But mouse, thou are not alone
In proving that foresight may be in vain:
The best laid schemes of mice and men
Often go awry,
And leaves us with nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy
--Robert Burns
TCSR, a division of the Adam Ferguson Institute, is an internet
educational organization. David R.
Ferguson is our Executive Director. Alvin Lowi, Jr. is our Director of
Research and Rob Logan is our
Webmaster. TCSR includes members of The Cactus Club and The Sonoran
Society. We have a bookstore for your reading pleasure. Observers use
TCSR to help educate themselves in the new way to study
society---socionomics. We are all, in effect, Doctors of Civilization,
trying to produce a diagnosis and prognosis of our stressed social
environment. Some even go so far as to suggest a prescription. A list
of our current Projects is below. If you would like to help TCSR by
becoming a Project Manager or Assistant Manager, please contact us for
an interview.
TCSR is dedicated to the development, promotion, and application of
socionomic education. For more information about socionomics and our
Recommended Reading List (RRL), click here. To
order books from the RRL (which will provide revenue for TCSR projects),
click here.
Establish The Cactus Club (in cyberspace) to
provide an opportunity for popular and scholarly discussion of
socionomic principles, applications, and probably controversies.
Develop a socionomics internet college course(SCNM 101).
Establish a letters to the editor page with copies of actual letters sent regarding the application of
socionomic analysis to current problems and issues.
Sponsor a cruise/seminar featuring
socionomics with well known experts in the various interrelated
disciplines conducting lecture/discussion sessions.
Produce an Events and Activities page to
advertise upcoming items of interest to socionomists and others.
Publish the Journal of Socionomics (J0S)--- a
forum for ideas concerning socionomic principles and applications.
Establish the STJUKSHON PRIZE for excellence in the development
and/or promotion of socionomic education (to be awarded annually at our
Socionomics Conference). Nominations are now being
Produce a web page promoting organizations that
feature issues and problems related to socionomics.
Establish a web page called-- A Socionomic Perspective on the Wall
Street Journal-- to provide a forum for socionomic analysis of current
events and other concerns reported in the Wall Street Journal.
Use The Sonoran Society as a base to establish a network of supper
club/discussion groups, i.e. the Cleveland Socionomic Society, the
Hillsdale College Socionomic Society, etc.
Establish a feedback page for comments
concerning the Tucson Center for Socionomic Research.
Establish Cactus Canyon College (TRI-C), an internet institution of
higher education to teach the new discipline of socionomics and how it
applies to business and society.
Establish a Research Division with a Director
of Research and The Phoenix Forum for peer review of research.
Establish a unit called OLD PUEBLO ENTERPRISES to develop revenue
generating activities for TCSR. TCSR is a division of the Adam Ferguson Institute. AFI accepts tax-deductible
contributions under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service