FIFTY CENTS OR reads reverse side up, while HALF A DOLLAR reads obverse up. OR and DOLLAR slightly overlap on this example.
This is quite possible the single most significant error of the first Mint. Half of the edge lettering reads obverse side up, the other half reverse side up. This was created through simple human error at the Mint, with a workman placing one of the two edge dies in the Castaing machine upside down. Although there is other evidence of the use of two separate edge dies in the Castaing machine, with indications of the words contained on each, this inverted edge variety gives us specific proof of the words contained on each of the two edge dies. There can not be any doubt. Many other errors in the Logan Collection will certainly garner a higher price in the auction room, however, in our opinion none are more important. With four examples of this edge error in the present sale, from a total population estimated to be just a dozen or so coins, this is an extremely important offering for the specialist.
From Heritage's 1996 ANA Sale, Lot 5464.