlequin romance - it was a regular novel - I
don't know if it was classified mystery or romance or drama.
Loring, Emilie. I can't help
you with a title, but I remember this one, too. I think it
may have been by Emilie Loring. She wrote many, so
that's not much help, but maybe it's a place to start.
Loring, Emilie, A KEY TO MANY DOORS, 1967, copyright.
Emilie Loring, A Key
to Many Doors, 1967. "Bantam Book
published by arrangement with Little, Brown and Co." One of my
favorites! All of Emilie Lorings books are worth reading!
R193: Roger and Emily torment each other
A children's book from the 70's
about a brother and sister -- Roger and Emily -- and how they
torment each other and enjoy being rotten to each other. I
vaguely remember something to the effect of "...Emily put tacks
under Roger's bicycle tires..." "...Roger tied knots in Emily's
hair..." The book goes back and forth about this brother and
sister who continue to do thing to each other and then finally,
when they have both had enough, they start doing nice things for
each other. The premise is that it's much better to nicer to
each other and get along. The book would've had to be out
during the 70's -- probably early 70's. It's driving me
crazy. Thanks for anything you can find!
Beverly Cleary, Mitch and Amy, 1967, approximate. Easy one
to check out, Twins who don't always get along but work things out
in the end.
Nope, it's definitely not Mitch and Amy. I'm
completely sure about the names of the kids. I believe
that the book was called something like "The bad children's
book" or something to that effect.
The title you
suggest, "The
Bad Children's Book," sounds a lot like Hilaire Belloc's "The Bad Child's
Book of Beasts," but that book is a
collection of humerous poems about animals, as is the follow
up, "More
Beasts for Worser Children." I wonder if
perhaps you're combining details from multiple books?
Hello, I saw another
person's request for this book. You suggested she was
confusing a couple of books, but I actually own this
book. It's called The Bad Children's Book.
It's about a brother and sister, Roger & Emily, who do
horrible things to one another and learn their lesson in the
end. The edition I have has a bright yellow hardback
cover, I think with large black letters for the title.
Mine is in storage far away, and I'd love to have another
one for my daughter.
R194: "Room on the Broom" jacket
When I was a child in the 1970's -
1980's I loved a book that had an illustration just like the one
seen on the book Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson and Axel
Scheffler. Does anyone recall such a book? Theres a witch and a
cat sitting on a broomstick. I bought this book thinking it was
the one but it was first published in 2001 so can't be the one I
loved as a child.
Ida Delage, Ellen Sloan
(illus), The Old Witch Gets a Surprise, 1981, copyright. There
are a lot of witch books from the 1970's-1980's. Do you remember
anything about the story that might help narrow it down? You might
try looking at this one: "The old witch and the wizard fly off to
adventure on a great dragon balloon until the balloon falls during
a storm." Front cover shows the old witch on her broom, wearing
the requisite black shoes, dress, cape, and pointed hat. Behind
her sits a black cat. There is a bat flying in front of her, and
she holds a piece of paper in her hand (it looks like a letter).
Below her is a castle.
Have you looked at Ruth Chew's books? She wrote
many "witch" themed stories, such as "The Witch at the Window", "The Witch's
Broom", and "The Wednesday Witch", and many
more. I believe many of the books contained black-and-white
illustrations in the text as well as color illustrations on the
has pictures of most of the covers.
R195: Requiem,
I think this was a book titled
"Requiem for a Queen." I can't find this title anywhere,
however. I don't know why such a long word "requiem" (to a
4th grade mind) would stand out unless it was the title. I
read it when I was in 4th grade, 1994/95. The book was
older; I'm not sure when it was published. The cover was white
with line drawings in blues and blacks. From descriptions, I
don't think it was the book "Requiem for a Princess" by Ruth M.
Arthur, but I could be wrong. I just don't remember any
modern-times aspects to the story. The book was about a
young woman in 1700's or 1800's. Part of the story was that
she discovered who her father was because they had the same short
fingers, or similar looking hands. I think she stayed with
Quakers, or other religious people. I think it was set in
New England. Sorry it's so vague!
Leighton, Journey for a
This is totally a long shot, but could it be Journey for a Princess?
The Princess is earlier than the dates you're remembering (I think
she's Charlemagne's daughter or granddaughter) and it's in France,
but she does end up staying with a religious community, and I
vaguely remember something about identifying someone because their
hands looked alike. I even think that Requiem might have
been part of a subtitle, because I thought of this book right
away. On the cover, there was a girl with long blonde
braids, holding a plate or platter of something. I hope this
is helpful, and not just a shot in the dark!
Thank you for the suggestion of "Journey for a Princess."
This doesn't sound familiar, but it's been so long!
Reading the reviews, it sounds like a great story! Has
anyone read "Requiem for a
Princess" by Ruth M Arthur? I can't find a copy
anywhere to verify if it might be the book I remember.
Ruth M. Arthur, Requiem for a Princess, 1967, copyright. The
heroine is Willow Forrester, a gifted pianist who learns she
is adopted at 15, becomes distraught, and goes to Cornwall to
recover from her depression. While there she
begins dreaming about a 16th century Spanish girl who died
mysteriously, so the book goes back and forth between the
present and past. I thought there was a bit about her
hands on the piano but I didn't find it. Journey for a
Princess by Margaret
Leighton is an exceptional book but very
different. It is a historical novel about Alfred the
Great's Daughter, who is betrothed to the son of her father's
best friend and former stepmother (Judith of France from an
earlier book), and eventually falls in love with him. No
musicians in this book, just warriors.
R196: Raccoon named
Solved: Pepper
R197: "right
they started from"
I am looking for a book about a
little girl (maybe another child as well) goes for a walk, I THINK
there's a garden, and a fence, and they end up "right back where
they started from"... it would have been in the 80s... any
information would be greatly appreciated, I don't know anything
else about it but I would know it if i saw it! Thanks!
Charlotte Zolotow, One Step, Two. Maybe this one? A
little girl and her mother go for a walk and notice all sorts of
things along the way.
The solution posted was not the book I am looking for
but thank you! The book I'm looking for is a smaller
book, it was probably a board book, and there was a path
throughout the book my mom and i would "walk" our fingers
on! My daughter got my other childhood favorite for her
birthday and I would really like to find this one as well,
please help!! They went THROUGH the fence, AROUND the
something, and came right back where they started from!
No way it might have
been a chicken taking a walk instead of a little girl?
No, no chicken! it was definitely a little girl!
Thanks anyway!
R198: Red story
I'm trying to find a book that my
mom had when she was a little girl. It had several
fables/nursery rhymes/stories in it. It was huge, red,
probably published in the late 30's through the 40's as she was
born in 1950. I thought perhaps its name was A Child's
Treasure Book Old & New, or compiled/edited by someone named
Marguerite something or the other, maybe. It had items in it
like "The Five Chinese Brothers", "The Lad Who Went to the North
Wind", "Betsy Goes to School & Finds A Big Surprise"…
etc. Any clues?
Pauline Rush Evans (editor), Donald
Sibley (illus), The Family
Treasury of Children's Stories, 1956,
approximate. These might be worth a look. There are two
different versions of these books: a two-volume set, with red
covers, and a three-volume set with grey covers. I believe
the grey set is just a later reprint of the red set, split into
three volumes instead of two, but with almost the same number of
total pages for the set. The books in the red (2-volume) set have
black bindings, and feature the titles & cover art in gold.
Volume one has a line-drawing of two deer on the front; volume two
shows the lion and the mouse. The story of the Five Chinese
Brothers is in volume 1 of the grey set, so most likely in volume
1 of the red set as well. I can't confirm the other stories, as I
don't own copies and the listings I can find online don't include
a full table of contents, but you should be able to check out the
covers online and see if they look familiar.
The answer posted is not the correct book; I've
contacted the sellers about it and it is not it. :(
Thanks though; let's keep on looking :)
the red fairy
book. I think this COULD be the book
you're looking for...there were a few collections, I think the
blue fairy book and green fairy book as well.
Not the right one either :(
Barrows, The
Children's Hour, 1952, copyright.
This doesn't match exactly but as there are many similar
elements, I thought I would suggest it. This is actually a
16 volume set, but I'm pretty sure my mom purchased it one
volume at a time through the mail so this poster's mother
may have only had one volume. The Lad Who Went to the
North Wind is in the 2nd volume. I didn't see the other
stories, but there may have been more than one edition.
They are red, 6 1/2 by 9, 1 1/2 inches thick with black
and gold illustrations on the front.
"Betsy Goes to
School and Finds a Big Surprise" is the first chapter of
B is for Betsy,
by Carolyn Haywood.
Not that that helps much, I know!
Thanx...I know they only
included the one chapter in the big red book
:) Still looking for clues!!
Still Searching...any
more clues??
R199: Red pretends to be my boyfriend
I'm looking for a red book with a
boy with freckles etched on the front who is smiling. It's not the
"freckles" book by gene stratham. It's about a girl who wants her
friend to pretend to like her so she can get another guy's
attention. The friend really likes her and near the end they go to
a dance and the girl asks him to kiss her and he doesn't realize
she's only pretending. He gets mad and later she knows she really
likes her friend. He comes by the house and one of his last lines
is somthing like "Just remember your my girl". Her friend has red
hair and he is alot of fun. The book is set around the 50's or
60's. I read this book so many times when I was a teenager and I
can see the book in my head but I can't get a title or author to
pop in there. I hope you can help me.
Could this be from one
of the Beany Malone books
by Lenora Mattingly Weber?
My memories are vague too but I'm wondering about Norbett Rhodes
and Andy Kern...
R200: Red-haired
triplet brothers travel with grandmother
This is a children's novel from
probably the 1950s about triplet brothers whose names begin with
A,B,C, - Alexander, Bartholomew and Christopher, maybe.
There may be a series of books. They travel around with
their grandmother in a camper and don't have a lot of money - they
eat a lot of tuna fish, I recall. They learn about ocean
life, nature, etc. I think they had red hair and
freckles. I would love to read this to my son.
Nan Hayden Agle, Three Boys and a...., 1951-1962. This sounds like
the series by Nan Hayden Agle
and Ellen Wilson. There are many titles that all
start with "Three
Boys". These include "Three Boys and a Lighthouse",
"Three Boys and a Tugboat", Three Boys and a Helicopter", "Three
Boys and Space", "Three Boys and a Train", "Three Boys and a
Mine", "Three Boys and a Remarkable Cow" and perhaps others.
The boys names are Abercrombie, Benjamin, and Christopher and they
are triplets.
R201: rafting children end of summer
Solved: The Summerfolk
R202: rural
area, girl, twin bullies, fire
A girl and her family move to a
rural area (possibly depression era). She is befriended by
two boys and is sweet on one of them. There are also a set
of twin boys who are bullies and are constantly picking on the
three friends. At one point someone's house catches on fire
and the hound dogs are so scared they won't come out from
underneath the house and are killed. The twins catch one of
the boys alone and drag him to death behind a pick up truck.
I read this in the early 80's.
Crystal Thrasher, Between Dark and Daylight. This
was also one of my stumpers way back (B140). The incident with the
boy being dragged behind the car was the main thing that stuck in
my mind, too. There is a whole series about the girl.
You can find a list and description of the series on this webpage:
R203: Rabbit Family and Hobo Bunny
Solved: Nine Rabbits and Another
R204: Red
seed grows into flower
My sister and I are racking our
brains trying to figure out a childrens picture book that was read
to us in the mid to late eighties. All that we can recall is that
there was a colorful art style. And the story itself is about a
seed with facial features (eyes, mouth, nose?). And the seed went
on somekind of journey/got lost I think from possibly being blown
around. Anyway it ends up in a sewer and floats through it and
ends up on land somehow and grows into a flower.
Eric Carle, The Tiny Seed, 1970, copyright. In autumn,
a strong wind blows flower seeds high in the air and carries them
far across the land. One by one, many of the seeds are lost --
burned by the sun, fallen into the ocean, eaten by a bird. But
some survive the long winter and, come spring, sprout into plants,
facing new dangers -- trampled by playing children, picked as a
gift for a friend. Soon only the tiniest seed remains, growing
into a giant flower and, when autumn returns, sending its own
seeds into the wind to start the process over again.
Beautifully illustrated with Eric
Carle's distinctive colorful tissue collages. Reprinted
many times and still in print.
R205: Round Barn
childrens, 1950? A girl and a
boy, I think, can time travel with the help of 9 lived cat.
There is some connection to a round barn. The children end up at a
shivelry (I am not sure if the spelling is correct) it was some
sort of party or wedding. My brother received this as a
birthday present but I was the avid reader so I enjoyed it I think
more than he did!
Lloyd Alexander, Time Cat, 1963. Maybe this one?
(though I'm not sure about the round barn, and actually the main
character is one boy, not a boy and a girl). Gareth, Jason's
talking cat, takes Jason to 9 different historical period around
the world.
R206: Ruins
of tiny civilization in cave
Boy discovers entrance to a cave,
revealed by a recent earthquake I think. Inside he finds the
ruins of a civilization of tiny people. At some point in the
story he accidentally gets poked by a poisonous snake fang in the
ruins (but he ends up being ok). I read this book sometime
in the mid 80's.
Rosemary Wells, Through the Hidden Door. Barney and his friend Snowy
are outcasts at their boarding school. Snowy finds a cave
with the remains of an ancient, tiny civilization inside.
Together they carefully uncover this world. The ancient
people evidently worshipped snakes and there are a number of
monuments decorated with snake fangs and the poison is still
active after all these years. Barney accidentally touches
one and almost dies from the poison- I think he may lose a
finger. They never actually see any tiny people, just the
remains of a complex miniature civilization. At the end the
cave is destroyed by a group of the school troublemakers.
R207: rabbit short stories & poems book
Late 1980s- early 1990s? A dark
green, leafy cover with a white rabbit on the front cover (I
think)...2 stories I recall: a rabbit that panics & thinks the
forest is on fire & alerts the forest animals & a family
of rabbits that are awaiting the arrival of a new baby & what
they're willing to share. PLEASE HELP!!!
Walter Retan, Bunnies, Bunnies, Bunnies: A
Treasury of Stories, Songs, and Poems, 1991. A stellar cast of
authors and illustrators here focus--in one way or another--on the
popular cotton-tailed creature that has animated children's
literature ever since Aesop first told his fable "The Tortoise and
the Hare." That classic tale appears here, accompanied by lively,
new illustrations by Darcy May. Retan contributes informal yet
informative introductions to excerpts from such books as Richard
Adams's Watership Down; The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams;
and Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland --with
Tenniel's original art. Nicely balancing these lengthier entries
are briefer folktales, legends, poems, songs and fingerplay
rhymes. Among the other noteworthy contributors are Beatrix
Potter, Margaret Wise Brown, Lucy Bate, Diane de Groat, Garth
Williams, Lillian Hoban and Eve Merriam.
R208: Rocket,
boy and girl strange food
Hi, I'm trying to track down a book
I read as a child during the late sixties /early seventies. It was
about a boy and girl (brother and sister I think) who went into
space in a rocket and went to a planet with strange food and weird
animals and plants. The illustrations were very Dr.Seuss!
Leonard Wibberly, Encounter Near Venus, 1967, copyright. The stumper
sounds roughly like the plot of Encounter Near Venus. There are
aliens which are small lights which can go out if nearby emotions
are too negative; an irascible uncle; the brothers and sisters
(more than 2) travel to a planet where they can breathe
underwater, among other adventures. It's one of my favorite books
from that era.
R209: "Rolling
over, rolling under, the captain roars like thunder"
published maybe pre
1986. "Rolling over, rolling under, the captain roars like
thunder. Stand at attention...counting one, counting two..."
This is kind of a little song that is printed in the back of the
book and is a little like a chorus refrain in the book as the
story is told.
I immediately recognized
this song as one I learned in elementary school in the
1970's. I recall the lyrics as "When I was young, I had some
fun, going over the sea. I jumped aboard a sailing ship -
the sailors said to me, 'Going under, going over, stand at
attention like a soldier with a one, two, three.'" Other
verses began, "when I was two, I tied my shoe...", "When I was
three...", etc. Maybe some phrase from this is the book's
title. Sorry I don't know more.
Alan Mills, Over the
Rolling Sea, 1977, copyright.
R210: Rabbit
loves to eat hamburgers and tricks mother
Solved: Mother Rabbit's Son Tom: Hamburgers, Hamburgers
R211: Roanoke
In the R-S-T section of alphabet,
early 70s, childrens. A humorous mystery about a very large
family, told from the point of view of one of the daughters, who
may have been named Josie. Their mother has a new baby at
least once a year, but their father has been missing for several
years. It turns out that there's a plant growing in their garden,
called Roanoke (or maybe Rowan Oak, or Rowanoke) that grows
babies. The townspeople are getting a little suspicious of the
family because of all the new babies, and the older kids know the
secret. The girl telling the story may have been the exact middle
child, and she doesn't know which of her siblings are real kids,
and which where grown in the Roanoke patch. DSS might be
trying to take the kids away. In the end, I think the father
reappears, and says he's been visiting all along, and all the kids
are his. The cover may have had a family standing in a garden,
with those 70s swirls and lots of pink and orange.
Ruth Loomis, Mrs. Purdy's
1970, copyright. This is definitely Mrs. Purdy's Children by Ruth Loomis.
I have a copy in hand, and the roanoke plant is there.
It does sound like the right title...I've ordered it
through inter-library loan, so I'll let you know when it comes
if it is correct. (And I apparently flunk at the
'remembering where it was' portion of the memory test.)
R212: Red-haired
woman discovers she's a triplet
My wife read this book in the early
to mid 70's. I would like very much to find this for her as a
present.. this is all the information she knows: "The main
character was a woman with red hair, who thought she was a twin,
but by the end of the book she finds out that she's actually a
triplet. I THINK her siblings were a sister and a
brother. I THINK she knew about the sister and it was the
brother who was the surprise triplet at the end. The theme
of the book is "acting as if" -- If you "act as if" something is
so, it can be so. I THINK she was taught this lesson by her
boss, and I THINK she dated this boss, or maybe just wanted
to. Even these scant details are fuzzy to me and I'm
not sure of anything except the phrase "acting as if." I can
guarantee that this was not any kind of real literature that would
have any reason to still be in print anywhere. I read it as
a teenager, and it was one of those cheap paperbacks that don't
hang around."
Joan Herbert, The three halves. This is a very long shot -
the only details that match are separated triplets, 2 girls and a
boy, but just in case the poster has remembered parts of 2
different books. This is much older - probably 1930-ish, and not a
paperback, nor do they have red hair. Joan, Jean amd John Moreton
are rescued from a shipwreck as babies and separated. First the
two girls meet at a Girl Guide rally. They discover their
relationship and go to school together. Then they find their
triplet, John.
Thanks for the suggesttion but "The Three Halves" isn't
the book I'm looking for. The theme, "Act as If" which one of
the girls learns from her boss or mentor is key. Thanks again
for your efforts.
Charlotte St. John, Red Hair Three, July 20, 1992,
copyright. I know this doesn't match with the time frame
you gave, but it was all I could find that remotely resembled
the description. So, just in case your wife's memory is off,
here is the description: "Vacationing with sister Emily in
Daytona Beach, Elaine heals from her breakup with boyfriend
Dean and falls for college guy, Harry, but finds her troubles
returning when one of Harry's friends turns out to be none
other than Dean." This same author wrote two earlier
books entitled "Red Hair," and "Red Hair, too."
R213: Rancher
in British Columbia in love with Indian; Mountie complicates
Solved: The
of Annie Charlie
R214: Ruby in the title??, mansion, time
travel, pull cord, Beethoveen's nose
A YA book, pub. 1968 to 1978.
A girl is sent to a mansion. She and two chirdren explore,
pulling on a servant's pull cord, sending them back in time.
They have adventures, but run out of pull cords to return to the
real world, returning only when one thinks to "honk" the nose of a
Beethoveen bust.
Yvonne MacGrory, The Secret of the Ruby Ring, 1994. I haven't read this
book in a long time but this title came to mind when I read your
R215: romance twins take identity
This was a paperback romance from
the library in the late 70s. It was about a woman who took a job
saying she was her twin sister. She fell in love (as the twin
sister). Her twin might have died and she was taking her place.
She didn't tell anyone she was actually the other twin.
Judith Michael,
Deceptions, 1982, copyright. This is probably a long shot, since it
doesnt match the description exactly. (For one, its published in
the early 80s instead of the late 70s.) Sabrina and Stephanie
are twins. Sabrina has a jet set lifestyle, while Stephanie is a
housewife. Stephanie envies her sister and gets Sabrina to
switch places with her for short time. However, Stephanie ends
up being killed, while Sabrina has fallen in love with her
suburban lifestyle and her sisters husband.
Cohen, The Diane Game, 1973.This is a possibility.
From a book site: Ann and Diane are twins, both beautiful. As
children they had often played at switching identities to
confuse the grownups. When Diane is killed in a car crash on the
way back from the airport, Ann cannot resist the temptation of
her sisters exciting life. She decides to play Diane-this time
for good. But she is not prepared for the ultimate, chilling
consequences of her Diane Game, that by pretending to be her
sister, she actually becomes Diane. From my recollection: Ann
becomes involved with a man who was either dating Diane or a new
friend of hers.
Red haired girl haircut tree
Small girl with bright red hair,
who refuses to get her hair cut...it hangs over her eyes. She is
sitting in a tree pouting about her hair cut, then she realizes
she can see beautiful things (ie birds, nature, etc...) for the
first time. school library book from the early 70's I believe.
Don Freeman, Mop Top. Im SURE this is the book youre
looking for! Its actually a little boy...his family calls him
"Mop Top" because of his floppy, red hair. He ends up getting a
hair cut (after much coaxing and a series of near-disasters) and
finds out that hes not the only thing in the world that looks
better with a little trimming (passes by someone mowing a lawn
and another pruning the branches of a tree). A classic (and
should be easy for you to find a copy!).
Don Freeman, Mop Top. It has got to be Mop Top by Don Freeman.
R217: Rainbow?
A second one Ive been searching for
these many years. I think the authors name was in the E to G
range, based on where it was on the shelves at the library.
The title may contain the word Rainbow? A coming of age story
about a 14 year old girl in Edwardian England. Her family is
very wealthy and they live in a mansion in Yorkshire. Her
father owns either mines or mills. Hes very autocratic and
old fashioned. The girl wants to go to boarding school, join the
girl guides, and ride a bike, but her father wont let her.
Then, her slightly older cousin is orphaned and comes to live with
them. She is a suffragette and encourages the girls
independence. There is an obnoxious older brother, who has a
nice friend. The father dies of a heart attack, and the mother
comes out of her shell, exerts her independence, and the daughter
is allowed to become a more modern, independent girl as a result.
Mabel Esther Allen, The Mills Down Below.
Solved before it even got posted! Looking through
unsolved, I found this, although the other person looking for it
remembered very different details than I did.
This is an incredible site. I sent in two stumpers earlier
this week, and before they can even be posted, I figured them
out by looking through the site at others while trying to see if
I could solve anyone else’s stumpers. Mine were both young adult
books, the first about a girl who has to take care of her family
while the parents are away during the Civil War - Y6 led
me to Norma Johnston and my book is Of Time and Seasons.The
second one is about a girl in Edwardian England whose wealthy,
autocratic father dies, and I recognized it in M107 – The Mills
Down Below. I’m so happy to finally be able to find these again.
Thanks for having this awesome site.
Paula Tanner Girard, The Brave Little Plant,
1968, copyright. The
story of a boy named Carlos who finds and protects a brave little
plant growing in a crack in the sidewalk. His teacher supports him
by giving him books about flowers, and a neighbor watches over the
flower so no one pulls it out. In an area where there isnt much
color, he finally gets red flowers. Part of the Macmillan reading
R218: Rose
Grows in Crack of Street
I am going off very little here,
but Ill give it a shot. Looking for a book my mom remembers
reading when she was younger. It somehow involved a rose or
a flower growing in the crack of the street. She was born in
1958 so its likely from before the late 60s. Any suggestions would
help. Thanks!
Rumer Godden, An Episode of Sparrows, 1956, approximate.To the
poster of the R218 stumper: An Episode of Sparrows by
Rumer Godden might be your book. Plot focuses on the lives
of London street children and the adults that interact with
them. Some of the children join together to create a
garden in the ruins of a church. Some adults oppose them,
others support them. Wonderful book.
Tanner Girard, The Brave
Little Plant, 1968, copyright. The story of a boy named Carlos who
finds and protects a brave little plant growing in a crack in
the sidewalk. His teacher supports him by giving him books about
flowers, and a neighbor watches over the flower so no one pulls
it out. In an area where there isn'\''t much color, he finally
gets red flowers. Part of the Macmillan reading program
R219: Raincloud
Boy is always
followed by raincloud. He's unhappy until he finds an area having
a drought. He helicopters over and his raincloud helps the town.
Read this story in 1st grade in the NYC public schools in 1976 or
1977. Would love to know name of story and/or name of
reader/anthology used in school.
Michael Cole and Joanne
Cole, Wet Albert, 1967. I have not read this book but I believe
it is the right one.
Rooster says: "Catch the thief, oh do!"
Solved: "Bremen Town Musicians"
Rhino and bird
(Approx. 1984); a Rhinocerus (maybe hippo?) and the bird that
pretty much lives on its back have an adventure that shows them
what it means to be truly friends.
Tomie de Paola, Bill and Pete.Could
this be Tomie de Paola's "Bill and Pete?" Bill
is a crocodile, and Pete the bird acts as his toothbrush. There are two sequels, "Bill and Pete Go
Down the Nile" and "Bill and Pete to the Rescue."
Roman Slave from Herculaneum
Looking for book about a boy from Herculaneum taken to Britain as
a Roman slave, witnessed druids. Book read in 1960 in England -
probably not a new book then. Had a yellow cover in hardback
Faulkner, the Sacred Jewel, 1961, copyright.
Rosemary Sutcliff. Could this be one of Rosemary Sutcliff's
many wonderful historical novels for children?
Rosemary Sutcliffe, Outcast,1955, copyright.
RAF Pilot in France
I read this somewhere between '64 and '67. One author is
Black, think there were 2 authors. The author is an RAF
pilot shot down over France, escapes underground through a hole
and finds an unknown underground civilization. The story was
presented as fact, not fiction. Anyone?
The Perilous Descent Into a
Strange Lost World, by Bruce Carter.
There weren't two authors, but the book has at least two
titles and the author may have published under two names.
Red Fairy Tale Book
I am looking for a fairy tale book published in the 1970s. My
sister remembers the title as My Big Red Story Book but I have had
no luck finding it.She remembers the cover being cushiony and very
large. She remembers an illustration in the book of a wold
falling down a well/chimney. She thinks it may have contained the
tale of little red riding hood. I think it may have contained the
tale diamonds and toads.
Could it
be The Red Book of Fairy Tales, in a special edition? I do remember the
"toads and diamonds" story.
Izawa / Hijikata
(illustrators), The Grosset
Treasury of Fairy Tales,
1971. Your description of "cushiony" reminds me of this book,
illustrated with Izawa and Hijikata's photos of
dolls/puppets. If that rings a bell, here are the
stories: Little Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs, Hansel
and Gretel, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Pinocchio,
Cinderella, The Ugly Duckling, Sleeping Beauty, The Elves and
The Shoemaker, Tom Thumb, Rumpelstiltskin, The Real Princess
Readers from the 1920s
I'm trying to locate reading
books that were probably published in the 1920s (maybe
earlirer). My Grandmother was recalling some of the
stories from these books and remarked how she would love to
have them. She would have been in 3rd grade in about
1931. She remembers the story of Mr. McGreeder who had
rabbits in his garden from her third grade book and the story
of Mrs. Vinegar who was always worried something bad was going
to happen from her 4th grade book.
R226: Redtail
Rufus the Redtail Hawk, 1953. Possible Primer Primer. The
have been a primer or a children's book. Not
many illustrations. The hawk's name
was Rufous or Rufus (not sure of spelling). A
story of the adventures of a hawk.
Garrett, Helen, Rufous Redtail
R227: Robin Finds a Home
Male Robin arrives in a neighborhood after migrating north and
checks out various types of trees, eventually selecting a nest
site outside the window of a house. His mate arrives and they
raise a family. The title might be Mr. Robin Finds a Home.
R228: Rock on
Book about animals playing
instruments to form band. It starts out as one character (a lion I
believe) walking along playing an instrument, and he meets
different animals along the way who each have their own
instruments. Eventually, together, they have form a band. Read as
a kid in mid-1980s
Rabbit with Fever
A little rabbit is sick with a
fever and it gives him bad dreams about a bigger rabbit who was
going to cook him in a pot then the mom gives him medicine and he
gets better
Roll-over, Roll-over Bears in bed
A book about a little boy who is
getting ready for bed and all the little bears in his room start
asking to get in bed with him. One by one the say to
the little boy, roll-over, roll over I coming in until in
the end the little boy fall out of bed. the bears have
different jobs (pilot, doc, fire
Peek, Roll Over!: A Counting
Song. Maybe?
aren't all bears in this one though
Several, Ten Bears in Bed. I remember this as a countdown
song. I had also seen a book version and remember that it
had "Ten Bears" in the title. I searched Amazon and there
are actually several different books, including pop-up books.
... Hope you find the right one.
Stanley, 10 bears in my
bed a goodnight countdown, 1974. One by one the bears leave
the bed until there are none.
Ring, portal, cave on another planet
Set in modern times, a ring opens a
portal to a cave on another planet. Some supernatural
element. Must save the world by accomplishing a
mission. May have red, pink, or rose in title.
Romantic adventure set in 1700
SOLVED: Into The Wilderness
R233: Ronaldo,
magician's rabbit assistant
I am looking for a book I read in
grade school (childrens book) about a magician and his rabbit
assistant named Ronaldo. I would be thrilled if you could
help me find it. I would guess it was written in the
'70s. Thank you.
Rinaldo. Sorry I don't
have solution for you but I read this story in my first-grade
"reader" around 1973-74. I went to school in Canada but I don't
know if it was a Canadian textbook or not. I LOVED this story and
I hope you find it.
R234: Ring opens a
portal to a cave on another planet
Set in modern times, a ring opens a
portal to a cave on another planet. Some supernatural
element. Must save the world by accomplishing a
mission. May have red, pink, or rose in title.
Rooms added on top of each other, yellow raincoat
People keep needing a place to live
and so they keep adding rooms on top of each other and there is a
man who always has a yellow raincoat and hat on.
Runaway girl teaches reading to thieves and pickpockets
Read book 1975. Setting = England.
Young girl bored in the country & decides to run away. Accepts
a ride from a carriage. Ends up in London. (Maybe locked up?) in a
school for thieves and pickpockets. She teaches them how to read.
The school is connected to a respectable house and man somehow.
Help! Sally Watson, Linnet, 1965, approximate. This has to be
Linnet. Linnet is from a very proper
family in the contryside, but she's bored. She decides to run away
to London (to see her cousin, I think), and is offered a ride in a
carriage. The man who offers her a ride though, is Sir Colin
Collyngewood, who may look like a gentleman, but is anything but.
He runs a house in London that trains thieves, pickpockets, doxies
and others. Linnet stays at first to help discover a plot against
Queen Elizabeth, but spends her time other than that teaching the
young thieves how to read. A wonderful book, with lots of
humor, danger and even a touch of romance!
Romance Novels with Central Characters based on
Astrological Signs
I read this series during the
1970's and each book dealt a the central female character, her
astrological sign, how her sign dictated her physical
appearance; her likes and dislikes - each book a classic
romance as she fell in love with her opposite sign, courted
misery, triumph, love.
Various, mid-1970s. Could this be the "Birthstone Gothic"
series published in pb by Ballantine circa 1975?
As the series name suggests, protagonists were defined by
their birthstones rather than their Zodiac signs, but that's
pretty close. Some titles: THE CARNELIAN CAT by "Jean
DeWeese" (Gene DeWeese), STONE
OF BLOOD by Juanita Coulson, THE GHOST AND THE GARNET by "Marilyn Ross" (W.E.D.
Ross), etc.
Various, Zodiac Gothic series, 1975, approximate. There is also a Zodiac Gothic
series. Here'\s a link to a site with some excerpts, cover
art, and a list of the titles in the series. http://hauntedhearts.wordpress.com/tag/zodiac-gothic/
R238: 'Rede' Rose
I am looking for a mystery story
that I read when I was a kid, around 1980. I don't remember much
about the story except that it involved an old house with either a
gatehouse or gatepost. The house may have been for sale. Its
ownership was complicated because at some point in the past the
owners had required annual payment of one "rede rose" from ...
tenants? (I'm not sure.) In any case, one year a young boy was
delivering the annual rose and was robbed and murdered by a
vagrant, so from that time onweard the lease (?) was in arrears. I
believe the story may have ended with payment of dozens of red
Peters, Ellis, The Rose Rent. I'm sure this is "The Rose Rent",
a Brother Cadfael mystery set in the 12th century. Love
this series!
Peters, The Rose Rent. ''Young widow Judith Perle bestows
her house in the Monk's Foregate on the Abbey of Shrewsbury. The
only rent: a single white rose, to be delivered annually. But a
beautiful woman with a substantial dowry is a target for would-be
suitors - and when a man is found murdered next to the rose,
Brother Cadfael sets out to find the killer.'' This seems to have been published in 1986,
so it may not be the one you're looking for.
I am responding to two notes left
on my recent Stump query: R238: 'Rede' Rose. Thanks, but
it's not the book by Ellis Peters. The book I'm looking for was a
children's story or YA novel that was printed earlier than 1986. I
also distinctly remember that the rose was "rede," not white. I
would appreciate any other suggestions.Thanks!
This sounds like The Mystery Gatepost,
by Jean Bothwell: “Quin was not very enthusiastic when his
family moved to Westchester County. When he and “Pickles” became
friends, they discovered many exciting secrets about the old house
his family had moved into. They solved the mystery of the turning
gatepost and uncovered a clue – solving a mystery dating back to
the American Revolution.” — Google Books
R239: Ruby
Red, cut-out doll that comes to life
My grandmother bought this children's book in the early 80's at a
yard sale and read it to myself and my cousins before we could
read. She eventually hide it so she
wouldn't have to read it again and lost it. It
is still one of my favorite memories and would now like to have it
for my own child. The book was a hard
back with a picture of a "child's hand drawn" picture of a
paperdoll in all red. The book tells
the story of the paperdoll, named Ruby Red, as she is cut out and
interacts with the child cutting her out. One of the quotes I
remember is "careful now, the cutout said, mind my feet I am Ruby
Red." Please help me find this books
author and title so I can share it with my child and her cousins.
Kaye, Good-Bye Ruby Red, 1976. A girl named Susie cuts out a paper doll
named Ruby Red who has quite an attitude. Cover
is red with drawing of Susie and her doll with dollhouse in
background. Robin Lawrie is the
R240: Rainforest real
lots of green
Read probably about 15 yrs ago. All
that is remembered is a beautifully illustrated hardcover book
with rainforest / trees. The trees looked so REAL. The bark looked
like it cld be touched. There may have been a girl or hands? Maybe
children. Holding hands around a big oak? tree. Huge hollow tree.
Cherry, Lynne, The
Great Kapok Tree, 1990. Could this be Lynne Cherry's The Great Kapok Tree?
R241: Racoon orphan gets adopted;
hibernating bear mistaken for volcano
I'm quite sure it was something
that could be found in the children's room at the local library.
It was an illustrated story book, likely a compilation of
different stories. One of them had a story about an orphaned
raccoon who ended up taking care of himself but was a terrible
mess. Most clearly from that story I recall an image of this
raccoon eating a bunch of berries and becoming all sticky and
covered in blueberry juice. Eventually he gets adopted by a new
family (also raccoons, I presume), cleans up, and lives happily
every after. Also in this book: During the winter, while the
area was covered in snow, one animal spotted a vent of steam
coming out from a hole in the snow and presumed it to be a
volcano, alerting all the other animals around and sending
everyone into a panic. In the end, the vent of steam turned out
to be just the warm breath of a hibernating bear.
R242: Return of Merlin, The Necromancer?
Children's book set in
modern day England. One day people
wake up and stop using electricity etc. and it has to do with
the return of Merlin. Probably
dates from the 1970's. I
thought it was called The
Necromancer, but the only book found with that title
now is the Nicolas Flamel book...
Dickinson, The Changes
This is probably The Changes
trilogy by Peter Dickinson. The individual titles are The Devil's Children, Heartsease,
and The Weathermonger.
In the time of the Changes, England has somehow regressed to a
society that fears and loathes machines/technology, and yes,
Merlin is involved. A great series!
Dickinson, The Weathermonger,1969. Merlin, modern-day
England, abandonment of technology, and a title like The
Necromancer: this
has got to be The Weathermonger by Peter Dickinson, part of his trilogy, The Changes. The other two volumes are
Devil's Children
and Heartsease.
Dickinson, The Weathermonger, 1968. Possibly this one or another in Dickinson's Changes trilogy. The people of England no longer use
machines, and the few who do are labeled witches.
Not sure if Merlin is involved, though.
Changes Trilogy, 1968-70. Sounds like it might be
these. Definitely contain Merlin waking up and his waking
causing all the electricity and other modern stuff to stop
working. Individual titles were The
Changes, The Weathermonger, and Devil's Children.
Dickinson, The Weathermonger, 1968. Not quite Modern Day these
days. The Weathermonger is an iconic book by an iconic author.
Peter Two further books in the series - Heartsease and The Devil's
Children, that
together form "The Changes Trilogy". Dickenson is still
going strong, and you have plenty of catching up to look forward
This was serialised on
children's television some years ago. It was a
great series and my two children, now adults, really enjoyed it.
I'm sorry but I cant remember whether it was on ITV or BBC but
it was one or the other.
R243: Ragdoll,
Semolina, Kensington, Shoe Shop
Hi. I'm looking for a
children's book that I read in the UK in the 1970s. 2 little girls
met in a shoeshop in Kensington. One of them had a ragdoll called
Semolina, or maybe one of the girls was called Semolina. They met trying on shoes and go their separate
ways. Thanks.
There is a slight chance that
this may be The Lucky One by Anne Parrish.
R244: Robin Aunt Cora
Guy stables gymkhana
Read this young adult book back in
the 1960-70's it's about Robin who goes to help her Aunt Cora who
broke her leg (or arm) who needs help running her horse stables,
mets a boy there called Guy, helps with trail rides and a
gymkhana-a romance story
Randall, Saddles For Breakfast. 1961.
R245:Rose carved into
fireplace is portal
I read this book about 1973.
Something makes me think there was a series of books, but I'm not
sure. In the book a boy find a rose carved into a fireplace
surround. When he presses it he is transported to another
world/time. I remember it being a dark book with lots of danger I
couldn't put down.
Susan Cooper, The Dark is
Rising, 1974,
approximate. I belive this is the book you are looking
for. It is from a sequence of books
also entitled The Dark is Rising. "In this book, Will Stanton
begins to have strange experiences on his eleventh birthday, just
before Christmas. He soon learns he is one of the Old Ones, a
guardian and warrior for The Light. He learns that he must help
find the four Things of Power for The Light in order to battle the
forces of The Dark. The first of these Things of Power is the
Circle of Six Signs. This book is the key book for the main
character, Will Stanton. It is in this book that he collects the
six signs which become the Circle of Signs, one of the Things of
Power, by finding the additional five mandala (he has been given
one earlier) and uses the completed Circle to ward off the forces
of The Dark. The book features elements of English folklore that
are especially associated with the Thames Valley with Herne the
Hunter making an appearance."
Cooper, The Dark is Rising. There is part in the book where Will goes back in time to
a party in the manor house, witnesses the making of the sign and
sees that it is hidden in a secret compartment in the fireplace
mantel. He has to press on a carved
rose in the present time to retrieve the sign.
Cooper, The Dark Is Rising, 1973. Sounds
Dark Is Rising (from the series of the same name), when Will (the
Seeker) presses the carved rose on the fireplace at the Greythorne
Manor to find the Sign of Wood.
For more on The Dark Is Rising, see Solved Mysteries: http://www.loganberrybooks.com/solved-d.html
R246: Reform School
Boys on Underground Adventure
Read about 20-30 years ago. Thick
with a redish cover.The story was about boys who were sent to a
reform school/juvie hall/prison. Somehow they found this
underground world under the place with a river & went on a
journey. One of the boys was weird & belonged to the
underground race of people.
Wells, Through the Hidden Door, 1987, approximate. This may be the one
you're looking for. It has almost all the elements you remember,
although I'm not sure one of the boys was from the same race of
Michael de
Larrabeiti, The Borribles
trilogy. Are you thinking of the Borribles? They do bear a strong resemblance to
delinquent children, and the other details you gave loosely
correspond to events in the books.
Thanks for trying, but it's neither of these.
It's a group of boys, not just two, and they've been sent away to
either a reform school, or something similar. One of the boys was
a thief. They're trying to escape the people in the school (or
whatever it is) and find a passage underground where they find
another world below the surface of our world. I believe there is a
river, but I can't be certain. One of the group of boys was always
an outsider, and it turns out that he felt so odd because he was a
member of this world (if I remember right, he was light skinned,
maybe an albino?) The rest of the boys are definitely human.
R247: Racehorse runs from fire, gets
adopted by mutiple owners? 1960s America
A racehorse is in a stable fire, is
terrified and runs far away. It is adopted by strangers and nursed
back to health, but is moved around to different people. One of
the owners is a poor minister with a teenage daughter who rides
the horse across a flooded river to bring a doctor to her father.
Some of this sounds a
bit like the 1939 film Pride of the Blue Grass. So I wonder if your book was
based on or inspired by that. The story of Elmer Gantry the blind
steeplechaser is real and he was trained by Eleanor Getzendaner,
if that's any help tracking it down.
R248: Railroad
Magnate's granddaughter searches for family
Railroad Magnate's granddaughter
comes west looking for her father and brother. at the end of
the book her fathe is the character named Panamint and her brother
is the character named Curly.
R249: Rose Bush
in front of picket white fence
a book with illustrations of a house with a rose bush in
front of a picket fence and a little girl who skips by the front.
the illustrations are rosy colored and lovely. the girl may have
curly hair. it's a quiet book with the focus on the rose bush. I
was very young, maybe written in 1960s. . .
R250: Rhymes, riddles
and limericks
B&W pen/ink illustrated
1970's book: rhymes, riddles and limericks.
R251: Rabbit runs away, jello
Rabbit thinks he is going to be
eaten runs away with dog live in big abandoned house marries
another rabbit dog goes home finds out it was a jello rabbit to be
R252: Robi/Robbie and his rocket
I'm looking for a story about a little boy
name Robi (or Robbie?) who lost his mother. His father told him
that now his mom is in heaven. He took off with the rocket ship,
visited several planets before reached Heaven and found his mom. I am from Thailand and when I was young, my family read me
many children illustrated books that for sure, were translated
from "Foreign" countries. These books were published by Thai
Education department (the government publishing house that
responsible for making textbooks for the whole school system
there). These books were first published in Thailand in the
mid 1960s. I believed it must be first published in the
country they came from long before that...The most recent
published in Thailand in 1990s. There is no reference where these
books originally from or who the illustrators is. Mainly these are
famous fairly tales children books like Sleeping beauty, Snow
White, Little Mermaid,....I personally believe, these books are
originally from Italy, because found the very light color "FINE"
at the end of the story. My family in Thailand is trying to look
for them for me for a long time, we got some books recently...but
no one can remember about this book I am looking for which is one
of my favorite. I thought the boy name is "Robin"...but yesterday,
I was found someone post the front and back cover of this book in
Thai vintage children's book blog. And the "Thai" name is "Robie
looking for his mother"...Again, I don't really know this is the
true name of the book or not...but for sure it's the one
I have been looking for. I went to several
libraries (I live in Chicago) but the librarians are pretty young
and they said they have never seen these books before (they
have no clue)...one of them recommend your website and that's why
I am here.
R253: Rainy
I am sure it was woman who wrote
it. Date: 2000 or older. It
was a romance novel, at least 10 to 15 years old, maybe older. It
was set in the past I believe and centered around a girl named
Rainy who lived with her father in some house in the forest. Her
father named her Rainy because it was raining on the night she was
born and her mother died in childbirth I think. Her love interest
is a guy I am guessing here when I say his name is something like
Thorn. He takes her into the city for a business trip and they
fall in love, she ends up pregnant and then loses the child after
being thrown down the stairs by some bad guy. "Thorn" finds out
she was pregnant after he is told by the doctor that she lost the
baby, he insists she didn't even know but the lady says she did
cause she had bought a tiny pink baby dress from a shop earlier
(at the shop she talks with the owner saying she isn't sure if
should buy the dress cause she's not even sure if she's really
pregnant and the shop owner says a woman always knows). Rainy is
depressed because she thinks Thorn will not give her another baby
so they return back to town and she begins a friendship with the
local handsome school teacher, "Thorn" is jealous and thinks she
likes him but really she is helping him woe another lady in town
he is head over heels for. After quite a confrontation that
involves "Thorn" punching the school teacher he realizes that it
was all misunderstanding and begs for Rainy to forgive him, she
does and they end up together.
R254: Rabbits in city
apartment hold trippy birthday party for animal friends
Late 70s, early 80s; a white
rabbit's birthday party, illustrated like a comicstrip. Children's
story book. Animals were clothed. Some pages alternated
between color and grey tones. Each animal brought an
interesting and strange gift. Very stylized animals wore
bell bottoms, live in the city. TY!
R255: Raccoon,
redwood forest, California, teachers, summer camp, hot peppers
My mother is looking for a book
about 2 teachers that found a raccoon and raised it over a summer.
The raccoon got up on the counter and got into a jar and opened
hot peppers. It learned its lesson and never got on the counter
again. They tried to release the raccoon at the end summer it
coming back
R256: Rainbow Rooster
Story about a boy, a
rooster with rainbow colored tail feathers. Father reads book to
boy, when boy gets sleepy asks his father to turn his pillow over
to the cool side.
R257: Reference book
with fold-out sky chart
I have a question about a book I
remember from my childhood. It was not a kids book but rather a
large reference book. It was like a one volume encyclopedia
or almanac with a fold-out sky chart in the back. It was
hardcover with a tan colored binding and was very thick (3-4
inches). The book was probably printed in the late 60's or
early '70's.
H.A. Rey, The Stars, 1952. H.A. Rey, the author of the Curious George books,
an avid astronomer. There is a new
second edition available which looks at new stars and planets
through 2016.
R258: Royal Ballet
School Girl
SOLVED: Naomi Capon , Dancers of
Tomorrow, 1957.
R259: Red Lantern,
about a fish, children's book
A fish named Red Lantern took
children into the ocean on adventures.
R260: Rainbow Dress
Small child's book (4x6?) about a
poor girl who gets invited to a birthday party but doesn't have
anything nice enough to wear, she ends up creating a "rainbow
dress" out of little pieces from other dresses and goes to the
party. Soft pastel (watercolor?) illustrations. A library book I
read at 6-8y
Vogel, Ilse
Margaret, The rainbow dress and other Tollush tales, 1975. Poor Tollush, sweet, blond
and aproned, has nothing to wear to her friend's birthday party in
the castle, until her widowed mother makes her a beautiful
""rainbow"" outfit from her old patched and outgrown dresses.
R261: Renaissance
mouse with rapier or sword fights in castle to rescue mouse
SOLVED: John Goodall, Creepy
Castle, 1975.
R262: Rainy day, bored girl, circus
Searching for a children's book
from 1960-70's.about a little girl who is bored because it is
rainy out and she has nobody to play with, but then at end the
weather clears and the circus comes to town. It ends with
something about the "clear pale sky". It had beautiful watercolor
R263: The Ruby Of Antioch
I read this book when I attended
High School in Shamrock Texas in 1972-1973. I think the title was
"The Ruby of Antioch". I remember the plot revolved the search for
a legendary lost ruby. I remember the ruby was hidden under a
flagstone tile in the nane of the church was Antioch.
Rabbit takes woman's comb, dress with pockets
Possibly a book of stories.One involves a woman wearing a
beautiful dress and hair comb.She falls asleep-a rabbit comes and
takes the hair comb into a rabbit hole full of constellations.
Another story is about a woman with a dress made of pockets where
she keeps treats that she hands out to children.
Kit Williams. Masquerade. 1979 I think this may be a
slightly jumbled memory of the famous treasure-hunt-puzzle book
by the amazing artist Kit Williams. Readers were invited
to find extremely subtle clues hidden in lush paintings to find
an actual valuable jewel/sculpture buried in England. The story
followed Rabbit carrying a jewel to the sun and losing it along
the way. You can see a reproduction of the page featuring the
penny-pocket lady here: http://bunnyears.net/kitwilliams/masquerade/painting-4-the-penny-pockets-lady/
Kit Williams also released a second puzzle book (the
Bee on the Comb) featuring a woman with an elaborate
haircomb, who was the embodiment of spring. You can see some
reproductions here: http://www.vintagechildrensbooksmykidloves.com/2010/09/bee-on-comb.html
R265: Rat helps pretty rat princess find lost
I read this book in 1976 or so. A poor American
rat visits Paris, sees Notre Dame and befriends a big scruffy
bird. He gets beaten up by thug rats. He meets a pretty rat in
the park who is sad about something, but helps him clean up
after his violent encounter. Later he finds out she is a
princess who has lost a ring, and whoever has the ring gets to
marry her or assume the throne. Her father, the king, is very
old. He finds the ring and has to sneak into the ball (ceremony
where the ring is needed?) disguised as a waiter in order to see
the princess and give back the ring. As a reward, he is given a
new set of clothes. The book had a number of great line drawings
that, at age 7, I would have thought were similar to Jules
Feiffer's drawings in the Phantom Tollbooth, but the illustrator
is NOT Feiffer, just that sort of wonderful, messy style. I hope
you can help me!
Dear Rat
by Julia Cunningham c. 1961, Houghton Mifflin Co.I'm
sure the book you are looking for is Dear Rat
by Julia Cunningham, with illustrations by Walter
Lorraine. "Fresh off the boat from Humpton, Wyoming,
Andrew Rat has landed in Chartres France, right in the middle of
a mystery! Fabulous jewels have been stolen from the rat
princess, Angie, and Andrew is determined to return them!" The
cover is gray and features a black line drawing of Andrew Rat
(wearing a jacket and polka-dot tie) with the bird perched on
top of his head. The dust jacket is purplish with white columns
and shows Andrew Rat dressed in a green jacket and polka-dot
tie, carrying a lantern and pistol.
R266: Romance novel, writer, journalist
The book was written in the last 10 years, I think the authors
name has Elizabeth in it.
The book is a romance novel. It starts
with the heroin and hero meeting at a party. She writes erotic
under a surname and is recently divorced. I think her husband
comes from money or has an important family. She gets harassed
by the press and hero kind of rescues her from the car. He is a
respected journalist in Boston I think. There is attraction but
she then goes on retreat to her home in the keys, a private
island. They start emailing each other and she ask for help on a
book she is writing. It is an erotic novel with some kind of
mystical mermaid or gods thing. They start writing back and
forth. At some point he goes down and they act out some scenes,
very hot sex in the surf ect. I remember her room looks like on
e of the scenes in the book. I think the ex follows her down at
some point and there is a fight. She also has a large dog. The
hero has his email compromised at work and is accused of using
work time to write. She wants to publish the book but he is to
embarrassed. In the end the book is published and they end up
together. Any help????
R267: Rabbit made out of dough put in boy's
pocket and squashed
I'm looking for a book about a little boy who
goes to preschool or kindergarten, and makes a rabbit out of
dough (perhaps with a raisin for an eye?). Somehow the rabbit
gets squashed or ruined so that it no longer resembles a rabbit.
An adult helps him to make a new rabbit (plus another one, to be
its friend) out of clay, with a red bead for an eye, and they
bake them in the oven until they're hard (and thus, can't be
squashed). I was born in 1984, so this book would have been in
print in the late 1980s/early 1990s...was probably written no
earlier than the 1970s, based on what I can remember of the
illustrations. Would so love to find it and read it to my
School Rabbit, by Adèle Geras - 1987 "The
rabbit sat sideways on the cutting board with one ear pointing
straight up and one ear bent over a little. Ritchie gave the
rabbit a red bead for an eye. "You're a nice rabbit," he said.
"I'll take you home to show my mom and dad."
R268: Rabbit gardens, no helpers
Childrens book about rabbit. rabbit gardens and
other animals don't like him or help him. Drought happens and
rabbit feeds all of animals. Written by Alaskan author front
cover is of rabbit wearing big boots. I had book for kids in
1989 or 1990.
R269: Road takes family to the beach
1970's (?) kid's book about a family packing for
vacation in the mountains but the road had a different plan. It
twists and turns and ends up at the beach. I got the book from
the Scholastic Book Club during the late 70's.
R270: Rabbit, friend, pig, island
The book is about a rabbit (mister rabbit) and his friend (
i believe it's a hare or rabbit), left their crowded island to
search for a new place to live. They found an island where they
settled in (one settled in the northern part, the other at the
opposite end). One day, a pig came to the island to live. He
eventually became mayor of the island, the the 2 friends decided
to leave the now crowded island. at the end of the story, they
realized that they have a home in their boat, and they lived in it
one at the aft and the other at the fore.
R271: Red cloth-bound story collection
with Bluebeard, Snow White, The Hobbit, Aesop
Had this volume c. 1972 but
date at least early 60s. Heavy red cloth-bound story
collection, colour illustrations , inc "Snow White
& Rose Red", "Thumbelina", chap 1 "The Hobbit",
"Bluebeard", some Aesop, & many more. All
illustrators different. Gold lettered cover. Dustcover
missing in my time.
R272: Role playing game opens portal
to another world; teens save dad
Solved: The Twilight Realm
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