Late die state. The obverse has several prominent die cracks, joining and crossing others. This is almost certainly approaching terminal die state. A faint crack over the cap joins stars 8 through 10 to the border over star 12. Another very faint crack joins stars 11 through 13 to the field below. A heavy crack joins border to hair curl passing left of star 13 and crossing the crack through stars. This die crack crosses the drapery to the hair curl on Liberty's neck. A prominent die crack from border to drapery passes through Liberty's neck and cheek to the B of LIBERTY and cap above. A branch of this crack passes through R and the cap to the border above star 7, crossing the first crack above. The reverse has a bisecting crack through left side of F to neck, shield, claw, and olive leaves, returning to the border. Another crack through the right upright of U and the left wing, joins the first crack in the shield.