
Close up of the Plaque (digital image from memorial site).


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  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Sep-11 19:19:40 Anonymous coward said
    FLIGHT 93
    Come, come America and fly with me
    With the brave on Flight 93.
    Live with them through terror and fright,
    Then wisdom, patriotism and fight.
    It was said that three would lead,
    To the others they sowed the seed.
    Some called their loved ones for goodbyes,
    As Flight 93 winged through the skies.
    The last that was heard from one cell phone,
    They had a plan, one was told at home.
    It was those on the ground they had in mind,
    So as not to leave more victims behind.
    Ready, action, waiting for the brave word,
    "Let's Roll" on the cell phone was last heard.
    I suppose they rushed the galley guard,
    With no weapons it had to be hard.
    They must have wrestled that terrorist to the floor,
    Then with great courage charged the cockpit door.
    I have in my mind the fight that ensued,
    With courage and greatness that can't be viewed.
    They died not in vain as they plummeted from above,
    As their blood was drenched on the land they loved.

    Composed 9/15/01 by Jack H. Hose

  • Anonymous coward on 2005-Sep-08 18:54:09 Anonymous coward said

    How Beautiful
    I cried now as I cried on that day!

    God bless these patriots

    God please keep blessing America
  • Anonymous coward on 2006-Oct-06 00:24:49 Anonymous coward said

    Greg, San Deigo,CA
    I honor these brave souls everyday...Todd,Jeremy,Nicole,all of you. I may never have known you, but I will never forget you xoxo
    Greg...San Diego,CA

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