that is sooo great a monster can eat it up all ussr russia planes for it,,,
on 2006-Apr-28 01:09:47 Anonymous coward said
I love this sooooooooooo much.
on 2006-Jun-04 15:25:42 Anonymous coward said
on 2006-Jul-21 20:35:54 Anonymous coward said
Marco Polo
and in this episode of robo-wars...
on 2006-Jul-27 16:15:13 Anonymous coward said
Turd Ferguson
That robot is the faggotiest thing I've ever seen.
on 2006-Aug-04 03:03:21 Anonymous coward said
That is simply wrong
on 2006-Nov-20 22:26:16 Anonymous coward said
this is what happens when you give depressed nerds money
on 2007-Apr-07 10:33:55 Anonymous coward said
Bastard jalapenos!!!
on 2007-Jun-14 03:21:10 Anonymous coward said
america robot first nad greatist,,,rusia robot copy so bad,,,hate rusia robot
on 2007-Aug-19 09:51:31 Anonymous coward said
. great/b>, ты мудак
on 2007-Nov-18 14:20:40 Anonymous coward said
that's what we call talent
on 2007-Dec-27 21:03:54 Anonymous coward said
Only americans would create a machine shaped like some dinosaur that destroys things. It's a very interesting coment on the whole US vs world situation. I'm sure there was much whooping in the crowd and consumption of american watery beers.
on 2008-Feb-15 00:49:29 Anonymous coward said
That is completely wrong. Looks like an airshow too; I'd be wanting my money back. Airshows are where most people go to respect aircraft, not to see this awful crap.
on 2008-Feb-15 00:50:19 Anonymous coward said
That is completely wrong. Looks like an airshow too; I'd be wanting my money back. Airshows are where most people go to respect aircraft, not to see this awful crap.
on 2008-May-17 01:18:26 Anonymous coward said
yeah only in america.their would be many a sister impregnated that night with the memory of the big shiny robot and burgers
on 2009-Jan-06 20:59:12 Anonymous coward said
Schneider cup of tea
Are sayin' that that stuff with Bud, Coors and Miller on the label is actually beer and not amber mineral water?
Give a yank a Coopers or a Crownie or even a crappy VB and watch him fall over.
on 2009-Jan-06 20:59:41 Anonymous coward said
Schneider cup of tea
Are sayin' that that stuff with Bud, Coors and Miller on the label is actually beer and not amber mineral water?
Give a yank a Coopers or a Crownie or even a VB and watch him fall over.
on 2009-Jan-06 21:00:14 Anonymous coward said
Schneider cup of tea
Are sayin' that that stuff with Bud, Coors and Miller on the label is actually beer and not amber mineral water?
Give a yank a Coopers or a Crownie or even a VB and watch him fall over.
on 2009-Jan-06 21:00:53 Anonymous coward said
Schneider cup of tea
Are sayin' that that stuff with Bud, Coors and Miller on the label is actually beer and not amber mineral water? Give a yank a Coopers or a Crownie or even a VB and watch him fall over.
on 2009-Jan-06 21:01:33 Anonymous coward said
Schneider cup of tea
Are sayin' that that stuff with Bud, Coors and Miller on the label is actually beer and not amber mineral water? Give a yank a Coopers or a VB and watch him fall over.
on 2009-Jan-06 21:02:17 Anonymous coward said
Schneider cup of tea
Are sayin' that that stuff with Bud, Coors and Miller on the label is actually beer and not amber mineral water? Give a yank a Coopers or a VB and watch him fall over.