I heartily commend your efforts to establish a college-level, interdisciplinary course "Principles of Socionomics," a scientific approach to the study of human association and the social environment. Your vision of such a study is a fresh, new perspective on contemporary social living and the future prospects of civilization that I believe will stimulate scholarship and critical thinking among those students to have the good fortune to encounter the material you plan to present.
Please convey my recommendation to your academic dean supporting approval of your new internet college credit course.
Alvin Lowi, Jr. P.E.
I would like to strongly support the establishment of the socionomics course you are contemplating. The field is ripe for new and innovative ideas that will advance our understanding of the social order. You have already done a great service by getting together scholars in the discussion group and I know that the course will be more valuable than much of what goes on in higher education today.
If I can provide any assistance, please let me know.
Gary Wolfram, Ph.D.
It has been my privilege to observe the progress you have made with respect to the clarification and definition of Socionomics as you envision it. Please know that you have my full support in your efforts to place your course, "Principles of Socionomics," on the internet for widest possible consumption. I am also very much in favor of having LCCC sponsor and accredit the course. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help in support of your efforts.
Ed Caldwell
Owner, PLANT*Speak Publications
Executive Director, Adam Ferguson Institute
It seems to me that a new science has grown during the last ten or perhaps twenty years. This science, which I find to be the most profound and exciting study of our generation, calls together threads from many of the well established disciplines, such as biology, physics, economics, sociology, and information science. I have seen the science named "chaos theory," "complexity," "bionomics," and "socionomics."
A number of good books have been written which introduce the science, but there are still many more questions than answers, and as far as I know the discipline has not codified into a regular field of study. As a first step down a path which will probably eventually yield new academic departments, college courses need to be developed and taught, in order to introduce students to the material and professors to the best ways of teaching the material.
I have read two of the three books in the reading material for the proposed course of Principles of Socionomics, and I report them to be good and worthy of academic study. So I believe there is a need for Principles of Socionomics.
Richard O. Hammer, President
Free Nation Foundation
Hillsborough, North Carolina
It's my pleasure to enthusiastically support your proposed Internet college course on the Principles of Socionomics. First, as my experience with the George Mason University online course in Bionomics showed me, the Internet is a valuable and powerful medium for college study. Particularly in specialized topics, the online forum allows people in even the remotest of areas (my area of northern Michigan being an excellent example!) to correspond with both experts and fellow students alike. And of course, taking any course on one's own schedule is a boon to those of us who must earn a living while pursuing further education!!
What's more, Socionomics is a topic of immense importance. There is a recent trend toward re-examining the common threads in otherwise unrelated subjects, as with the commonality of evolution and chaos theory in numerous subject areas. Socionomics takes this study to an advanced level, and thereby serves not only as a subject all to itself, but as a microcosm of liberal education in general.
Finally, there is an added peripheral benefit to the online student: the concomitant education in the power of the computer and the Internet to change the world around us.
-- Jim Vinoski
Let this setback which you describe (below) be the spur to a long overdue step. You have the talent and the qualifications plus the moral support of allies to establish the Socionomic University of the Internet. Then, in addition to offering courses and appropriate diplomas and degrees, you will be able to accredit individuals wishing to offer courses in libertarian disciplines consistent with socionomics.
Kindest regards,
Michael Darby
Speaking of the course........I have been told that although there is not yet a formal decision, there is little chance that the academic vice president at Lorain County Community College in Elyria, Ohio will approve the course. This in spite of the fact that it was recommended by the Division of Social Science and Human Services and a committee to evaluate the textbooks. It seems he does not think that an interdisciplinary course of this type is appropriate for a community college. I guess an entrepreneurial discovery process is out of the question. Final word on this issue should be coming soon. Plan B is to get another college or university to offer Introduction to Socionomics, either on campus or over the internet or both. Your assistance with this goal would be appreciated. January TCC inputs deal with the topic of socionomic pedagogy. I hope you will get time to read this section (as soon as our webmaster makes it available for you to read). Now let's continue building a reference base for future socionomists and socionomics students as we consider the February topic dealing with the concept of complex adaptive systems and related ideas. As always we look forward to your contributions and your consideration of the inputs posted in our Dialogue. (taken from the 2-1-2000 Cactus Club letter)
Note: Shortly after this letter was sent out LCCC finally and formally turned thumbs down on the course.